Engaging our students in the delightful world of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl has been an absolute joy. As they immerse themselves in the whimsical adventures of Charlie Bucket and the eccentric Willy Wonka, they’re not just reading a book—they’re embarking on a journey of imagination, discovery, and critical analysis.
Through discussions, activities, and reflections, Oak student are delving deep into the themes and messages woven throughout the story. From exploring the consequences of greed to celebrating the power of kindness and resilience, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” offers rich fodder for thought and discussion. It’s truly inspiring to see students make connections between the fictional world of Wonka’s factory and their own lives, drawing parallels and gaining insights that will stay with them long after they’ve closed the book.
French with Joanna
This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig & Zag who took us to visit a Parc Zoologique where we learned the names of different wild animals, their characteristics, their natural habitat etc. We found out which animals were mammiferes/reptiles/oiseaux/poissons and their diet (carnivores/végétariens/omnivores). We learned that certain animals were in danger and why (because of climate change/poachers/deforestation etc). We also learned a poem about ‘le printemps’ which the students read out perfectly.
French with Marie
Durant cette quatrième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:
en grammaire: révisions des adjectifs qualificatifs épithète et attribut, complément du nom, complément d’objet et adverbes de temps, lieu et manière
en orthographe: accords dans le Groupe Nominal (genre et nombre).
en conjugaison: le futur des verbes fréquents du 3ème groupe.
en vocabulaire: lectures silencieuses.
en mémorisation: apprentissage de la poésie “Le Printemps”
en littérature: 1 livre a été lu et étudié:
- La sorcière de la rue Moufetard de Pierre Gripari

French with Joanna
3 évaluations ont été faites cette période.
French Topic with Marie
Cette période nous a permis de découvrir le chocolat et la fabrication de cet incroyable aliment:
- La Récolte des Fèves de Cacao : Dans les pays lointains, des fermiers récoltent les fèves de cacao des arbres. Ces fèves sont alors nettoyées et séchées sous le soleil.
- Le Voyage des Fèves : Les fèves de cacao voyagent à travers les océans jusqu’à une fabrique spéciale. Là-bas, elles sont prêtes à devenir du chocolat !
- Le Mélange : Les fèves de cacao sont chauffées et écrasées pour en faire une pâte épaisse appelée “pâte de cacao”. Ensuite, cette pâte est mélangée avec du sucre et parfois du lait pour créer le chocolat !
- La Transformation : Le chocolat liquide est versé dans de grandes moules en forme de barres ou de bonbons. Puis, il est refroidi dans de grands réfrigérateurs.
- La possibilité de décorer : Une fois refroidi, le chocolat est prêt à être décoré. On peut parfois y ajouter des noix, des fruits.
- La Dégustation : Enfin, le chocolat est prêt à être dégusté ! Beaucoup de monde se régalent de cette délicieuse gourmandise.
Les enfants ont regardé ces deux vidéos expliquant la fabrication du chocolat:
Après avoir goûté différentes sortes de chocolat, ils ont fait quelques activités afin de comprendre toutes les diverses étapes de la production.

Puis les enfants ont effectué un grand panneau récapitulant tout ce qu’ils ont intégré:

Enfin, ils ont cuisiné et dégusté une mousse au chocolat

Exploring the rich and fascinating history of chocolate with our Oak students has been an absolute delight (not only because we studied the chocolate). As they discover the origins, cultivation, and transformation of this beloved treat, they’re not just uncovering the story of a sweet indulgence—they’re delving into the complexities of culture, economics, and global exchange.
Through engaging discussions, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences, students are tracing the journey of chocolate back to civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec, where it was revered as a sacred beverage enjoyed by royalty and warriors alike.
Food Revolution
In our ‘Annual Food Revolution’, we merged creativity with practical skills that allowed Oak and Elm students to embark on a flavourful journey of gastronomic delight. Armed with aprons and different kitchen tools, Oaks and Elms took charge of their kitchen, crafting a menu that excited their taste buds and sparked culinary imaginations for the whole week. With sharp knives in hand, Oaks and Elms sliced, diced, and chopped kilograms of ‘ beautiful and ugly’ vegetables, transforming these raw ingredients into a colourful palette of flavours and textures. We cooked and we baked and then served our culinary masterpieces, presenting each dish as a work of art to be savoured and enjoyed.
Yes, we have been busy but our culinary adventure didn’t end with the last bite. With a spirit of cooperation, students joined forces to tidy up their kitchen, washing dishes and wiping counters. In the process, they learned not only the art of cooking but also the importance of teamwork and responsibility in creating a memorable dining experience. Students also reflected on their journey from menu design to table service; announced favourite dishes and shared moments of creativity and collaboration.

So this is what Oak & Elm,
During the Food Revolution ate.
What a week it has been,
But we had so many delightful things on my plate.
We’ve chopped some veg,
And they were delicious.
Yes, they were organic,
So don’t be suspicious.
Some were pretty and some were ugly,
Zero waste we’ve decided.
Need to enjoy them all,
And cherish what mother nature provided.
Yes, we remembered about salad,
Salad is nutritious.
We’ve put our chefs’ heads together,
And it was quite delicious.
Red pepper & chorizo pizza,
& revisited those eggs Benedict.
They were quite tasty,
As one could predict.
Red berries smoothies,
& chicken tikka masala with rice.
It was a bit spicy,
But was very nice.
Banana bread,
and scrumptious avocado chocolate cake.
You should try it one day,
what Oak and Elm can make.
Tomato+ garlic bruschetta, green salad,
and Mexican fajitas wrap.
Filip’s hands were busy,
But if he could, he would clap.
Roasted veg & chicken nugget,
What an experience it has been!
So many stories to tell,
But where do I begin?
D&T (Collaborative project with Birch and Walnut Classes)
In a world filled with screens and gadgets, there’s something truly magical about the timeless art of puppetry. And what better way to experience this enchanting craft than by creating your own wooden puppet from scratch? And why not call him FRED? At our Design and Technology lessons, students dived into the fascinating world of woodworking, cutting, screwing, and bringing to life their very own wooden puppet, FRED.
Students carefully selected their recycled materials and chose the perfect dry wooden branches to bring their puppet to life. Armed with saws and drills, they set to work, carving and shaping the wood with precision and care.
With screws and fasteners, students assembled the pieces, bringing their puppet to life with articulated limbs and movable joints. It was a labor of love, with each screw tightened and each piece secured, the puppet aka FRED began to dance and move with a life of his own, evidently dressed in our school uniform.

This term, Oak students worked on converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. We then practiced adding and subtracting decimals and fractions where denominators were the same or different, and know how to bring fractions to the common denominator. Oaks then dived into the world of percentages and through problem-solving exercises, discovered the practical significance of percentages in contexts of everyday life (e.g. Discounts and sales).

In a curious exploration of microbiology and food preservation, students embarked on a fascinating experiment involving bread enclosed in plastic bags. Armed with scientific curiosity and an appetite for discovery, they observed the transformation of bread over time, as microbial communities flourished within the plastic bags. As days passed, students meticulously documented the changes occurring within each bag, noting the appearances of fuzzy patches and discoloration indicative of mold growth. With keen observation skills and attention to detail, they studied the characteristics of the mold, noting variations in colour, texture, distribution and even calculated the percentage of the mold covering each slice of bread.
Creative Writing Workshops
Engaging students in a creative writing workshop centered around the mischievous antics of ‘King Kong’, the harmonious melodies of a ‘Monkey symphony’, and the hilarious escapades of a ‘Cheeky monkey stealing a camera’ has been an adventure in itself. As they let their imaginations run wild, students are not only developing their writing skills but also unleashing their creativity in ways that are both imaginative and entertaining.
In our writing workshop, students have been tasked with imagining themselves in the shoes (or giant paws) of these playful primates, crafting diaries and stories that transport readers to worlds filled with adventure, humor, and heart. From the towering heights of the Empire State Building to the bustling streets of the jungle and their stories speak for themselves.
Through guided writing prompts, brainstorming sessions, and peer feedback, students are not only exploring the storytelling but also developing important literary skills such as character development, plot structure, and descriptive language. They’re learning to craft narratives that engage the reader’s imagination and evoke emotions, while also developing their ability to express themselves creatively. Oak and Elms

This term, Oak class developed their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can be resaved and reused. They learned how to use features such as rotate, crop, clone, select, copy, and paste. They chose from a selection of images, opened them, edited them, and saved them to create their own projects. By the end of the term, we recorded a podcast using the Audacity app in which they talked about an animal they chose after conducting research on the National Geographic website. Overall, this term was full of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Coding Project
This term, Oak class focused mainly on two different projects: a football and a basketball game. The students revisited how to use code to respond to key presses, utilized sensing blocks to detect when sprites touch each other, and employed broadcast blocks to communicate between sprites. They learned how to animate a simple basketball game by utilizing commonly used blocks, such as the ones from the motion and looks categories. The key to this game was coordination and timing. Well done, Oaks!

This term, Oak class had a dynamic term in which we focused on classroom items, indefinite articles ‘una, un’, and the verbs ‘tener’, ‘ser’, ‘llamarse’ in the first and second person singular forms, as well as members of the family. They described their families and enjoyed discussing them, described the objects in their pencil cases, and practiced verbs. They could easily relate to these concepts, talk about them, and write about them. Oak class is progressing quickly in Spanish.
Forest Challenges and Team building activities

Participating in forest challenges and team-building activities has been an interesting and rewarding experience for our students. Not only have they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, but they’ve also developed essential life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Throughout these adventures, students have learned the importance of communication, cooperation, and most importantly trust in themselves and in their peers. Whether navigating through obstacle courses or working together to solve riddles, they’ve discovered the power of teamwork in overcoming challenges. Moreover, the forest challenges have provided a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Students have pushed themselves outside of their comfort zones and embraced new experiences. As a result, they’ve emerged more confident, resilient, and adaptable individuals.