Our Topic for this term has been ‘Push and Pull’ The children have learnt about different forces and magnets, looked closely at how forces act upon an object. They have also learnt to compare and group a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet as well as identifying some magnetic materials.
Walnut Class enjoyed observing how different objects move along the same surface as well as conducting fair tests.

Loud in Literacy!
We have been looking closely at how we play games and the instructions that can be given to people that have never played them before.

Once we have explored a range of games we were set a challenge of explaining how it works to a buddy.

From this, as a class, we looked closely at the features of an explanation text and how the structure is different to other texts we have explored before. After this, the class were asked to choose a game and write an explanation of how it works using the features of the genre correctly.

This term, we have also taken our writing one step further by learning the skills to help us to edit and improve our work. We did this by re-reading sentences and selecting the best possible words to ensure our writing was clear and precise. Another skill we have developed this term is to support one another by offering advice and support when reading work aloud to the class.

Magical Maths
This term, we learned about money and multiplication.
We learned that European money is composed of specific coins and notes which can be combined to make a purchase. We learned to calculate totals, give change and even determine whether or not we have enough money for a purchase.
We also explored the meaning of multiplication using a variety of concrete materials. We now understand that multiplication is the same as repeated addition. We can use arrays, drawings and bar diagrams to help us show our understanding of multiplication. Our favourite activity was playing BUMP to consolidate our understanding of the two, three, five and ten times tables.

Sensational Scientists
In science, we learned about types of forces, the role of friction, gravity, speed, magnetism as well as the law of action and reaction. Through lots of hands-on learning and experiments, we built our understanding of forces all around us and their importance.
We particularly enjoyed playing Pucket as we explored pull.
We focused on making hypotheses before an experiment, recording our results and drawing conclusions. We also tried our best to ensure that our tests were fair. We believe that that’s what smart scientists do.
It was a blast spotting things that we could push and pull at school.
We explored friction by spinning a spinning top on different surfaces. We learned that friction slows down motion and can make things stop moving. Friction is more on rough surfaces compared to smooth ones.
Next, we performed experiments to see how far a marble rolls on slopes of different inclinations. We learned that steep slopes allow for higher speed.
We were walking in the air when we explored gravity. We learned that gravity pulls everything to the ground, but air resistance slows it down. Everything moving through air experiences some air resistance. Air resistance is more on wider things. Our small parachute dropped quickly, but our larger one floated for a bit longer.
After that, we explored magnetism: understanding it to be a non-contact force, finding magnetic and non-magnetic items and noting how the poles of a magnet react to each another – attract and repel.
Paper aeroplane anyone? We learned about how the shape of an item can affect how it travels through the air. Which paper aeroplane floats for the longest? Which one travels the furthest? We particularly loved the speedy dart-shaped aeroplane and the whimsical UFO. We ended our learning by designing and making a kite to take home!
Stick Man with Mr Kralka
Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Push and Pull’, we measured, estimated and solved real-life problems. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own Stick man.
The children read the story of the stick man and then drew their very own. They all had very different designs and were encouraged to share and discuss their ideas with each other before agreeing on the final version.

We estimated, measured, re-measured, sorted, cut and hammered different materials and now are very proud of our achievement. In order to accomplish our mission, we learnt how to use a variety of carpentry tools safely. We collected and sorted different natural materials to make each part of our stick man.

The finished result was a stick man with a range of moving parts for all to play with when on the school playground.
Crazy about Christmas!
The children continued to develop their carpentry skills by applying them to creating and building their very own Christmas tree. Both Walnut and Birch classes were challenged to work as a team to create this Christmas masterpiece.

Walnut class supported Birch class by taking the lead and ensuring that clear instructions were given throughout the task. Walnut children were asked to conduct a risk assessment as well as apply their knowledge and understanding of how these tools work.

Once we had finished building our Christmas trees, they were proudly displayed at the entrance of the school for all to see.

Christmas Spectacular!
As part of the build-up to Christmas, the children of FISP took part in a Christmas show spectacular. Over several weeks all children took part in rehearsals, song practises, set designing and costume creating.

The whole school worked very hard to develop an outstanding piece of theatre. They all enjoyed performing in front of their parents and friends.

Fabulous French!
As part of the day to day life in school, both classes take part in French lessons. This enables the children to become emerged in the language as well as practice speaking with others.
IPC French
The children of Birch and Walnut classes continued the development of their French skills through applying them to Topic work. Completing tasks set completely in French.