Birch Class – Term 3 – 2021/2022

This term, we welcomed new friends into our class. We are delighted to have you with us.

Through an active, rich and diverse curriculum, we continued to make excellent progress in our learning during this term. We particularly enjoyed creating different pieces of art through our learning in IPC.

Marvellous Maths

Addition and Subtraction

This term, we learned to add and subtract within twenty. We began by using concrete materials such as blocks (and pictures of blocks), base ten blocks and ten frames. We then explored the number line and part-whole model as tools for addition and subtraction. Many of us can now count on and back in our heads!

Pokemon addition and subtraction was a hit!

We enjoyed an ocean-themed spinner game where we practised adding ones to ten quickly.

Place Value

We also extended our understanding of place value by learning to count to fifty (some of use can count well beyond this). We compared numbers up to fifty and focused on understanding the value of the tens and ones places. In order to consolidate our understanding of tens and ones, we created animals, trees, people, vehicles and even the Eiffel Tower out of tens and ones!


In preparation for multiplication, we learned to count in twos and fives.

Lively Literacy

This term, Birch class have been learning about different fairy tales. We have looked closely at traditional tales that reveal a meaning at the end of them. As a class, we read these stories and retold them in our own words. 

First, we read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and explored the vocabulary used. Then, we created leaves that would complete our own class beanstalk. 

Birch was then set the challenge of sequencing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We carefully re-read the story and then ordered the events. 

Next, the class learnt the story of The Three Little Pigs. We read the story carefully and then discussed the types of houses the pigs tried to build. This led to the class building their own versions of possible houses the pigs could live in. 

Pre-writing Skills

To develop our writing skills, the class has taken part in warm-up activities that enable them to build and strengthen the muscles in their fingers that are used for writing. 

The class used playdough and followed instructions to shape and mold their dough into different shapes. This encouraged the children to use different areas of their hands and fingers. 

Love for Words! 

As part of learning, Birch class have been working hard on developing their language skills. We have looked closely at building a bank of words that could be used in their spoken vocabulary as well as for when they write. 


International Primary Curriculum

Our topic for this term was ‘Stories People Tell’.  We learned about myths and legends from around the world with a particular focus on Ancient Greece.

Smart Scientists

In science, we learned about the weather and seasons. Through virtual trips and hands-on exploration, we learned about the four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We investigated the features of each season by looking at how plants, animals and people adapt and take advantage of the changing seasons. We also thought about our favourite things to do each season.

We learned that weather can be measured and used tools to measure weather. We learned how the wind sock, wind vane, thermometer and rain gauge can help us measure weather. We also learned how weather can be represented using symbols.

Delectable Design and Technology with Mr Kralka 

Brilliant Birch and Wonderful Walnuts on their construction journey. 

We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own FISP Book Swap Box.  We measured, estimated and solved real-life problems and most importantly supported each other on our challenging carpentry mission. The children realised how important it is to measure and remeasure. They now know that only when certain should we cut.

Young designers and engineers learnt how to use a distance measuring wheel, string, rulers, measuring tape and their bodies in order to measure the different distances. Birch and Walnuts also practised drawing nearly perfect circles whilst using a string, pencil and a stick with the centimetre scale.

Fantastic work, Birch and Walnuts! You are our Design and Technology Dream Team.

Amazing Art

Historical – Ancient Greek Art

As part of our learning journey this term, we have closely looked at the Art produced in the time of the Ancient Greeks. We began by looking at the art found on pottery.


We discussed the types of images and colours found on a mixture of different pottery from this time period and compared it to pottery we have seen in today’s world. The children were then set the challenge of creating their own versions – first taking the time to carefully plan and design them based on pictures they had seen.

The class then took part in a clay workshop – molding and creating their pottery. The children thought of new inventive ways when recreating their designs onto the pottery.

The children then decorated their pottery in the colours that would have been used back in Ancient Greece. They took their time to layer the colours one by one.

Super Statues! 

The children continued to explore Ancient Greek expressions by creating their own statues. The class viewed and discussed different types of statues from this time period and then decided the type of statues they wanted to create. The class chose an early Greek style of statues that were very similar to the Egyptian style.

Our statue gallery:

Mythical Art

As part of our IPC topic, “Stories People Tell”, we listened to the story called “Tell Me a Dragon”. Then, we drew our own dragons. Fire dragons were quite popular!


Pandora’s Box

We also listened to the story of “Pandora’s Box” and created our own boxes. We filled our boxes with things and people that add joy to our lives. It was lovely to see the variety.

Groovy Geography

The children of Birch and Walnut have been learning about the different countries found in Europe. Once they had located them on the map, they were asked to label and colour them. We took our learning further by researching the capital cities of chosen countries.


In music, we learned to appreciate a variety of music types. We also learned to represent music using symbols such as the semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semi-quaver. Furthermore, we learned to respond to music by drawing what the music reminds us of.

Outdoor, Forest Exploration & P.E.

Forest exploration is a huge part of Forest International School.

We enjoyed learning to climb a tree.

We had fun jumping over a rope.

We enjoyed exploring the forest.

We cycled with our friends and even played with bubbles!

We played dodgeball and football.

Fabulous French

We continued to build our vocabulary in French, exploring everyday words that describe our habits and environments as well as some inter-disciplinary learning (IPC) in French.

Click on the links below for our learning in French.

Birch Class – Term 2 – 2021/2022

This term, we welcomed new friends into our class. We are incredibly happy to have you with us. We also said goodbye to a wonderful classmate who returned to Brazil. We will miss you! It’s been a wonderful three years with you at Forest International School.

Through a rich and diverse curriculum, we continued to make excellent progress during this term. We also sang, danced, played, explored, learned and enjoyed being together. The icing on our cake was our Christmas show where we all worked as a team to create the magic that was ‘Hey Ewe!‘ We hope that you enjoyed our production.

Marvellous Maths

This term, we learned to name two and three-dimensional shapes. We learned that 2D shapes are simply flat, drawn on a piece of paper while 3D shapes can be picked up. It was marvellous to discover shapes all around us; our favourite was the cylinder (with the action to go with it) ! We also applied our learning to create repeating patterns as well as 2D and 3D art.

Maths + Art = Mart. Can you spot the 2D shapes in our drawings?

Birchers also extended their understanding of place value to two-digit numbers up to twenty. We learned how ten ones make a ten, to count forwards and backwards between zero and twenty and write numbers in words. We also recapped our learning about addition and subtraction and are getting even better at adding and subtracting within ten!

Wonderful Words

This term, Birch class have continued to develop their writing skills and have begun to write for a purpose. The children have applied their reading and phonics skills to write longer sentences. They have also role-played scenes and created new characters to include in stories that they have already read. 

We have also been working on building our reading skills by exploring a range of books and playing games. This has helped us to become more independent learners. 

International Primary Curriculum

Our topic for this term was ‘Push and Pull’.  We learned about different forces and looked closely at how forces act upon an object. We also applied our learning to create art as well as engineering designs! Never forget the great scientist, Isaac Newton, who taught us about forces; we learned that forces are measured on newtons. This was such a fun and interactive topic for us.

Smart Scientists

In science, we learned about types of forces, the role of friction, gravity, speed and magnetism.  Through lots of hands-on learning and experiments, we built our understanding of forces all around us and their importance.

We focused on making hypotheses before an experiment, recording our results and drawing conclusions. We also tried our best to ensure that our tests were fair. We believe that that’s what smart scientists do.

It was a blast spotting things that we could push and pull at school.

We explored friction by spinning a spinning top on different surfaces. We learned that friction slows down motion and can makes things stop moving. Friction is more on rough surfaces compared to smooth ones.

Next, we performed experiments to see how far a marble rolls on slopes of different inclinations. We learned that steep slopes allow for higher speed.

We were walking in the air when we explored gravity. We learned that gravity pulls everything to the ground, but air resistance slows it down. Everything moving through air experiences some air resistance. Air resistance is more on wider things. Our small parachute dropped quickly, but our larger one floated for a bit longer.

We particularly enjoyed watching a sheet of paper “see-saw” to the ground as air resistance “wrestled” with gravity.

After that, we explored magnetism: understanding it to be a non-contact force, finding magnetic and non-magnetic items and noting how the poles of a magnet react to each another – attract and repel. We even built structures using magnetic tiles.

Paper airplane anyone? We learned about how the shape of an item can affect how it travels through air. Which paper airplane floats for the longest? Which one travels the furthest? We loved the speedy dart-shaped airplane and even made our own to take home!

Delectable Design and Technology

Stick Man with Mr Kralka 

Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Push and Pull’,  we measured, estimated and solved real-life problems. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own Stick man.  

The children read the story of the stick man and then drew their very own. They all had very different designs and were encouraged to share and discuss their ideas with each other before agreeing on the final version.

We estimated, measured, re-measured, sorted, cut and hammered different materials and now are very proud of our achievement. In order to accomplish our mission, we learnt how to use a variety of carpentry tools safely. We collected and sorted different natural materials to make each part of our stick man. 

The finished result was a stick man with a range of moving parts for all to play with when on the school playground.  In this task, we applied our understanding of pulleys to build a puppet from natural and up-cycled materials. Our stick man can shake your hand and kick a ball out of your hands.

Crazy about Christmas!

The children continued to develop their carpentry skills by applying them to creating and building their very own Christmas tree. Both Walnut and Birch classes were challenged to work as a team to create this Christmas masterpiece. 

Walnut class supported Birch class by taking the lead and ensuring that clear instructions were given throughout the task. Walnut children were asked to conduct a risk assessment as well as apply their knowledge and understanding of how these tools work. 

Once we had finished building our Christmas trees, they were proudly displayed at the entrance of the school for all to see. 

‘Hey Ewe!’Interdisciplinary Learning

Interdisciplinary learning extended well beyond the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Our whole-school drama production provided a rich opportunity to create art, sing to music, dance, create our own costumes and become sheep, wisemen and shepherds. We worked as a team and had a brilliant time together.

Design and Technology – Creating Angel and Sheep Costumes

We even learned to sew a bit.

Collaborative Art

We worked collaboratively to create backdrops for “Hey Ewe!” We also enjoyed drawing for pleasure. This magnificent face was drawn by a highly talented Bircher.

Music and Dance

“Hey Ewe” was rife with beautiful songs. Thank you to Ms Ida for helping us with our choreography and Ms Kareen for supporting us as we learned to sing for our play.


We practised our lines, actions and movements. It was interesting working with the whole school.

We hope that you enjoyed our performance on the 4th of December.

Forest Exploration

Forest exploration is a huge part of Forest International School. It is particularly rewarding for the children to enjoy free play in the forest. Birchers choose a variety of play types – social games, pretend games, climbing and simply exploring. We have made “fireplaces” out of sticks, swept our “living room” and learned about safety as we visited the woods.

Fabulous French

We continued to build our vocabulary in French, exploring everyday words that describe our habits and environments as well as some inter-disciplinary learning (IPC) in French.

Click on the link below for our learning in French.

Birch Class – Term 1 – 2021/2022

Birches are off to a fantastic start!

This term, we learned about ourselves and famous people from the past. As a class, we made new friends and built positive relationships. We recognised that we are all different and our uniqueness makes us even more special. 

Through a broad range of learning experiences, we made incredible progress during the autumn term. We also had lots of fun, evident in some of us saying that the school day is far too short!

Have a look at all that we accomplished this term.

This term we have been learning about ourselves and famous people from the past. As a class, we have made new friends and built new relationships. We have learnt that we are all different and that being different from one another is a good thing.

Math Magicians

Our focus this term was number. All our learning in Birch was highly hands-on! We used a variety of concrete materials to help us understand the value of numbers up to 20 and take our first steps towards addition and subtraction. We particularly enjoyed learning the doubles song to help us remember our doubles facts.

We learned to compare numbers using mathematical symbols and use a number line to identify one more and one less than given numbers within ten.

At this stage, most of our learning requires the use of concrete materials (including our fingers) in order to fully understand number. We have also begun to use pictorial representations to help us add and subtract. Furthermore, we enjoyed lots of game-based learning such as Bus Stop and this board game (below) for practising ways to make five.

Word Wizards

This term, Birch class has focused on building their vocabulary as well as their understanding of how words take on a special order within a sentence. The children completed sentence building activities by segmenting and blending words, cutting, ordering and finally sticking down each word to create a sentence.

Savvy Scientists

We learned around the theme ‘Amazing Plants’, in which we explored what plants are, their importance, as well as how they grow and adapt to their environments. We also celebrated Space Week and took a fabulous trip to Ferme de Gally!


To link with the theme ‘Amazing Plants,’ we learned about the parts of a plant, flowering and non-flowering plants, plant uses as well as how plants grow and adapt to less than ideal environments. Our learning was highly hands-on! We grew cress plants in the dark and light, then compared their growth: the ones in the dark had yellow leaves that sadly didn’t live long. However, our absolute favourite was making a model of the Venus Flytrap and snapping things up!

Exploring Plants: Parts, Types, Growth and Adaptations

We also explored our school for some uses of plants in our library, cloakroom and classroom.

Hunting for Things Made from Plants

We loved getting creative too! Check out our models of some plants that adapt to their environments.


During Space Week, we learned about the planets of our solar system. We also had a terrific time, working as a class to create their own model of our solar system.

Working with our Friends in the Walnut Class to Create a Model of our Solar System

As part of our space week, Birch class read the story ‘Whatever Next!’ The children were set the challenge of retelling and sequencing the story. First, we read and discussed the main points of the story.

From this, the children were given scenes from the story of ‘Whatever Next!’ and asked to order them when they appear in the story. We also took turns role-playing the main character and took him on an exciting new adventure.

Inspired by the book we had read. We created our own pictures of the moon.

Trip to Ferme de Gally

We had a wonderful time at Ferme the Gally. Choosing pumpkins was quite a task, and we got to pick and eat some apples. This was a wonderful link to our Amazing Plants topic as we picked roots (radishes), fruits (apples) and leaves (lettuce). We also spotted some stems (celery), but they were not yet ready to be harvested. Plants are incredibly important to us aren’t they?

Hard-working Historians

This term we have been learning about famous people from the past. We have looked closely at people that have made huge differences to mankind and the importance of their work.

We have also created our own timeline ordering significant events that have taken place throughout the history of our planet. Working as part of a team, we were set the challenge of placing these events in chronological order. We also learnt about the difference between BC and AD.

Superb Sport: Swimming / Forest Exploration

We have had a very busy term learning new swimming skills as well as how to stay safe when we are in the pool. Birch class took part in small group swimming sessions that enabled us to develop our skills as well as have a bit of fun.

We have great fun exploring the forest and our local environment. Walnut class joined Birch class for some afternoons and ventured into the forest together. We created our own games, role-play scenarios, build forts, went on long walks and investigated the forest floor.

We were particularly interested in spotting mushrooms. We also learned to stay safe when searching for mushrooms and that we may need a specialist to help us verify that a mushroom is edible.

Awesome Art / Design and Technology

We learned about inspirational artists, dipped our toes into felting and build an insect hotel. Through creativity, collaboration, resilience, critical-thinking and communication, we produced wonderful designs and products.

Magical Monet

As part of this terms Art programme, we have been learning about different artists throughout history. We learnt about the life and times of Monet and the importance of his work. We explored a range of different pieces Monet created and decided to create our own based on Monet’s ‘Water Lilies’.

Felting Project – Japanese bridge in Monet’s garden in Giverny 

The process of felting is very hands-on! The children have to tease the wool, layer it, apply hot water and soap and manipulate and mesh it together with their hands and feet as well as rolling pins.  

Inspired by the Impressionist painter Claude Monet, Birch and Walnut classes decided to recreate the Japanese bridge in Monet’s garden in Giverny.  

The felting piece was made from fine merino wool, additional felt pieces to make the lily pads and coarser rare-breed wool for the hanging willow and to bring added texture.  

By using sheep wool, soap, mesh, boiling water and tender hands, the children created this felting piece that represents their interpretation of the famous painting.  

Insect Hotel

Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Flowers and insects’,  we measured, estimated and solved real-life problems. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own Insect Hotel. 

The children drew their very own and very different designs, and then shared their ideas with each other before agreeing on the final version. We estimated, measured, re-measured, sorted, cut and hammered different materials and now are very proud of our achievement.

In order to accomplish our mission, we learnt how to use a variety of carpentry tools safely. We collected and sorted different natural materials to make each room comfortable. Different habitats are organised to welcome our future guests, and we will be observing their behaviour as soon as they arrive. The Insect Hotel welcomes all the mini-beasts and one-meter social distancing does not need to be respected.  

Our Finished Insect Hotel

Marvellous Music

We enjoyed learning about pitch, singing and responding to music by playing our chosen instruments. We also enjoyed noticing the dynamics and mood of a musical piece.


Expressing our Understanding of Musical Dynamics

Fantastic French

We learned about the French culture, some everyday French language and some inter-disciplinary learning (IPC) in French.

Everyday French with Ms Christine

We enjoy a variety of French lessons around our core interdisciplinary topics as well as everyday knowledge.

Click on the link below for our learning in French.

French IPC (inter-disciplinary learning with Ms Joanna)

Click on the link below to see all that we have been learning about.


We an excitingly spooky time creating halloween crafts, designing and decorating a pumpkin and participating in a range of activities planned by the older children and our wonderful Parents Association.

Pumpkin Carving

Halloween Afternoon

Birchers enjoyed Trunk and Treat, an escape room, treasure hunt, knock-em-down games, tic-tac-toe and even got a wonderful lesson in making their own gnashers! Thank you to everyone who organised this incredible afternoon.