French (Beginner group with Joanna)
For the final term of the school year our theme from Zig Zag was the Town Centre (centre ville). The students learned a lot of new vocabulary and they did a ‘plan de ville’ of their town and presented it to their classmates and they made posters too.
Directions: à gauche, tout droit, au coin de, en face…
Road signs: dangers/interdictions/obligations/indications/services/directions
Points of interest: gare, librairie, bureau de
poste, école, boulangerie, boucher, cinéma, mairie, piscine, café, restaurant, supermarché…
French (Intermediate group with Christine)
This last period at school was divided, as usual, between an oral and a written part in each lesson. The oral time begins each Monday with a questions and answer session about everyone’s weekend (an exercise we already did from September to June). We also usually read together two different comics. The first one is a short police story comic, where the whole class participates by playing one part of a character and trying to find the answer of the mystery the Inspector had to solve. The other comic is about the collection of objects from students who wants to help the organization “Emmaüs”. In order to develop their writing skills, students worked on short texts with questions or completed grammar exercises (which are selected individually according to their level).
French (Advanced group with Marie)
Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de notre programme de français. Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour des différentes matières:
en grammaire: révision des natures et fonctions des mots, des compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière, de but, de moyen)
en conjugaison: l’impératif présent et le présent du conditionnel (avec révision des temps du passé)
en orthographe: la polysémie, les bases grecques et latines des mots, les homophones/homonymes et antonymes, les préfixes et les suffixes, noms génériques et noms particuliers
en mémorisation: 1 dictée a été faite et 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée
en poésie: découverte d’un acrostiche pour l’occasion de la fête des pères.
en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec le choix d’un livre de lecture (Le message d’Athènes d’Odile Weulersse ou La véritable histoire de Titus) puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.
1 évaluation a eu lieu pendant cette 5ème période.
French IMYC with Marie
Cette cinquième période a été consacrée au thème de “l’entreprenariat”.
Nous avons aussi abordé le thème des abeilles à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles (le 20 mai).
Besides working on their spelling, grammar and reading comprehension, this term Oak class continued to work on poetry, identifying figurative language such as simile and metaphor, alliteration and personification. Among others, the class learnt the poem ‘Bed in Summer’ by Robert Louis Stevenson as well as ‘The Garden Year’, which fits perfectly with their Nature Journal project.
This term Oaks learnt about Europe, the continent that all the class call home, except for Liz, who is from Brazil, but France has been her home for the past couple of years. It was interesting to find the fifty countries that make up the continent on a map, and to count which ones we had visited. The class reflected on how the continent is divided up, with borders between countries decided by physical boundaries, such as rivers and mountain ranges, but also by political factors, including wars, which have led to borders changing many times over the centuries.
The Oak class continued to study the history of Ancient Greece, exploring the city-states, politics, and religion of this civilization. The students examined Athens and Sparta, focusing on the differences between the development of these two city-states and their forms of government. Additionally, the Oak students experimented with Ancient Greek cuisine by making special pancakes called tiganites!
Global Perspectives
Throughout this term, the Oak students explored sustainable businesses, examining how and why this type of business is being developed. They utilized their research skills to delve deeper into this topic and gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of new sustainable businesses. They presented the outcomes of their research through a colorful and creative poster.
Throughout this term, the Oak students redesigned an everyday object – a clock – drawing inspiration from various elements such as the colors of nature and their international backgrounds. They worked in small groups, designing and creating three colorful clocks. They also worked on a large canvas, taking inspiration from the works of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
Creative Writing and Drama Workshops
During this term, the Oak students learned how to write and perform a short comic script for the summer show. They dramatized a significant moment from their own school year by creating dialogues and stage directions. They learned how to follow a script and move on stage accordingly. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed working together!
Sailing Trip to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer
One week adventure so far away from home. Oak, Elms and Cedar pushed themselves to the limit, physically and mentally while kayaking, surfing and catamaraning. Young adventurers improved or learnt new skills but most importantly matured and became a little bit more independent.

Mathematics and “Young Entrepreneurs” Project
A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

Oak, Elm and Cedar visited Koezio , adventure park located in Cergy.
This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which partially have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

Gardening Project
Harvesting our own sweet peas and potatoes. Cucumbers and tomatoes will continue to grow over the summer.
Green Garden – Whole School collaborative project. Our second Eco-Ecole badge ‘Alimentation’.

End of year certificates of achievements

Well done and all the best!
Enjoy your summer!
FISP Middle School Team