Elm focused on poetry this term, specifically poetry about water and rivers. Two of the poems talk about water’s journey from the hills and valleys down to the ocean, and Elm explored the poetic techniques used to create particular effects, the moods expressed and possible underlying messages.
The class learned by heart ‘The River’ by Sara Teasdale, a poem full of emotion and imagery, ostensibly about a river’s journey to the sea but open to interpretation as to its reflections on human experience.
Alongside ‘The River’ Elm read ‘The Brook’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson, a similar subject with a very different mood and theme. The class reflected on how language, imagery and rhythm and rhyme contribute to mood, comparing the wistful sadness of ‘The River’ to the jaunty cheerfulness of ‘The Brook’.
The class continued reading Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. They followed the travelling companions Phileas Fogg and Passepartout on their action-packed journey and observed how the characters of these two very different men are revealed as they face various situations and setbacks and dramatic adventures over the course of this classic story.

Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont étudié et approfondi plusieurs notions:
en grammaire: voix passive/voix active, formes et types de phrases, différents types de textes.
en conjugaison: le présent de l’impératif, le présent du conditionnel, écrire un récit au présent simple/ au passé, les valeurs de l’imparfait et du passé simple.
en orthographe: terminaison en -é/-er/-ez, insérer un dialogue dans le récit.
en vocabulaire: les caractéristiques et le vocabulaire de l’univers du voyage et du registre de l’aventure, s’initier à un débat (arguments et contre-arguments).
en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “Le printemps” et une de leur choix.
en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:
- Le Lion de Joseph Kessel ou Vendredi ou la vie sauvage de Michel Tournier

2 dictées préparées ont été faites
4 évaluations ont été effectuées.
This term, Elm class worked hard on recalling the Spanish concepts they learned in term 4, such as parts of the house, house furniture and objects, parts of the body, and colours. This review allowed us to move forward to term 5, where we analyzed a Valencian art piece by Joaquin Sorolla and explored one of the most famous aquariums in Valencia, the “Oceanografic.” We also covered reflexive verbs and the activities we do before going to school, along with related verbs and vocabulary. Overall, Elm had a productive term. Well done!
This term, Elm class built their confidence and knowledge of key programming constructs. The unit provided the students with the opportunity to expand their understanding of sequencing, variables, selection, operators, and other concepts on Scratch. Students recalled how to program a character to ask the right questions and code it to respond. Overall, it was a rewarding term.
Coding and Programming workshop
This term, during their Robotics and programming lessons, Elm class divided their time between continuing their learning on Scratch, coding and programming, and designing and working on Sim Lab on Tinkercad. They split their efforts between coding “Big Ed” to ask the right questions and designing a moving target. Despite being beginners on Sim Lab at first, they progressed quickly and accomplished more complicated tasks. Well done !
3D Design and Technology
This term in 3D Design, Elm class started the term by designing a football stadium on Tinkercad. Then students discovered the Sim Lab on Tinkercad. Sim Lab allowed them to add gravity and materials to their 3D designs. As soon as they hit play, objects moved based on their characteristics and the effects of gravity. Learners designed a launcher, a launcher with a basketball rink, a marble run using boba straws and a moving target. The students had fun and learnt a lot. Well done!
Mathematics and so much more
So you dived into Algebra,
&those twisted linear equations.
Solved ratio problems,
That gave your brain hesitations.
Solved some Maths riddles,
For Le concours Archimede.
And with all that Maths H/W,
I probably drove you quite mad.
What a year it has been, indeed.
You laughed, cried & disagreed.
Most importantly tried to mould yourself,
Into humans you desire to be.
You have made your Christmas candles,
& pressed with the Hydraulic Press.
Knew how to tidy your classroom,
But at times you left a mess.
Went around the world with, Jules Verne in 80 days.
Programming & Robotics,
During those project Wednesdays.
Keep it ‘REAL’ Elms,
No need to be IRRATIONAL.
Unless you get that
Olympic Escape games

Summer Trip 2024

Sports Day

Relay and sprinting,
And then tug of war.
Bundles of determination and team spirit,
During the Sports Day that we saw.
High and long jump,
And then potato sack race.
Joy and resilience was painted,
Was painted all over your face.
You did your best and so did all your parents.
Should be given tons of respect,
Glass of champagne and plenty of credits.
They did their best& pushed it to the limit.
But your teachers won the relay race,
Your eyes were wide open & you did see it.
Respect and Friendship,
and a bit of that Excellence.
Should be with you all your life,
Don’t be shy & apply it with elegance.
All the best B+W+O+E students,
You did your best,
Have bundles of fun
and well deserved rest.
Art Auction and Summer Fete

And then B+W+O+E,
created some ART,
They really got creative,
and it was also SMART.
Felted Monet’s Bridge,
& wilted sunflowers.
Felted Jazz & Starry Night,
Were nicely added to the
Art Auction Catalogue.
For our Parents to admire,
and enjoy with delight.