Chestnut Class: Term 5 – 2024

We had such an amazing time during Term 5, it really was a great way to end the school year. We had lots of quality time together and we got to enjoy many activities and memorable experiences together! We participated in various eco projects, fostering a greater appreciation for the environment. Our adventures extended beyond the classroom with two class trips, one to WOW Safari and one to Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. We prepared a wonderful performance for the Summer Fête, showcasing our creativity and teamwork. Our learning journey continued in the forest, where we engaged in fun and educational activities. We were thrilled by a visit from Arthur, an alumnus now competing in the Paralympics, who shared his achievements with us. We ended the school year on a high note with Sports day and a visit from the circus.

Eco projects

Recycle and Reuse:
Our long-term project centered around the concept of using old paper to make new sheets of paper. It was a profound learning experience in which the students explored and experimented with various materials like egg cartons, newspapers, and regular paper. The children had the opportunity to get creative and they learned so much about the different properties and potential uses of these everyday items. We experimented with mixing colours and observed how some colours dyed the paper better than others. It was also a great sensory activity, as the different materials mixed with water made for very interesting texture with which the children could experiment. Each session brought a new discovery and a unique piece of art, showing just how resourceful and imaginative they could be when given the chance to repurpose what might otherwise be considered waste. We highlighted the ecological component of this project; for that reason we thoroughly discussed the importance of using creative ways to reduce our everyday waste. We talked about the fact that paper comes from trees and that we need trees in our planet so that we can have lots of oxygen to breathe. We demonstrated to the children that by recycling and reusing our paper we can help the planet and save trees.

Recycling and reusing food:
We also embraced sustainability by recycling and reusing old bread and transforming it into a delicious treat. Using simple ingredients like vanilla, cinnamon, oat milk, and eggs, we created a delightful bread pudding. To add a festive touch, we decorated the treat with food colouring to make our bread pudding look like the French flag. This activity not only allowed us to minimise food waste but also showcased our creativity and culinary skills. The result was a tasty and visually appealing dish that we got share with the Maple class, highlighting the importance of resourcefulness and sustainability in our daily lives.

Eco art project:
Our contribution to the art auction for the Summer fête this year also reflected the principles of our eco project. We used an old canvas and transformed it into a vibrant rainbow masterpiece. Earlier this year, we explored the colors of the rainbow, and the Chestnuts class demonstrated a keen interest in this fascinating topic. As we assembled our rainbow, it was truly a joy to see it come to life before our eyes. This project also provided us with an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into colour theory and understand how colours contrast and complement each other.

We planted zucchini and lettuce in our garden table as part of our educational activities. The students actively participated in planting and nurturing these vegetables, learning about the process of gardening and the needs of different plants. To complement our project, we read storybooks such as “The Gigantic Turnip” and “Oliver’s Garden,” which sparked discussions about teamwork, patience, and the joys of gardening.

Oliver's Vegetables Barefoot Books The Gigantic Turnip: 9781905236589: Tolstoy,  Aleksei, Sharkey, Niamh, Staunton, Imelda: Books

Preparing our garden bed:

Planting and caring for our zucchini and lettuce plants:

Additionally, we organised a trip to Truffaut, where each student selected flowers to decorate our classroom window. This hands-on project not only taught them about plant care and the importance of sunlight and water but also allowed them to take pride in our classroom environment by making it more beautiful with our flowers.

The students took a special interest in the cherry tomato plants while in Truffaut, so we brought a plant back to school. We got to watch the tomatoes get ripe, then we picked them, washed, and had them for snack.

Indoor plants:
We introduced three indoor plants into our classroom, which provided a valuable opportunity for the students to explore the differences and similarities between indoor and outdoor plants. We compared them to the plants found in the forests and the flowers in our garden. Observing our indoor plants closely, we noticed how they thrived in their environment compared to the natural habitats of outdoor plants. During one watering session, a large branch accidentally broke off from one of our indoor plants. Rather than discarding it, we placed it in a large water bottle. To our amazement, the branch continued to survive and even sprouted new roots over time. This experiment sparked discussions about the resilience of plants and they regenerate roots when a broken stem is placed in water.

Cultural outing

Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye:
During our class trip to Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the students demonstrated that they were captivated by the artifacts found in the castle’s museum. We were able to discuss age-appropriate topics regarding the collections and we highlighted objects such as pots, jewellery and, two beautiful busts of feminine figures.

A highlight of our visit was discovering a hidden treasure in the castle’s courtyard, which added an element to our adventure and imagination to our cultural trip.

Even though it was a very busy day at the castle, we were fortunate to have the courtyard and chapel all to ourselves. While in the chapel, we experimented with echoes and the students seemed to be very amused by the sound of their voices reverberated against ancient stone walls. We also observed how sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting beautiful hues onto the floor below.

This immersive experience not only allowed the students to peek into the world of history and architecture but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the beauty our local community.

Having lunch in style:
During our trip, we visited Felicity’s cafe for lunch, where we had a nutritious meal with fresh fruits, granola and, greek yogurt. We also had a treat of chocolate pancakes, which added a sweet touch to our dining experience.

To complete our meal in true style, we even enjoyed cute babyccino.

The restaurant staff offered the leftover fruit pulp so that we could feed the animals we would visit later on in our class trip.

Visiting the animals at Maison forestière de la grille Dauphine:
During our visit, we got to feed the animals with the pulp we were given at the restaurant. We saw pigs, goats, and sheep, and we especially loved seeing the lambs and kids. We discussed how sheep and goats often give birth in the springtime and that is why there were many babies in the little farm. We were captivated by how cute the babies were and amazed at how gently they took the food from our fingers. This hands-on interaction with the animals was a highlight of our trip.

Visit the Zoo

Last school year, the Chestnut and Maple classes visited the zoo, and it was such a highlight that we decided to do it again this year. We learned about different animals, enjoyed a healthy picnic lunch—accompanied by a playful gibbon nearby—and had fun in the jungle gym.

We saw a wide variety of animals, but the most memorable part was visiting a pregnant donkey. We had the chance to pet and feed her, and we could even see her baby moving in her belly! The zookeeper mentioned that she would likely give birth that same day.

During the safari, we were thrilled to see our favourite animals: elephants, hippos, ostriches (and lots of their eggs), rhinos, bears, wolves, and many different bovines. Overall, the trip was an unforgettable experience filled with learning, adventure, and close encounters with wildlife, leaving everyone eager for next year’s visit.

Math and Literacy

This term, we focused on enhancing our writing skills, particularly on reading and writing our names. We also dedicated time to improving our math abilities, practicing counting, adding, number recognition, and writing numbers. Additionally, we engaged with Jolly Phonics, which helped us with letter sounds and word formation. Through these activities, we developed a solid foundation in both literacy and numeracy.

Fine motor skills

This term, we practiced our fine motor skills through a variety of engaging activities. We carefully hung little wooden eggs onto our 3D trees, enhancing our dexterity and coordination. Making bracelets was another fun activity, which not only improved our fine motor skills but also helped us practice reading our names and sounding out different letters. Additionally, we ventured into a bit of sewing, which further honed our precision and control. These hands-on activities were both enjoyable and beneficial for our development.

Forest learning

In the forest, we carried out many fun activities that filled our days with excitement and learning. We rode our bikes along winding paths, splashed and played in the mud, and built and played in little houses made with gathered branches. We learned about different flowers and outdoor plants, expanding our knowledge of the natural world. Engaging in dramatic play, we used forest materials to pretend we were having a campfire and roasting marshmallows or embarking on a ship to discover treasure on a deserted island. It was an incredibly fun experience, and we learned so much while letting our imaginations run wild in our forest.

Swimming class

At the start of the school year, the students in the swimming class were noticeably shy and fearful of the water, hesitant to fully immerse themselves in the activities. However, by term 5, their transformation was remarkable. They demonstrated immense improvement, not only in their swimming skills but also in their confidence. Under the guidance of their teacher, they followed instructions and gradually overcame their initial fears. The students began to challenge themselves, eagerly jumping into the water and participating in various activities with newfound enthusiasm. Their courage and determination were evident as they embraced each lesson, making significant strides and showcasing their growth both in and out of the pool.

Special Events

We got a visit from Arthur, an alumnus who is now competing in the Paralympics. He showed us his medals and played games with us in the forest.

For the Summer Fête, we prepared an enchanting show about the Olympics in Paris. Our performance included music and movement, highlighting the spirit of the games. We incorporated beautiful ribbon routines and we sang a song about the Olympics as well as a medley of Queen songs. After the performance, we enjoyed a lovely BBQ, savouring delicious food in the warm summer air. Additionally, we contributed our recycled art piece for the art auction, showcasing our creativity and promoting sustainability.

We got to be in the circus during the last two days of school! We got to show off our balancing and coordination skills!

Thank you!

This year has been truly wonderful, filled with memorable moments and significant growth. I have loved seeing each student develop their skills and confidence, and I am incredibly proud of all their hard work and accomplishments. Watching them grow and learn has been a joy and an inspiration. Thank you for a fantastic year!

I’m so proud of you, Chestnuts!
Ms. Manu

Elm Class, Term 5, 2023-2024


Elm focused on poetry this term, specifically poetry about water and rivers. Two of the poems talk about water’s journey from the hills and valleys down to the ocean, and Elm explored the poetic techniques used to create particular effects, the moods expressed and possible underlying messages.

The class learned by heart ‘The River’ by Sara Teasdale, a poem full of emotion and imagery, ostensibly about a river’s journey to the sea but open to interpretation as to its reflections on human experience.

Alongside ‘The River’ Elm read ‘The Brook’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson, a similar subject with a very different mood and theme. The class reflected on how language, imagery and rhythm and rhyme contribute to mood, comparing the wistful sadness of ‘The River’ to the jaunty cheerfulness of ‘The Brook’.

The class continued reading Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. They followed the travelling companions Phileas Fogg and Passepartout on their action-packed journey and observed how the characters of these two very different men are revealed as they face various situations and setbacks and dramatic adventures over the course of this classic story.


Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont étudié et approfondi plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: voix passive/voix active, formes et types de phrases, différents types de textes.

en conjugaison: le présent de l’impératif, le présent du conditionnel, écrire un récit au présent simple/ au passé, les valeurs de l’imparfait et du passé simple.

en orthographe: terminaison en -é/-er/-ez, insérer un dialogue dans le récit.

en vocabulaire: les caractéristiques et le vocabulaire de l’univers du voyage et du registre de l’aventure, s’initier à un débat (arguments et contre-arguments).

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “Le printemps” et une de leur choix.

en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:

  • Le Lion de Joseph Kessel ou Vendredi ou la vie sauvage de Michel Tournier

2 dictées préparées ont été faites

4 évaluations ont été effectuées.


This term, Elm class worked hard on recalling the Spanish concepts they learned in term 4, such as parts of the house, house furniture and objects, parts of the body, and colours. This review allowed us to move forward to term 5, where we analyzed a Valencian art piece by Joaquin Sorolla and explored one of the most famous aquariums in Valencia, the “Oceanografic.” We also covered reflexive verbs and the activities we do before going to school, along with related verbs and vocabulary. Overall, Elm had a productive term. Well done!


This term, Elm class built their confidence and knowledge of key programming constructs. The unit provided the students with the opportunity to expand their understanding of sequencing, variables, selection, operators, and other concepts on Scratch. Students recalled how to program a character to ask the right questions and code it to respond. Overall, it was a rewarding term.

Coding and Programming workshop

This term, during their Robotics and programming lessons, Elm class divided their time between continuing their learning on Scratch, coding and programming, and designing and working on Sim Lab on Tinkercad. They split their efforts between coding “Big Ed” to ask the right questions and designing a moving target. Despite being beginners on Sim Lab at first, they progressed quickly and accomplished more complicated tasks. Well done !

3D Design and Technology

This term in 3D Design, Elm class started the term by designing a football stadium on Tinkercad. Then students discovered the Sim Lab on Tinkercad. Sim Lab allowed them to add gravity and materials to their 3D designs. As soon as they hit play, objects moved based on their characteristics and the effects of gravity. Learners designed a launcher, a launcher with a basketball rink, a marble run using boba straws and a moving target. The students had fun and learnt a lot. Well done! 

Mathematics and so much more

So you dived into Algebra,

&those twisted linear equations.

Solved ratio problems,

That gave your brain hesitations.

Solved some Maths riddles,

For Le concours Archimede.

And with all that Maths H/W,

I probably drove you quite mad.

What a year it has been, indeed.

You laughed, cried & disagreed.

Most importantly tried to mould yourself,

Into humans you desire to be.

You have made your Christmas candles,

& pressed with the Hydraulic Press.

Knew how to tidy your classroom,

But at times you left a mess.

Went around the world with, Jules Verne in 80 days.

Programming & Robotics,

During those project Wednesdays.

Keep it ‘REAL’ Elms,

No need to be IRRATIONAL.

Unless you get that


Olympic Escape games

Summer Trip 2024

Sports Day

Relay and sprinting,

And then tug of war.

Bundles of determination and team spirit,

During the Sports Day that we saw.

High and long jump,

And then potato sack race.

Joy and resilience was painted,

Was painted all over your face.

You did your best and so did all your parents.

Should be given tons of respect,

Glass of champagne and plenty of credits.

They did their best& pushed it to the limit.

But your teachers won the relay race,

Your eyes were wide open & you did see it.

Respect and Friendship,

and a bit of that Excellence.

Should be with you all your life,

Don’t be shy & apply it with elegance.

All the best B+W+O+E students,

You did your best,

Have bundles of fun

and well deserved rest.

Art Auction and Summer Fete

And then B+W+O+E,

created some ART,

They really got creative,

 and it was also SMART.

Felted Monet’s Bridge,

& wilted sunflowers.

Felted Jazz & Starry Night,

Were nicely added to the

Art Auction Catalogue.

For our Parents to admire,

and enjoy with delight.

Oak Class, Term 5, 2023-2024


Oak focused on poetry this term.  They began with narrative poems and the different kinds of stories they can tell. They developed their poetic language as they reflected on ‘The Way Through the Woods’ by Rudyard Kipling, looking at narrative voice, rhythm, imagery and different kinds of rhyme: full, half and internal.

The class had fun with onomatopoeia, thinking about words that try to recreate the sound they are describing and reading poems aloud that have made-up words to describe sounds. They then wrote their own ‘sounds’ poems.

They then wrote ‘shape’ poems which made them think about the importance of how words are presented on a page and how presentation and punctuation can enhance the effect and message of a poem.

Next came the Japanese poetic form of Haiku, poems that traditionally focus on a brief moment in time and perhaps a sudden moment of enlightenment. The have just three lines and a total of seventeen syllables. These poems are often about nature and Oak class took to the forest for inspiration.

As part of the Olympic theme, Oak learned and performed ‘To be an Olympic Athlete …’ by Brian Moses.

Oak learned the poem ‘Bed in Summer’ by Robert Louis Stevenson, articulating so well the frustration of children being sent to bed on long, light summer evenings, or ‘by day’ as it seems to them.

Oak continued reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and enjoyed the original story and outrageously bad behaviour of the children who won Willy Wonka’s Golden Tickets. After analysing each child’s particular brand of obnoxiousness, they came to the same conclusion as the Oompa Loompas; that while the children were dreadful, the blame for their behaviour lay firmly with their parents.

In view of this, Oak took up their pens and honing their formal letter writing skills, wrote stern letters to the parents, pointing out the shortcomings in their parenting skills.


French Topic

The Olympic Games are a big sports party where athletes from all over the world come together to have fun and show their talents. There are many different sports like running, swimming, soccer, and even high jumping! Each athlete represents their country and tries to win medals: gold, silver, and bronze medals. The Olympic Games happen every four years, and each time, it’s in a different country. It’s like a big meeting of friends where everyone does their best, cheers each other on, and has fun together. The Olympic Games show us that sports are great for staying healthy and making friends!

We’ve read these books:

We also studied the values of the Olympic Games and discovered the origin of these games.


This term, Oak class learned about numbers up to 39, focusing on their pronunciation and spelling skills. Then, we focused on the weather, discussing related vocabulary and the phrases used in Latin America and Spain, noting their differences and similarities. The spring weather this year allowed us to compare the two regions during that season in Spanish. Oak class became weather experts. Well done, Oak!


This term, Oak students discovered Tinkercad. They learned how to rotate shapes, size them, group them, duplicate, and align them. Once they mastered these basic skills, they designed a car with a driver, a boat, and other projects. These tasks required hard work, patience, and resilience, and the learners made themselves proud. Well done, Oak!

Robotics and Programming workshop

This term, the students discovered the Sim Lab on Tinkercad. Sim Lab allowed them to add gravity and materials to their 3D designs. When they hit play, objects moved based on their characteristics and the effects of gravity. The learners designed a marble run and added gravity to help the marble reach the desired target using counters.

Mathematics and so much more

So you measured angles, 

& did some fraction operations.

Solved twisted 3 steps Word problems,

And then had celebrations.

What a year it has been, indeed.

You laughed, cried & disagreed.

Most importantly tried to mould yourself,

Into humans you desire to be.

You have made your Christmas candles,

& pressed with the Hydraulic Press.

Knew how to tidy your classroom,

But at times you left a mess.

Read Charlie & chocolate factory,

Found out all about his bitter & sweet,W

ith and without chocolate days.

Learnt Spanish, Programming & Robotics

 On those project Wednesdays.

All the best Oaks, 

And please have some fun,

Enjoy your summer, hydrate 

And put some cream for that super duper sun.

Olympic Escape games

Summer Trip 2024

Sports Day

Relay and sprinting,

And then tug of war.

Bundles of determination and team spirit,

During the Sports Day that we saw.

High and long jump,

And then potato sack race.

Joy and resilience was painted,

Was painted all over your face.

You did your best and so did all your parents.

Should be given tons of respect,

Glass of champagne and plenty of credits.

They did their best& pushed it to the limit.

But your teachers won the relay race,

Your eyes were wide open & you did see it.

Respect and Friendship,

and a bit of that Excellence.

Should be with you all your life,

Don’t be shy & apply it with elegance.

All the best B+W+O+E students,

You did your best,

Have bundles of fun

and well deserved rest.

Art Auction and Summer Fete

And then B+W+O+E,

created some ART,

They really got creative,

 and it was also SMART.

Felted Monet’s Bridge,

& wilted sunflowers.

Felted Jazz & Starry Night,

Were nicely added to the

Art Auction Catalogue.

For our Parents to admire,

and enjoy with delight.

Birch Class, Term 5, 2023-2024

What an incredible journey we’ve had in Term 5 exploring “Olympic Games” Our classroom has been alive with enthusiasm as we’ve explored the wonders of Antique Greece, sports, and values of the Olympic. We’ve also had a fantastic trip, delved deep into the fascinating world of History, showcased our talents in the summer show, and had a thrilling sports day. Moreover, we have been able to keep developing and improving our mathematical and literary skills.


In Birch Class, our mathematical journey this term has been full of exploration and discovery. We’ve been delving into geometry, learning about position and direction through fun activities that involve understanding spatial relationships and using directional language. Additionally, we’ve been exploring time, mastering skills such as telling time to the hour and half-hour, and understanding concepts like morning, afternoon, and evening.


This term the students learned all about the importance of ‘describing words’: adjectives. We read Percy the Park Ranger books and the students were able to find words to describe the characters of ‘One Springy Day’ and make a poster to show off their amazing adjectives!

We also worked on counting out how many syllables there are in words by clapping out each sound. We continued working on our super spelling skills with daily mini spelling tests using our whiteboards and learning new sound combinations including the magic e, the shy i and repeating our “when two vowels go walking the first does the talking” to help us remember how to pronounce words properly. We also got dressed up as our favourite characters & celebrated International Book Day with the whole school.

French with Marie

Cette cinquième période a été bien chargée en apprentissage puisque plusieurs notions de grammaire et de conjugaison ont été abordées en plus des nouveaux sons et des fiches de lecture et de compréhension. Nous avons abordé différents thèmes tels que la fête des mères et des pères, la fête de la musique, l’été…

Les livres lus durant ce terme ont été les suivants:

De ces albums, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson:

Une poule grise, Une poule sur un mur, Ma belle gazelle, Y’a un rat, Dans ma guitare, L’enfant et l’oiseau,

Les objectifs de cette période ont été:

– d’étudier la langue française

– de s’exprimer de manière plus fluide

– de renforcer la syntaxe en s’exprimant oralement

– de connaître et d’acquérir les sons et les consonnes ( au/eau, c/ç, y, s=ss/s=z, q/k, g/ge, ai/ei, ph, gn ) ainsi que le principe du code alphabétique

– d’ associer le nom de la consonne et de connaître le son qu’elle produit

– d’approfondir le geste graphique en s’exerçant à écrire en attaché (écriture cursive)

– se familiariser avec la dictée

– de lire et de comprendre les histoires lues, de livres (collection Sami et Julie): La fête des mères et Les Olympiades de Sami et Julie

– de chanter collectivement une chanson


Design & Technology and ART Auction

And then B+W+O+E,

created some ART,

They really got creative,

 and it was also SMART.

Felted Monet’s Bridge,

& wilted sunflowers.

Felted Jazz & Starry Night,

Were nicely added to the

Art Auction Catalogue.

For our Parents to admire,

and enjoy with delight.

Forest challenges and team building activities


The Olympic Games are a big sports party where athletes from all over the world come together to have fun and show their talents. There are many different sports like running, swimming, soccer, and even high jumping! Each athlete represents their country and tries to win medals: gold, silver, and bronze medals. The Olympic Games happen every four years, and each time, it’s in a different country. It’s like a big meeting of friends where everyone does their best, cheers each other on, and has fun together. The Olympic Games show us that sports are great for staying healthy and making friends!

We’ve read these books:

We also studied the values of the Olympic Games and discovered the origin of these games.

We learnt 2 songs for the summer show:

La flamme Olympique and We will rock you/we are the champions

Art &Music

This term, we’ve studied the painter Keith Harring and we’ve painted the canvas for the Art auction at the Summer Fête.

And they’ve made artistic activity for Mother and Father’s Day

Trip to Poitiers

This year, we went on our school trip to Saint Pierre de Maillé, a small village 45 km from Poitiers. The children slept in teepees.

We went canoeing.

We spent a day at the Futuroscope.

Then we visited a castle, went for a long walk, and then explored the ruins of another fortress.

Summer Fête

Olympic Circus Activity

For the past two days, we have had the opportunity to participate in a circus activity related to the Olympic Games.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, students created a Flappy Bird game on Scratch Jr. They set up a background, painted pipes, chose a character, changed the scene if they lost, and programmed the bird to fly using the arrow keys. This game took longer than expected to complete, and the students demonstrated perseverance, hard work, and attention to detail. We finished the term with a project based on the song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” which included a small picture of themselves rowing the boat and moving through different scenes. Well done, Birch!

Sports day

Maple Class: Term 5 – 2023-024


During this period we worked on 3 different themes; plants, animals and finally the Olympic Games. So the children planted, reviewed the plant cycle, learned to take care of the plants they saw growing. Then we devoted a chapter to the animals that we were able to observe at the Thoiry zoo.

The end of this period was devoted to the Olympic Games, preparation for the show as well as participation in the sports day. It was a great adventure that we shared together!


Through various experiences, both in the forest and within the classroom, the children explored and enhanced their understanding of geography, art and language (both oral and written). They engaged with the literature read in class and continued their studies with Jolly Phonics. Additionally, they focused on mathematics, with particular attention given to the concept of dozens and units, along with the review of 3D shapes and counting and understanding numbers up to 100.

Additionally, the little pupils developed their faculties through practical life activities and sensory experiences. They refined their motor skills and focused on being more meticulous in terms of drawing, cutting, and other physical activities such as climbing trees, cycling and swimming.


By addressing the theme of the Olympic Games, we learned about the different continents, and the origins of the students in the class. This allowed us to see the different continents and discover the flags concerning the countries where the children are from.

Life cycle of the plant
This term, we reviewed the life cycle of the plant, from seed to plant/flower shoot. The children enjoyed digging, touching, planting the seeds and seeing the plants grow gently. They also understood the importance of taking care of the plants by watering frequently but sensibly.

We also tended to the mint in the garden by removing the plants around it and thus promoting the growth of the mint.


During this term, the children had the chance to create Landart with Delphine. This contemporary art uses natural elements to create ephemeral or permanent works.

This allowed the children to express themselves freely with natural materials.
The children explored and collected, imagined and created, assembled and composed.

Throughout this term, we continued to develop our students’ sensory abilities. One of the key activities we engaged in was in relation to the theme of geography, we reviewed the 3 elements: land, air, sea.

The children also worked on the brown staircase and the pink tower blocks, conducive to concentration through a work of ordering from the youngest to the oldest and biggest to smallest.

We also continued to use Jelly Beadz as well as a variety of tools to practice our hand-eye coordination and develop our sensory skills.

Throughout the term and year, the children engaged with a variety of materials, crafting shapes, objects, characters, and animals based on the themes explored. This process not only fosters their imagination but also enhances their fine motor skills.

Using mediums like painting, drawing, clay modelling, and colouring, the children unleashed their creativity, producing artworks inspired by spring, plantation, animals and Olympics. Thus, we used toilet paper rolls, cotton buds, corks, leaves, sticks, pasta…

Creating Lillies of the valley for May 1st

Preparing the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts with maximum love and attention.

Creating some necklaces with pasta…