Let’s celebrate!
This term we learned so much about how people celebrate and we focused on preparing for our Christmas show.

We collaborated with Maples, Birch and Walnut to make this beautiful stage backdrop. We used lots of paint and glitter to make it really vibrant!

We used our creativity to paint a mural of stardust with our older friends and siblings.

We created beautiful decorations and together we made a Christmas tree out of a branch from the tree outside our classroom window.

The goose ornaments
We had a a chance to learn about the song “12 days of Christmas” and we sang it a few times during circle time. This inspired us to make Christmas tree ornaments with the 6 geese-a-laying because we have 6 students in our class. We explored this photo of a white goose and her eggs and all of the students shared what they could see when they looked at this image. This gave us the opportunity to learn about geese and the differences and similarities between geese and ducks.

We used some beautiful golden paint to decorate our Christmas tree angels. What a lovely forest art activity to practice our fine motor skills.

The glittery pine cones
It was challenging to get the paint and glitter on the unusual surface of the pinecones but we put lots of effort into making these decoration glittery and colourful.

We finger painted Christmas tree ornaments with neon finger paint; it is always fun getting messy and they turned out very bright and festive!

We learned some beautiful Christmas songs for our show and we practiced them with Marie and the Maple class almost everyday. Our hard work paid off because we put on a lovely show and we had lots of fun at the Christmas Show!
We made lovely sugar cookies and we decorated them with caramel and festive sprinkles. It was hard not to eat them all!

Snow day!
We got to enjoy the first little bit of snow and we participated in lots of fun activities with the older kids.

We even got to make some cute Christmas crafts with our siblings!