Summer has brought its lively spirit to Walnut Class! This term, despite the occasional rain showers, we’ve embarked on exciting trips and enjoyed a multitude of activities. From Sports Day, where we showcased our athletic prowess and team spirit, to our Summer Show inspired by the Olympics, celebrating our achievements has been a highlight.

This last term in Literacy, we continued exploring the English language through the reading of “Starbird” by Sharon King-Chai. This book helped students understand the importance of identifying and naming the emotions of characters by using related vocabulary words and noun phrases, verbs in the past tense, suffixes, and other grammar-related concepts. Students worked hard on their spellings and learned from their previous mistakes. “Starbird” taught us how the small actions of others can make a big difference in someone’s life and how resilience and perseverance are key to success. Students made posters related to the story and the challenging vocabulary they encountered. They also made predictions about the story, created story sequences, wrote sentences related to the story, and shared their likes and dislikes about it.
In Walnut Class, our mathematical journey continues to flourish this term. We’ve been sharpening our multiplication skills with the Times Table Rockstars, mastering the multiplication tables with enthusiasm and dedication. Additionally, we’ve delved into the world of statistics, learning to gather, interpret, and represent data through various graphs and charts. It’s been a term of mathematical exploration and growth.

And then B+W+O+E,
created some ART,
They really got creative,
and it was also SMART.
Felted Monet’s Bridge,
& wilted sunflowers.
Felted Jazz & Starry Night,
Were nicely added to the
Art Auction Catalogue.
For our Parents to admire,
and enjoy with delight.
Forest Challenges and Team building activities
Coding and programming workshop
This term, students created a Flappy Bird game on Scratch Jr. They set up a background, painted pipes, chose a character, changed the scene if they lost, and programmed the bird to fly using the arrow keys. This game took longer than expected to complete, and the students demonstrated perseverance, hard work, and attention to detail. We finished the term with a project based on the song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” which included a small picture of themselves rowing the boat and moving through different scenes. Well done, Walnuts!
Olympic circus
For the past two days, we have had the opportunity to participate in a circus activity related to the Olympic Games.

Summer Show

summer trip
This year, we went on our school trip to Saint Pierre de Maillé, a small village 45 km from Poitiers. The children slept in teepees.

We went canoeing.

We spent a day at the Futuroscope.

Then we visited a castle, went for a long walk, and then explored the ruins of another fortress.