French (Intermediate group with Christine)
During this period, we mainly talked about Health through Humanitarian aid. Different possibilities are offered to those who want to help, and this is what we discovered throughout the lessons.
We started this session with the case of students discussing between themselves on how to organize a fundraiser for the organization “Les Restos du Cœur” which gives food to people in need. We then spoke about “Emmaüs”, a well-known association in France which collects second-hand objects and furniture. Students from Cedar, Elm and Oak, staged a comic (“La boom Humanitaire”) talking about how a group of friends decided to give out personal things to help this association.
In addition to that, we read and discussed about other documents talking about “Téléthon” which supports medical research and deals with first aid we can give when we are part of an accident.
This is an interesting subject which has given us once again the opportunity to see and practice the grammatical side of the language.
We also read different stories involving Inspector Omniberge, to develop reading skills and find the solution to the mysteries!
French (Advanced group with Marie)
Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de notre programme de français. Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour des différentes matières :
en grammaire: révision des natures et fonctions des mots, des compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière, de but, de moyen)
en conjugaison: l’impératif présent et le présent du conditionnel (avec révision des temps du passé)
en orthographe: la polysémie, les bases grecques et latines des mots, les homophones/homonymes et antonymes, les préfixes et les suffixes, noms génériques et noms particuliers
en mémorisation: 1 dictée a été faite et 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée
en poésie: création d’un poème pour la fête des mères et découverte d’un acrostiche à l’occasion de la fête des pères.
en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec la lecture du livre Le message d’Athènes d’Odile Weulersse puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.
1 évaluation a eu lieu pendant cette 5ème période.
French IMYC with Marie
Cette cinquième période a été consacrée au thème de “l’entreprenariat”.
Nous avons aussi abordé le thème des abeilles à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles (le 20 mai).
French IMYC Cedars with Joanna
This term the Cedar class learned the importance of the EU Erasmus + programme for education, training, youth and sport. They researched the history of this programme, the partner countries, the allocated budget etc. They also watched videos of university students from various European countries discussing their incredible experiences studying abroad and they were able to interview Ms. Stefania Gargioni who had the amazing opportunity of being an Erasmus student.
Cedar continued to examine texts for argument, evaluating the use of argument and persuasive techniques in a variety of forms. They looked at how to spot bias and faulty logic, and to know when their emotions are being targeted. They learnt how to spot a writer’s purpose and to recognise facts from opinions. At the end of term, the class returned to the novel they studied at the beginning of the year, The Alchemist by Paul Coelho, and tested their recollection and understanding of the book in an Escape Room challenge.

This term Cedar learnt about the weather, something we all have to put up with and which is increasingly a subject of interest given the effects of climate change. The class learnt that it is the sun that influences our weather as it heats the Earth, but not evenly. They learnt that ‘weather’ takes place in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, called the troposphere. The class made their own barometer to measure air pressure.
The Cedar class continued to work on the development of dictatorships in Europe, focusing on Nazi Germany as a case study. They continued to examine the persecutions of Jews and visited the Shoah Memorial as part of the Holocaust remembrance project founded by the Olga Lengyel Foundation. The students created a Padlet to present the outcomes of their museum visits and research, sharing it with their twinned class (Liceul “Preda Buzescu” in Berbesti, Romania). They also explored the work carried out by the Romanian students for the project.
Global Perspectives
During this term, the Cedar class learned the method of qualitative research. They conducted semi-structured interviews with teachers and parents in our school community about their experiences as foreigners settling in France. The students conducted these interviews as part of the “Europe in Schools” project, which is supported by the European Association of History Educators. As part of the project, the Cedar students had the opportunity to interact with a Global Perspectives class from Canisius College in the Netherlands and examine their work on migrations in that geographical area.
During this term, the Cedar students explored the works of the eclectic Irish painter Mary Swanzy, with a particular focus on her Cubist phase. The students studied Swanzy’s use of shapes and colors and created medium-sized canvases inspired by her art, representing elements of nature such as leaves, branches, and flowers.
Creative Writing and Drama Workshops
During this term, the Cedar class wrote and learned how to perform a short comedy script for the school’s summer show. In the creative writing workshop, the students collaboratively created a script, which they then performed and rehearsed in the drama class. They covered all elements of production, from backdrops to props.
Sailing Trip to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer
One week adventure so far away from home. Oak, Elms and Cedar pushed themselves to the limit, physically and mentally while kayaking, surfing and catamaraning. Young adventurers improved or learnt new skills but most importantly matured and became a little bit more independent.

Mathematics and “Young Entrepreneurs” Project
A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

Oak, Elm and Cedar visited Koezio , adventure park located in Cergy.
This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which partially have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

Gardening Project
Harvesting our own sweet peas and potatoes. Cucumbers and tomatoes will continue to grow over the summer.
Green Garden – Whole School collaborative project. Our second Eco-Ecole badge ‘Alimentation’.

End of year certificates of achievements and Les Concours de Archimedes (Mathematical games and enigmas)

Well done and all the best!
Enjoy your summer!
FISP Middle School Team