In literacy, we have been developing our writing skills. We looked closely at editing and improving our work to ensure that the reader fully understands what has been written.

First, we worked on writing a range of descriptive sentences. Once we had done this a challenge was set to improve the vocabulary that we had used. From this we worked on building the sentence structure, to include a range of different sentence lengths. We then looked closely at the punctuation that was used.


As part of our literacy time, we have been exploring a range of different texts and discussing what we have learnt from them. We meet in pairs and formulate questions for each other to answer based on what we have been reading.


The third term has been focused on Number (Multiplications), to collect and represent data (Statistics) and Measurement (Money and Length).

In order to work on time tables, Walnut class used tangible materials, board games and our construction set. At the same time, I provided them with activities to develop efficient mental methods.

Pupils have reviewed <<Measurements>>, related to money, where they have been able to recognise and use symbols for euros and cents, combine amounts to make a particular value and also, solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

Furthermore, they have worked on <<Measurements>>, related to length, according to the cross-curricular approach and we focused this content on the E-Baobab tree project.

Some pupils from Elm and Oak classes came to give us a speech about their project. This gave the pupils from Walnut class the opportunity to show their knowledge of Measurements.

We looked at the shapes made by plastic bottles in Oak and Elm class, in order to measure each side of them, to calculate the perimeter and to record the data in their notebooks.


In Walnut lessons, we have focused on forces and magnets.


Pupils saw the scientific curricular content <<Forces>> in the circus. Which forces were involved in circus performances and how these forces worked?  

By exploring, recording data and acting, they were able to link their scientific knowledge with the IPC theme <<The circus is coming to town>>. In this way, science lessons became more attractive, motivating and meaningful for them.

They have worked scientifically by comparing how different things move and grouping them; raising questions; carrying out tests to find out how far things move on different surfaces and gathering and recording data to find answers to their questions.


Pupils observed that magnetic forces can act without direct contact. They explored the behaviour and everyday uses of different magnets.

In addition, I provided them with different activities and situations to see how these properties make magnets useful in everyday items and their creative uses.

Finally, at the end of the block, we organised an authentic science fair, where we displayed some magnetics games made by pupils.


FISP uses a cross-curricular approach, which offers a creative way to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding while motivating them to learn through interconnected topics.

Pupils applied their scientific knowledge to create authentic pieces of art.

As genuine experts of a circus theme, they made juggling balls, which have been used in the forest to improve their gross motor skills.

To end our IPC theme in a meaningful and creative way, our students created circus tents with shoe boxes, based on everything they learned during the term.

As you know, our school is surrounded by a large forest, where students have fun and develop cognitively. As can be seen in the photographs, students also develop their artistic skills in nature.


Our topic this term has been ‘The Circus is coming to town’, within this topic we have learnt a great deal of new wonderful things. We have explored all of the different home countries that animals in the circus would come from.


As a class, we discussed and investigated what life was like in the past. We took this further by exploring what circuses were like and compared them to their modern-day counterparts.

First, we organised pictures of circuses past and present and then discussed why we have grouped them in that particular way. What made us think one picture was older than the other?


We have been learning about different animals and their features. We discussed as a class how animals are grouped (eg. mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds) and what features they possess in order to be grouped in that way.

We looked closely at a range of different animals and then placed them into categories. Later we added notes to help the reader understand why those animals had been placed into that category.