Elm Class Blog 4, 2023-2024


Engaging our students in the captivating adventure of “Around the World in 80 Days” by Jules Verne has been a truly enriching experience. As they follow the intrepid Phileas Fogg and his faithful companion Passepartout on their whirlwind journey around the globe, students are not just reading a classic novel – they’re embarking on an exhilarating literary voyage that spans continents and cultures.

Through in-depth discussions, thought-provoking activities, and insightful analysis, students are delving deep into the themes and messages hidden throughout the story.

As students traverse the globe alongside Fogg and Passepartout, they’re gaining valuable insights into geography, history, and global interconnectedness. They’re learning about diverse cultures and customs, broadening their perspectives, and developing a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human experience that spans the globe.

French with Joanna

This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig & Zag who took us to visit a Parc Zoologique where we learned the names of different wild animals, their characteristics, their natural habitat etc. We found out which animals were mammiferes/reptiles/oiseaux/poissons and their diet (carnivores/végétariens/omnivores). We learned that certain animals were in danger and why (because of climate change/poachers/deforestation etc). We also learned a poem about ‘le printemps’ which the students read out perfectly.

French with Marie

Durant cette quatrième période, les élèves ont étudié et approfondi plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: révisions de la phase simple et la phrase complexe, juxtaposition/coordination/subordination

en conjugaison: relation entre imparfait et passé simple, le subjonctif présent,

en orthographe: accord de l’attribut du sujet et du participe passé. bien ponctuer un texte et 2 dictées préparées et notées.

en vocabulaire: les caractéristiques et le vocabulaire de l’univers médiéval et du registre épique.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “L’hiver” et une de leur choix.

en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:

  • Tristan et Yseult texte intégral

3 évaluations ont été effectuées.

French Topic with Joanna

This term we focused on the theme “Gaspillage Alimentaire” (food waste). We watched part of a France TV5 documentary called ‘Gaspillage Alimentaire N’en Jetez Plus’ where the students learned about French startups that are doing amazing innovative work in trying to reduce food waste in various ways. We focused our interest on two French companies in particular: ‘Smartway-Zéro Gâchis’ & ‘Finisterestes29’. One has developed a company that works with big supermarket chains (Carrefour, Auchan, E.Leclerc, Leader Price…) to avoid wasting foods that are arriving at their use-by-date with special ‘food waste’ sections in stores with discounts and another sells crates of fruit & vegetables to customers at low prices because they are rejected by big supermarket chains because of their ‘calibre’ (dimensions, slight defects).


Exploring the intricate web of the triangular trade with our Elm students has been an eye-opening and thought-provoking journey. As they dig deep into the historical realities of this complex system of commerce, students are not just studying events of the past – they’re grappling with the lasting impacts and legacies that continue to shape our world today.

Through in-depth discussions, research projects, and immersive learning experiences, Elms are unraveling the layers of the triangular trade, tracing the flow of goods, people, and ideas across continents and oceans. They’re gaining a deeper understanding of the economic, social, and cultural dynamics that drove this triangular exchange, from the demand for labor in the Americas to the desire for luxury goods in Europe and the exploitation of resources in Africa.


Embarking on a journey through the maze of geometry, students ventured into the captivating world of two and three-dimensional shapes, armed with pencils, rulers, compasses, protractors and minds eager for exploration. Students dived into calculations of volume and surface area, unlocking the secrets hidden within each shape’s dimensions. With precision, like experienced architects, Elms traced the paths of perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors (and yes, we know that we have to show our construction lines), eagerly constructing equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles. 


Food Revolution

So this is what Oak & Elm,
During the Food Revolution ate.
What a week it has been,
But we had so many delightful things on our plate (s). 

We’ve chopped some veg,
And they were delicious.
Yes, they were organic,
So don’t be suspicious.

Some were pretty and some were ugly,
Zero waste we’ve decided.
Need to enjoy them all,
And cherish what mother nature provided.

Yes, we remembered about salad,
Salad is nutritious.
We’ve put our chefs’ heads together,
And it was quite delicious.

Red pepper & chorizo pizza,
& revisited those eggs Benedict.
They were quite tasty,
As one could predict.

Red berries smoothies,
& chicken tikka masala with rice.
It was a bit spicy,
But was very nice.

Banana bread,
and scrumptious avocado chocolate cake.
You should try it one day,
what Oak and Elm can make.

Tomato+ garlic bruschetta, green salad,
and Mexican fajitas wrap.
Filip’s hands were busy,
But if he could, he would clap.

Roasted veg & chicken nugget,
What an experience it has been!
So many stories to tell,
But where do I begin?

Creative Writing Workshop

Engaging students in a creative writing workshop centered around the mischievous antics of ‘King Kong’, the harmonious melodies of a ‘Monkey symphony’, and the hilarious escapades of a ‘Cheeky monkey stealing a camera’ has been an adventure in itself. As they let their imaginations run wild, students are not only developing their writing skills but also unleashing their creativity in ways that are both imaginative and entertaining.

In our writing workshop, students have been tasked with imagining themselves in the shoes (or giant paws) of these playful primates, crafting diaries and stories that transport readers to worlds filled with adventure, humor, and heart. From the towering heights of the Empire State Building to the bustling streets of the jungle, their stories are a testament to the boundless possibilities of imagination.

Through guided writing prompts, brainstorming sessions, and peer feedback, students are not only exploring the storytelling but also developing important literary skills such as character development, plot structure, and descriptive language. They’re learning to craft narratives that engage the reader’s imagination and evoke emotions, while also developing their ability to express themselves creatively.


This term, Elm class had a productive and enlightening term in which they learned how to write various programs in Micro:bit with the goal of creating games. In this process, they utilized a pedometer, accelerometer, timer, conditional statements, variables, lists, among other tools. They showcased their creative side by incorporating music as well. The projects they engaged in were:

*Sensitive Step Counter

*Rock Paper Scissors

*Hot Potato

*Coin Flipper

*Tug of War

*Head Guess

*7 Seconds

3D Design and Technology

At the beginning of the term, Elm class completed their Art project, which included their own interpretation of Banksy’s mocking of Claude Monet in a painting. Next, pupils designed castles from the 11th to 16th century, incorporating elements such as a tower, an enclosed courtyard, rooms (chapel, kitchen, living quarters), as well as secret passages, escape routes, and gatehouses. These designs were detailed and reflected the amount of work and hours they put into their projects. By the end of the term, students designed a solution for a specific real-life problem, demonstrating their consideration for their client and their needs. Well done, Elm!

Coding Project

This term, Elm class continued to focus on Circuits on Tinkercad. Students completed a variety of projects, including how to blink an LED using Arduino’s digital output, composing a simple program to light up the LEDs in a pattern, and composing a simple program to change the color of the LED. By the end of the term, they accomplished reading a potentiometer and used a serial monitor for the first time. 


This term, Elm class had a hard-working term during which we focused on names and members of the family, possessive adjectives, physical characteristics of people, parts of the body, parts of the house, and names of related objects. They described their families, learned adjectives related to people’s personalities and physical characteristics, both about them and other students in school. They could easily relate to these concepts and talk and write about them. Elm class is showing that they want to keep developing their Spanish skills and are doing well.

Forest Challenges and Team building activities

Participating in forest challenges and team-building activities has been an interesting and rewarding experience for our students. Not only have they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, but they’ve also developed essential life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Throughout these adventures, students have learned the importance of communication, cooperation, and most importantly trust in themselves and in their peers. Whether navigating through obstacle courses or working together to solve riddles, they’ve discovered the power of teamwork in overcoming challenges. Moreover, the forest challenges have provided a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Students have pushed themselves outside of their comfort zones and embraced new experiences. As a result, they’ve emerged more confident, resilient, and adaptable individuals.

Oak Class Blog, Term 4, 2023-2024


Engaging our students in the delightful world of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl has been an absolute joy. As they immerse themselves in the whimsical adventures of Charlie Bucket and the eccentric Willy Wonka, they’re not just reading a book—they’re embarking on a journey of imagination, discovery, and critical analysis.

Through discussions, activities, and reflections, Oak student are delving deep into the themes and messages woven throughout the story. From exploring the consequences of greed to celebrating the power of kindness and resilience, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” offers rich fodder for thought and discussion. It’s truly inspiring to see students make connections between the fictional world of Wonka’s factory and their own lives, drawing parallels and gaining insights that will stay with them long after they’ve closed the book.

French with Joanna

This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig & Zag who took us to visit a Parc Zoologique where we learned the names of different wild animals, their characteristics, their natural habitat etc. We found out which animals were mammiferes/reptiles/oiseaux/poissons and their diet (carnivores/végétariens/omnivores). We learned that certain animals were in danger and why (because of climate change/poachers/deforestation etc). We also learned a poem about ‘le printemps’ which the students read out perfectly.

French with Marie

Durant cette quatrième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: révisions des adjectifs qualificatifs épithète et attribut, complément du nom, complément d’objet et adverbes de temps, lieu et manière

en orthographe: accords dans le Groupe Nominal (genre et nombre).

en conjugaison: le futur des verbes fréquents du 3ème groupe.

en vocabulaire: lectures silencieuses.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de la poésie “Le Printemps”

en littérature: 1 livre a été lu et étudié:

  • La sorcière de la rue Moufetard de Pierre Gripari

French with Joanna

3 évaluations ont été faites cette période.

French Topic with Marie

Cette période nous a permis de découvrir le chocolat et la fabrication de cet incroyable aliment:

  1. La Récolte des Fèves de Cacao : Dans les pays lointains, des fermiers récoltent les fèves de cacao des arbres. Ces fèves sont alors nettoyées et séchées sous le soleil.
  2. Le Voyage des Fèves : Les fèves de cacao voyagent à travers les océans jusqu’à une fabrique spéciale. Là-bas, elles sont prêtes à devenir du chocolat !
  3. Le Mélange : Les fèves de cacao sont chauffées et écrasées pour en faire une pâte épaisse appelée “pâte de cacao”. Ensuite, cette pâte est mélangée avec du sucre et parfois du lait pour créer le chocolat !
  4. La Transformation : Le chocolat liquide est versé dans de grandes moules en forme de barres ou de bonbons. Puis, il est refroidi dans de grands réfrigérateurs.
  5. La possibilité de décorer : Une fois refroidi, le chocolat est prêt à être décoré. On peut parfois y ajouter des noix, des fruits.
  6. La Dégustation : Enfin, le chocolat est prêt à être dégusté ! Beaucoup de monde se régalent de cette délicieuse gourmandise.

Les enfants ont regardé ces deux vidéos expliquant la fabrication du chocolat:

Après avoir goûté différentes sortes de chocolat, ils ont fait quelques activités afin de comprendre toutes les diverses étapes de la production.

Puis les enfants ont effectué un grand panneau récapitulant tout ce qu’ils ont intégré:

Enfin, ils ont cuisiné et dégusté une mousse au chocolat


Exploring the rich and fascinating history of chocolate with our Oak students has been an absolute delight (not only because we studied the chocolate). As they discover the origins, cultivation, and transformation of this beloved treat, they’re not just uncovering the story of a sweet indulgence—they’re delving into the complexities of culture, economics, and global exchange.

Through engaging discussions, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences, students are tracing the journey of chocolate back to civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec, where it was revered as a sacred beverage enjoyed by royalty and warriors alike.


Food Revolution

In our ‘Annual Food Revolution’, we merged creativity with practical skills that allowed Oak and Elm students to embark on a flavourful journey of gastronomic delight. Armed with aprons and different kitchen tools, Oaks and Elms took charge of their kitchen, crafting a menu that excited their taste buds and sparked culinary imaginations for the whole week. With sharp knives in hand, Oaks and Elms sliced, diced, and chopped kilograms of ‘ beautiful and ugly’ vegetables, transforming these raw ingredients into a colourful palette of flavours and textures. We cooked and we baked and then served our culinary masterpieces, presenting each dish as a work of art to be savoured and enjoyed.

Yes, we have been busy but our culinary adventure didn’t end with the last bite. With a spirit of cooperation, students joined forces to tidy up their kitchen, washing dishes and wiping counters. In the process, they learned not only the art of cooking but also the importance of teamwork and responsibility in creating a memorable dining experience. Students also reflected on their journey from menu design to table service; announced favourite dishes and shared moments of creativity and collaboration.

So this is what Oak & Elm,
During the Food Revolution ate.
What a week it has been,
But we had so many delightful things on my plate. 

We’ve chopped some veg,
And they were delicious.
Yes, they were organic,
So don’t be suspicious.

Some were pretty and some were ugly,
Zero waste we’ve decided.
Need to enjoy them all,
And cherish what mother nature provided.

Yes, we remembered about salad,
Salad is nutritious.
We’ve put our chefs’ heads together,
And it was quite delicious.

Red pepper & chorizo pizza,
& revisited those eggs Benedict.
They were quite tasty,
As one could predict.

Red berries smoothies,
& chicken tikka masala with rice.
It was a bit spicy,
But was very nice.

Banana bread,
and scrumptious avocado chocolate cake.
You should try it one day,
what Oak and Elm can make.

Tomato+ garlic bruschetta, green salad,
and Mexican fajitas wrap.
Filip’s hands were busy,
But if he could, he would clap.

Roasted veg & chicken nugget,
What an experience it has been!
So many stories to tell,
But where do I begin?

D&T (Collaborative project with Birch and Walnut Classes)

In a world filled with screens and gadgets, there’s something truly magical about the timeless art of puppetry. And what better way to experience this enchanting craft than by creating your own wooden puppet from scratch? And why not call him FRED? At our Design and Technology lessons, students dived into the fascinating world of woodworking, cutting, screwing, and bringing to life their very own wooden puppet, FRED.

Students carefully selected their recycled materials and chose the perfect dry wooden branches to bring their puppet to life. Armed with saws and drills, they set to work, carving and shaping the wood with precision and care.

With screws and fasteners, students assembled the pieces, bringing their puppet to life with articulated limbs and movable joints. It was a labor of love, with each screw tightened and each piece secured, the puppet aka FRED began to dance and move with a life of his own, evidently dressed in our school uniform.


This term, Oak students worked on converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. We then practiced adding and subtracting decimals and fractions where denominators were the same or different, and know how to bring fractions to the common denominator. Oaks then dived into the world of percentages and through problem-solving exercises, discovered the practical significance of percentages in contexts of everyday life (e.g. Discounts and sales).


In a curious exploration of microbiology and food preservation, students embarked on a fascinating experiment involving bread enclosed in plastic bags. Armed with scientific curiosity and an appetite for discovery, they observed the transformation of bread over time, as microbial communities flourished within the plastic bags. As days passed, students meticulously documented the changes occurring within each bag, noting the appearances of fuzzy patches and discoloration indicative of mold growth. With keen observation skills and attention to detail, they studied the characteristics of the mold, noting variations in colour, texture, distribution and even calculated the percentage of the mold covering each slice of bread.

Creative Writing Workshops

Engaging students in a creative writing workshop centered around the mischievous antics of ‘King Kong’, the harmonious melodies of a ‘Monkey symphony’, and the hilarious escapades of a ‘Cheeky monkey stealing a camera’ has been an adventure in itself. As they let their imaginations run wild, students are not only developing their writing skills but also unleashing their creativity in ways that are both imaginative and entertaining.

In our writing workshop, students have been tasked with imagining themselves in the shoes (or giant paws) of these playful primates, crafting diaries and stories that transport readers to worlds filled with adventure, humor, and heart. From the towering heights of the Empire State Building to the bustling streets of the jungle and their stories speak for themselves.

Through guided writing prompts, brainstorming sessions, and peer feedback, students are not only exploring the storytelling but also developing important literary skills such as character development, plot structure, and descriptive language. They’re learning to craft narratives that engage the reader’s imagination and evoke emotions, while also developing their ability to express themselves creatively. Oak and Elms


This term, Oak class developed their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can be resaved and reused. They learned how to use features such as rotate, crop, clone, select, copy, and paste. They chose from a selection of images, opened them, edited them, and saved them to create their own projects. By the end of the term, we recorded a podcast using the Audacity app in which they talked about an animal they chose after conducting research on the National Geographic website. Overall, this term was full of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Coding Project

This term, Oak class focused mainly on two different projects: a football and a basketball game. The students revisited how to use code to respond to key presses, utilized sensing blocks to detect when sprites touch each other, and employed broadcast blocks to communicate between sprites. They learned how to animate a simple basketball game by utilizing commonly used blocks, such as the ones from the motion and looks categories. The key to this game was coordination and timing. Well done, Oaks!


This term, Oak class had a dynamic term in which we focused on classroom items, indefinite articles ‘una, un’, and the verbs ‘tener’, ‘ser’, ‘llamarse’ in the first and second person singular forms, as well as members of the family. They described their families and enjoyed discussing them, described the objects in their pencil cases, and practiced verbs. They could easily relate to these concepts, talk about them, and write about them. Oak class is progressing quickly in Spanish.

Forest Challenges and Team building activities

Participating in forest challenges and team-building activities has been an interesting and rewarding experience for our students. Not only have they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, but they’ve also developed essential life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Throughout these adventures, students have learned the importance of communication, cooperation, and most importantly trust in themselves and in their peers. Whether navigating through obstacle courses or working together to solve riddles, they’ve discovered the power of teamwork in overcoming challenges. Moreover, the forest challenges have provided a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Students have pushed themselves outside of their comfort zones and embraced new experiences. As a result, they’ve emerged more confident, resilient, and adaptable individuals.

Birch Class, Term 4, 2023-2024

Through an active, rich and diverse curriculum, we continued to make excellent progress in our learning during this term.


In Birch Class, our mathematical journey this term has been both exciting and educational. We’ve delved into the world of multiplication, learning about repeated addition and exploring how groups of objects can be combined to find a total. Through hands-on activities and visual aids, we’ve gained a solid understanding of the concept of multiplication.

Additionally, we’ve introduced the concept of fractions, focusing on simple fractions such as halves and quarters. Through practical activities and group discussions, we’ve learned to recognize and understand fractions as equal parts of a whole.

We had an exciting celebration of Pi Day this term! We engaged in various activities to explore the fascinating number pi and its significance in mathematics. Through fun and interactive tasks, we learned about the concept of pi and its relationship to circles and geometry.


This term the students learned all about the importance of ‘describing words’: adjectives. We read Percy the Park Ranger books and the students were able to find words to describe the characters of ‘One Springy Day’ and make a poster to show off their amazing adjectives!

We also worked on counting out how many syllables there are in words by clapping out each sound. We continued working on our super spelling skills with daily mini spelling tests using our whiteboards and learning new sound combinations including the magic e, the shy i and repeating our “when two vowels go walking the first does the talking” to help us remember how to pronounce words properly. We also got dressed up as our favourite characters & celebrated International Book Day with the whole school.

International Book Day:

French with Marie

Cette quatrième période a été bien chargée en apprentissage puisque plusieurs notions de grammaire et de conjugaison ont été abordées en plus des nouveaux sons et des fiches de lecture et de compréhension. Nous avons abordé différents thèmes tels que le printemps, les poissons d’avril, la fête de Pâques…

Les livres lus durant ce terme ont été les suivants:

De ces albums, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson:

Le ciel est parcouru d’frissons, Gouttes gouttelettes de pluie, Concerto du printemps nouveau, Ding Dang Dong chanson de Pâques, Chanson de la gamme de do, Je prendrai soin de toi.

Les objectifs de cette période ont été:

– d’approfondir la langue française

– de s’exprimer de manière plus fluide

– de renforcer la syntaxe en s’exprimant oralement

– de connaître et d’acquérir les sons et les consonnes ( AN/EN, J, ON/OM, B, OI, G/GU ) ainsi que le principe du code alphabétique

– d’ associer le nom de la consonne et de connaître le son qu’elle produit

– d’approfondir le geste graphique en s’exerçant à écrire en attaché (écriture cursive)

– se familiariser avec la dictée

– de lire et de comprendre les histoires lues, de livres (collection Sami et Julie): Sami à Paris et La chasse aux oeufs

– de réciter une poésie “Le Printemps” d’Anne Marie Chapouton

– de chanter collectivement une chanson


This term in Science, Birch class explored the theme of ‘Healthy Living and Where Food Comes From.’ Students identified the reasons we need food in our lives and learned about which foods come from animals and plants. Next, they classified food into the five different food groups and learned what they need to eat to maintain a healthy diet. Then, pupils examined the differences between fruits and vegetables. We explored the concepts of ‘raw’ and ‘cooked’ foods and gained an understanding of the role taste buds play in our experience of eating. By the end, we recognized the differences between natural and processed foods and looked at the process of how chocolate is made. At the end of the term, they discussed the main dishes in their home country and why exercise is important to support a healthy brain and body.

Design and Technology

Project: Bird feeders

Linked to our learning on angles, children identified acute, obtuse and right angles and then ‘constructed them in the forest’. The children then identified these angles in different 2D shapes and constructed three different bird feeders.

Project : ”Basket”

D&T (Collaborative project with Oak and Walnut Classes)

In a world filled with screens and gadgets, there’s something truly magical about the timeless art of puppetry. And what better way to experience this enchanting craft than by creating your own wooden puppet from scratch? And why not call him FRED? At our Design and Technology lessons, students dived into the fascinating world of woodworking, cutting, screwing, and bringing to life their very own wooden puppet, FRED.

Students carefully selected their recycled materials and chose the perfect dry wooden branches to bring their puppet to life. Armed with saws and drills, they set to work, carving and shaping the wood with precision and care.

With screws and fasteners, students assembled the pieces, bringing their puppet to life with articulated limbs and movable joints. It was a labor of love, with each screw tightened and each piece secured, the puppet aka FRED began to dance and move with a life of his own, evidently dressed in our school uniform.

Forest and PE

This term in Birch and Walnut Class, we’ve been enjoying our time outdoors with forest exploration and cycling adventures. With the arrival of spring, we’ve been pedalling through the forest trails, soaking up the sights and sounds of nature.

Cycling has been a fun way to stay active and improve our biking skills while exploring the great outdoors. As we ride through the forest, we’ve been observing the plants and animals around us, learning about the environment and appreciating the beauty of nature.


This term we talked about “Food & health” and how it keeps us strong and healthy. Just like superheroes need their powers, we need food to help us grow, play, and have fun!

Fruits and vegetables are like magic potions. They come in all colours and flavours, and each one does something special for our bodies.

Don’t forget about grains! Bread, rice, and pasta are like the fuel in our tanks, giving us energy to play all day long. And what about dairy? Milk and cheese help our bones grow big and strong, just like the castles of knights!

We need to drink water like plants need rain. It keeps us hydrated and helps our bodies work properly.

Remember, food is not just delicious—it’s our secret weapon for staying healthy and happy. So let’s fill our plates with all the colours of the rainbow and enjoy every bite!

We’ve read these books:

We’ve also played the food bingo


This term, we’ve studied the musical tail “Le Carnaval des animaux” de Camille Saint-Saëns


This term, we’ve studied the painter Matisse.

And they’ve made Easter artistic activity

We also started by sketching our favorite fruits, carefully capturing their shapes and details on paper. Then, we brought our sketches to life by molding them with clay, adding texture and depth to our artwork.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Birch class worked on theme projects in Scratch Jr, such as Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter Egg Hunt, International Book Day, and A Race in the City. They developed their fine motor skills by drawing different characters and dragging code blocks with the computer mouse. In every lesson, all students were engaged, focused, and eager to finish their work, which is amazing. Well done!

Walnut Class, Term 4, 2023-2024

Spring has sprung in Walnut Class! This term, we’ve been out and about, exploring the forest on our bikes and soaking up the sunshine (sometimes). Alongside our outdoor adventures, we’ve been busy learning and growing.


International Book Day:

We had an exciting term in Literacy as we unfolded the book ‘My Secret Sky Garden.’ The students were captivated by the beautiful illustrations and its use of language. This book helped the pupils develop and broaden their literacy skills by writing a poem about the visit they made to the orchard. Through discussions, predictions, sequencing, and role-playing, among other activities, they were able to write about Funni and her beautiful garden, visualize themselves in the story, and relate to the main character’s life and emotions. It was a productive term that showcased what they are capable of. Fantastic job, Walnuts!


In Walnut Class, our mathematical journey this term has been both challenging and rewarding. We’ve focused on mastering multiplication, diligently learning and applying the times tables for 2, 5, and 10. Through practice and perseverance, we’ve honed our skills and gained confidence in multiplication.

Additionally, we’ve delved into the fascinating world of fractions, exploring concepts such as halves, quarters, and thirds. Through hands-on activities and interactive lessons, we’ve deepened our understanding of fractions and their practical applications.

We had an exciting celebration of Pi Day this term! We engaged in various activities to explore the fascinating number pi and its significance in mathematics. Through fun and interactive tasks, we learned about the concept of pi and its relationship to circles and geometry.

French with Joanna

This term we went ‘Au Marché (to the market) with the characters of Zig Zag and learned all about fruits & vegetables in French. We sorted out les fruits et légumes and made posters. We learned new sounds and also the difference between “les phrases affirmatives et négatives” by quizzing each other on what fruits & vegetables we like or dislike (“j’aime et je n’aime pas”). We learned a song about what can be bought at the market (please find the video hereunder of your children singing away beautifully). We read books related to the new season of Printemps (les poules, les oeufs de Pâques but also a funny story about a ghost in a market) and worked hard on reading comprehension activities linked to these books.


In Science this term, Walnut class explored the theme ‘Healthy habits and ways of avoiding diseases.’ Students understood and identified how the spread of germs occurs and the best way to keep diseases away by conducting an experiment. Then, we discussed nutrition and how important it is to have a balanced diet according to the different food groups. Next, we examined seeds and dissected one to observe its internal structure. We also discussed sleep and various techniques to promote restful sleep. Finally, we explored emotions and techniques to find peace and quiet when our minds feel troubled. 

French Topic with Joanna

This term the topic was related to “la santé” (health) and the students learned all about how to look after their bodies by eating well and getting regular exercise. We studied all about la squelette/les os/les muscles/les articulations and identified them on paper. We learned about ‘les 7 familles d’aliments’ (7 food groups): les boissons/les féculents/les sucres/les graisses/produits laitiers/protéines/végétaux (drinks/carbohydrates/sugars/fats/dairy products/protein/fruits & vegetables). The students had to find these different foods in supermarket catalogues, cut them out and make their own ‘flower petal’ with the 7 groups. We took advantage of the good weather (whenever possible!) to dance & sing our topic song ‘1, 2 ,3 Aerobique’ , all about keeping our bodies moving!


Collaborative Birch, Walnut and Oak Project

In a world filled with screens and gadgets, there’s something truly magical about the timeless art of puppetry. And what better way to experience this enchanting craft than by creating your own wooden puppet from scratch? And why not call him FRED? At our Design and Technology lessons, students dived into the fascinating world of woodworking, cutting, screwing, and bringing to life their very own wooden puppet, FRED.

Students carefully selected their recycled materials and chose the perfect dry wooden branches to bring their puppet to life. Armed with saws and drills, they set to work, carving and shaping the wood with precision and care.

With screws and fasteners, students assembled the pieces, bringing their puppet to life with articulated limbs and movable joints. It was a labor of love, with each screw tightened and each piece secured, the puppet aka FRED began to dance and move with a life of his own, evidently dressed in our school uniform.

Forest Challenges and Team building activities


Our musical adventures have taken us on a journey of vocal transformation and symbol interpretation. This term, we’ve been honing our singing skills by learning how to modulate our voices to convey different emotions and styles. From soft whispers to powerful crescendos, we’ve explored the full range of our vocal abilities. Additionally, we’ve embarked on a fascinating journey of instrument differentiation, learning to distinguish between various types of instruments

This term, we’ve studied the musical tail “Le Carnaval des animaux” de Camille Saint-Saëns


We studied the painter Matisse

We also started by sketching our favorite fruits, carefully capturing their shapes and details on paper. Then, we brought our sketches to life by molding them with clay, adding texture and depth to our artwork.

Coding and programming workshop

This term, Walnut class worked on theme projects in Scratch Jr, such as Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter Egg Hunt, and a project about Funni (the main character of ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ book) and her colourful garden. They developed their fine motor skills by drawing different characters and dragging code blocks with the computer mouse. In every lesson, all students were engaged, focused, and eager to finish their work, which is amazing. Well done!


This term in Walnut and Birch Class, we’ve been enjoying our time outdoors with forest exploration and cycling adventures. With the arrival of spring, we’ve been pedalling through the forest trails, soaking up the sights and sounds of nature.

Cycling has been a fun way to stay active and improve our biking skills while exploring the great outdoors. As we ride through the forest, we’ve been observing the plants and animals around us, learning about the environment and appreciating the beauty of nature.

Chestnuts Class: Term 4 – 2024


Our students returned from their winter holidays feeling refreshed, and we were so excited to delve deeper into the concept of living and non-living things this term. Our studies centered around plants and the life cycles of insects, with a special focus on the bee, butterfly, and ladybug populations that we were fortunate to observe in the forest. Additionally, we eagerly anticipated the arrival of spring and the sunny days it brought.

Through various experiences, both in the forest and within the classroom, the children explored and enhanced their understanding of science, art, and language (both oral and written). They engaged with literature read in class and continued their studies with Jolly Phonics. Additionally, they focused on mathematics, with particular attention given to the concept of halves and doubles, along with the exploration of 3D shapes.

Additionally, the little pupils developed their faculties through practical life activities and sensory experiences. They refined their motor skills and focused on being more meticulous in terms of drawings, cutting, and other physical activities such as climbing trees and maintaining balance.


We explored the difference between living beings and non-living things. We looked at plants, watched insects, and touched different objects to understand what makes something alive. We learned that living things grow, move, and reproduce, while non-living things do not. Through this, the students gained a greater appreciation for nature and continued to grow their efforts to care for the environment.

Life cycle of the plant
This term, we explored the life cycle of plants both in the classroom and in the forest, laying the groundwork for our upcoming Spring project. Next term, we will be planting seeds and observing their germination and growth. To prepare, this term we practiced planting seeds through trial and error. Our aim is to apply our knowledge and experience to care for the new seeds, with the goal of witnessing the growth of new plants and hopefully harvesting their fruits and vegetables.

We also used visual aids like images, diagrams, and charts, which helped us explore the various phases of the plant life cycle, reinforcing the students’ understanding with videos and discussions. It was remarkable to see their curiosity and excitement as they discovered the wonders of nature unfolding before their eyes. By the end of the unit, the students had gained a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of caring for our environment.

Life cycle of the ladybird/ladybugs
To delve deeper into our understanding of ladybugs, we incorporated a range of engaging activities into our lessons. We created various ladybug crafts including our ladybug puppets, which we used to sing and dance in the forest to the song “Ladybugs Fly” by the Kiboomers.

We held interactive circle time discussions focused on ladybug facts and behaviours. Additionally, we enriched our learning experience with the story book “A very lazy lady bird” by Isobel Finn.
We were fortunate to encounter numerous ladybugs both inside our classroom and in the forest, providing us with valuable opportunities to connect our learning with real-life insects.

Life cycle of the butterfly
This topic is always a “crowd favourite” so we were very excited to explore it together. Through hands-on activities, vivid illustrations, and engaging discussions, we explored each stage of this remarkable transformation, we even got to learn new vocabulary words such as metamorphosis and chrysalis. We were fortunate to witness a real-life butterfly transformation in our classroom! As the butterfly emerged from its cocoon, we were able to witness the process unfold before our eyes and we also had the opportunity to release the butterfly into its natural habitat, emphasizing the importance of allowing it to thrive in its natural environment. We read the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle, which is a classic and a fun was to practice our counting skills.

Life cycle of the bee

Throughout this term, we continued to develop our students’ sensory abilities. One of the key activities we engaged in was the knobbed cylinders; a simple yet effective Montessori exercise designed to enhance sensory perception. By feeling and observing the differences in size, texture, and weight of each cylinder, the children refined their tactile senses and visual discrimination skills. As they manipulated the cylinders, they also practiced fine motor skills, further enriching their overall sensory experience. Through such activities, we aimed to provide a comprehensive sensory learning environment, nurturing each child’s ability to perceive and understand the world around them.

We also continues to use Jelly Beadz as well as a variety of tools to practice our hand-eye coordination and develop our sensory skills.

Throughout the term and year, the children engage with a variety of materials, crafting shapes, objects, characters, and animals based on the themes explored. This process not only fosters their imagination but also enhances their fine motor skills.

Using mediums like painting, drawing, clay modelling, and colouring, the children unleash their creativity, producing artworks inspired by spring. Their creations often feature vibrant depictions of flowers, plants, bees, butterflies, and ladybirds.

We designed and created our own flowers, which supported our lesson about the life cycle of plants:

The children also worked on spring project and easter activities:

The children also worked on creating flowers with forks. They really enjoyed it!

The students created translucent eggs that resemble stained glass. We used tissue paper and glue over contact paper. Once the glue dried we peeled off our work from the contact paper revealing our paper designs. We displayed them on our window so that we could admire our work!

We made easter cakes using food colouring to make them blue and pink. We also used pastel-coloured fondant to make little eggs and other figures to decorate our cakes.

We painted our little wooden trees and eggs and next term we will finish this project by hanging our eggs on the trees.

During the first week of this term, the children enjoyed working on the theme of Epiphany. We talked about the Three Kings and did some counting and graphic design activities about this theme.

Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term as with others, we focused on skills related to self care, such as to be able to clean a table, rolling a carpet, tidying up when they finish wroking on an activity or working on frames..



As part of our daily routine, the children are in the habit of cleaning and tidying up the classroom. During this term they cleaned the table.

Composting is also one of our concerns that is followed throughout the year as part of our school’s Eco project .

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.

Magnets and elastics


In keeping with part of the theme of this term, we cooked two cakes that we shared for the International Mathematics Day.


In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


Imitate, Innovate, Invent!
We used the ‘Talk for writing’ method to explore the storybook “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly” Illustrated by Pam Adams: We started by getting our book delivered and opening it up in the forest.

Then we created a visual story map and sang the song by ABC kids to imitate the story and to get familiar with the sequence of events in the book. We also completed cutting-and-pasting activities to reinforce our knowledge of the story.

Once we were familiar with the story we had our innovation discussions in which every child contributed their own imagination and made changes to the story: During the first session we gave the children images of old ladies and we asked them to make up something silly that the old ladies did. Some of answers were: “The old lady put her car in the sink” and “she threw a horse in the water”. During another session the students were asked to come up with new silly things the old lady ate, some of the answers were “the old lady ate the grass in her garden” and “she ate her whole house.”

Next term we will review our story as well as our imaginative modifications of the story and we will be diving into the ‘Invent’ portion of the project. The students will be coming up with their own stories and using different ways to represent them.

This term the children reinforced their knowledge and understanding of phonics and some continue to read little words (3 letter words).

During this term, we have continued exploring a range of new letters and sounds through actions, songs, story telling and games.

Jolly Phonics phase 3 introduces the sounds ai, j, oa, ie and ee or . We have learned these sounds whilst using games about phonics, using more exercises at school and working on syllables

Through action of these sounds, the children begin to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words and listen more carefully to sounds that compose the words.

We also reviewed the sounds learned in the first term and strengthened our knowledge of a, t, i, p and n as well as ck e h r m d, g, o, u, l, f and b.

The children also continue to write their names using sand, concrete letters and the whiteboard to recognise and practising writing their name.

The children also focused on writing their names in the snow using sticks and their imagination.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order.

Finally, the children enjoyed the time reading at the library or in class, choosing and reading books related to their interests.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on half and douoble, identifying different 3Ds shapes and writing numbers.

Counting from 1 to 100

Half and double

Writing numbers

3DS Shapes


Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.


During this term, the children continued cycling.

In the forest we also practised a lot of coordination games, allowing the children to improve their motricity.


During this term, we also had a great time on special days such as


WEDNESDAYS PROJECTS – Chalenges and Rainbow project



Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this fourth term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Enjoy the easter holidays and I am looking forward to seeing you after the break.

Manuela and Dina

French with Marie

Durant cette quatrième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 4 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec le thème du printemps, de la météo et les fêtes telles que Pâques :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

Le ciel est parcouru d’frissons, Gouttes gouttelettes de pluie, Concerto du printemps nouveau, Ding Dang Dong chanson de Pâques, Chanson de la gamme de do, Je prendrai soin de toi.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– renforcer à la pratique de la langue française

– intégrer des phrases simples mais correctes

– s’exprimer en français en petit groupe

– tracer le bonhomme de chaque mois

– se repérer dans l’espace

– apprendre la lettre P, la lettre T et la lettre V

– apprendre les nombres 8 à 10 (savoir dénombrer une collection)

– reconnaître de petits mots

– réaliser des activités de graphisme

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

en lien avec Pâques

  • – activités des chesnut

– réciter une poésie

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Plants & Flowers.” We’ve read these books:

We studied and observed the way a plant and a flower grew. Then we learned about the different parts that composed them as well as the elements they needed to grow and thrive.

We have done artistic activities around our flower theme.

They played the bingo themed “Le petit jardinier”

We learned two songs:

Maple Class: Term 4 – 2024


Our students returned from their winter holidays feeling refreshed, and we were so excited to delve deeper into the concept of living and non-living things this term. Our studies centered around plants and the life cycles of insects, with a special focus on the bee, butterfly, and ladybug populations that we were fortunate to observe in the forest. Additionally, we eagerly anticipated the arrival of spring and the sunny days it brought.

Through various experiences, both in the forest and within the classroom, the children explored and enhanced their understanding of science, art, and language (both oral and written). They engaged with literature read in class and continued their studies with Jolly Phonics. Additionally, they focused on mathematics, with particular attention given to the concept of halves and doubles, along with the exploration of 3D shapes.

Additionally, the little pupils developed their faculties through practical life activities and sensory experiences. They refined their motor skills and focused on being more meticulous in terms of drawings, cutting, and other physical activities such as climbing trees and maintaining balance.


We explored the difference between living beings and non-living things. We looked at plants, watched insects, and touched different objects to understand what makes something alive. We learned that living things grow, move, and reproduce, while non-living things do not. Through this, the students gained a greater appreciation for nature and continued to grow their efforts to care for the environment.

Life cycle of the plant
This term, we explored the life cycle of plants both in the classroom and in the forest, laying the groundwork for our upcoming Spring project. Next term, we will be planting seeds and observing their germination and growth. To prepare, this term we practiced planting seeds through trial and error. Our aim is to apply our knowledge and experience to care for the new seeds, with the goal of witnessing the growth of new plants and hopefully harvesting their fruits and vegetables.

We also used visual aids like images, diagrams, and charts, which helped us explore the various phases of the plant life cycle, reinforcing the students’ understanding with videos and discussions. It was remarkable to see their curiosity and excitement as they discovered the wonders of nature unfolding before their eyes. By the end of the unit, the students had gained a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of caring for our environment.

Life cycle of the ladybird/ladybugs
To delve deeper into our understanding of ladybugs, we incorporated a range of engaging activities into our lessons. We created various ladybug crafts including our ladybug puppets, which we used to sing and dance in the forest to the song “Ladybugs Fly” by the Kiboomers.

We held interactive circle time discussions focused on ladybug facts and behaviours. Additionally, we enriched our learning experience with the story book “A very lazy lady bird” by Isobel Finn.
We were fortunate to encounter numerous ladybugs both inside our classroom and in the forest, providing us with valuable opportunities to connect our learning with real-life insects.

Life cycle of the butterfly
This topic is always a “crowd favourite” so we were very excited to explore it together. Through hands-on activities, vivid illustrations, and engaging discussions, we explored each stage of this remarkable transformation, we even got to learn new vocabulary words such as metamorphosis and chrysalis. We were fortunate to witness a real-life butterfly transformation in our classroom! As the butterfly emerged from its cocoon, we were able to witness the process unfold before our eyes and we also had the opportunity to release the butterfly into its natural habitat, emphasizing the importance of allowing it to thrive in its natural environment. We read the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle, which is a classic and a fun was to practice our counting skills.

Life cycle of the bee

Throughout this term, we continued to develop our students’ sensory abilities. One of the key activities we engaged in was the knobbed cylinders; a simple yet effective Montessori exercise designed to enhance sensory perception. By feeling and observing the differences in size, texture, and weight of each cylinder, the children refined their tactile senses and visual discrimination skills. As they manipulated the cylinders, they also practiced fine motor skills, further enriching their overall sensory experience. Through such activities, we aimed to provide a comprehensive sensory learning environment, nurturing each child’s ability to perceive and understand the world around them.

We also continues to use Jelly Beadz as well as a variety of tools to practice our hand-eye coordination and develop our sensory skills.

Throughout the term and year, the children engage with a variety of materials, crafting shapes, objects, characters, and animals based on the themes explored. This process not only fosters their imagination but also enhances their fine motor skills.

Using mediums like painting, drawing, clay modelling, and colouring, the children unleash their creativity, producing artworks inspired by spring. Their creations often feature vibrant depictions of flowers, plants, bees, butterflies, and ladybirds.

We designed and created our own flowers, which supported our lesson about the life cycle of plants:

The children also worked on spring project and easter activities:

The children also worked on creating flowers with forks. They really enjoyed it!

The students created translucent eggs that resemble stained glass. We used tissue paper and glue over contact paper. Once the glue dried we peeled off our work from the contact paper revealing our paper designs. We displayed them on our window so that we could admire our work!

We made easter cakes using food colouring to make them blue and pink. We also used pastel-coloured fondant to make little eggs and other figures to decorate our cakes.

We painted our little wooden trees and eggs and next term we will finish this project by hanging our eggs on the trees.

During the first week of this term, the children enjoyed working on the theme of Epiphany. We talked about the Three Kings and did some counting and graphic design activities about this theme.

Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term as with others, we focused on skills related to self care, such as to be able to clean a table, rolling a carpet, tidying up when they finish wroking on an activity or working on frames..



As part of our daily routine, the children are in the habit of cleaning and tidying up the classroom. During this term they cleaned the table.

Composting is also one of our concerns that is followed throughout the year as part of our school’s Eco project .

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.

Magnets and elastics


In keeping with part of the theme of this term, we cooked two cakes that we shared for the International Mathematics Day.


In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


Imitate, Innovate, Invent!
We used the ‘Talk for writing’ method to explore the storybook “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly” Illustrated by Pam Adams: We started by getting our book delivered and opening it up in the forest.

Then we created a visual story map and sang the song by ABC kids to imitate the story and to get familiar with the sequence of events in the book. We also completed cutting-and-pasting activities to reinforce our knowledge of the story.

Once we were familiar with the story we had our innovation discussions in which every child contributed their own imagination and made changes to the story: During the first session we gave the children images of old ladies and we asked them to make up something silly that the old ladies did. Some of answers were: “The old lady put her car in the sink” and “she threw a horse in the water”. During another session the students were asked to come up with new silly things the old lady ate, some of the answers were “the old lady ate the grass in her garden” and “she ate her whole house.”

Next term we will review our story as well as our imaginative modifications of the story and we will be diving into the ‘Invent’ portion of the project. The students will be coming up with their own stories and using different ways to represent them.

This term the children reinforced their knowledge and understanding of phonics and some continue to read little words (3 letter words).

During this term, we have continued exploring a range of new letters and sounds through actions, songs, story telling and games.

Jolly Phonics phase 3 introduces the sounds ai, j, oa, ie and ee or . We have learned these sounds whilst using games about phonics, using more exercises at school and working on syllables

Through action of these sounds, the children begin to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words and listen more carefully to sounds that compose the words.

We also reviewed the sounds learned in the first term and strengthened our knowledge of a, t, i, p and n as well as ck e h r m d, g, o, u, l, f and b.

The children also continue to write their names using sand, concrete letters and the whiteboard to recognise and practising writing their name.

The children also focused on writing their names in the snow using sticks and their imagination.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order.

Finally, the children enjoyed the time reading at the library or in class, choosing and reading books related to their interests.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on half and douoble, identifying different 3Ds shapes and writing numbers.

Counting from 1 to 100

Half and double

Writing numbers

3DS Shapes


Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.


During this term, the children continued cycling.

In the forest we also practised a lot of coordination games, allowing the children to improve their motricity.


During this term, we also had a great time on special days such as


WEDNESDAYS PROJECTS – Chalenges and Rainbow project



Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this fourth term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Enjoy the easter holidays and I am looking forward to seeing you after the break.

Manuela and Dina

French with Marie

Durant cette quatrième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 4 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec le thème du printemps, de la météo et les fêtes telles que Pâques :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

Le ciel est parcouru d’frissons, Gouttes gouttelettes de pluie, Concerto du printemps nouveau, Ding Dang Dong chanson de Pâques, Chanson de la gamme de do, Je prendrai soin de toi.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– renforcer à la pratique de la langue française

– intégrer des phrases simples mais correctes

– s’exprimer en français en petit groupe

– tracer le bonhomme de chaque mois

– se repérer dans l’espace

– apprendre la lettre P, la lettre T et la lettre V

– apprendre les nombres 8 à 10 (savoir dénombrer une collection)

– reconnaître de petits mots

– réaliser des activités de graphisme

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

en lien avec Pâques

  • – activités des chesnut

– réciter une poésie

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Plants & Flowers.” We’ve read these books:

We studied and observed the way a plant and a flower grew. Then we learned about the different parts that composed them as well as the elements they needed to grow and thrive.

We have done artistic activities around our flower theme.

They played the bingo themed “Le petit jardinier”

We learned two songs:

Chestnut class Term3, 2023-2024


In this beautiful setting, winter has replaced autumn and has given us some joys of playing in the snow, sledding and snowballing. During this term, we talked about health in all its forms and through different experiences, the functions of water, different foods and exercise. We also paid a lot of attention to the winter season and transportation.

In the forest, in the classroom, every day, the children learn by looking, listening, and through mimicry. They continueto develop their primary functions and their creativity, sensory skills and language.

Young and old alike learn from each other and everyone has found their place.


During this term, we addressed the essential topics of winter, health and transport.

This winter brought us snow and ice, which allowed us to work in science on the transformation of snow/ice into water. This also led us to review the water cycle as well as the notions of floating and sinking, thanks to boats we created in the classroom.

As part of the project, we talked about Antarctica and the different animals that live there. The children had fun discovering the animals hidden in the ice, thus developing their curiosity and touch through the different sensations of the polystyrene representing snow.

We also worked on sensory experiences, tasting some food, feeling, touching ice and snow.

During this term, we addressed the subject of healthy food, different tastes and senses, and developed our taste through an activity consisting of testing and differentiating between tastes and flavours.


We also developed our sense of touch, thanks to different other activities.

One of these activities has been to create some natural playdoh.

Children love it! It is so much fun to create and work with it. Touching is a very important sense to feel and appreciate, especially when it is school-made!:-)


During this term and throughout the year, the children touch different materials, create shapes, objects, characters and animals according to the themes addressed and also develop their imagination as well as their fine motor skills.

Through painting, drawing, modelling clay and colouring the children use their imagination and have created works regarding winter such as a snowman, winter landscapes and also crafts related to Chinese New Year and Valentine’s day.

The children also worked on Valentine’s Day creating some hearts, cards and crafts working on fine motricity. They really enjoyed it!

During the first week of this term, the children enjoyed working on the theme of Epiphany. We talked about the Three Kings and did some counting and graphic design activities about this theme.


Creating a crown


We worked on the notion of land, sea, and air and the children had to figure out the transports that were floating, flying or going on land.

Talking about winter, the children created snowmen using different matterials and supports

In addition, in order to continue on the theme of winter, while the snow had spread to Paris, the children embarked on the creation of a winter freeze.

The children used cotton, paint, pencils and cotton swabs that were made available to them in order to imagine the frezze representing the mountains, the snow and the snow-capped peaks.

One of the themes also covered in this term was food. So in class, we studied which foods are good for you, which ones should be eaten in limited quantities. We carried out activities in this regard.

On this topic, the children really appreciated the creation of a strawberry by painting with their hand.

Children also appreciate free crafting activities, coming up with their own ideas.


Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term as with others, we focused on skills related to self care, such as the abling frameworks but also cutting fictitious fruits. These help develop their fine motor skills.

I also introduced new pouring activities for the children to practice pouring liquid or solids from one container to another. Children really appreciate this activity which requires precision of gesture and rigour. A good exercise to reproduce endlessly at home in order to develop concentration and precision.

As part of our daily routine, the children are in the habit of cleaning and tidying up the classroom in order to be in the best conditions to work.

Composting is also one of our concerns that is followed throughout the year as part of our school’s Eco project .

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.



In keeping with part of the theme of this term, we cooked galettes des rois. The children enjoyed discovering the recipe and placing the bean inside. But I think what they liked the most was tasting it :-;


In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


This term through action of these sounds, the children begin to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words and listen more carefully to sounds that compose the words and their names.

The children discovered the phonics and began to copy their names. They began to write their names using sand, concrete letters and the whiteboard to recognise and practising writing their name.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order.

Finally, the children enjoyed the time reading at the library or in class, choosing and reading books related to their interests.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on bigger than, smaller than, identifying different shapes and beginning to introduce the notion of addition.

Counting from 1 to 10


Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.


During this term, the children continued cycling even in the snow 🙂


Building a house has also been part of our daily activities….

As well as sliding in the snow 🙂 The children have had a lot of fun!

In the forest, we also practised a lot of coordination games, allowing the children to improve their motricity.


During this term, we also had a great time on special days such as the days when the snow had settled or the Jeux Olympiques project on Wednesday afternoons during which we defended the colours of our team 🙂


Olympics games on Wedneday’s afternoons


Concerning our transportation subject, we decided to take the tram and to go to St Germain en Laye. The children were very excited and the trip was great, even if we have had some rain:-)

We went to see the castle and the children appreciated the vue of the Park.

During this term, we practiced singing and playing instruments through walks in the forest but also thanks to songs and music with Marie.

Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this second term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Enjoy the winter holidays and I am looking forward to seeing you after the break.


French with Marie

Durant cette troisième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec le thème de l’hiver et les fêtes tels que l’Epiphanie et la galette des rois, la Chandeleur, le Nouvel An Chinois, Mardi gras:

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

J’aime la galette, Le bon roi Dagobert, Trois esquimaux, Les petits souliers, Petits flocons blancs, L’amour brille sous les étoiles

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– s’entraîner à la pratique de la langue française

– mémoriser des petits mots fréquents et les utiliser à bon escient

– se repérer dans l’espace

– jouer avec les nombres

– reconnaître de petits mots

– réaliser des activités de graphisme

– et de motricité fine

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

– faire de la cuisine

  • La galette
  • le petit bonhomme de pain d’épices
  • les crêpes

– un gâteau au chocolat pour le goûter du Carnaval

– découvrir les fêtes de l’Epiphanie, du Nouvel An Chinois et de la Saint Valentin

– chanter collectivement des chansons

Chanson “J’aime la galette”

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Healthy living and Transport.” We studied We’ve read these books:

We studied what was necessary for a person to be in good health, then we discovered various foods and their different flavors. Next, we sorted them and distributed them into several groups. Finally, the children cut out pictures from food brochures to create their own plate.

Then, we explored various ways of transportation, studying their diverse characteristics: those that float, those that fly, those that roll..

They played the bingo themed “Food” and “Transport”

They learned two songs: “La ronde des légumes” and “Transports autour du monde”.

We also invited parents on a Friday afternoon to come and taste the galettes prepared by the children to celebrate Epiphany.

Maple class Term3, 2023-2024


In this beautiful setting, winter has replaced autumn and has given us some joys of playing in the snow, sledding and snowballing. During this term, we talked about health in all its forms and through different experiences, the functions of water, different foods and exercise. We also paid a lot of attention to the winter season and transportation.

In the forest, in the classroom, every day, the children learn by looking, listening, and through mimicry. They continueto develop their primary functions and their creativity, sensory skills and language.

Young and old alike learn from each other and everyone has found their place.


During this term, we addressed the essential topics of winter, health and transport.

This winter brought us snow and ice, which allowed us to work in science on the transformation of snow/ice into water. This also led us to review the water cycle as well as the notions of floating and sinking, thanks to boats we created in the classroom.

As part of the project, we talked about Antarctica and the different animals that live there. The children had fun discovering the animals hidden in the ice, thus developing their curiosity and touch through the different sensations of the polystyrene representing snow.

We also worked on sensory experiences, tasting some food, feeling, touching ice and snow.

During this term, we addressed the subject of healthy food, different tastes and senses, and developed our taste through an activity consisting of testing and differentiating between tastes and flavours.


We also developed our sense of touch, thanks to different other activities.

One of these activities has been to create some natural playdoh.

Children love it! It is so much fun to create and work with it. Touching is a very important sense to feel and appreciate, especially when it is school-made!:-)


During this term and throughout the year, the children touch different materials, create shapes, objects, characters and animals according to the themes addressed and also develop their imagination as well as their fine motor skills.

Through painting, drawing, modelling clay and colouring the children use their imagination and have created works regarding winter such as a snowman, winter landscapes and also crafts related to Chinese New Year and Valentine’s day.

The children also worked on Valentine’s Day creating some hearts, cards and crafts working on fine motricity. They really enjoyed it!

During the first week of this term, the children enjoyed working on the theme of Epiphany. We talked about the Three Kings and did some counting and graphic design activities about this theme.


Creating a crown

Activities related to Epiphany


We worked on the notion of land, sea, and air and the children had to figure out the transports that were floating, flying or going on land.

Talking about winter, the children created snowmen using different matterials and supports

In addition, in order to continue on the theme of winter, while the snow had spread to Paris, the children embarked on the creation of a winter freeze.

The children used cotton, paint, pencils and cotton swabs that were made available to them in order to imagine the frezze representing the mountains, the snow and the snow-capped peaks.

One of the themes also covered in this term was food. So in class, we studied which foods are good for you, which ones should be eaten in limited quantities. We carried out activities in this regard.

On this topic, the children really appreciated the creation of a strawberry by painting with their hand.

Children also appreciate free crafting activities, coming up with their own original ideas


Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term as with others, we focused on skills related to self care, such as the abling frameworks but also cutting fictitious fruits. These help develop their fine motor skills.

I also introduced new pouring activities for the children to practice pouring liquid or solids from one container to another. Children really appreciate this activity which requires precision of gesture and rigour. A good exercise to reproduce endlessly at home in order to develop concentration and precision.

As part of our daily routine, the children are in the habit of cleaning and tidying up the classroom in order to be in the best conditions to work.

Composting is also one of our concerns that is followed throughout the year as part of our school’s Eco project .

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.

Magnets /Testing the attraction


In keeping with part of the theme of this term, we cooked galettes des rois. The children enjoyed discovering the recipe and placing the bean inside. But I think what they liked the most was tasting it :-;


In order to develop and work on children’s motor skills, we have, among other things, made a lot of use of scissors and carried out various cutting sessions.


This term the children reinforced their knowledege and understanding of phonics and some began to read little words (3 letter words).

During this term, we have continued exploring a range of new letters and sounds through actions, songs, story telling and games.

Jolly Phonics phase 3 introduces the sounds g, o, u, l, f and b . We have learned these sounds whilst using games about phonics, using more exercises at school and working on syllables

Through action of these sounds, the children begin to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words and listen more carefully to sounds that compose the words.

We also reviewed the sounds learned in the first term and strengthened our knowledgeof a, t, i, p and n as well as ck e h r m d.

The children also continue to write their names using sand, concrete letters and the whiteboard to recognise and practising writing their name.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to our discussions during circle time about different subjects such as talking about their weekend, the books we are reading in class and putting the stories into the correct order.

We also worked on the representation of a story read in class for which the children enjoyed recreating through their own drawings, writings and representations.

The children also focused on writing their names in the snow using sticks and their imagination.

Finally, the children enjoyed the time reading at the library or in class, choosing and reading books related to their interests.


Regarding numeracy, we work each day on a different matter such as counting from 1 up to the current date, working on bigger than, smaller than, identifying different shapes and beginning to introduce the notion of addition.

Counting from 1 to 20

Counting from 20 to 100

Counting/How many/Ordering….

Writing numbers


Every Friday, the children are happy to share an object from home. It’s an opportunity for them to talk about what they like and introduce the class to their favorite object.


Since the beginning of this term, the children have explored the forest and have become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal.

They also have gained more confidence during this term when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.



During this period, we did a lot of walks through the forest to study the different changes related to the change of seasons.

Walking through the forest and the orchard


During this term, the children continued cycling even in the snow 🙂


Building a house has also been part of our daily activities….

As well as sliding in the snow 🙂 The children have had a lot of fun!

In the forest, we also practised a lot of coordination games, allowing the children to improve their motricity.

Swinging in the forest was great…


During this term, we also had a great time on special days such as the days when the snow had settled or the Jeux Olympiques project on Wednesday afternoons during which we defended the colours of our team 🙂


Olympics games on Wedneday’s afternoons


Concerning our transportation subject, we decided to take the tram and to go to St Germain en Laye. The children were very excited and the trip was great, even if we have had some rain:-)

We went to see the castle and the children appreciated the vue of the Park.

During this term, we practiced singing and playing instruments through walks in the forest but also thanks to songs and music with Marie.

Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed this page describing your children’s activities throughout this second term, which we had the pleasure of sharing together.

Enjoy the winter holidays and I am looking forward to seeing you after the break.


French with Marie

Durant cette troisième période de l’année, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec le thème de l’hiver et les fêtes tels que l’Epiphanie et la galette des rois, la Chandeleur, le Nouvel An Chinois, Mardi gras:

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :

J’aime la galette, Le bon roi Dagobert, Trois esquimaux, Les petits souliers, Petits flocons blancs, L’amour brille sous les étoiles

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– s’entraîner à la pratique de la langue française

– construire des phrases simples mais correctes

– s’exprimer en français en petit groupe

– tracer le bonhomme de chaque mois

– se repérer dans l’espace

– apprendre la lettre L et la lettre T

– apprendre les nombres 6 à 8 (savoir dénombrer une collection)

– reconnaître de petits mots

– réaliser des activités de graphisme

– comprendre les albums lus en classe

– participer à des projets artistiques

– faire de la cuisine

  • La galette
  • le petit bonhomme de pain d’épices
  • les crêpes

– un gâteau au chocolat pour le goûter du Carnaval

– découvrir les fêtes de l’Epiphanie, du Nouvel An Chinois et de la Saint Valentin

– chanter collectivement des chansons

Chanson “J’aime la galette”

French Topic with Marie

The theme for this period is “Healthy living and Transport.” We studied We’ve read these books:

We studied what was necessary for a person to be in good health, then we discovered various foods and their different flavors. Next, we sorted them and distributed them into several groups. Finally, the children cut out pictures from food brochures to create their own plate.

Then, we explored various ways of transportation, studying their diverse characteristics: those that float, those that fly, those that roll..

They played the bingo themed “Food” and “Transport”

They learned two songs: “La ronde des légumes” and “Transports autour du monde”.

We also invited parents on a Friday afternoon to come and taste the galettes prepared by the children to celebrate Epiphany.

Elm Class Blog 3, 2023-2024


Elm began the term with a focus on recount writing, using their Christmas holidays as a basis for exploring this broad writing genre. The class discussed about their experiences and mind mapped them before committing them to paper. Elms looked at the different kinds of recounts, from biographies and autobiographies, newspaper articles and diaries to letters, trip reports and witness statements. 

French with Joanna

The festivities continued after the New Year in French class this term. Since we are living in the ‘Culinary Capital’ of the world, there’s always an excuse to bake delicious treats linked of course to a specific festivity. We started off the first term of 2024 learning about and celebrating l’Epiphanie and why the French eat the ‘Galette des Rois’ (6/01) which we baked and ate with all Oak & Elms students and then we invited the parents to partake in this delicious feast. After digesting our galette we celebrated ‘La Chandeleur’ (2/02) by making ‘des crêpes’ with our classmates and after flipping them successfully we chose some scrumptious toppings and ate them with the whole school. We finished off the term learning about Le Nouvel An Chinois, Mardi Gras and La Saint Valentin. We also studied the painting ‘Les Quatre Saisons’ d’Arcimboldo and the students made their own posters by describing each season. The students also learned and presented poems on le mois de janvier perfectly and we studied le passé composé with spelling tests and worksheets.

French with Marie

Durant cette troisième période, les élèves ont étudié et approfondi plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: les expansions du nom, la phase simple et la phrase complexe, juxtaposition/coordination/subordination

en conjugaison: les temps simples et les temps composés, le participe passé,

en orthographe: les homophones, le féminin et le pluriel des noms et des adjectifs et 2 dictées préparées et notées.

en vocabulaire: les caractéristiques et le vocabulaire du théâtre.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “L’hiver” et “

en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:

  • Le Médecin malgré lui de Molière

3 évaluations ont été effectuées.

French Topic with Joanna

This term the Elm students studied ‘La Convention Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant’ (CIDE). We had very interesting class discussions about what the students thought their fundamental rights should be (right to education, an identity, food, clean water, roof over their heads etc.). We discussed how each student comes to school each day (by foot, bus, car…) and then we followed the lives of Mabally in Africa, Erbol in Kyrgyzstan, William in Peru, Niessa in the Philippines and many others in short extracts from the series ‘Les Chemins de l’Ecole’. The students realized that education is a right that all children have but that it’s not easily accessible to all and that many children take extreme risks by just getting to school each day because they want to be educated to improve their lives. The students enjoyed playing an interactive and educational game linked to the theme of the series and we studied various articles of the CIDE and the students made a wall display listing articles from the Convention.


Elm remained in the Middle ages this term, and before moving on from pivotal events of the Norman Conquest looked at everyday life for ordinary people at the time, how law was enforced and the economic and social changes that marked the era. Elm also learnt about Matilda of Flanders, Duchess of Normandy Queen Consort of England as William the Conqueror’s wife. The class looked at wars in the Middle ages, discovered who fought them and why. Elm students found out about some of the most famous battles, including the Battle of Agincourt, and reflected on why this battle has a special place in history. 


In Geography, Elm learnt about the continents of North and South America. The students discovered about the different countries that make up these large expanses of land and their geographical characteristics. Elm students learnt about latitude and longitude, different time zones across the continents, as well as different biomes that are spread across the Americas.


In Statistics:

Elm mathematicians constructed and interpreted various data tables, charts and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, pictograms, line graphs, stem and leaf charts and scatter graphs (correlation). Elms can clearly distinguish between positive and negative correlation, identify if it is strong, moderate or weak and understand that all outliers are not taken into consideration while drawing the line of the best fit. We then dived deeper into the construction of pie charts and calculated desirable percentage and number of degrees for the specific group of data. 

In Probability and ratio, Elms used the important vocabulary related to probability and know that Impossible, Unlikely, Even Chance, Likely and Certain relate to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1, respectively. Students then solved probability problems where we had to find all possible outcomes and calculate the probability of the desirable outcome.

Les Concours Archimède

On the 1st of February, 3 students from Oak and Elm crunched mathematical puzzles that were intend to be solved during Les Concours Archimède. Unfortunately, the competition was cancelled this year due to the organisational issues, but our young mathematicians were keen to put their logical minds to the test. Well done to Roger, Leonard and Stefan! Fantastic results and we are very proud of you!

 Les JEUX ÉNIGMES SOLIDAIRES pour collégiens francophones depuis 1989

These puzzle games allowed children to highlight their knowledge, clearly express their mathematical thoughts and use their sense of observation.


During this unit, Elm students charged themselves with the positive energy while learning about energy. Elms discussed the difference between energy and temperature and know that they are not the same. Elms investigated with the energy transfer by: conduction and convection and discussed how energy is transferred by radiation.     Hands on experiments and simulation in the Virtual Lab, enabled the students to make conclusion related to energy transfer via conduction and convection.  Students also looked into renewable and non-renewable energy sources and learnt how to calculate electricity bills. We studied the world’s energy needs and have concluded that the demand for electricity is rising and now need to find new energy sources for the future.


Collaborative Project with Oak Class: Chocolate orangette

Linked to our science topic, we created our own chocolate-dipped orangette. First we made candied orange peels and then dipped them in our pre-tempered chocolate. We tried to master the complex process of tempering chocolate while melting, cooling down and reheating chocolate that gave us a glossy effect.

Celebrating St. Valentine’s day with Pavlova meringaie


By the beginning of the term, Elm class learned about the basic functions of the micro:bit and how to program it. Then, pupils explored the following projects: 

– In the multiplication revision project, they made a program that gave simple maths problems and the answers when needed, to help young students practice their times tables. Two variables were created to represent the two numbers needed for a multiplication problem. 

– Created a program that sensed the temperature and used the conditional “if” to make the microbit respond differently to the various temperatures, too cold, just right or too hot. 

– The last project of the term was to create a virtual pet that reacted to diverse health levels by displaying different icons.


This term in Spanish, Elm class explored and talked about food and food preferences. They enjoyed expressing themselves about the food they like and don’t like, they also used verbs such as like and love. Next, we talked about animals, related adjectives and their personalities, pets and pets’ activities and skills. The animals they prefer and the ones they identified themselves with.

Forest and PE

Forest Challenges and team building activities

During our whole school forest challenges and team building activities, the children were engaged in a variety of physical and logical tasks. Not only that they started to develop a sense of belonging to the team but also tried to overcome frustration when something was not going their way. As a team, they tried to work on these tasks and often agreed on the strategies and techniques that they had to use. The main mission for these challenges is not only to allow children to have fun but also enrich their set of skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives.

The children worked on their Morality, Enquiry, Cooperation, Communication, Thoughtfulness, Respect, Resilience and Determination personal goals.

These skills are vital to acquire from an early age and knowing ‘how to get up when we are knocked down’ is very important.

Team building activities

3D Design and Technology

This term, Elm Class designed a travel game for children to use during a car or aeroplane trip. They made decisions on the size, type of material, rules, among others. They came up with realistic and creative designs.

By the end of the term, they did a Monet/Banksy Art and Technology project in which they had to choose a Monet painting and an object representative of Banksy to put on the painting. They used Microsoft Design and came up with creative projects that would soon be translated to a white canvas to mix printed images with art tools.

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Elm Class completed several projects on the micro:bit using Tinkercad:

– They created a dice game to enhance their understanding of how buttons and sensors work in the micro:bit. When the micro:bit detects a shake, it displays a random number on the LED display, simulating the roll of a die.

– They learned how to use the light sensor and the temperature sensor.

– They also added a simple component called the potentiometer to the micro:bit to control the onboard LEDs.

Oak Class Blog, Term 3, 2023-2024


This term Oak students learnt strategies for reading and decoding unfamiliar words and reflected on the function of the different punctuation. The class shared their feelings about books, discussed and wrote about their own experiences and analysed a range of fictional characters using text evidence – content, point of view, language and tone. Following last term’s reading of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes, the class wrote their own fantasy stories. Linked to this term’s study of Ancient Egypt in history, the class also looked at Egyptian myths, such as the Egyptian creation story and the story of Isis and Osiris.

French with Joanna

The festivities continued after the New Year in French class this term. Since we are living in the ‘Culinary Capital’ of the world, there’s always an excuse to bake delicious treats linked of course to a specific festivity. We started off the first term of 2024 learning about and celebrating l’Epiphanie and why the French eat the ‘Galette des Rois’ (6/01) which we baked and ate with all Oak & Elms students and then we invited the parents to partake in this delicious feast. After digesting our galette we celebrated ‘La Chandeleur’ (2/02) by making ‘des crêpes’ with our classmates and after flipping them successfully we chose some scrumptious toppings and ate them with the whole school. We finished off the term learning about Le Nouvel An Chinois, Mardi Gras and La Saint Valentin. We also studied the painting ‘Les Quatre Saisons’ d’Arcimboldo and the students made their own posters by describing each season. The students also learned and presented poems on le mois de janvier perfectly and we studied le passé composé with spelling tests and worksheets.

French with Marie

Durant cette troisième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: adjectifs qualificatifs épithète et attribut, complément du nom

en orthographe: accords dans le Groupe Nominal (genre et nombre).

en conjugaison: le futur des auxiliaires être et avoir, et des verbes du 1er et 2ème groupe.

en vocabulaire: lectures silencieuses.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “Hiver”et

en littérature: 1 livre a été lu et étudié:

  • Emilie et le crayon magique d’Henriette Bichonnier

French with Joanna

3 évaluations ont été faites cette période.

French Topic with Marie

Cette période nous avons continué à étudier le fonctionnement du gouvernement français et vu les caractéristiques de la 5ème République. En effet, après avoir révisé les symboles de la France, les élèves ont analysé plusieurs notions:

  • la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen (établie après la Révolution française en 1789)
  • la démocratie
  • la constitution du gouvernement avec les différents membres qui le composent (le président, les ministres, l’Assemblée Nationale avec les députés, le Sénat et les grands élécteurs)
  • les 3 pouvoirs et leurs fonctions (législatif, exécutif et judiciaire)
  • le fonctionnement du vote

Les enfants ont écouté la chanson de Gérard Lenormand Si j’étais président:

Nous avons lu ces livres:

Puis les enfants ont effectué un grand panneau récapitulant tout ce qu’ils ont intégré:


This term Oak historians traveled back in time to Ancient Egypt. The class learnt about daily life for ordinary people, the homes they lived in and what it was to like to be a child in Ancient Egypt. Oaks learnt about food and farming, trading and travel at this time as well as Egyptian writing. Students also discovered about Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife and, of course, the pyramids that housed the bodies of the Pharaohs, the heads of state and religious leaders of this fascinating cultures.


Oaks continued their study of the Americas this term. They learnt about the continent’s physical geography, its mountains, rivers and seas, and discovered its many different geographical features, from deserts and canyons to volcanoes, forests and glaciers. Oaks learnt about the different biomes across the continent and also about the cultural history of North and South America, the indigenous peoples and the impact of the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century. 


In Statistics: This term, Oaks constructed and interpreted various tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, simple pie charts and line graphs. Oak students created their questioner and conducted their survey around the school on topics of favourite colours, domestic pets and means of travel. Linked to our learning in science on ‘State of matter’, students recorded and presented data in tables, bar charts and line graphs and then practiced solving comparison, sum and difference problems. Oak students worked on solving different statistics problems where information had to be analyzed in order to calculate the required average: range, mode, mean and median.

Introduction to Probability : During this unit, we discovered vocabulary related to probability and know that Impossible, Unlikely, Even Chance, Likely and Certain relate to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1, respectively. We then experimented and solved hands on probability problems with our spinners, dice and coins. 

In Number and Fraction, Oak students worked on finding fractions of shapes and now will move onto finding fraction of amounts, finding equivalent fractions and will carry out operations with fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers. 

Les Concours Archimède

On the 1st of February, 3 students from Oak and Elm crunched mathematical puzzles that were intend to be solved during Les Concours Archimède. Unfortunately, the competition was cancelled this year due to the organisational issues, but our young mathematicians were keen to put their logical minds to the test. Well done to Roger, Leonard and Stefan! Fantastic results and we are very proud of you!

 Les JEUX ÉNIGMES SOLIDAIRES pour collégiens francophones depuis 1989.  These puzzle games allowed children to highlight their knowledge, clearly express their mathematical thoughts and use their sense of observation.


During this term, Oak students dived into the world of physics and investigated with the three states of matter. Young scientists proposed their questions, changed one variable, tested their hypothesis three times, recorded their findings and made their conclusions. Students discussed everyday solids, liquids and gases, considering their shape and volume. Students carried out different experiments where they observed changes during cooling, freezing and melting process. Oak students plotted and analyzed heating or cooling plot graphs, drew conclusions about the melting and boiling points of substances. Oaks also investigated with different solids and liquids while mixing, diluting and dissolving and then grouped them into reversible and irreversible changes.

Experiments with snow

During the snowy January days, Oak scientists investigated with snow and tested different materials to find good thermal insulators and conductors. Students devised different experiments where they measured the time, temperature and amount of water formed after snow or ice was melted.

Chocolate orangette

Linked to our science topic, we created our own chocolate-dipped orangette. First we made candied orange peels and then dipped them in our pre-tempered chocolate. We tried to master the complex process of tempering chocolate while melting, cooling down and reheating chocolate that gave us a glossy effect.

Celebrating St. Valentine’s day with Pavlova meringaie

Experiment with water in a paper cup. We managed to heat water up to 60.3°C in a paper cup, and we did this in 25 mins with one tealight candle. Feel free to try this home but don’t do this when you are in a hurry, or just have a cup of tea while you wait. Paper cup doesn’t burn, as water acts as a good conductor of heat and prevents the paper from reaching the kindling point. We didn’t manage to boil the water but recommend that you place a lid on your cup, it might help. Try and let us know.


During the term, Oak Class designed and programmed different projects in Scratch:

– Created shapes using count-controlled loops.

– Explored infinite and count-controlled loops. They practiced using these within the program and considered which might be more suitable for different purposes.

– Created designs for an animation of the letters in their names. The animation used repetition to change the costume (appearance) of the sprite. The letter sprites all animated together when the event block (green flag) was clicked.

– Our last project of the term involved designing their own games based on the model project, producing designs and algorithms for sprites in the game.


This term in Spanish, Oak Class became familiar and confident with the parts of the body and the key concept of gender differences in nouns. They continued practicing the key Spanish sounds, numbers, and colors. They described monsters using the verb ‘tener’ (to have) and adjusted the sentence according to gender and number. We concluded this term by practicing common vocabulary and phrases used on Valentine’s Day.

Forest Exploration and PE

Forest Challenges and Team building Activities

During our whole school forest challenges and team building activities, the children were engaged in a variety of physical and logical tasks. Not only that they started to develop a sense of belonging to the team but also tried to overcome frustration when something was not going their way. As a team, they tried to work on these tasks and often agreed on the strategies and techniques that they had to use. The main mission for these challenges is not only to allow children to have fun but also enrich their set of skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives.

The children worked on their Morality, Enquiry, Cooperation, Communication, Thoughtfulness, Respect, Resilience and Determination personal goals.

These skills are vital to acquire from an early age and knowing ‘how to get up when we are knocked down’ is very important.

Team building challenges

Coding and Programming Workshop

This term, Oak Class created a catch game in Scratch using an apple and a bowl. In this game, they had to catch apples falling from the sky using a bowl. This involved a multi-step process where students programmed the apple to ascend, fall, maneuver the catcher, and catch it. They also set up a scoring system, implemented a program for bonus points, and included a victory message at the end. It was an interesting and challenging term for Oak Class.