This term, Walnut class have learnt about what makes them unique and individual. They have learnt that being different is a good thing. The children have looked closely at the human body and what makes our bodies work.
This term, Walnut class have been working on developing their writing skills. We have looked closely at the components needed to build a sentence. Focusing on structure and the use of effective vocabulary.
As a class we also built word banks before writing, this enabled us to share ideas as well as words with each other. Walnut class have learnt to add a range of adjectives, verbs and adverbs to their writing to extend sentences as well as to add description.

The class worked on developing their understanding of different words and their meaning to ensure that they are used in the correct context.
As a class we continued to develop our comprehension skills by applying them to a range of different activities. These enabled us to identify and apply skills that we needed to improve on.

Walnut class then applied a range of different writing skills to plan, write and edit a narrative. To complete this process the children wrote their narratives in sections allowing them to focus on each section and get the best from their writing process.
The children have also been working on developing their grammar and punctation skills and ensuring that they are using a range of both when writing. We have looked closely at using inverted commas, apostrophes, commas, prepositions and clauses.

On our return from France Miniature, the class wrote about their experiences from the day. As a class we discussed what we had seen and what was our favourite part of the trip. This enabled Walnut class to apply their knowledge and understanding of time conjunctions.
This term we started by developing our understanding about place value. We investigated hundreds, tens and ones and moved on to more complex partitioning. We represented numbers in different ways and developed our skills in counting in steps and learn to read and write numbers in numerals and words.
We also had the opportunity to practise our reasoning skills in a variety of different contexts, including through problems, puzzles and board games.

Furthermore, we used and recall addition and subtraction facts. We learnt different strategies to help us add and subtract numbers efficiently using concrete resources and jotting. We built up our understanding of commutativity and inverse relationships between calculations by finding all the possible family facts.
Besides, we started working on multiplication and division and learnt to use inverse operations to check our answers.
Besides, we started working on multiplication and division and learnt to use inverse operations to check our answers. We wrote multiplication and division expressions and calculations using a range of resources to deepen understanding of these concepts.

This term we have been learning all about the human body, the different organs of the body and what is needed to keep us active and healthy.
First, we learnt about the different groups of animals and their definitions. The class were then set the challenge of organizing the animals under the correct headings.
The class then explored their prior knowledge of the human body. They were set the challenge of completing a human body by adding in parts of the body they were familiar with.

We then learnt about the human skeleton, naming all the different bones found in the body and how they are connected to one another. Then, we looked closely at the muscles, their names and how they connect to the bones.

The children learnt to identify and locate the different organs found in the human body. They also learnt about the importance each organ has along with its function within the working human body. This enabled us to gain an understanding of the importance of keeping our bodies healthy.
We looked closely at how the lungs work and the process taken to oxygenate the blood. From this, we constructed 3D models of the lungs.
Walnut class continued to develop their knowledge and understanding of the lungs by exploring its different areas. The class tested their knowledge by completing and coloured diagram of the lungs.
In another session, the children’s knowledge and understanding of the human body and its organs were put to the test. They were challenged to match the organ to the correct information box.
Becoming food experts! We learnt about the different food groups and how they all offer a range of nutritional value. Then, we applied our knowledge of the food groups and created our own healthy meal.
History and Geography
During our Geography sessions, we have been learning about the different continents and oceans of the world. Once we had done this we then located Europe on the map. From this, we applied our learning to piecing together a giant map of the world.
In History, we learnt about different types of technology and what it would have looked like in the past. We were set the challenge of sorting the technology into past and present.
Taking our learning further, we were set the task of identifying things that we see today in the classroom along with things that would be found in a classroom from the past.
At the beginning of term we created half and half portraits of ourselves. First, we took close up photos of ourselves and then cut them in half. From this, we completed our faces by carefully drawing a matching side.
The class then discussed emotions and what they would be like if they were a colour. From this, the children used pastels to create a mode picture using a range of colours that best represents them and their feelings.

Both Birch and Walnut then explored the medium of Pop Art. The classes learnt about different artists that work using this particular medium. This provided them with the opportunity to express themselves using a different approach.
Inspired by the work of Andy Warhol the children created their own repeated image using a range of bright colours. From this, their journey continued as they explored the work of Romero Britto. They pursued the theme of bright colours adding the use of different patterns.
Continuing on this theme the class then learnt about the work of Roy Lichtenstein. The class enjoyed learning about the use of comic book art as well as his use of dots to create an image.
Applying all what they had learnt about of this term the children were set the task of creating their own pieces of Pop Art. They were provided with a canvas and asked to draw all the things that make them special individuals. They will then decorate them using bright colours and pattens.
Design Technology and Woodwork
We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our very own Sling Hockey Game. We measured, estimated and solved real-life problems and most importantly supported each other on our challenging carpentry mission. The children realised how important it is to measure and re-measure. They now know that only when certain should we cut. We discussed and tested different ropes and elastic bands to create our perfect launching mechanism for the game.
Fantastic work, Birch and Walnuts! You are our Design and Technology Dream Team.
Woodworking projects are extremely important for developing children’s creative and critical thinking skills. Through these projects, not only do children get to handle and smell the wood but also learn how to use the different carpentry tools. They develop their mathematical thinking, broaden their scientific knowledge and, most importantly, acquire a ‘can do’ mindset.
Beginners Group with Joanna
It has been a very busy first term for our class. We have started learning & revising a lot of vocabulary linked to ‘La Rentrée’ (back to school) & l’Automne (autumn), colours, days of the week, months of the year, numbers & many more new words. We have read books and then practiced our skills of reading comprehension & learned songs with our classmates & made our own posters helping us to remember key French vocabulary.
Books read this term Reading words out loud Preparing posters with French vocabulary Our poster displays The daily calendar time. Léon le Caméléon song
Joanna & Christine’s classes joined together to sing ‘Léon le Caméléon’, a perfect song to remember colours in French in a fun way:
Intermediate Group with Christine
During these past two months, we focused on various topics such as back to school, the presentation of the calendar on a daily basis which helps pupils to learn and ask each other questions about the days of the week, the date, the weather, the season, some activities, their mood… Everyone really appreciates this interactive activity which takes place at the beginning of each lesson.
With the method ZigZag1 we learned the French alphabet and started learning the basics of reading and writing of some words. We also started counting in French and learned about colours (named them and read them). Reading, games, songs, and manual activities to improve one’s language skills. We have read a large range of different stories, learned songs linked to the topics studied (and we have filmed two out of three of these songs: ‘The chameleon’ and ‘The alphabet’), played games such as bingo or hangman and manual activities (witch puppet).
Zig Zag method Book of the week ‘The Chameleon’ song Preparing the puppets
When we come back from holidays, we will continue using the Zig Zag method with its characters who will take us to the farm. We will learn about animals, the masculine and feminine of some words, geometrical forms and numbers. The other main topic will be Christmas, which we will study by reading books, doing manual activities, exercises and Christmas songs. We will continue the daily presentation of the calendar which helps students with their oral training.
Advanced Group with Marie
Cette première période a été riche en activités et apprentissages. En effet, nous avons principalement lu 6 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec la rentrée des classes, l’école en générale et la saison de l’automne) :
De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage des voyelles et des consonnes. Une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète d’étudier la langue française.
A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson (6 semaines = 6 chansons) :
C’est la rentrée, Chanson de l’alphabet, Un monde parfait, Colchiques dans les prés, Le monstre des jouets, La maison citrouille
Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :
– se familiariser avec la langue française
– construire des phrases enrichies
– oser s’exprimer en petit groupe
– compréhension d’histoires lues
– connaître les voyelles et des consonnes (a, on, p, b, ou, oi, ch, et f/ph) ainsi que le principe du code alphabétique
– associer le nom de la voyelle au geste et surtout au son qu’elle produit, qui est complètement différent de celui en anglais (confusion entre « e » en anglais et le « i » en français/ entre « i » en anglais et le « a » en français…)
– entrer doucement dans la grammaire et la conjugaison: l’ordre alphabétique, la phrase (et ses caractéristiques), les formes et types de phrases (affirmative/négative, déclarative/exclamative/interrogative/injonctive), le sujet et le verbe dans la phrase, le nom (commun et propre) et le genre du nom.
– réciter une poésie “Les saisons”
– chanter collectivement une chanson

French IPC with Joanna and Marie
In French IPC the students began the term travelling around the world with ‘Le Loup Qui Voulait Faire le Tour du Monde’ (the wolf who wanted to travel around the world). They learned a lot of fun facts about certain countries like France, England, China, Brazil and the USA. They also made their own ID cards with the flags of their countries and then placed them on a world map. We learned 3 songs in French which you will be able to watch hereunder and Marie & myself are sure that your children will sing them for you.
Finding where le Loup travels around the world using a map Reading comprehension time The students made their own ID cards Halloween French vocabulary Halloween poster display Books we have read this term The students got to see all the pictures of world flags
We also read books related to the Halloween theme: Les 3 Sorcières and Halloween à l’école. The students had reading comprehension activities to do also.
The students also learned the song “La sorcière Grabouilla” which they loved as well as two other songs. Here are the videos:
Physical Education & Swimming
In Physical Education/Sports we focused on improving our coordination and our balance skills. We played and learnt new games that also helped us to realise that is very important to work as a team.

In our swimming we had develop our swimming skills and practised the common strokes such as crawl, breaststroke and backstroke. We also tried different ways to jump into the pool and played different games. We really enjoyed it.

Forest Exploration
This term, we have had many magical adventures in the forest. We have explored new areas, hunted for mushrooms and played games.

France Miniature
On Wednesday 26th October, the primary section of FISP made a visit to France Miniature. This enabled the children to apply their knowledge and understanding of landmarks from around France as well as provided them with the opportunity of seeing them up close, be it only miniature.