This term we took advantage of the sunny weather and made the most of our learning outside. The children had the opportunity to learn, explore and discover the world around us and learnt about all living things: plants, animals and humans and how they all need a home, a ‘habitat’. A habitat can be huge like the ocean or small like a leaf.

Magnificent Maths
This term, we introduced the concepts of “multiplication and division” by learning the skills
of grouping, counting in groups and equal sharing.
We explored the patterns of the two, five and ten times tables in a range of real-life contexts and begin to solve and to generate simple puzzles and
number stories.
Taking our learning further, we learned about fractions and how to identify “whole”, “half” and “quarter”. We worked hard to find halves and quarters of objects, shapes and quantities.
Birch class also teamed up with Maple class to make playdough together and we used it in our fraction lessons.
In maths, we also learnt about position and direction and practised different movements including whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns.
Birch class learnt to sequence events in chronological order, use language related to dates and begin to tell the time on an analogue clock.
We gained confidence in counting, reading and writing numbers up to 100. We played games and sang songs.
Loquacious Literacy
This term, Birch have continued to develop their phonic knowledge and apply it to different areas of their learning. We focused on blending and segmenting words that we were familiar with and then applied this to learning new words.
Phonic work
The class then experimented with their new vocabulary when playing games or exploring the local area. It was great fun the use new words and listen to them in sentences.
Birch class have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities that have helped them to grow in confidence when speaking aloud to the class.
Show and Tell
The class then applied their new skills when working with others. As part of our learning this term we were asked to become the teachers and support the children that we wouldn’t normally speak with. The class decided to make playdough with Maple class. This encouraged the children to develop their speaking skills further.
They have also worked towards developing their writing skills and are able to use the vocabulary learnt through reading and games to write short sentences.
Descriptive writing
As a class we read a range of different tales that used great setting descriptions. From this we created word banks of words that would help us to describe a setting. Once we had done this the children were set the challenge of writing a setting description using the words they had collected.
International Primary Curriculum
Savage Science
In science, we learned about living things and their habitats. We explored the school grounds and the forest looking for examples of food chains.
We talk about food chains and role play the interdependence between creatures in a chain, considering what part each plays in its survival.
After that, we explored the natural environments of organisms: Habitats, such as the desert, the polar regions, the rainforest, the savannah and the deep ocean, but we focused our learning in the forest habitat.
We created our own forest habitat by drawing a poster and we learnt that the forest is an important part of the environment because it acts like lungs of the earth as it helps in the purification atmosphere and water. We discovered that it also provides shelter and food to the living organisms like animals, plants, and microbes.

Dynamic Design and Technology with Mr Kralka
In Design and Technology projects, Birch Class has had the opportunity to extend
their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques while completing
our FISP Book swap Box.
The children were always eager to get on with the project straight away and
demonstrated precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw and now know
how to use them safely. Birch Class designed their own blueprint for the Puppet
Theatre and then investigated with the different sticks in order to agree on the
measurements of each side.

Linked to our “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” theme in IPC, We investigated with
the different electric components, discussed their role and then constructed our own
drawing robot out of recycled materials. Our robot was then busy creating one of
the masterpieces that were displayed on the art auction. Birch Class also designed
their own buzzing-drawing robot and it was keen to add its own finishing touches
to the painting. What a Fantastic Year Birch Design Team. You have learnt so
many new skills and thoroughly enjoyed working collaboratively on ‘Stick Man’,
‘Insect Hotel’, ‘Mathematical Christmas tree’, ‘Drawing robot’, ‘Wooden toys’,
blueprint for ‘Puppet Theatre’ and ‘FISP Book swap box’ projects and I am very
proud of your achievements.

Pony Trip
This term Birch and Walnut took a trip to a Pony Camp. This was the first time for some spending a few days away from home. The children were amazing! they learnt new skills, made new friends and developed their independence.
First, we met at the train station and all got ready to take our long trip. It was a fun journey as we played games and spoke with friends. We couldn’t wait to arrive at our camp!
When we arrived we took part in a welcome presentation were we learnt about the different types of activities we would be taking part in over the next couple of days. We also learnt about the different types of ponies that live at the camp.
We learnt how to care for the ponies as well as all the important safety rules that needed to be followed when working with the ponies.

Show and Tell
This term, the children have worked on developing their speaking and listening skills. They have been given the opportunity to bring into school an object of importance to share and discuss it with both classes.
Super Swimming
This term, we continued with our swimming lessons and had the opportunity to further develop our skills and learn more about water safety. We practised the common strokes such as crawl, breaststroke and backstroke. We also tried to grab objects from the bottom of the pool and played different games. We had so much fun!

Summer Fête
What an amazing day we had at our summer fete! The whole school took part in an amazing performance in the forest.

Sports Day
We had an amazing day at sports day!
First we prepared poster to cheer up our teams! We took part in a range of different sports and gained points for our teams.
We learnt about team work and good sportsmanship.

Forest Exploration & P.E.
Forest exploration is a huge part of Forest International School.
As always the forest is a good opportunity to explore, run, climb and play! They improved their fine and gross motor skills, as well as, bonds with their classmates. Pupils used their imagination of being in amazing places, in the rainforest, desert,… playing different roles explorers, hunters,… by using objects found in the forest they developed their imagination and creativity.
In PE we played so many new games such as “polis y cacos”, “spyder”, “el pañuelo” or “el pistolero”. We learnt the importance of playing and competing as a team and that no matter the result, the point is to have fun and always try your best.

Fascinating French
We continued to build our vocabulary in French, exploring everyday words that describe our habits and environments as well as some inter-disciplinary learning (IPC) in French.
Click on the links below for our learning in French.