Birch and Walnut Class Term 5

This Term we have been learning about the different Rainforests of the world. We looked closely at the layers of the Rainforest, the different types of animals, habitats and people found there.

Successful writers

In literacy, we looked at a range of different non-fiction texts. As a class, we then discussed and compared the features identified. We began looking at information texts and explored its features and answered the question of what makes a successful and informative piece of writing.

The class was then set the challenge of choosing an animal found in the Rainforest and decided to complete research to find out more. Once we had completed our research we then organised the information under different headings.

We also learnt about different types of narratives and focused on writing an ‘Overcoming the monster’ narrative. As a class, we read ‘The jungle book’ and discussed what happens to the main character, the journey that is taken, as well as what problems they face along the way. Then planned and wrote our own narratives. As writers, we were mindful to include all the features of this style of narrative.

Using a ‘model text’, we practised our editing skills to improve the piece of writing. We did this by adding exciting vocabulary such as adjectives, verbs and adverbs. These skills would be later used to improve our own writing.

Becoming Mathematical Wizards

On our return to school, we were set the challenge of designing and mapping out our own spatial awareness playground. When designing our playground we were given the criteria of each game/obstacle that would have to be 1 metre apart and that there would need to be a range of different activities that could go on at the same time.

Designing our spatial awareness playground.

When we were designing our playgrounds we had to our knowledge and understanding a range of mathematical skills to complete this task. We shared the designs with each other and helped one another with solving problems that our designs may face.

We were able to solve most of these problems when mapping out the different areas of the new spatial awareness playground.

We also took our learning further and investigated what will happen when we measured things using a non-standard unit of measurement. First, we drew around our feet and out paper copies. Then, we went to the forest and measured everything and anything that we possibly could.

Lets go swimming!

As part of our PE this term we took full advantage of the pool. As a class, we took part in swimming lessons twice a week and then spent many afternoons playing games and taking part in activities held in the pool. This has continued to help our confidence grow and become brilliant swimmers.

Amazing Artists

As part of our learning about Rainforests, we looked closely at the different layers that make up the tree canopies found there. From this, we created our own individual Rainforests using recycled materials.

We then used our 3D models of the Rainforest to learn about deforestation and the effects it has on our environment. We created a mind map to record our ideas then pulled the information from this and labelled our models.

We were set the challenge of taking half the face of an animal found in the Rainforest and to use our drawing skills to complete the face. We had to carefully copy and assess the features of each animal to ensure that each face was completed correctly.

Forest explorers

We took our learning outside the classroom and became explores. We built new huts in the style of the tribal huts we had learnt about. Explored mini habitats on the forest floor and spoke about what types of animals might live there. We also thought about how the forest changes from season to season.

Super Scientists

We learnt about the different parts of a plant and what their job is to support a plant and its growth. From this, we learnt about the life cycle of a tomato plant. We then decided as a class to plant our own and watch the plant growth through the stages we had learnt about.

Worldwide Explorers

In Geography, we learnt about the continents and oceans of the world. The challenge was set to names all the oceans and continents of the world. Using atlas and maps to help us to identify the world that we live in. During the sessions, we also identified the countries of Europe and discussed the different countries that we as a class originally came from.

Taking our learning further, we looked at renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. As a class we discussed what we already know about these different types of energy and how they are used around the world.

Recycling Heroes

As part of our topic, we looked closely at how recycling and our actions affect the world around us. To raise awareness about recycling properly we created posters.