This term Elm finished reading Treasure Island. While the book was a challenge for the class, they came to enjoy the classic adventure story filled with larger-than-life characters, most notably the charismatic Long John Silver. The class read the story out loud and took on roles of the various pirates, as well as the narrator, young Jim Hawkins. The class reflected on the main characters, looking at which are ‘flat’ and which, like Jim Hawkins, grow and develop as the book progresses. They particularly noted the difference between the gruff Captain Smollett, so initially disliked for his plain talking, and the likeable and charming Long John Silver who proved so duplicitous. Spelling this term focused on Latin and Greek root words and in grammar the class reviewed prefixes and suffixes and parts of speech.

French with Joanna
This term we continued our adventures with the characters of Zig&Zag. Félix (main character) took us to visit les Châteaux de la Loire. We revised French numbers (going through historical dates) as well as the past, present & future tenses (vocabulary used ex: autrefois, maintenant, demain). We studied ‘les adjectifs’ and the agreement (l’accord) between the adjective and the subject as well as the subject-verb agreement (l’accord sujet du verbe). We studied specific verbs and had weekly dictées (spelling tests) : avoir/être/changer/grandir au futur. To improve their conversational skills, the students had fun in class writing out a small sketch pretending they were waiters and clients at a restaurant. We are also currently listening to an audio book ‘Rémi et le Mystère de Saint-Péray’.
finding & underlining adjectives in a text listening & circling the right number sequences preparing a sketch
French with Marie
Durant cette deuxième période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:
en grammaire: le sujet, l’attribut du sujet, les compléments d’objets directs et indirect.
en conjugaison: le passé simple, les temps de l’indicatif,
en orthographe: accord du participe passé, les homophones, mots polysémiques, synonymes et antonymes
en vocabulaire: le genre théâtral, étymologie et famille de mots
en mémorisation: apprentissage de 3 poésies “La rentrée” et “Automne”
en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:
- Louison et Monsieur Molière de Marie-Christine Helgerson
In History, Elm continued their study of the Norman Conquest of England, learning about the events following the Battle of Hastings, which were filled with resistance to the Norman king. They learned the tactics used by William I to crush rebellion, including the brutal ‘Harrying of the North’, which gave him a reputation for cruelty, even by medieval standards. The class learned how life in England changed under Norman rule and the means with which William the Conqueror kept his subjects under control, including the building of a new style of castle (motte and bailey), the Domesday Book and the introduction of the Feudal System.
Elm began the term learning about our solar system and the planets within it. They learned the characteristics of the individual planets, why some have rings and which are described as terrestrial and which are the ‘Gas Giants’. The class then turned their attention to the structure of the earth, tectonic plate movement and the resulting clashes and collisions that can cause such devastation above ground in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. The class learned about the three main types of plate movement and their different impacts. They learned how to label the different parts of a volcano and the key points of an earthquake, and about some of the most significant volcanoes and earthquakes throughout history, including the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.
Linear equations
During this term, Elm Class practiced solving linear equations and then used gained knowledge while solving geometric problems where sides and angles were expressed algebraically. In order to draw the linear equations, students substituted some specific values for x to find y and then practiced plotting them on the co-ordinate grid. Student investigated with the linear equations in a virtual lab and learnt how to find the y-intercept and calculated the gradient of the line.
Area, Circumference; Surface Area and Volume
Elm students investigated with the different 2D shapes and then found area and perimeter of compound shapes, including those with the circles where circumference and area had to be found. To probe deeper into a ”circle and everything that comes with it”, students calculated the area of a sector when specific angle was provided.
Elm students used their previous knowledge of properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids and cones and solved problems where they had to calculate their volume and surface area. Elm students understand how to use the formulae for calculating the volume but also know their meaning and how these formulae are formed.
Position and direction. Translation and rotation.
Elm students practiced plotting the co-ordinates of different 2D shapes and then located their corresponding co-ordinates after rotation/translation. We know that 2D shapes stay the same after the rotation/translation and found out that using the tracing paper evidently help us to pinpoint our new location. We clearly understand that when we rotate the same shape around the origin and around the specific co-ordinate B, our new shapes will appear in two different locations. To dive deeper into rotation and translation, the children followed the translation and rotation rules and carried out these transformation without tracing paper.
During this term we dived into the world of ‘light and sound’. Elms made measurements accordingly to the law of reflection. The students also learnt about the refraction of light and how to measure the angle of incidence and angle of refraction. Elms used the terminology related to soundwaves and explored the principal of superposition of waves.

While visiting the PeTH virtual lab, the students tested out different lenses and found out how light travels through them.

Linked to our Topic ”Electricity”, the children designed their own Mathematical switch game – quiz boards (On topics: Number and BODMAS, Pythagoras’ theorem, algebraic conversions and Area & Perimeter of a circle).
This term, Elm class continued their journey of learning and developing their programming skills with Lego Mindstorms EV3. We used the Driving Base to execute precise and controlled movements. Students actively engaged their building and logical skills by following instructions and addressing challenges presented to them.
In addition to these activities, students integrated the Touch Sensor into their robots. They skilfully programmed it to identify obstacles and respond with specific actions. This hands-on experience not only improved their coding abilities but also nurtured problem-solving skills.
Learners dedicated time to designing posters for the Christmas show. This task provided them with a platform to show their poster-making skills, fostering a spirit of healthy competition among the students.
Electricity and Circuits Workshop
This term Elm class had an interesting and creative term as we started with Circuits and Electricity on Tinkercad. They learnt and practiced how to edit, wire and add components together to create electrical connections, among other skills. We finished the term by learning how to light up the Microbit.
3D Design and Technology
Elm class spent most of their Term 2 building a greenhouse. They followed the steps of the invention process. Learners found information on how to build it, they explored at what has been done in the past and the features their design needed to have to allow and foster plants to grow. Next they explored sketches, took notes and did their own. They made decisions on material selection, structural design, ventilation, heating and cooling, shading and layout and plant arrangement.
Throughout Term 2, Elm class dedicated their efforts to constructing a greenhouse, meticulously following the steps of the invention process. Beginning with extensive research, learners sought information on greenhouse construction, investigating into historical examples and identifying key features essential for optimal plant growth and development.
Students engaged in sketching, note-taking, and creating their own designs. Decisions were made individually on crucial aspects such as material selection, structural design, ventilation, heating and cooling systems, shading mechanisms, and the overall layout, including strategic plant arrangement.
This term, Elm class dedicated a significant portion of their time to revisiting the fundamental Spanish sounds, mastering the pronunciation, and improving the ability to articulate and write numbers ranging from 1 to 31. The exploration continued into discussions on countries, languages, and nationalities, with a focus on both singular and plural forms. Engaging in conversations became an obvious part of their learning journey, touching upon personal preferences, habits, and food choices. This oral practice transformed into written expression, enriching our communication skills.
They recalled their understanding of verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, specifically in the context of hobbies, habits, likes, and dislikes. Throughout these sessions, we explored the formation of questions, the application of determiners, singular and plural, as well as feminine and masculine constructs.
Christmas Candles
Oak and Elm created their own Christmas candles and then in ICT lessons designed different labels to perfect their packaging.

Christmas Performance
Patience, persistence and artistic flair brought us together for an amazing celebration at the Theatre du Grenier where our students and ‘Lights, camel, action!’ shone bright on the stage.