Birch Class Term 4 2020/21

This term our topic was “The Exciting Egg Project”. We have been learning about the development of a chicken. As part of our learning journey, we had the opportunity to watch the development firsthand. From eggs in the incubator to fully formed chickens in their coup.

Pre-Term Learning

Before the term began we were set the challenge of gathering information about the life cycle of a chicken. Using the information we had collected we were then asked to present our findings to support others learning of this topic.


We read the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. As a class, we then discussed the main features of the story and how it would make us feel if we were the Little Red Hen. From this, we were set the task of sequencing the story and then asked to write the repeated vocabulary that appeared in the story.

What happens next?….

We read the story ‘Egg drop’ and followed the adventure taken by the egg who was desperate to fly. As a class, we discuss different endings of what could have happened to the egg if things worked out differently.

The success criteria for this session was to write full sentences about what happened to the egg. To complete this part of the task we use cartoon strips to support our writing of what happens next.

Comic books

We took our writing one step further by creating our own comics based on ‘Egg drop’ and ‘The Little Red Hen’. First, the class was given the scenario of the egg falling through the sky. What could be inside the egg? Could it be something other than a chick? The second scenario was that the Little Red Hen found something other than seeds. Thinking about those different stories we created our own comics. With some amazing and magical results!

It’s a chick life!

We learnt about the day by day development of the chick embryo. During this time we closely observed the changes happening inside the egg and drew them as accurately as possible onto a grid sheet.

We learnt about the life cycle of a chicken and each stage of a chickens development. Once we had completed the cycle we were challenged to write about each step in detail.

We then used our new knowledge of the life cycle of a chicken and used it to support the learning of others. Birch class lead a workshop for Maple class. We had great fun helping others learn all about chickens!

Magical Maths!

In order to become familiar with standard measures, pupils began to use measuring tools such as a ruler, weighing scales and containers. They measured objects which are familiar with. For example, their desks, whiteboard, chairs, even the class!

Pupils used and compared different types of quantities and measures using non-standard units and manageable common standards units.


Related to our Egg-Exciting project, they could explore different types of eggs and put their knowledge into practice measuring and comparing the weight of several bird eggs, such as chicken, duck, goose.

One of the goals of the maths curriculum is to identify and recognise numbers, as well as to know how to read them. For this reason, Birch class worked to achieve that objective by playing BINGO.

The whole class spent time reading and recognising numbers from 0 to 100!! It was great fun!

We have to thank all the families for their support in proving us with plastic bottles in order to create the Baobab Tree for the school.

We have undertaken a competition, which consisted of knowing who was capable of collecting the most plastic bottles. Then, they collected and represented all data by making use of their knowledge about pictograms and graphics. As can be seen below, this is the diagram done in Birch class (each picture represent one pupil).

Amazing Scientists!

This term, we focused on “Electricity”.

According to the curriculum, this topic is introduced in upper years; however, we wanted to start with the foundations to understand electricity. It is crucial content, as well as complex to understand. For this reason, it is important to start from the beginning, by using first-hand practical experience and secondary sources of information such as books and videos.

As the entry point, the pupils were surprised with an authentic “MAGIC Plasma Ball”, which allowed the introduction of “Electricity”.

Through this surprising experience, we started to explore different components of a simple electrical circuit, and we ended up doing a brainstorm about “What would you like to know about electricity?”. It is important to encourage them to be curious and ask questions about what are they observing.


Birch class learned about the safety measures that are necessary when working with electricity. By pairs, they designed posters to warn others pupils of the school from the possible dangers of using it. Then, we hung them around the school, in order to spread our message.

Learning by playing!

They created a memory game about the electrical components of a simple electric circuit. Also, they went to the “Electric zone” placed in Walnut class, and they tried to find those components. In this way, they could observe, manipulate and experiment with the learning topic.

What do these circuits do? Can you make a bulb light up?

Birch class has been learning the components of an electric circuit: lightbulb, battery, wires and switch. Pupils were provided with a box of several electrical components. By exploring them, they started testing different ways to built a circuit. For example, a circuit without a battery, a circuit with only one wire, wires connected in different ways, …

Following the motto: Learn by trial and error, self-discovery. The class discovered things about the crucial components that make a circuit work. They also learnt about how to connect them to make the electricity flow.

Once they had learnt how to make a bulb light up, they represented their ideas on a drawing basing on the circuit created.

Switch on / switch off

After exploring and seeing different types of switches, they applied their knowledge to build a simple electrical circuit. They had to make two circuits: one with the switch on and the other with the switch off. They were then asked to answer the question: What is going to happen in each circuit?

In this way, they had to recognise and identify the proper electrical components: light bulb, switch, wires and battery. Then, Birch class connected them appropriately using wires. Finally, based on their experience, they could answer the previous questions using their words and observations.

Absolute Artists!!

Birch class designed posters about “Safety commandments” to make other pupils aware of the dangers of using electricity. Both Birch and Walnut classes worked together on this project. They were encouraged to share ideas and knowledge from Science lessons along with combining their artistic skills.

Once signs were made, pupils hung them at specific points in order to be visible and useful.

We learnt about chickens, eggs, … in a cross-curricular way. From IPC, they have seen the cycle life of a chicken. In Science, the basic electrical components, such as motor, battery, bulbs and wires. Birch class then applied all this knowledge in the creation of a mock-up of an egg incubator, with the help of Walnut class.

Firstly, they started doing their sketch, drawing their ideal egg incubator, labelling the different components and also, deciding the design.

The last term in Maths’s subject, they learned about “2D and 3D Shapes”. In this activity, they have had the opportunity to show what they remembered about Geometry making handmade nests.

They managed to do it by working independently, measuring the sticks to obtain the desired shape and taking into account the space they had.

Let’s help save the World!

As part of our topic learning, we have been looking closely at what we can do to reduce, reuse and recycle as a school and as individuals. First, we read a book about what we could do to help the planet as individuals.

From this, we discussed what to do at school and home to save the planet and preserve the environment around us. As a class, we made a list of all the things that are important to do. We were then set the challenge of creating our own posters that are detailed and present a clear message of what you can do to help the environment.

Caring for the chicks

This term, we have been lucky enough to watch closely the development of a chicken, from an egg to hatching. During this time, the classes from around the school have taken turns in looking after the chickens and ensuring that they continue to stay strong and healthy.

Forest Adventures!

This term we have had some fantastic adventures in the forest from cycling to exploring, role-playing to climbing trees.

French IPC

This term in French IPC Birch and Walnut have learnt lots of amazing things. Please read all about it in the document attached.

French Sessions

This term, Birch class have continued to develop their language skills and apply them to new tasks. Please read all about their learning journey this term below.