Birches are off to a fantastic start!
This term, we learned about ourselves and famous people from the past. As a class, we made new friends and built positive relationships. We recognised that we are all different and our uniqueness makes us even more special.
Through a broad range of learning experiences, we made incredible progress during the autumn term. We also had lots of fun, evident in some of us saying that the school day is far too short!
Have a look at all that we accomplished this term.
Creating toys using plants Playing addition games Learning how chocolate is made Exploring shapes Bonding through play Playing at Ferme de Gally Helping carve a pumpkin
This term we have been learning about ourselves and famous people from the past. As a class, we have made new friends and built new relationships. We have learnt that we are all different and that being different from one another is a good thing.
Math Magicians
Our focus this term was number. All our learning in Birch was highly hands-on! We used a variety of concrete materials to help us understand the value of numbers up to 20 and take our first steps towards addition and subtraction. We particularly enjoyed learning the doubles song to help us remember our doubles facts.
Using the part-whole model to add and subtract Exploring ordinal numbers Ordering numbers
We learned to compare numbers using mathematical symbols and use a number line to identify one more and one less than given numbers within ten.
Finding ways to make ten Finding one more and one less than a number
At this stage, most of our learning requires the use of concrete materials (including our fingers) in order to fully understand number. We have also begun to use pictorial representations to help us add and subtract. Furthermore, we enjoyed lots of game-based learning such as Bus Stop and this board game (below) for practising ways to make five.
Game – making five Subtracting Adding
Word Wizards
This term, Birch class has focused on building their vocabulary as well as their understanding of how words take on a special order within a sentence. The children completed sentence building activities by segmenting and blending words, cutting, ordering and finally sticking down each word to create a sentence.

Savvy Scientists
We learned around the theme ‘Amazing Plants’, in which we explored what plants are, their importance, as well as how they grow and adapt to their environments. We also celebrated Space Week and took a fabulous trip to Ferme de Gally!
To link with the theme ‘Amazing Plants,’ we learned about the parts of a plant, flowering and non-flowering plants, plant uses as well as how plants grow and adapt to less than ideal environments. Our learning was highly hands-on! We grew cress plants in the dark and light, then compared their growth: the ones in the dark had yellow leaves that sadly didn’t live long. However, our absolute favourite was making a model of the Venus Flytrap and snapping things up!
Identifying parts of a plant Sorting flowering and non-flowering plants Thinking about what plants need to survive Comparing plants grown in sunlight and darkness Comparing plants grown in sunlight and darkness Comparing plants grown in sunlight and darkness Making models of the Venus flytrap
Exploring Plants: Parts, Types, Growth and Adaptations
We also explored our school for some uses of plants in our library, cloakroom and classroom.
Sofa cover made from cotton? Coat hanging structure made from wood Books made from trees Rubber boots made from rubber plants
Hunting for Things Made from Plants
We loved getting creative too! Check out our models of some plants that adapt to their environments.
Cactus in a desert Lilypad in a pond Sunflower in the sun Making numbers using playmais. Replicating the sunflower using playdough.
During Space Week, we learned about the planets of our solar system. We also had a terrific time, working as a class to create their own model of our solar system.

As part of our space week, Birch class read the story ‘Whatever Next!’ The children were set the challenge of retelling and sequencing the story. First, we read and discussed the main points of the story.

From this, the children were given scenes from the story of ‘Whatever Next!’ and asked to order them when they appear in the story. We also took turns role-playing the main character and took him on an exciting new adventure.

Inspired by the book we had read. We created our own pictures of the moon.

Trip to Ferme de Gally
We had a wonderful time at Ferme the Gally. Choosing pumpkins was quite a task, and we got to pick and eat some apples. This was a wonderful link to our Amazing Plants topic as we picked roots (radishes), fruits (apples) and leaves (lettuce). We also spotted some stems (celery), but they were not yet ready to be harvested. Plants are incredibly important to us aren’t they?
Choosing pumpkins Picking apples Harvesting some lettuce Harvesting radishes Harvesting radishes Playtime at Ferme de Gally Playtime at Ferme de Gally Heading back to school
Hard-working Historians
This term we have been learning about famous people from the past. We have looked closely at people that have made huge differences to mankind and the importance of their work.

We have also created our own timeline ordering significant events that have taken place throughout the history of our planet. Working as part of a team, we were set the challenge of placing these events in chronological order. We also learnt about the difference between BC and AD.

Superb Sport: Swimming / Forest Exploration
We have had a very busy term learning new swimming skills as well as how to stay safe when we are in the pool. Birch class took part in small group swimming sessions that enabled us to develop our skills as well as have a bit of fun.

We have great fun exploring the forest and our local environment. Walnut class joined Birch class for some afternoons and ventured into the forest together. We created our own games, role-play scenarios, build forts, went on long walks and investigated the forest floor.
We were particularly interested in spotting mushrooms. We also learned to stay safe when searching for mushrooms and that we may need a specialist to help us verify that a mushroom is edible.
Awesome Art / Design and Technology
We learned about inspirational artists, dipped our toes into felting and build an insect hotel. Through creativity, collaboration, resilience, critical-thinking and communication, we produced wonderful designs and products.
Magical Monet
As part of this terms Art programme, we have been learning about different artists throughout history. We learnt about the life and times of Monet and the importance of his work. We explored a range of different pieces Monet created and decided to create our own based on Monet’s ‘Water Lilies’.

Felting Project – Japanese bridge in Monet’s garden in Giverny

The process of felting is very hands-on! The children have to tease the wool, layer it, apply hot water and soap and manipulate and mesh it together with their hands and feet as well as rolling pins.
Inspired by the Impressionist painter Claude Monet, Birch and Walnut classes decided to recreate the Japanese bridge in Monet’s garden in Giverny.
The felting piece was made from fine merino wool, additional felt pieces to make the lily pads and coarser rare-breed wool for the hanging willow and to bring added texture.
By using sheep wool, soap, mesh, boiling water and tender hands, the children created this felting piece that represents their interpretation of the famous painting.
Insect Hotel
Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Flowers and insects’, we measured, estimated and solved real-life problems. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own Insect Hotel.

The children drew their very own and very different designs, and then shared their ideas with each other before agreeing on the final version. We estimated, measured, re-measured, sorted, cut and hammered different materials and now are very proud of our achievement.
In order to accomplish our mission, we learnt how to use a variety of carpentry tools safely. We collected and sorted different natural materials to make each room comfortable. Different habitats are organised to welcome our future guests, and we will be observing their behaviour as soon as they arrive. The Insect Hotel welcomes all the mini-beasts and one-meter social distancing does not need to be respected.

Marvellous Music
We enjoyed learning about pitch, singing and responding to music by playing our chosen instruments. We also enjoyed noticing the dynamics and mood of a musical piece.
Exploring musical dynamics: fast, slow, loud and quiet. Using our chosen instruments to play along to a piece.
Fantastic French
We learned about the French culture, some everyday French language and some inter-disciplinary learning (IPC) in French.
Everyday French with Ms Christine
We enjoy a variety of French lessons around our core interdisciplinary topics as well as everyday knowledge.
Click on the link below for our learning in French.
French IPC (inter-disciplinary learning with Ms Joanna)
Click on the link below to see all that we have been learning about.
We an excitingly spooky time creating halloween crafts, designing and decorating a pumpkin and participating in a range of activities planned by the older children and our wonderful Parents Association.
Pumpkin Carving

Halloween Afternoon
Birchers enjoyed Trunk and Treat, an escape room, treasure hunt, knock-em-down games, tic-tac-toe and even got a wonderful lesson in making their own gnashers! Thank you to everyone who organised this incredible afternoon.