Chestnuts and Willow classes, term 3, year 2021-2022

Welcome back to a new year and into term 3! Our general theme of the term has been “Living together”, which has gotten a whole new meaning during these times. Due to a change in staff members this term and the global pandemic, the importance of sticking together and being helpful with others has indeed been very much in focus. There has been focus on role play and playing together such as taking turns also in free play but also during transition of going outside and so on. Children have been helping each other putting on coats and helping the smaller ones finding their things and bringing them back to their cupboards. We have been discussing community helpers but also what it means to work and be together side by side; what friendship means, how to be helpful and kind to others and what it means to be a part of a group!

Being a good friend and belonging in a group

We have been discussing what is a good friend and discussing what means to live and work along side others. How do we feel when someone in your group helps you or shares your toys and on the other hand, how do you feel when others are not doing so. We read the book “The smartest (kindest) giant in town by Julia Donaldson and claimed that we will try to do the same for others this term: good friends are sharing, caring and helpful!

We have been reading plenty of other books about being helpful and having a role in a group or a community. These books include Elmer and the lost teddy, Busiest firefighters ever, Betsy the doctor, the jolly postman, All kinds of people, and more…

We have been singing the song “The more we get together” and discussing who belongs to our class in Chestnuts and Willow! Since we have a mix of younger and older children, this has given us a great opportunity for the older children to help assist the smaller ones.


Below are pictures of children making a classroom collage (and learning about mixing primary colours while doing so, too!)

Kids have been practicing their pre-academic skills such as holding scissors and cutting but also drawing and getting used to holding a crayon or a felt tip pen. Great focus! The children have also been painting on a canvas using winter colours; blues, reds and yellows and using their hands to get messy! 


Team building games

The children learnt about what it means to work together as a group and they came up with good ideas such as it is all about helping others. Some children shrewdly observed that it means that while working together, the whole group either wins or loses, which affects everyone! The children made some team building games indoors such as the team tower game where children were supposed compete which of the teams were able to construct the tallest tower working together.

Most team building games took place outdoors, where our little Willow and Chestnut students got to participate in games and learn from the older children in Maple class. We reviewed playing games such as Tug of war from last term but also began practicing new games such as egg-race! The children learnt a lot about trial and error while completing these games and got to discuss what to differently next time. They got to applaud the winning team and learn how to be a “good” loser, as well!

The things that we do in the forest!

These little ones did lots of great free play and exploration in the forest this term. They practiced and improved their balancing and climbing skills. Children kept enjoying ballgames outdoors! They also began to practice making bark rubbings on trees. The bigger ones helped the smaller ones by holding their hands while walking to the forest, since helping and taking responsibility for the people around us has been in focus.


Children have been playing instruments this term: they have been trying to follow a beat and learn to play quietly and loudly. Here are a few pictures of the children joining Maple class for music and dancing!


Restaurant role play

Children practiced their role playing skills this term, which is crucial for this age in order to learn taking turns and putting yourself in a position of another person or having a role. The children practiced serving each other food and eating together. They also created a restaurant with multiple tables all on their own, taking turns playing the waitor/waitress and the customer!

Classroom games

Children have been developing their gross motor, fine-motor and cooperative skills this term through games revolving around matching colours and throwing and building a team tower. Good team play and listening skills! Children also got to work their fingers by fun playdough activities.

….The more we play together, the happier we´ll be! To be continued…during term 4 😉 Have a good holiday !!!