Maple class, term 5

Children starting the term by decorating the walls with flowers made out of dried flower petals!

Tops and bottoms

Children learning about where vegetables and fruits grow: Under the ground, over the ground or up trees.


Children learnt about what plants need in order to grow. They learnt the song “the farmer plants the seed” by doing the role play of the song and by sequencing it by drawings. They also made their own watering cans for watering their growing potatoes! This term they also planted flowers.

Bees, butterflies and pollination

The children learnt about the butterfly life cycle and butterfly yoga! The children were excited to learn about how bugs and bees pollinate our nature and help our vegetables and fruits grow. Children also made a bee-house together! They made lots of arts and crafts related to butterflies, beehives and flowers using different techniques and materials such as pasta, dried flower petals, bubble wrap, fork painting, stamping with toilet paper rolls, duplos and more.

Butterfly museum

Children made a field trip to the Butterfly House in La Queue-le-Yvelines! They would observe real butterflies, but they also got to see real caterpillars and cocoons.

Flowers and fruits

The children learnt about flowers and fruits that grow all over the world, including in their home countries. They loved learning about flowers while playing the flowers memory game together! They also learnt about the parts of a tree and about trees that bare fruits. The weather and the climate affects where different types of fruits can grow! Children tried to plant their own apple tree on the school back yard 😊

Mother´s day

The children got bring their mothers a special gift this year: dandelion salve and daisy oil. They got to be a part of the process preparing and extracting the flowers making the oils themselves.

Canvas art and pasta painting

The children were experimenting with pasta and colours and made some individual paintings but also a class canvas. Children would also do sensory play with numbers with the remaining spaghetti to work on number recognition (math).

Painting a sensory rain forest

The children were painting a sensory rain forest for their role play with jungle animal figurines.

Mix and “maths”!

This term the children were involved in different math topics. We continued to learn about numbers from 20-30. Children learnt about numbers through outdoor chalk games, making spagetthi numbers and the number chase activity with the big bee.

They also began to learn about measuring and comparing length. They got  introduced to the clock and continued practicing their understanding of the concept of time by discussing daily routines and practicing remembering the months of the year. They learnt to make their own patterns by movement games and by images, in order to support their skills in sequencing.

Children learnt about adding and taking away through summer activities such as counting in sand with marbles and shells. They were practicing these skills also by playing other types of interactive games such as spider math addition game and addition with dominoes. Children learnt their math through pirate games, nature-matching and memory games. Counting in two´s with towers and pictures of two (memory game cards). Lot´s of progress was made in math this term, good work.

Counting in two´s

Learning about subtraction with the pirate: How many coins did the pirate steal from you?

Learning about numbers 20-30

Literacy and phonics

This term, we have been applying all of our knowledge and understanding of Phonics to writing. We began with practicing writing familiar tricky words and started to move onto simple sentences.

These activities enable us to practice our pencil control and letter formation. This also re-enforces the letters and sounds that we have learnt.

We have been learning about the world around use and the animals, insects and habitats that surround us when we are at school. As a class we read a range of different stories relating to animals and their habitats and discussed why they are best for certain animals.

As part of our reading we learnt about a range of animals that we would see or find in the area of the school. We speak about what would make a comfy bed for them and decided to make a bed for a hedgehog.

As part of our learning we read a story about birthdays and a list that the characters make for their friends and family of things that they would like for their birthday. We discussed this as a class them created our own lists.

We read a range of different stories this term and developed our understanding of how a story is made and the order a story follows for it to make sense.

We were given a story in a mixed order and set the challenge of putting it into the correct order. From this, we were asked to retell the story using our sequenced pictures.

Show and tell

Children would take an item or an art work made at school and present it to friends. They got to practice asking and answering questions.

Windmill origami !


Oh, how fun it was to begin swimming again! Children were learning about being comfortable in the water and they also learnt about basic water safety and keeping themselves afloat in water by different types of games and exercises.

Science day

The children got to be a part of science day where they would learn about science experiments conducted by the upper classes. They got to present their butterfly life cycle yoga routine and their work, too!

Fieldtrip to the science museum in Paris

French with Christine

French and french IPC with Marie

Have a great summer !!!