Elm Class, Term1, 2019/20


Calculating, measuring and understanding shapes 

During this unit, we solved two-step and three-step problems involving whole numbers, decimals and all four operations. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies and followed important steps: READ/UNDERSTAND/UNDERLINE/DRAW PICTURE TO ILLUSTRATE/CHOOSE OPERATION/CARRY OUT OPERATION while solving word problems. The children also practiced converting standard metric units mm-cm-m, ml-l and g-kg and then worked on solving one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions, percentages and decimals. The children learnt how to distinguish and draw acute, obtuse and reflex angles and then identified them in different triangles and 2D shapes. We practiced using a protractor to measure different angles to the nearest degree. We also worked on drawing simple 2D shapes and then visualized how to convert them into compound shapes. We then used simple formulae for calculating the Area and Perimeter of a square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle and trapezoid.

Elms worked on calculating the Interior and Exterior angles.

We learnt how to use a compass and the skills we gained were used to draw triangles where measurements were provided. The children solved different geometrical challenges and practiced drawing triangles when 3 sides or 1 side and 2 angles were provided.

Drawing circles and calculating a radius, diameter, circumference and area.


Felting Project

The process of felting is very hands-on! The children have to tease the wool, layer it, apply hot water and soap, manipulate and mesh it together with their hands and feet as well as rolling pins. Inspired by the Impressionist painter Claude Monet, Elm and Oak Classes decided to make the Japanese bridge in Monet’s garden in Giverny. The felting piece was made from fine merino wool, additional felt pieces to make the lily pads and coarser rare breed wool to make the hanging willow and added texture.

Science/Design and Technology

We discussed very important environmental issues and tried to do our part to make our world a better place. The children where shocked to find out that 55600 trees being destroyed every minute. We shared our ideas on why and how people use and waste plastic and don’t even think that they harm our environment. The children then rolled up their sleeves, used recycled materials and  created their own ‘water installation’.

‘Water installation’. Not content to leave our Maths skills in the realm of theory, we applied our knowledge to our science theme WATER! Elm class worked miracles and pumped out a series of practical demonstrations showing how water can be used and manipulated. We recreated a variety of pumps and learnt about how and why each was used. The construction was done in teams, starting with the design. We calculated, measured and constructed an Archimedis’ screw, Spiral Water Wheel, Sludge Pump and a Bucket Pump!

‘It does not fit!!!

What did I do wrong?

How do I correct my


‘Estimate and Measure

Try and try again!!!

Am I correct???

Do I need to check again?’

‘Can we draw it?

Can we make it?

Can we roll it?

Can we turn it ?

Can we stuck it?

Can we bend it ?

Can we crack it?’

FISP Science museum/OAK-ELM

Elms and Oaks had the amazing opportunity to present their constructions to their younger friends. They tried to explain and demonstrate how they work and where various pumps could be used in a real life setting. Oaks and Elms also encouraged our young Maples, Chestnuts and Birches to try to explore and experiment with some beautiful and very important inventions.

Science Museum:

-Archimedis’ screw

 -Spiral Water Wheel

 -Sludge Pump

-Water bottle/ Bucket Pump

And some previous exhibits:

-Vacuum cleaner

-Air blower

-Buzzing robot

-Eiffel tower maze

-Hydraulic bridge

-Hydraulic press

Sliding Puzzle /Pyrography project

FISP Newsletter – March 2019

Forest International School Paris logo on wood made by students.

The Chicken or the Egg?

During the first week back the children will have the opportunity to mire fertilised eggs in the incubator and discuss a variety of different subjects and themes related to growth, development, habitat and needs of chicken and eggs. Hatching should start in 2 weeks 🙂

We are a radio sensation !

A journalist came to the school during the holiday and interviewed us, as well as a few parents and students who came along. The theme was forest schools and the benefits of outdoor learning. It is clear to see that they are rare in France, however people are showing growing interest in different pedagogies. Here is the link (in French): http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20190301-enseigner-nature-ecole-ciel-ouvert

Bikes at school

Please remember to pick up your children’s bikes! We will be dismounting the green tent on the first week back.

Dates to remember

1) World book day : April 23rd

2) Event changes : The PA is now organising a picnic instead of its treasure hunt on June 1st .

Mastering the timetables

Please utilise the drive to school to help your children practice their timetables. Below is an article on why it is important for all children to master them perfectly: https://www.lawyerment.com/library/articles/Self_Improvement/Mind_and_Memory/102.htm

Sports Classes

Oak and Elm will start Padel classes once per week on Thursdays. Other classes will do ball sports and badminton. Please read the individual class curriculum newsletters for more details (coming out next week). Capoeira and swimming will start in May for all children.

FISP & gaming

Oak and Elm classes are developing an online game. So far, the children have been designing the story and creating the characters. In both terms to come they should finalise the preparation before the programming begins. Stay tuned for more news!

Hoola Hoops

Children have been asking us for new hoola hoops – children rejoice, they have just arrived 🙂

Field trips in preparation

The school is preparing for the week-long field trips end of May for primary and middle school. The children will be going either sailing or horseback riding – and it is going to be super exciting !!! If you have not registered your child yet, please send us an email.

Middle School Term 2 News

Elm Class, Middle School, Term 2 News and Updates. Academic Year 2018-2019.

Super Cycling Man

During this term, the Elm class children (Middle School) embarked on an adventure to find various creative people and situations. They tried to find the creativity within themselves and use it to the best of their abilities.

We studied biographies, information text, newspaper articles and books that inspired us in different ways. We found out how creativity can lead to some important discoveries and tried to use the creativity on a daily basis. The children had a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate their creative side while making costumes, dancing, singing, creating props and performing on the stage during our Christmas Show.

Linked to IMYC/Geography, the children found out about similarities and differences between particular localities and discussed numerous environmental issues involved. We were inspired by Rob Greenfield and Will Hodson, and impressed by the work that they do to help people while tackling important issues.

Linked to IMYC/Chemistry, we discovered and discussed the history of soap making, aromatherapy and how perfumes were invented and used in the past.