Birch Class, Term 3, 2023-2024

Through an active, rich and diverse curriculum, we continued to make excellent progress in our learning during this term.


In Birch Class, our exploration of mathematics this term has focused on the intriguing topics of mass and volume. Through interactive activities, we’ve delved into measuring capacities and volumes practically. Furthermore, our adventures in the forest involved measuring various objects in both centimetres and metres, offering real-world applications of our learning.


This first term of 2024 the students have continued to progress with Jolly Phonics and they have now studied the 42 sounds of this method. We are now consolidating what we have learned and we are working on our spelling of ‘Common Exception’ (tricky) words such as do, to, today said, were etc. and also ‘High Frequency’ words such as the, and, from, can, could etc.

The students have been introduced to the prefix ‘un’. They understand that it changes some words and that it is like adding the word ‘not’ (ex: kind-unkind/happy-unhappy) or that it means the opposite of something (ex: zip-unzip, pack-unpack). They played educational games and made their own sentences and changed their board display with their prefix work.

The students were introduced to their first ‘Guided Writing’ activity. They were given an image and were encouraged to talk about it and then use their own imagination by answering the questions: who/what/when/where and writing down their story independently. We also read the book One Snowy Night which the students particularly enjoyed and we did reading comprehension activities/sequencing of the story and as an end of term treat we watched the beautiful short movie.

French with Marie

Cette troisième période a été bien chargée en apprentissage puisque plusieurs notions de grammaire et de conjugaison ont été abordées en plus des nouveaux sons et des fiches de lecture et de compréhension. Nous avons abordé différents thèmes tels que l’hiver, la galette, le Nouvel An Chinois, les crêpes, la saint Valentin…

Les livres lus durant ce terme ont été les suivants:

De ces albums, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson:

J’aime la galette, Le bon roi Dagobert, Trois esquimaux, Les petits souliers, Petits Flocons blancs, L’amour brille sous les étoiles.

Les objectifs de cette période ont été:

– d’approfondir la langue française

– de s’exprimer de manière plus fluide

– de renforcer la syntaxe en s’exprimant oralement

– de connaître et d’acquérir les sons et les consonnes ( F, D, V, È/Ê,P, OU ) ainsi que le principe du code alphabétique

– d’ associer le nom de la consonne et de connaître le son qu’elle produit

– d’approfondir le geste graphique en s’exerçant à écrire en attaché (écriture cursive)

Рse familiariser avec la dict̩e

– de lire et de comprendre les histoires lues, de livres (collection Sami et Julie): Super Sami et Le Carnaval

– de réciter une poésie “L’hiver” de Karine Persillet

– de chanter collectivement une chanson


This term in Birch Class, our scientific journey has been an exhilarating exploration of the world around us. We began by investigating the essential elements that shape our environment, from rocks to soil, discovering their significance in our daily lives.

Continuing our exploration, we delved into the captivating realm of weather, learning about different weather patterns, seasons, and the factors influencing our climate. Through hands-on activities and observations, we gained a deeper understanding of the natural forces at play.

Furthermore, our curiosity led us beyond Earth as we ventured into space. We marvelled at the wonders of the planets, observed the mesmerizing phases of the moon, and contemplated the vastness of galaxies.

Design and Technology

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Collaborative creation. There is so much art in me!

In Design and Technology projects, Birch and Walnut students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of different carpentry techniques while creating their ‘Computer Components Eiffel Tower’. The children were eager to get on with the project straight away and demonstrated precise actions while disassembling old computers and safely used a drill, heat gun and a screw driver. Collaged paper, melted crayons and electronic components beautifully fitted together as one and Birch and Walnut students are proud of their recycled materials Eiffel Tower.

Science Experiments with snow

During the snowy January days, Birch and Walnut scientists investigated with snow and tested different materials to find good thermal insulators and conductors. Students devised different experiments where they measured the time, temperature and amount of water formed after snow or ice was melted.

Building our survival skills in the forest– Forest Challenges

During our whole school forest challenges and team building activities, the children were engaged in a variety of physical and logical tasks. Not only that they started to develop a sense of belonging to the team but also tried to overcome frustration when something was not going their way. As a team, they tried to work on these tasks and often agreed on the strategies and techniques that they had to use. The main mission for these challenges is not only to allow children to have fun but also enrich their set of skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives.

The children worked on their Morality, Enquiry, Cooperation, Communication, Thoughtfulness, Respect, Resilience and Determination personal goals.

These skills are vital to acquire from an early age and knowing ‘how to get up when we are knocked down’ is very important.

Forest and PE


We have had a very busy and exciting start to 2024 in French Topic class! The main theme for this term was “Our World” where we learned a lot of new vocabulary related to this topic. We also celebrated La Galette des Rois, La Chandeleur and Le Nouvel An Chinois.

We’ve read these books:

We’ve also studied the Carnaval around the world


This term, we’ve studied the musical tail “Pierre et le loup”

Chinese song


This term, we’ve studied the painter Mondrian.

And they’ve made some crown as well

Chinese Art

The children of the primary section learnt about the story told of 12 animals that competed in race and of how now each animal represents a new lunar year. We learnt about the importance of red envelopes and how to write in Chinese. They also made a Dragon puppet.

Walnut Class and Birch have been a hub of creativity and experimentation. We’ve explored a variety of materials, allowing our imaginations to run wild. From paints to clay, we’ve embraced the opportunity to express ourselves through different mediums. It’s been a term of artistic exploration and self-expression.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Birch class worked on different games to develop their coding and programming skills. They performed activities related to sequencing, debugging, loops and functions. Students showed they were able to learn by themselves and solve different problems. They also designed programs in ScratchJr, by the end of the term they made a Valentine’s Day Card. 


The children showed off their baking skills by making galettes…

…& crêpes and they all enjoyed eating them!

Les petits sablés for Valentine’s day

Walnut Class, Term 3, 2023-2024

Walnut Class has continued its journey of exploration and learning. This term, we made the most of the snowy days by enjoying outdoor activities and play. Through collaborative efforts, we engaged in various challenges in the forest, fostering teamwork and camaraderie.


This term Walnut class had a varied and engaging term. They got involved in the following activities: 

Learning to Write Instructions:

   – Conducted experiments on how plants absorb water.

   – Discussed and wrote about the equipment and process involved.

   – Practiced using sequential words and varied verbs.

Reading Comprehension:

   – Read stories about various topics, including “Little Cousin Clare”, “Lunchbox: The Story of Your Food”, “Games from around the World” and “Cobweb Morning”.

   – Answered comprehension questions related to the stories.

Creative Writing:

   – Students created bear or duck stories with their own adventures.

   – Explored rhymes and poems.

     – Practiced syllable counting and drew inspiration from the forest.

     – Explored a dinner-time rhyme about food preferences and identified adjectives.

     – Engaged in a roleplay about shoe shopping.

     – Found the rhyming words in the first part of the poem “New Shoes”.

     – Ended the term with a writing rhyme project about magical shoes with unique features like aeroplane wings or the ability to tour space. 

   – On our last day before the holiday, we made a Book of Poems, where learners will be collecting the poems and rhymes they’re writing. 

Language Skills:

   – Developed vocabulary related to food and clothing/shoes.

   – Explored descriptive language through adjectives.

– Students sorted the vocabulary found in the poems into nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Overall, it was a well-rounded term that incorporated activities that were not only educational but also fun and engaging for the students.


In Walnut Class, this term has been a journey into the realm of multiplication. We’ve delved into the world of Times Table Rockstars challenges, honing our multiplication skills with enthusiasm and determination. Alongside mastering multiplication, we’ve ventured into the realm of division, exploring its concepts with curiosity. Additionally, we took our learning outdoors, engaging in hands-on activities in the forest to deepen our understanding of multiplication, particularly the concept of equal groups. It’s been a term of mathematical discovery and growth.

French with Joanna

After all the festivities of Christmas and New Year we decided to keep on celebrating this term! We began the term with the celebration of l’Epiphanie (6/01) and la Galette des Rois. We joined up with Birch class to learn about the tradition of la Galette and the students made their own galettes. Next up was the celebration of La Chandeleur (2/02) where the students also prepared their crëpes and the whole school got together to flip the pancakes carefully and enjoy eating them with a variety of tasty toppings! We finished off this term of festivities learning about and doing fun & educational activities around Le Nouvel An Chinois/Mardi Gras/Carnaval and La Saint Valentin (we got together with Birch class and made heart shaped biscuits for the parents). This term we also read a lot of books including the series ‘Sami & Julie’ (all books linked to the themes of this term). The children particularly appreciate this series which is adapted to their age and they all did really well with their reading comprehension worksheets, bravo!

Les petits sablés for Valentine’s Day.


This term in Walnut Class, our focus in science and geography has been on the theme of an “Active Planet.” We’ve studied volcanoes, conducting experiments to understand their eruptions. Additionally, we’ve explored the layers of the atmosphere, planets, moon phases, and our galaxy. From Earth’s crust to outer space, it’s been a term of exciting discovery and learning.

French Topic with Joanna

This term’s topic for Walnut class was rather ‘explosive’: ‘Les Volcans’! We learned a lot of new vocabulary in French by reading books, watching videos and images of volcanoes : les types de volcans (rouge/effusif et gris/explosif), la formation d’un volcan (chambre magmatique, cheminée, magma, cratère, coulée de lave). We discussed the tragedy of Pompéi (Vésuve) but also eruptions in the USA (Mont Saint Helens), Santorin (la Grèce) , Tambora (Indonésie). We researched these volcanoes and made posters (placing them on world map with photos).

We also studied how Carnaval is celebrated around the world.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Collaborative creation. There is so much ART in me!

In Design and Technology projects, Birch and Walnut students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of different carpentry techniques while creating their ‘Computer Components Eiffel Tower’. The children were eager to get on with the project straight away and demonstrated precise actions while disassembling old computers and safely used a drill, heat gun and a screw driver. Collaged paper, melted crayons and electronic components beautifully fitted together as one and Birch and Walnut students are proud of their recycled materials Eiffel Tower.

Science experiments with snow

During the snowy January days, Birch and Walnut scientists investigated with snow and tested different materials to find good thermal insulators and conductors. Students devised different experiments where they measured the time, temperature and amount of water formed after snow or ice was melted.

Developing our survival skills in the forest – Forest Challenges

Forest Challenges and Team building activities

During our whole school forest challenges and team building activities, the children were engaged in a variety of physical and logical tasks. Not only that they started to develop a sense of belonging to the team but also tried to overcome frustration when something was not going their way. As a team, they tried to work on these tasks and often agreed on the strategies and techniques that they had to use. The main mission for these challenges is not only to allow children to have fun but also enrich their set of skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives.

The children worked on their Morality, Enquiry, Cooperation, Communication, Thoughtfulness, Respect, Resilience and Determination personal goals.

These skills are vital to acquire from an early age and knowing ‘how to get up when we are knocked down’ is very important


This term, we’ve studied the musical tail “Pierre et le loup”

Chinese song

This term in Walnut and Birch Class, our focus in Music has been on understanding pitch. Through engaging lessons, we’ve explored the concept of pitch and how it relates to music. From high to low tones, we’ve practiced identifying and reproducing different pitches.


This term, we’ve studied the painter Mondrian.

Chinese Art

The children of the primary section learnt about the story told of 12 animals that competed in race and of how now each animal represents a new lunar year. We learnt about the importance of red envelopes and how to write in Chinese. They also made a Dragon puppet.

Walnut Class and Birch have been a hub of creativity and experimentation. We’ve explored a variety of materials, allowing our imaginations to run wild. From paints to clay, we’ve embraced the opportunity to express ourselves through different mediums. It’s been a term of artistic exploration and self-expression.

Coding and programming workshop

This term, Walnut Class worked on different games to develop their coding and programming skills. They engaged in activities related to sequencing, debugging, loops, and functions. Students demonstrated their ability to learn independently and solve various problems. By the end of the term, they worked on a project in ScratchJr, which gave them the confidence to use the computer and realize that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Elm Class, Blog 2, 2023-2024


This term Elm finished reading Treasure Island. While the book was a challenge for the class, they came to enjoy the classic adventure story filled with larger-than-life characters, most notably the charismatic Long John Silver. The class read the story out loud and took on roles of the various pirates, as well as the narrator, young Jim Hawkins. The class reflected on the main characters, looking at which are ‘flat’ and which, like Jim Hawkins, grow and develop as the book progresses. They particularly noted the difference between the gruff Captain Smollett, so initially disliked for his plain talking, and the likeable and charming Long John Silver who proved so duplicitous. Spelling this term focused on Latin and Greek root words and in grammar the class reviewed prefixes and suffixes and parts of speech.

French with Joanna

This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig&Zag. Félix (main character) took us to visit les Châteaux de la Loire. We revised French numbers (going through historical dates) as well as the past, present & future tenses (vocabulary used ex: autrefois, maintenant, demain). We studied ‘les adjectifs’ and the agreement (l’accord) between the adjective and the subject as well as the subject-verb agreement (l’accord sujet du verbe). We studied specific verbs and had weekly dictées (spelling tests) : avoir/être/changer/grandir au futur. To improve their conversational skills, the students had fun in class writing out a small sketch pretending they were waiters and clients at a restaurant. We are also currently listening to an audio book ‘Rémi et le Mystère de Saint-Péray’.

French with Marie

Durant cette deuxième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: le sujet, l’attribut du sujet, les compléments d’objets directs et indirect.

en conjugaison: le passé simple, les temps de l’indicatif,

en orthographe: accord du participe passé, les homophones, mots polysémiques, synonymes et antonymes

en vocabulaire: le genre théâtral, étymologie et famille de mots

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 3 poésies “La rentrée” et “Automne”

en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:

  • Louison et Monsieur Molière de Marie-Christine Helgerson


In History, Elm continued their study of the Norman Conquest of England, learning about the events following the Battle of Hastings, which were filled with resistance to the Norman king. They learned the tactics used by William I to crush rebellion, including the brutal ‘Harrying of the North’, which gave him a reputation for cruelty, even by medieval standards. The class learned how life in England changed under Norman rule and the means with which William the Conqueror kept his subjects under control, including the building of a new style of castle (motte and bailey), the Domesday Book and the introduction of the Feudal System.


Elm began the term learning about our solar system and the planets within it. They learned the characteristics of the individual planets, why some have rings and which are described as terrestrial and which are the ‘Gas Giants’.  The class then turned their attention to the structure of the earth, tectonic plate movement and the resulting clashes and collisions that can cause such devastation above ground in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. The class learned about the three main types of plate movement and their different impacts. They learned how to label the different parts of a volcano and the key points of an earthquake,  and about some of the most significant volcanoes and earthquakes throughout history, including the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.


Linear equations

During this term, Elm Class practiced solving linear equations and then used gained knowledge while solving geometric problems where sides and angles were expressed algebraically. In order to draw the linear equations, students substituted some specific values for x to find y and then practiced plotting them on the co-ordinate grid. Student investigated with the linear equations in a virtual lab and learnt how to find the y-intercept and calculated the gradient of the line.

Area, Circumference; Surface Area and Volume

Elm students investigated with the different 2D shapes and then found area and perimeter of compound shapes, including those with the circles where circumference and area had to be found. To probe deeper into a ”circle and everything that comes with it”, students calculated the area of a sector when specific angle was provided.

Elm students used their previous knowledge of properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids and cones and solved problems where they had to calculate their volume and surface area. Elm students understand how to use the formulae for calculating the volume but also know their meaning and how these formulae are formed. 

Position and direction. Translation and rotation.

Elm students practiced plotting the co-ordinates of different 2D shapes and then located their corresponding co-ordinates after rotation/translation. We know that 2D shapes stay the same after the rotation/translation and found out that using the tracing paper evidently help us to pinpoint our new location. We clearly understand that when we rotate the same shape around the origin and around the specific co-ordinate B, our new shapes will appear in two different locations. To dive deeper into rotation and translation, the children followed the translation and rotation rules and carried out these transformation without tracing paper.


During this term we dived into the world of ‘light and sound’. Elms made measurements accordingly to the law of reflection. The students also learnt about the refraction of light and how to measure the angle of incidence and angle of refraction. Elms used the terminology related to soundwaves and explored the principal of superposition of waves.

While visiting the PeTH virtual lab, the students tested out different lenses and found out how light travels through them.

Linked to our Topic ”Electricity”, the children designed their own Mathematical switch game – quiz boards (On topics: Number and BODMAS, Pythagoras’ theorem, algebraic conversions and Area & Perimeter of a circle).


This term, Elm class continued their journey of learning and developing their programming skills with Lego Mindstorms EV3. We used the Driving Base to execute precise and controlled movements. Students actively engaged their building and logical skills by following instructions and addressing challenges presented to them.

In addition to these activities, students integrated the Touch Sensor into their robots. They skilfully programmed it to identify obstacles and respond with specific actions. This hands-on experience not only improved their coding abilities but also nurtured problem-solving skills.

Learners dedicated time to designing posters for the Christmas show. This task provided them with a platform to show their poster-making skills, fostering a spirit of healthy competition among the students.

Electricity and Circuits Workshop

This term Elm class had an interesting and creative term as we started with Circuits and Electricity on Tinkercad. They learnt and practiced how to edit, wire and add components together to create electrical connections, among other skills. We finished the term by learning how to light up the Microbit. 

3D Design and Technology

Elm class spent most of their Term 2 building a greenhouse. They followed the steps of the invention process. Learners found information on how to build it, they explored at what has been done in the past and the features their design needed to have to allow and foster plants to grow. Next they explored sketches, took notes and did their own. They made decisions on material selection, structural design, ventilation, heating and cooling, shading and layout and plant arrangement.

Throughout Term 2, Elm class dedicated their efforts to constructing a greenhouse, meticulously following the steps of the invention process. Beginning with extensive research, learners sought information on greenhouse construction, investigating into historical examples and identifying key features essential for optimal plant growth and development.

Students engaged in sketching, note-taking, and creating their own designs. Decisions were made individually on crucial aspects such as material selection, structural design, ventilation, heating and cooling systems, shading mechanisms, and the overall layout, including strategic plant arrangement.


This term, Elm class dedicated a significant portion of their time to revisiting the fundamental Spanish sounds, mastering the pronunciation, and improving the ability to articulate and write numbers ranging from 1 to 31. The exploration continued into discussions on countries, languages, and nationalities, with a focus on both singular and plural forms. Engaging in conversations became an obvious part of their learning journey, touching upon personal preferences, habits, and food choices. This oral practice transformed into written expression, enriching our communication skills.

They recalled their understanding of verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, specifically in the context of hobbies, habits, likes, and dislikes. Throughout these sessions, we explored the formation of questions, the application of determiners, singular and plural, as well as feminine and masculine constructs.

Christmas Candles

Oak and Elm created their own Christmas candles and then in ICT lessons designed different labels to perfect their packaging.

Christmas Performance

Patience, persistence and artistic flair brought us together for an amazing celebration at the Theatre du Grenier where our students and ‘Lights, camel, action!’ shone bright on the stage.

Oak Class, Blog 2, 2023-2024


This term, Oak class read The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The book is full of figurative language and Oaks were kept busy collecting all the examples of similes, personification and onomatopoeia in this highly unusual book about an initially unwelcome visitor who becomes the world’s saviour. Oaks enjoyed writing up their own imaginary metal menus for the hungry iron man, who ends up living in a metal scrap yard where he can eat delicious metal titbits to his heart’s content.

The class also read the poem ‘The Coming of the Iron Man’ by Brenda Williams, based on the first chapter of the book. They then tried their hands at writing their own poem version of chapter two.

Oaks learned the lovely poem ‘Autumn’ by George Cooper, which they recite below. This beautiful celebration of autumn is also full of imagery.

French with Marie

Durant cette deuxième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: Le sujet et le verbe, les pronoms personnels, l’adjectif qualificatif épithète ou attribut.

en conjugaison: Les verbes d’action et les verbes d’état, le présent de l’indicatif des verbes du 1er groupe, des auxiliaires être et avoir, et des verbes irréguliers du 3ème groupe.

en vocabulaire: utilisation du dictionnaire.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “mois d’Automne” et “hiver”

en littérature: 1 livre a été lu et étudié:

  • Le buveur d’encre d’Eric Sanvoisin

French with Joanna

French Topic with Marie

Cette période a été principalement consacrée à la préparation et aux répétitions du spectacle de Noël ainsi qu’à la confection des décors et des costumes.

French with Joanna

This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig&Zag. Félix (main character) took us to visit les Châteaux de la Loire. We revised French numbers (going through historical dates) as well as the past, present & future tenses (vocabulary used ex: autrefois, maintenant, demain). We studied ‘les adjectifs’ and the agreement (l’accord) between the adjective and the subject as well as the subject-verb agreement (l’accord sujet du verbe). We studied specific verbs and had weekly dictées (spelling tests) : avoir/être/changer/grandir au futur. To improve their conversational skills, the students had fun in class writing out a small sketch pretending they were waiters and clients at a restaurant. We are also currently listening to an audio book ‘Rémi et le Mystère de Saint-Péray’.


Oak learned about the Romans this term, beginning with the story of Romulus and Remus and Rome’s development from kingdom to republic to heart of a great Empire. The class learned about the structure of Roman society and the influence the Romans had around the world. They learned about the life of Julius Caesar and his brief visit to Britain, followed by a full-scale invasion and permanent presence in AD 43 by the Emperor Claudius. The class learned about the changes brought to Britain by the Romans, from food to roads, to design of towns, place names, language. The class researched Roman entertainment, gladiators and chariot racing, and the Colisseum in Rome, able to seat 50,000 people and the scene of incredible games and performances.


In Geography, Oak class learned about settlements, or why we live where we do. They looked at the considerations made by early settlers who chose sites based on access to building material (wood) and water, protection from the elements, and flat land for agriculture. They compared these to today’s considerations when people are choosing a place to live. They learned about the different sized settlements, from hamlets to cities, how they are defined and their characteristics.

Alongside this, Oaks learned about the continent of South America, learning all the different countries and challenging themselves to complete a blank map from memory, with great success!

They chose countries to research, Venezuela and Argentina, and made posters presenting facts about the respective countries, including the geographical characteristics, natural resources, culture, food, flora and fauna. They presented their findings to Elm class.



During this term Oaks worked on solving different measurements word problems. We matched time on the analogue and digital clocks and used the number lines to solve time problems. We dived into problems where the starting time, finishing time and the duration of our favourite TV shows had to be calculated. 

Area and Perimeter . Angles and different 2D shapes.

Oak students investigated with the different 2D shapes and then found area and perimeter of compound shapes. We identified different angles on the line and around the point and then measured them with a protractor. Students can recognise different kinds of triangles and know their main properties.

Position and direction. Translation and rotation.

Oak students practiced plotting the co-ordinates of different 2D shapes and then located their corresponding co-ordinates after rotation/translation. We know that 2D shapes stay the same after the rotation/translation and found out that using the tracing paper evidently help us to pinpoint our new location.


This term Oak Class children became robotic scientists and engineers as they got engaged in creating electric circuits and designing their own toys. We investigated with various materials to find out which ones are conductors and insulators. We learnt about different electrical components (e.g. bulb, motor, buzzer, switch, battery) their role and how they need to be connected to make an electrical circuit. We used imagination and gained knowledge to create our very own buzzing and drawing robot, burglar alarm and disco ball.

Wind turbines in the making.

Constructing and testing our ”Burglar Alarm” and experimenting with our Disco Ball.

”Buzzing and Drawing Robots”


This term, Oak class learned the basics of Logo, a text-based programming language. They planned, modified, and tested commands to create shapes, patterns, and procedures. We explored repetition and loops applied to Logo. Learners spent most lessons typing algorithms (a set of instructions) to draw letters and shapes. We had a wonderful term thinking logically, creatively, and giving commands to the computer.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term Oak class had lots of fun programming and coding with Scratch. They made fun stories, programs and games and practiced different skills like starting a conversation, switching backdrops, adding voice, gliding to a spot, walking onto the stage, responding to a character, adding a scene, among others. Students love working with Scratch and they show their interest by carefully making projects they are so proud of at the end. 


This term, Oak class made significant progress in Spanish. We began by practicing Spanish sounds through engaging activities like Bingo, which not only helped in sound recognition but also facilitated the learning and expression of new vocabulary words. Students can now confidently say and ask about their birthdays, involving the months of the year, days of the week, and numbers from 21 to 30. They’ve also acquired the ability to discuss their favourite colours and ask about others’ preferences.

We explored verbs ending in -ar (infinitive). Towards the end of the term, we explored questions related to their origin, asking ‘Where do you come from?’ and questioning about their place of residence.

We added an element of fun and did some singing. The Spanish version of the song ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ became a favourite, supporting the practice and acquisition of numerous new vocabulary words. These words will be an important part of our learning in the upcoming term.

Christmas Candles

Oak and Elm students created their own Christmas candles and then in ICT lessons designed different labels to perfect their packaging.

Christmas Performance

Patience, persistence and artistic flair brought us together for an amazing celebration at the Theatre du Grenier where our students and ‘Lights, camel, action!’ shone bright on the stage.

Walnut Class Blog Term 2, 2023-2024

This term 2 has been filled with boundless learning and creativity. In the spirit of the festive season, we’ve immersed ourselves in preparing for the Christmas show. From sewing and painting to creating and mastering dance routines, Walnut class has worked tirelessly to bring a touch of magic to the stage.


This term, we’ve been mastering column addition and subtraction. From handling remainders to tackling borrowing, we have shown incredible determination and skill. It’s been a rewarding period of honing our abilities, and we’re excited to share the progress and achievements in the world of numbers.

Our exploration of shapes has been comprehensive. We have immersed ourselves in the world of 2D and 3D shapes, mastering the skills of sorting, identifying, and creating patterns with them. We’ve delved into counting faces, edges, vertices, and more. It’s been an enriching learning journey.


We had an exciting term in Walnut class filled with different stories, including one by Dick King-Smith from the ‘Sophie’s Adventures’ collection. Next, we explored works by authors Rosemary Wells and Kes Gray—’Eat Your Peas’ and ‘Bunny Money,’ respectively. Their favourite was ‘Bunny Money,’ where the characters buy a present for Grandma. Learners shared their opinions about these stories and others, retelling them, engaging in role-play, and innovating on texts to create their own versions. To enhance punctuation skills, students learnt and practiced Punctuation Karate, assigning a karate-based sound and action for each punctuation symbol, making it more enjoyable and memorable. We also had Spelling and Grammar learning stations, practicing various sounds and grammar concepts such as nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Later, we started Unit 2 on how to write instructions, reading, analysing, and composing our own. 

Reading Workshop

Walnuts are enjoying two very different books at the moment, the wordless Journey by Aaron Becker and the colourful Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. Both books have great scope for observation and discussion. Walnuts have compared Bob’s daily routine with their own, talked about the challenges of working in zero gravity and written a poem about the aliens that are all around but of whom Bob appears unaware. Journey uses colour to imply mood and significance and Walnuts are making their own interpretation of the picture story.

French with Joanna

This term we continued our adventures with ZIG & ZAG Unit 2 with the theme ‘La Ferme’. The students learned the names of all farm animals, they also learned specific details about them & new vocabulary (mammifère, becs, dents, pattes, nager, sauter, voler) and we read an article about les poules et les oeufs and what to look out for when buying eggs (free range etc) . They worked more closely this term on their French oral skills by reading short texts out loud, answering questions, working on the French sounds/syllables. We are beginning to understand that words in French can be either masculin/féminin by sorting words out under the articles un/ une/ le/la (ex: une vache, la poule, un mouton, le canard). We finished off the term with some fun & educational Christmas activities by learning about traditions around the world and making our own carte de voeux.


In Science we’ve uncovered the wonders of simple machines. From exploring pulleys to experimenting with levers and wheels, we have actively engaged in hands-on activities, unravelling the secrets behind these ingenious mechanisms. This journey of discovery has not only broadened our understanding but also sparked excitement for the intricate workings of the world around us.


With Lucía:

In our Art classes creativity knows no bounds. We kicked off the term by crafting our own treasure maps with coffee, setting the stage for a journey filled with artistic exploration. Throughout the term, the festive spirit took hold as we dedicated our time to Christmas-themed crafts. Using a myriad of materials, paints, and techniques, we immersed ourselves in creating unique masterpieces. Additionally, we poured our creative energy into crafting decorations for the Christmas Show.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Walnuts class continued to learn how to do Coding and Programming in ScratchJr by: choosing a background, choosing characters, writing titles and changing colours, making programs to make the characters move, grow, shrink, move to the left, to the right and have conversations. The themes were the following: 

*Spooky Forest 

*Dribble a baskbetball 

*Dance party

*Meet and Greet 

*Classroom conversation 

*Christmas scene which included flashing lights and a star 

Design and Technology

This term Birch and Walnut students became robotic scientists and engineers as they got engaged in creating electric circuits and designing their own toys. We investigated with various materials to find out which ones are conductors and insulators. We learnt about different electrical components (e.g. bulb, motor, buzzer, switch, battery) their role and how they need to be connected to make an electrical circuit. We used imagination and gained knowledge to create our very own buzzing-drawing robot and burglar alarm.


During our Music lessons, we’ve been attuned to the nuances of rhythm and beat. Through engaging sessions, our students have delved into understanding the distinction between rhythm and beat. Exploring various musical genres, they’ve not only heard but felt the pulse and cadence that define these elements.

Throughout this second term, our students dedicated time to perfecting the songs for the Christmas show. Engaging in lively rehearsals, we not only sang with enthusiasm but also added an extra flair by incorporating dance moves. The classroom was alive with festive tunes and joyful steps as we prepared to showcase our musical talents in the Christmas show.

Finally, we performed the “Light, Camel, Action” show.

With Marie:

Simultaneously, they studied the musical tale of ‘The Nutcracker.’

Forest and PE

In our Forest Exploration and PE sessions, the classic game of hide and seek has become a must. The children eagerly embraced the thrill of hiding and seeking amidst nature, adding an extra layer of joy to our outdoor adventures. These sessions have not only kept us active but also fostered a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Forest Exploration and PE have truly been a highlight, with hide and seek adding an extra dash of fun to our outdoor escapades


In Halloween, our class buzzed with excitement as kids dressed up, crafted slime, carved pumpkins, and enjoyed a scavenger hunt. Parents pitched in for a laid-back Halloween party with music, snacks, and games, making it a memorable celebration for everyone involved.

Chestnuts class Term2, 2023-2024


Autumn has arrived, fallen leaves have begun to cover the ground, the days have become shorter and the cold has set in. It was time for us to address the theme of celebrations around the world with the Chestnuts.

In the forest, in the classroom, through new experiences every day, the children have developed their knowledge and have learned more and more about each other. The atmosphere in the classroom is serene and the children have found their feet.

Young and old alike learn from each other and everyone has found their place.


Throughout this term, we’ve talked about celebrations all around the world. It has been an opportunity to travel virtually throughout the different countries and continents.

The parents of the class also took us on a journey, thanks to the presentations they made about their origins. We discovered wonderful celebrations steeped in history and good manners.

So we have travelled through Europe, Asia, America, Africa and talked about other continents. This led us to talk about the different populations, the various customs and typical dishes.


Thanks to Victoria and Antoine, we traveled to France and Poland and learned more about these two European cultures. Many thanks to their parents for the presentation 🙂

Mostra Celebration Greece

With Georgios’ dad, we flew to Greece and discovered the festival of Mostra celebrated according to the history of the country. Thank you so much for this journey through the island and through time.


Then Cameron’s mum introduced us to the dual culture that represents them through Scottish customs and beliefs and the discovery of Venezuela. What a wonderful trip. Many thanks!


During this term and throughout the year, the children touch different materials, create and develop their imagination as well as their fine motor skills.

Through painting, drawing, modelling clay, colouring and using natural elements such as painting with leaves, the children used their imagination and have created works about autumn and the various celebrations that we have discussed throughout this term.


After going into the forest to collect raw materials, the children were given a role model that they were free to follow or not to follow. They had different kinds/colors of leaves available and they shaped their figure.

The children were also happy to give free rein to their imagination and create, through recycled papers, unused leaves, scraps of leftover fabric, all kinds of art and imaginary creation.


Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term, we focused on skills related to self care, such as closing/opening but also preparing a snack by pressing oranges (transforming oranges in juice), breaking chestnuts and eating them.

We also spent time practicing the abling frameworks that make it easier for children today to sit on their own, enabling more motor skills. Cleaning the classroom has also been part of our daily concern.

And care of the environment such as cleaning and composting – as part of the school’s Eco project .

Social skills such as pressing oranges for snack, cooking and breaking chestnuts and co-operating with others.

During one morning, we created cookies with the Birch class. This activity enchanted young and old alike and we were happy to taste these cookies together 🙂

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.


Sensorial life refers to our ability to experience and interpret sensory stimuli from the world around us. We focused on using our five senses. Our brain processes this sensory information and enables us to perceive, understand and respond to our environment. Sensorial life is crucial for our survival and helps us communicate, learn and connect with others. It is constantly evolving as we interact with the world, and can be enhanced or impaired by various factors such as genetics, environment and experience.

This was provided through a number of our activities.



In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


This term we are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order. Children also enjoy the time reading in class or at the library, chosing and reading books.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on bigger than, smaller than, identifying different shapes and numbers.



Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.


Cycling is a great way to develop motor skills and every child is happy to practice the function of balance. It is a real JOY to ride a bike with the children through the forest because the children have a lot of fun.




During this term, we practiced singing and playing instruments through walks in the forest but also for the preparation of our show .



During this term, we worked on a joint project at the school about electricity. We have understood how electricity arrives in our homes, by what means. We also had the chance to do electrical experiments with Vlad.



After the All Saints’ Day holidays, we celebrated Halloween with costumes and activities organized in the forest and in the classroom. A true shared happiness!


Then we talked about the holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom, Guy Fawkes whose history we talked about. We then prepared fireworks based on paint and the creativity of each of the children.


The following week gave way to the Diwali lights in India during which we created beautiful candle holders and evoked this wonderful country.


For Thanksgiving, in relation to the history of the United States, we created headbands of Indians and turkeys. The children also listened to the story about Thanskgiving.


During the following week, the children got to know St. Nicholas and had a small cardboard St. Nicholas on this occasion.


On the occasion of Christmas, many activities have been planned. Among them, an advent calendar that allows children to follow the progress of the days and to look for the corresponding day each day. So each child had the chance to have a little chocolate to taste!

Advent Calendar

Santa Claus

In all his forms, Santa Claus has invited himself into the classroom….

Christmas’ decoration


The children and the teachers put a lot of effort into the preparation of the Christmas show. We prepared the backdrop all together, chose the songs and adapted the gestures so that everyone could feel good and be an integral part of this beautiful show. A great progression over the weeks, always with a smile and with willing children. Well done!!:-)


What a wonderful day! Joyful and enthusiastic children arrived. We helped them to change, to review the course of the show and presto…. The show flew by, at lightning speed. The Chestnuts and Maples can be proud of their performance as it was so successful… Beautiful songs, beautiful gestures and a beautiful choreography. Enough to make mom and dad proud, who came to applaud them, and their teacher happy to have shared this exceptional moment with them!:)

Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this second term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Have a nice time with your family and MERRY CHRITMAS hohoho….

See you next year


French with Marie

Durant cette deuxième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec les fêtes tels que Halloween, Noël, les formes, l’hiver…) :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (7 semaines = 7 chansons) :

La sorcière Gribouilla, La pluie qui mouille, Pétrouchka, Loin du froid de décembre, Vive le vent, J’ai planté un sapin, Petit garçon.

En parallèle, nous avons répété les chansons pour le spectacle de Noël.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

Рse familiariser avec la langue fran̤aise

Рretenir de petits mots en fran̤ais

– oser s’exprimer en petit groupe

–  découverte du monde

–  reconnaître et nommer les formes simples (rond, carré, triangle et rectangle)

Рr̩aliser des activit̩s artistiques

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

– faire de la cuisine

Рf̻ter Halloween

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Let’s celebrate.” We studied the differences between celebrations around the world and how each one organizes the festivities. We’ve read these books:

They played the bingo themed Celebration

They learned two songs: “Quand les pieds font la fête” and “Noël”

Finally, they prepared, decorated, rehearsed and performed the Christmas show.

Maple class Term2, 2023-2024


Autumn has arrived, fallen leaves have begun to cover the ground, the days have become shorter and the cold has set in. It was time for us to address the theme of celebrations around the world with the Maples.

In the forest, in the classroom, through new experiences every day, the children have developed their knowledge and have learned more and more about each other. The atmosphere in the classroom is serene and the children have found their feet.

Young and old alike learn from each other and everyone has found their place.


Throughout this term, we’ve talked about celebrations all around the world. It has been an opportunity to travel virtually throughout the different countries and continents.

The parents of the class also took us on a journey, thanks to the presentations they made about their origins. We discovered wonderful celebrations steeped in history and good manners.

So we have travelled through Europe, Asia, America, Africa and talked about other continents. This led us to talk about the different populations, the various customs and typical dishes.


Thanks to Victoria and Antoine, we traveled to France and Poland and learned more about these two European cultures. Many thanks to their parents for the presentation 🙂

Mostra Celebration Greece

With Georgios’ dad, we flew to Greece and discovered the festival of Mostra celebrated according to the history of the country. Thank you so much for this journey through the island and through time.


Then Cameron’s mum introduced us to the dual culture that represents them through Scottish customs and beliefs and the discovery of Venezuela. What a wonderful trip. Many thanks!


During this term and throughout the year, the children touch different materials, create shapes, objects, characters and animals according to the themes addressed and also develop their imagination as well as their fine motor skills.

Through painting, drawing, modelling clay, colouring and using natural elements such as painting with leaves, the children used their imagination and have created works about autumn and the various celebrations that we have discussed throughout this term.


After going into the forest to collect raw materials, the children were given a role model that they were free to follow or not to follow. They had different kinds/colors of leaves available and they shaped their figure.

The children were also happy to give free rein to their imagination and create, through recycled papers, unused leaves, scraps of leftover fabric, all kinds of art and imaginary creation.


Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term, we focused on skills related to self care, such as closing/opening coats but also preparing a snack by pressing oranges (transforming oranges in juice), breaking chestnuts and eating them.

We also spent time practicing the abling frameworks that make it easier for children today to sit on their own, enabling more motor skills. Cleaning the classroom has also been part of our daily concern.

And care of the environment such as cleaning and composting – as part of the school’s Eco project .

Social skills such as pressing oranges for snack, cooking and breaking chestnuts and co-operating with others.

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.


Sensorial life refers to our ability to experience and interpret sensory stimuli from the world around us. We focused on using our five senses. Our brain processes this sensory information and enables us to perceive, understand and respond to our environment. Sensorial life is crucial for our survival and helps us communicate, learn and connect with others. It is constantly evolving as we interact with the world, and can be enhanced or impaired by various factors such as genetics, environment and experience.

This was provided through a number of our activities.

Pink tower/ Brown stairs – Putting into order



Magnets /Testing the attraction




During one morning, we created cookies with the Birch class. This activity enchanted young and old alike and we were happy to taste these cookies together 🙂


In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


This term we have reinforced our knowledege and understanding of phonics and began to read little words.

We have explored a range of new letters and sounds through actions, songs, story telling and games.

Jolly Phonics phase 2 introduces the sounds ck, e, h, r, m and d. We have learned these sounds whilst using new games about phonics

Through action of these sounds, children begin to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words and listen more carrefuly in sounds that compose the words.

We also reviewed the sounds learned in the first term and strengthened our knowledges a, t, i, p and n.

The children also continue to write their names, the date and the sounds learned in class, using different matters to trace the letters in, and also practising with drawing shapes.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order. Children also enjoy the timereading at the library or in class, choosing and reading books.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on bigger than, smaller than, identifying different shapes and beginning to introduce the notion of addition.


Numbers and counting

Counting/How many/Ordering….



Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.


Cycling is a great way to develop motor skills and every child is happy to practice the function of balance. It is a real JOY to ride a bike with the children through the forest because the children have a lot of fun.




During this term, we practiced singing and playing instruments through walks in the forest but also for the preparation of our show .



During this term, we worked on a joint project at the school about electricity. We have understood how electricity arrives in our homes, by what means. We also had the chance to do electrical experiments with Vlad.



After the All Saints’ Day holidays, we celebrated Halloween with costumes and activities organized in the forest and in the classroom. A true shared happiness!


Then we talked about the holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom, Guy Fawkes whose history we talked about. We then prepared fireworks based on paint and the creativity of each of the children.


The following week gave way to the Diwali lights in India during which we created beautiful candle holders and evoked this wonderful country.


For Thanksgiving, in relation to the history of the United States, we created headbands of Indians and turkeys. The children also listened to the story about Thanskgiving.


During the following week, the children got to know St. Nicholas and had a small cardboard St. Nicholas on this occasion.


On the occasion of Christmas, many activities have been planned. Among them, an advent calendar that allows children to follow the progress of the days and to look for the corresponding day each day. So each child had the chance to have a little chocolate to taste!

Advent Calendar


Lovely deers have been created


The children were introduced to garlands, which helped them learn how to fold and repeat the gesture.

Santa Claus

In all his forms, Santa Claus has invited himself into the classroom….

Christmas’ decoration


The children and the teachers put a lot of effort into the preparation of the Christmas show. We prepared the backdrop all together, chose the songs and adapted the gestures so that everyone could feel good and be an integral part of this beautiful show. A great progression over the weeks, always with a smile and with willing children. Well done!!:-)


What a wonderful day! Joyful and enthusiastic children arrived. We helped them to change, to review the course of the show and presto…. The show flew by, at lightning speed. The Chestnuts and Maples can be proud of their performance as it was so successful… Beautiful songs, beautiful gestures and a beautiful choreography. Enough to make mom and dad proud, who came to applaud them, and their teacher happy to have shared this exceptional moment with them!:)

Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this second term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Have a nice time with your family and MERRY CHRITMAS hohoho….

See you next year


French with Marie

Durant cette deuxième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec les fêtes tels que Halloween, Noël, les formes, l’hiver…) :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (7 semaines = 7 chansons) :

La sorcière Gribouilla, La pluie qui mouille, Pétrouchka, Loin du froid de décembre, Vive le vent, J’ai planté un sapin, Petit garçon.

En parallèle, nous avons répété les chansons pour le spectacle de Noël.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– s’initier à la pratique de la langue française

– construire des phrases simples mais correctes

– oser s’exprimer en petit groupe

– tracer le bonhomme de chaque mois

–  reconnaître et nommer les formes simples (rond, carré, triangle et rectangle)

– apprendre la lettre O et la lettre U

– reconnaître son prénom (et savoir l’écrire pour certains enfants)

– apprendre les nombres 3 à 5 (savoir dénombrer une collection)

Рreconnątre de petits mots

Рr̩aliser des activit̩s de graphisme

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

– faire de la cuisine

Рd̩couvrir les f̻tes de Thanksgiving et Saint Nicolas

Рf̻ter Halloween

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Let’s celebrate.” We studied the differences between celebrations around the world and how each one organizes the festivities. We’ve read these books:

They played the bingo themed “Celebrations”

They learned two songs: “Quand les pieds font la fête” and “Noël”.

Finally, they prepared, decorated, rehearsed and performed the Christmas show.

Birch Class Blog Term 2, 2023-2024

During the second term, we continued to make amazing progress. We have played, explored, learned, sang, danced and made Christmas crafts. We all worked as a team to create the magic that was our Christmas show “Light, Camel, Action”.


Birch class has been immersed in foundational concepts. From understanding number bonds to 10 to mastering addition and subtraction within 20, we have shown commendable progress. Using practical activities and engaging resources, we’ve delved into the world of mathematical operations, fostering a solid understanding of basic arithmetic

At Birch class, we’ve ventured into the captivating realm of shapes. We have been actively engaging with learning objectives, including recognizing and naming common 2D and 3D shapes, as well as exploring their properties. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, we’ve brought shapes to life, fostering a deep understanding of their characteristics.


In this second term we continued to progress with the Jolly Phonics method (we have now practiced 37 out of 42 sounds). We read “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and the students continued working on their handwriting skills, we read our books out loud to our classmates, we learned when to use Capital Letters/full stops in a sentence, we started to write sentences & and we played educational games to make learning fun. Lastly, the students worked so hard to learn their lines for the Christmas Show.

French with Marie

Durant cette deuxième période les enfants ont continué les activités et les apprentissages. En effet, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec les fêtes tels que Halloween, Noël, les formes, l’hiver…)  :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes. Une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète d’étudier la langue française.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

La sorcière Gribouilla, La pluie qui mouille, Pétrouchka, Loin du froid de décembre, Vive le vent, Noël, Petit garçon.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

Рpratiquer la langue fran̤aise

– construire des phrases simples mais correctes

– oser s’exprimer en petit groupe

– compréhension d’histoires lues

Рconnątre les voyelles et les consonnes (s, r, t, c, ch, n, m) ainsi que le principe du code alphab̩tique

– associer le nom de la consonne au geste et surtout au son qu’elle produit.

– réciter une poésie “Mois d’automne”

– chanter collectivement une chanson


At Birch class, we’ve taken a fascinating dive into the theme of ‘Explorers and Adventures.’ We have actively delved into the diverse habitats of our planet, discovering the incredible animals that call them home. Through hands-on experiences and captivating lessons, we’ve ignited a sense of wonder about the world. Birch students have eagerly embraced the tales of renowned explorer Jane Goodall, gaining insights into her impactful work with primates.

Design and Technology

This term Birch and Walnut students became robotic scientists and engineers as they got engaged in creating electric circuits and designing their own toys. We investigated with various materials to find out which ones are conductors and insulators. We learnt about different electrical components (e.g. bulb, motor, buzzer, switch, battery) their role and how they need to be connected to make an electrical circuit. We used imagination and gained knowledge to create our very own buzzing-drawing robot and burglar alarm.

Forest and PE

In our Forest Exploration and PE sessions, the classic game of hide and seek has become a must. The children eagerly embraced the thrill of hiding and seeking amidst nature, adding an extra layer of joy to our outdoor adventures. These sessions have not only kept us active but also fostered a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Forest Exploration and PE have truly been a highlight, with hide and seek adding an extra dash of fun to our outdoor escapades.


French Topic:

The theme for this period was “Explorers and adventurers.” We explored and studied how people discovered the world, the tools they needed and they used to embark on a journey to the ends of the earth. We’ve read these books:

They primarily rehearsed for the Christmas show.

They learned the songs for the Christmas show.

Finally, they performed the “Light Camel Action” show.


With Marie:

During this second period, the children rehearsed the songs for the Christmas show.

Simultaneously, they studied the musical tale of ‘The Nutcracker.’

With Lucia:

During our Music lessons, we’ve been attuned to the nuances of rhythm and beat. Through engaging sessions, our students have delved into understanding the distinction between rhythm and beat. Exploring various musical genres, they’ve not only heard but felt the pulse and cadence that define these elements.


With Marie:

During this period, the children prepared and painted the backdrop for the Christmas show.

They also made Christmas decorations out of salt dough.

With Lucia:

In our Art classes creativity knows no bounds. We kicked off the term by crafting our own treasure maps with coffee, setting the stage for a journey filled with artistic exploration. Throughout the term, the festive spirit took hold as we dedicated our time to Christmas-themed crafts. Using a myriad of materials, paints, and techniques, we immersed ourselves in creating unique masterpieces. Additionally, we poured our creative energy into crafting decorations for the Christmas Show.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Birch class continued to learn how to do Coding and Programming in ScratchJr by: choosing a background, choosing characters, writing titles and changing colours, making programs to make the characters move, grow, shrink, move to the left, to the right and have conversations. The themes were the following: 

*Spooky Forest 

*Dribble a baskbetball 

*Dance party

*Meet and Greet 

*Classroom conversation 

*Christmas scene which included flashing lights and a star 


At Birch class, the festive season brought the sweet aroma of Christmas delights. Together with Maple and Chestnut classes, we rolled up our sleeves to create delicious Xmas cookies, spreading joy and a sprinkle of creativity in the kitchen. As a delightful collaboration, we also whipped up a delectable cake for the whole school’s Christmas party.


In Halloween, our class buzzed with excitement as kids dressed up, crafted slime, carved pumpkins, and enjoyed a scavenger hunt. Parents pitched in for a laid-back Halloween party with music, snacks, and games, making it a memorable celebration for everyone involved.

Chestnut Class Term 1 – 2023

On this day we got to bring our favourite clothes and accessories to showcase our style

This term we got to know each other through our learning topic “All about me.” We got to showcase many important aspects of ourselves, such as our physical features, our family, our school, our community, our interests, and our style. We had the opportunity express ourselves in different ways and explore our differences and similarities.

All about me project

We created a portrait of oursleves by first drawing an outline of our body and decorating it with paint, Monet cut outs, and making prints of our hands and feet. During the following weeks we added images relevant to the theme of the week.

We got to show our class lots of photos of our family members during circle time. Each students had a turn to show their peers their family members and talk about their families. We also discussed what a family tree was and each student worked with the teacher to complete their own family tree.

The students often visited the hallway where their family trees were posted and talked to each other about their work.

One of the standout moments from our term was our fashion show day. The Chestnuts class had a chance to showcase their unique styles by wearing their favourite outfits and accessories. This not only allowed them to express themselves but also offered the Maple class an opportunity to get to know them better. The Chestnuts shared the reasons behind their preferences and for these items, which also helped their older classmates to also learn more about them.

During the last week of the term we reviewed everything we discussed regarding our topic and we completed some paper puzzles using our photos.

Here is the final result of our personal portrait project!

Exploring colour in different ways

We started our colour unit by defusing painted circles using water and a thin paint brush. It was great to practice our fine motor skills as we enriched our vocabulary and sensory perception.

We also created two colourful art pieces using different materials and techniques. One of our pieces included colour matching, attempting to colouring inside the lines and neatly placing the colour pencils back in their respective places . The other art piece included being messy and mixing paints, sparkles, glue and gems with full agency and self-expression.

Ms. Marie worked on colour mixing during one of her French activities too.

Montessori inspired classroom activities

Many of the classroom daily activities are inspired by the Montessori approach. This helps our young students to build many of their skills in an independent way: The students are shown how to work with the various activities presented on the classroom shelves and then they are encouraged to choose what they want to practice during the morning activity times.

The students are encouraged to playfully take responsibility and care for their classroom environment by tidying after they are finished using the activities, having snack, or working on an art and crafts project. 

Wednesday Art Workshops

The school participated in an arts project on Wednesdays in which we explored three famous painters: Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, and Pablo Picasso. We hosted the older kids in our classroom to create our own posters inspired by these artists. We worked in a team with students from Maple, Birch, and Walnut students which gave us an opportunity to interact with our older friends and collaborate with them. During our first workshop we created a mixed collage using images of Monet and Van Gogh’s works as well as paper, paint, glue, and other materials. During our second workshop the teams were assigned a specific era from Picasso’s extensive career  and they got to create a poster based on the pictures and materials provided. 

Wednesday Water experiments

During our Wednesday projects we got to see how jelly beads expand as they absorb water, we played  with water pumps such as  water bottles and syringes, and we made water balloons that we got to take home!

We also experimented with mixing water with different colours and textures using sparkles and food colouring. We used our pinching skills to carefully place gems inside our bottles and also used our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination to pour sparkles from a small container into the mouth of our bottles.

We enjoyed playing with our water bottle shakers when we were all finished and we had a nice new sensory toy to take home!

We also got together with the older students to learn all about the exciting experiments they had been working on with Mr. Kralka.

Learning and playing in the forest

We are so lucky to be able to explore our forest everyday and this term we had the perfect weather to participate in some organised activities that targeted our gross motor skills and sensory perceptions. We also worked some of our art projects and we played Math and Language games.

Swimming class

We practiced many of our swimming skills this term and we made great progress. We began this school year with a very shy group but every week we built confidence and by the end of the term we were able to practice many skills such as floating and swimming on our backs, moving forward using floaties, getting in and out of the water, blowing bubbles under water, and rolling down the slide and into the water. 

More outdoor activities gallery

Working together with the Maples gallery

More classroom activities gallery

Birch Class Blog Term 1, 2023-2024

What a fantastic start! This term we learned all about ourselves and made new friends. We took advantage of the nice end of summer and autumn weather to spend as much time as possible outside and in the forest.


In our Year 1 Birch class, we’ve embarked on an exciting journey through the world of Mathematics this term. We’ve been focusing on foundational concepts such as Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction.

We understand that the value of numbers is crucial, and this term, we’ve delved into the concept of Place Value. We’ve been working diligently to grasp the significance of each digit within a number, helping us develop a strong numerical understanding.

Year 1 is all about building a strong mathematical foundation. We, in the Birch class, have been dedicated to enhancing our skills in Addition and Subtraction, using a combination of hands-on activities and engaging exercises to solidify our grasp of these fundamental operations.


What a busy start to the year our class has had! Year 1 is a big leap from kindergarten so consistency and continuity are key factors in making sure that our students feel less daunted when starting this important stage in laying down the groundwork of literacy success for our young learners.

Phonics: In terms of continuity we will be keeping with Jolly Phonics (introduced to your children in Maple class last year) which is a multi-sensory method to learning the 42 letters sounds (alphabet sounds: 1 sound = 1 letter & digraphs: 1 sound = two letters). It is a fun and very much child centered approach to teaching phonics with actions for each of the letter sounds & songs to learn. We begin the class with a new letter sound : we sing the song (do the actions) then we follow the adventures of Inky the Mouse and his friends with a story per letter sound to then sit down and individually concentrate on our Jolly Phonics pupil book.

Handwriting: is also a key element in our class this year which the students work on every day in Literacy. It is fundamental in helping our students develop their fine motor skills which began in Maple class (holding pencil properly/using right amount of pressure on their pencil) yet it is a complex skill that develops over time and demands a lot of concentration and effort but which is very rewarding too as it helps children to develop their spelling and reading skills.

Reading & writing: We have read the book The Tiger Who Came to Tea, an absolute gem of a book which was actually my favourite as a child too! We read this book numerous times and the children have done a variety of writing/reading/sequencing activities and they even acted out the parts of this very cheeky tiger with their tiger masks.

French with Marie

Cette première période a été riche en activités et apprentissages. En effet, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec la rentrée des classes, l’école en générale et la saison de l’automne) :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes. Une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète d’étudier la langue française.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

C’est la rentrée, Chanson de l’alphabet, Colchiques dans les prés, Si tu as d’la joie au coeur, Ani couni, La maison citrouille.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

Рse familiariser avec la langue fran̤aise

– construire des phrases simples mais correctes

– oser s’exprimer en petit groupe

– compréhension d’histoires lues

Рconnątre les voyelles et les consonnes (a, ̩, e, i, o, u, l) ainsi que le principe du code alphab̩tique

– associer le nom de la voyelle au geste et surtout au son qu’elle produit, qui est complètement différent de celui en anglais (confusion entre « e Â» en anglais et le « i Â» en français/ entre « i Â» en anglais et le « a Â» en français…)

– réciter une poésie “L’écureuil”

– chanter collectivement une chanson


This term has been all about exploring the fascinating topic of Everyday Materials. We’ve delved into the world of materials we encounter in our daily lives and the properties that make them unique.

We’ve embarked on a journey of discovery, learning about the materials that surround us – from glass and plastic to wood and metal. Understanding the properties of these materials has been an exciting adventure, and we’ve had hands-on experiences to learn more about them.

To bring science to life, we’ve engaged in hands-on experiments. We’ve tested materials for their hardness, flexibility, transparency, and other properties. It’s been a fantastic way to explore the world of materials and understand why certain materials are used for specific purposes.

Design and Technology

Collaborative project : Eco-Logs Press

The children continued to develop their carpentry skills while constructing ‘Eco Logs Press. We soaked our shredded paper and saw dust to create a magical mix that we used for creating our eco-logs. The children worked on solving real life problems while weighing the raw materials mix and then compared it with the weight of the compressed and dry log. Our small step to reduce the carbon footprint and look after our planet. We are ready to heat our homes or will simply use these logs on the 5th of November.

Woodworking projects are extremely important for developing children’s creative and critical thinking skills. Through these projects, not only do children get to handle and smell the wood but also learn how to use the different carpentry tools. They develop their mathematical thinking, broaden their scientific knowledge and, most importantly, acquire a ‘can do’ mindset.

Water wheels/ Water Pump” Project

Water – Oil Timer” Project

“Survival Kit – Water Filtering” Project

“Recycled Materials/ Boat construction” Project

Forest and PE

In our Forest Exploration sessions, we’ve been on a thrilling adventure of climbing, jumping, and exploring the great outdoors. We have ventured through the woods, honing our skills in orienteering and developing a deep appreciation for nature. It’s been a fantastic journey of discovery and physical activity.

In our PE classes, we’ve been dedicated to improving our motor skills. Through a variety of fun and challenging activities, we have enhanced our coordination, balance, and overall physical fitness. It’s been an opportunity for us to grow physically and develop a lifelong love for staying active.

We’ve also made significant strides in improving our swimming skills. The pool has been our playground for honing water confidence and essential swimming techniques. We have taken to the water with enthusiasm and have made great progress in our swimming abilities.


French Topic:

The theme for this period was “Houses Around the World.” We explored and studied the various styles of houses across the planet, as well as the materials used in their construction. The children learned the difference between a house and a building and they also learned the vocabulary associated with a house, including its rooms and the objects or furniture that make up a home. We’ve read these books:

They played the house-themed bingo.

They learned two songs: “Ma maisonnette” and “Ma maison monde” d’Aldebert.

Finally, they constructed an African hut and a house.

La semaine du goût / The Taste Week:

Every year in France, one week in October is dedicated to taste. Through the Kim game, children have the opportunity to discover various flavours (salty, sweet, sour, bitter). The game involves tasting various foods with your eyes closed and guessing what it is by describing the texture and the flavour it provides.

The children then baked a yogurt cake with pieces of apple.


With Marie:

During this initial period, the children explored various music styles, ranging from classical music to French and English pop, jazz, pop, rap, and more.

Then, they discovered the various families of musical instruments through the musical tale Piccolo, Saxo & Cie.

They played miming musical instruments, a sound and noise quiz, as well as a musical instrument bingo.

With Lucia:

During our Music lessons, we’ve been on an exciting journey to grasp the distinctions between long and short sounds. Through hands-on exploration with a variety of instruments, we have been able to truly feel and hear how different durations create rhythm and melody in music. It’s been a fun and engaging way for us to discover the world of sound.


With Marie:

During this period, we studied the painter Kandinsky. After several observations of his paintings and the way he painted, the children had to recreate a “work” in the style of Kandinsky.

With Lucia:

In Art this term, we’ve brought our dream homes to life and ventured into treehouse designs. Exploring lines, colours, and the enchanting world of watercolours has added depth and charm to our artistic creations.


Wednesday Projects have been a whirlwind of artistic exploration. In our recent sessions, we’ve delved into the enchanting world of Impressionist painters, specifically Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh. It’s been an educational journey where we’ve not only learned about these iconic artists but also applied their techniques to create our own masterpieces.

Our students have been captivated by the works of Monet’s water lilies, Picasso’s abstract genius, and Van Gogh’s vibrant sunflowers. We’ve delved deep into their unique styles and brushwork, which has inspired our own artistic endeavours.

Using different techniques and materials, we’ve created art pieces that reflect the spirit of these Impressionist masters. It’s been a hands-on experience, allowing us to truly understand and appreciate the artists’ techniques.

What makes our Wednesday Projects even more exciting is that we’ve had the chance to collaborate with Walnut, Maple, and Chestnut classes. Working together has not only expanded our horizons but also fostered creativity and teamwork.

In a separate project, we delved into the theme of ‘Water.’ Our students had a fantastic time creating art using soap bubbles and paint, delving into the enchanting world of colours and patterns. Furthermore, we crafted a variety of clay containers designed to hold water, aligning with our ongoing exploration of materials in Science.

Felting Project

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term Birch class was introduced to ScratchJr. The term was divided into three blocks: 

  1. Drive across the city – Students learned how to pick a background and a character, resize it. Use a motion block to make a car drive across the city. 
  2. Run a race – Use the speed block to speed up or slow down a character. 
  3. Sunset – Learn how to make a character disappear. 


In a cooking class with Emily, we learned how to make deviled eggs. With her guidance, we discovered how to create a simple piping bag to fill the egg whites with a delicious mixture of mayonnaise, mustard, egg yolks, pickles, onion, paprika, and more. It was a practical experience that allowed us to appreciate the precision and creativity involved in cooking.