Engaging our students in the captivating adventure of “Around the World in 80 Days” by Jules Verne has been a truly enriching experience. As they follow the intrepid Phileas Fogg and his faithful companion Passepartout on their whirlwind journey around the globe, students are not just reading a classic novel – they’re embarking on an exhilarating literary voyage that spans continents and cultures.
Through in-depth discussions, thought-provoking activities, and insightful analysis, students are delving deep into the themes and messages hidden throughout the story.
As students traverse the globe alongside Fogg and Passepartout, they’re gaining valuable insights into geography, history, and global interconnectedness. They’re learning about diverse cultures and customs, broadening their perspectives, and developing a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human experience that spans the globe.
French with Joanna
This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig & Zag who took us to visit a Parc Zoologique where we learned the names of different wild animals, their characteristics, their natural habitat etc. We found out which animals were mammiferes/reptiles/oiseaux/poissons and their diet (carnivores/végétariens/omnivores). We learned that certain animals were in danger and why (because of climate change/poachers/deforestation etc). We also learned a poem about ‘le printemps’ which the students read out perfectly.
French with Marie
Durant cette quatrième période, les élèves ont étudié et approfondi plusieurs notions:
en grammaire: révisions de la phase simple et la phrase complexe, juxtaposition/coordination/subordination
en conjugaison: relation entre imparfait et passé simple, le subjonctif présent,
en orthographe: accord de l’attribut du sujet et du participe passé. bien ponctuer un texte et 2 dictées préparées et notées.
en vocabulaire: les caractéristiques et le vocabulaire de l’univers médiéval et du registre épique.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “L’hiver” et une de leur choix.
en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:
- Tristan et Yseult texte intégral

3 évaluations ont été effectuées.
French Topic with Joanna
This term we focused on the theme “Gaspillage Alimentaire” (food waste). We watched part of a France TV5 documentary called ‘Gaspillage Alimentaire N’en Jetez Plus’ where the students learned about French startups that are doing amazing innovative work in trying to reduce food waste in various ways. We focused our interest on two French companies in particular: ‘Smartway-Zéro Gâchis’ & ‘Finisterestes29’. One has developed a company that works with big supermarket chains (Carrefour, Auchan, E.Leclerc, Leader Price…) to avoid wasting foods that are arriving at their use-by-date with special ‘food waste’ sections in stores with discounts and another sells crates of fruit & vegetables to customers at low prices because they are rejected by big supermarket chains because of their ‘calibre’ (dimensions, slight defects).

Exploring the intricate web of the triangular trade with our Elm students has been an eye-opening and thought-provoking journey. As they dig deep into the historical realities of this complex system of commerce, students are not just studying events of the past – they’re grappling with the lasting impacts and legacies that continue to shape our world today.
Through in-depth discussions, research projects, and immersive learning experiences, Elms are unraveling the layers of the triangular trade, tracing the flow of goods, people, and ideas across continents and oceans. They’re gaining a deeper understanding of the economic, social, and cultural dynamics that drove this triangular exchange, from the demand for labor in the Americas to the desire for luxury goods in Europe and the exploitation of resources in Africa.

Embarking on a journey through the maze of geometry, students ventured into the captivating world of two and three-dimensional shapes, armed with pencils, rulers, compasses, protractors and minds eager for exploration. Students dived into calculations of volume and surface area, unlocking the secrets hidden within each shape’s dimensions. With precision, like experienced architects, Elms traced the paths of perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors (and yes, we know that we have to show our construction lines), eagerly constructing equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles.
Food Revolution

So this is what Oak & Elm,
During the Food Revolution ate.
What a week it has been,
But we had so many delightful things on our plate (s).
We’ve chopped some veg,
And they were delicious.
Yes, they were organic,
So don’t be suspicious.
Some were pretty and some were ugly,
Zero waste we’ve decided.
Need to enjoy them all,
And cherish what mother nature provided.
Yes, we remembered about salad,
Salad is nutritious.
We’ve put our chefs’ heads together,
And it was quite delicious.
Red pepper & chorizo pizza,
& revisited those eggs Benedict.
They were quite tasty,
As one could predict.
Red berries smoothies,
& chicken tikka masala with rice.
It was a bit spicy,
But was very nice.
Banana bread,
and scrumptious avocado chocolate cake.
You should try it one day,
what Oak and Elm can make.
Tomato+ garlic bruschetta, green salad,
and Mexican fajitas wrap.
Filip’s hands were busy,
But if he could, he would clap.
Roasted veg & chicken nugget,
What an experience it has been!
So many stories to tell,
But where do I begin?
Creative Writing Workshop
Engaging students in a creative writing workshop centered around the mischievous antics of ‘King Kong’, the harmonious melodies of a ‘Monkey symphony’, and the hilarious escapades of a ‘Cheeky monkey stealing a camera’ has been an adventure in itself. As they let their imaginations run wild, students are not only developing their writing skills but also unleashing their creativity in ways that are both imaginative and entertaining.
In our writing workshop, students have been tasked with imagining themselves in the shoes (or giant paws) of these playful primates, crafting diaries and stories that transport readers to worlds filled with adventure, humor, and heart. From the towering heights of the Empire State Building to the bustling streets of the jungle, their stories are a testament to the boundless possibilities of imagination.
Through guided writing prompts, brainstorming sessions, and peer feedback, students are not only exploring the storytelling but also developing important literary skills such as character development, plot structure, and descriptive language. They’re learning to craft narratives that engage the reader’s imagination and evoke emotions, while also developing their ability to express themselves creatively.
This term, Elm class had a productive and enlightening term in which they learned how to write various programs in Micro:bit with the goal of creating games. In this process, they utilized a pedometer, accelerometer, timer, conditional statements, variables, lists, among other tools. They showcased their creative side by incorporating music as well. The projects they engaged in were:
*Sensitive Step Counter
*Rock Paper Scissors
*Hot Potato
*Coin Flipper
*Tug of War
*Head Guess
*7 Seconds

3D Design and Technology
At the beginning of the term, Elm class completed their Art project, which included their own interpretation of Banksy’s mocking of Claude Monet in a painting. Next, pupils designed castles from the 11th to 16th century, incorporating elements such as a tower, an enclosed courtyard, rooms (chapel, kitchen, living quarters), as well as secret passages, escape routes, and gatehouses. These designs were detailed and reflected the amount of work and hours they put into their projects. By the end of the term, students designed a solution for a specific real-life problem, demonstrating their consideration for their client and their needs. Well done, Elm!

Coding Project
This term, Elm class continued to focus on Circuits on Tinkercad. Students completed a variety of projects, including how to blink an LED using Arduino’s digital output, composing a simple program to light up the LEDs in a pattern, and composing a simple program to change the color of the LED. By the end of the term, they accomplished reading a potentiometer and used a serial monitor for the first time.

This term, Elm class had a hard-working term during which we focused on names and members of the family, possessive adjectives, physical characteristics of people, parts of the body, parts of the house, and names of related objects. They described their families, learned adjectives related to people’s personalities and physical characteristics, both about them and other students in school. They could easily relate to these concepts and talk and write about them. Elm class is showing that they want to keep developing their Spanish skills and are doing well.
Forest Challenges and Team building activities
Participating in forest challenges and team-building activities has been an interesting and rewarding experience for our students. Not only have they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, but they’ve also developed essential life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Throughout these adventures, students have learned the importance of communication, cooperation, and most importantly trust in themselves and in their peers. Whether navigating through obstacle courses or working together to solve riddles, they’ve discovered the power of teamwork in overcoming challenges. Moreover, the forest challenges have provided a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Students have pushed themselves outside of their comfort zones and embraced new experiences. As a result, they’ve emerged more confident, resilient, and adaptable individuals.