Elm Class, Blog 4, 2022-2023


Elm class worked on an Elements of Drama unit this term, looking at how plays are written and presented and how playwrights direct their work through stage directions. The class read excerpts from plays and reflected on the purpose of instructions and what they added to the play’s meaning. We read the first Act of Our Day Out by Willy Russell, about a group of deprived children in Liverpool who go on a school trip to Wales. The class focused on the importance of tone of voice and how the manner of saying words can profoundly affect meaning.

The class were lucky to have a debating workshop run by class parent Annabelle Roberts (Oscar’s mother) who trains business people  in the art public speaking. The class was split into two groups and debated the motion This House Believes that Zoos should be banned.

In the spirit of research, Elm enjoyed a bowl of Shreddies, the breakfast cereal eaten by young boy Ted, the main character in The London Eye Mystery.

French (Beginners Group with Joanna)

Learning a new language can definitely be more fun than one thinks. This term we worked a lot on what can be a rather daunting theme: telling time in French. We chose to make it more fun to learn by working in pairs and asking each other questions and also playing educational games to make the task less daunting. We also watched a report on the daily schedule of students in a French school and we were able to see the differences / comparisons with our school. The students learned and presented their Poésies de Printemps (filmed hereunder) and we also celebrated La Saint Patrick and learned how we celebrate Pâques (Easter) in France. The last day of term all three French classes got together to make their own ‘déjeuner fait maison’ including healthy starters, pizzas and cakes. We read instructions & recipes in French and had a déjeuner gastronomique all together.

French (Intermediate Group with Christine)

During these last two months, Food and Television (which included the other topics of stars and games) were our main topics. They gave them the opportunity to develop even more their oral expression which represented an important part of each lesson. Through these topics, they had to express their tastes, present a recipe of one typical meal of their country, present their favorite star, and present the job they would like to do later. Aside from this, we continued our Monday activity where each child has to speak about its weekend, answer and ask questions. All this developed oral interactions in French between them. Learning a poem and saying it in front of the others also had a part in this process of learning vocabulary and gaining confidence in speaking French in front of the others. Although the oral expression had an important part in this school period, children also had to work on grammar, verbs, the past tense, quantities, through written exercises to train them in building grammatically correct French sentences. In the last following months, we will work on the topics of Health and Jobs.

French (Advanced Group with Marie)

Cette quatrième période a été principalement consacrée à la mythologie grecque. En effet, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour de cette thématique :

en grammaire: les natures et les fonctions des mots, les compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière)

en conjugaison: le futur simple et le plus que parfait (avec révision du passé composé)

en orthographe: le champ lexical, les familles de mots, les homophones grammaticaux, les mots invariables

en mémorisation: 2 poésies ont été apprises et récitées

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec lecture du livre l’Odyssée d’Homère puis différentes fiches de lecture.

2 dictées et 2 évaluations ont eu lieu pendant cette 4ème période.

French IPC

Cette période a été consacrée aux origines des céréales. En effet, les enfants ont étudié la manière dont elles ont évolué et voyagé au fil des ans.

Après avoir vu l’émission “C’est pas sorcier: du blé au pain”, les enfants ont répondu à un questionnaire puis ils ont produit leur propre farine à partir des grains de blé à l’aide de mortiers et de tamis:

Puis, ils ont fait leur propre pain:

Après avoir pétri la pâte, les enfants ont formé des “miches de pain”:

Et voilà le résultat:

Nous avons aussi abordé différents thèmes tels que la journée de la femme (8 mars) et la Saint Patrick.

Pour le dernier jour d’école, les enfants ont préparé leur repas (entrée salade de tomates concombres, plats pizza et desserts gâteau au chocolat et quatre quart aux pommes):


Geography this term focused on the world’s biomes and their characteristics. As part of the Garden Project the class also studied soil, what it is and why it is so crucially important to life on earth. The class experimented with soil from the school grounds, determining that it is predominantly clay with a proportion of sand. They conducted experiments to demonstrate the role of plants in soil preservation, showing how roots hold soil in place and prevent it being carried off by water or wind.


Over the course of this term the Elm class looked at the idea of “Renaissance prince”, exploring the life and the deeds of two important rulers like Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England. The Elm students began also to look more in depth at the reign of Henry VIII, exploring links of cause and consequence in relation to the Break with Rome. By working in different groups, the students carried out research on some of the most relevant advisors of Henry VIII: Thomas More, Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Wolsey, and Thomas Cromwell. At the end of the term, each group presented their own research to the rest of the class.


During this term the Elm class looked at the abstract art of the painter Wassily Kandinsky. Students looked at colour theory, exploring how different colours could convey different emotions. By drawing on Kandinsky’s work, each Elm students worked on a grid composition of concentric shapes, creating different gradients of colours to paint the shapes that they created. As students work on a small canvas, they focused on the drawing of shapes and on the texture and effects created by different colours.

Creative Writing Workshop

During this term the Elm students worked on a story in which a garden should be the chosen setting. Each student created an animal character, working on descriptive language to look at the attitude and the physical appearance of their own character. The Elm students drafted, edited, and proofread their story, giving feedback to each other’s stories at the end of each session. At the end of the term, each student presented the story created to rest of class, explaining the rationale behind the description of setting and the creation of the main character.

Global Perspectives

During this term the Elm class explored the problems and the issues related to food production and food shortage. By drawing on national and global perspectives, students worked in different groups and carried out a different piece of research related to food production and food waste. Each group worked on a different topic – import and export of food, countries with high food shortage, gaps between production and consumption of food and ways to prevent food shortage – presenting their work at the end of the term.

The Elm class – along with the Cedar students – participated also in a webinar conducted by Adeline Barras, the project manager of the Belgian association “Hearth Project”. As this association aims to find solutions to local food waste, the students had the possibility of looking at the ways in which people in the food industry try to prevent food waste on a regular basis.


Elm students get the opportunity to explore the forces as pushes or pulls, arising from the interaction between 2 objects, used force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in 1 dimension, balanced and unbalanced forces. they studied the forces associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing – springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things out of the way; resistance to motion of air and waters as well as forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as force is changed.

They discovered non-contact forces: gravity forces acting at a distance on Earth and in space, forces between magnets, and forces due to static electricity and how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including the accumulation of toxic materials.

Elm experienced the effect of greenhouses gases on the global warming through many experiences and how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including the accumulation of toxic materials.


Elms worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then probed further into algebra while finding solutions to some complex equations. Elms also worked on calculating the percentage of amounts and then solved percentage increase and decrease word problems.

D and T

Planted runner beans,

In an old and cracked rainboots.

We are sure they will have some strong,

healthy roots.

Collected some stinging nettles,

And conjured our own plant food fertilizer.

No need to go to the Jardiland, parents.

We have a solution that is wiser.

Explorer Pythagoras,

Fibonacci and Newton,

Still plenty to go through,

Will start with Darwin’s evolution.

Found Mathematics present all around us in nature.

On the house of the snail or the beautiful sunflower.

Better start designing that

rain water collecting tower.

Compost box, windchime, 

wormery and the birdfeeder.

Observed how seeds are growing

and my fingers get greener.

Trellis for the runner beans

and horse manure for potato.

Just wonder of Mona Lisa

knew about that Golden Ratio.

Green and brown for our compost box,

Apparently it is all about the balance of Nitrogen and Carbon,

Something important

like a pair of socks.

Types of soils

and different climates,

Greenhouse effect.

Ohhh no, I have cut my finger,  not a big deal,

But I better wash it well and disinfect.

We are off on our holiday,

But plants shall continue to grow.

Automated watering system,

Will look after them,

And it should be quite easy,

Cos we planted those plants in a row.

Thomas Edison Muckers

Team: Fantastic Four Hydrator v2023

For Our Thomas Edison Pitch,

Our creative skills were put to the test.

We were just wondering what Nikola Tesla ,

Would have had to say about that. 

Machine to make water out of thin air,

How crazy is that?

But Incas and Mayans were right,

About that. 

Fog curtains & other contraptions, 

Were used long time ago.

It is all about the condensation,

 At least we think so. 

Fish tank pump and some copper tubing,

 A bit of duct tape and plenty of ice.

Run that water through the system,

And you will have some condensed water formed on the surface instead. 

Gigantic solar panels

and ginormous Peltier Device,

Should solve the world water shortage ,

And it will be more than just nice. 

We travelled to Egypt ,

On our pretend survival camping trip.

Didn’t bring water but learnt a lot and were creative,

And managed to condense some water instead.

Team: WOOFGANGAnimal food dispenser 2000

Where is my cat food???We are going away!!!

We’ve earn our holiday!!! Did you feed the dog?

 What about the cat? Don’t know what has happened to me ,

But I just don’t remember that. 

No need to worry, Your pets are in good hands.

Automatic pet food dispenser, Will surely take care of that. 

A bit of SCRATCH and LEGO Mindstorm EV3.

Our software will scan their collar, And will carefully analyse.

 And if your cat has a diabetes, It will get his or hers special type food,

So please don’t be surprised.

Drama Workshop

During this term the Elm students practiced script writing. By working in small groups, the students developed a script for a short scene, working on different scenarios and focusing on characters’ lines and stage directions. At the end of term, each group performed in front of the rest of the class, explaining their own rationale behind stage directions, movements on stage and the use of props and space.

Elm Class, Blog 2, Term 2 2022/2023


This term Elm studied figurative language in poetry, learning how to identify such devices as simile and metaphor, personification, alliteration and onomatopoeia. They also learned about the varying types of rhyme found in poetry and reflected on their effects.

The class read Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo, the story of a young girl who befriends a squirrel who has superpowers. This highly unusual book was a big hit with the class who found it entertaining but it also challenged them with high level vocabulary and some serious themes. The class analysed the characters and their relationships, developing the discipline of supporting their responses with evidence from the text.


Beginners Group with Joanna

The theme for this term linked to our daily workbook (Zig Zag 2) is La Maison (the house). We have studied new vocabulary linked to objects (lampe/lit/bibliothèque/armoire/bureau) that are found in the house as well as the different rooms in a house (grenier/cave/salon/salle à manger etc.). The students all individually presented a drawing of their own bedrooms and the objects/furniture they have, they all did a really good job. We also continue to work on our French verbs (this term spelling tests on les verbes en ER au présent). Throughout the term we learned songs in French for the Christmas show and the students sang them all beautifully on the 10th of December at the Théâtre de Bailly.

Intermediate Group with Christine

During this period, from November to December, the first topic we worked on was the one of the House with all his rooms and furniture. They had to be able to name and write properly the different places and all what is inside. We did a focus on the bedroom and each of the children had to make presentation of their dream bedroom including the things in it that reflect their passions (video games, poster or books about animals…). It was also an opportunity to speak about some castles in France and make them do a short presentation of one the famous monument in their own country.

We ended this period talking about buying presents through a dialogue in their book and in another dialogue in which they had to do a roleplay.

Through written and oral exercises, they had the possibility to acquired new vocabulary, learn grammar/conjugation structures or review some others.

In January, we will go on working on the topic of purchase and we will speak about food (shops, menu, receipt, healthy food…).

I wish a Merry Christmas to all the families.

Advanced Group with Marie

Pendant cette deuxième période, les élèves ont continué à approfondir les notions de français:

en grammaire: les différentes fonctions de l’adjectif qualificatif (épithète/attribut du sujet), le complément du nom, phrases simples/complexes, les différentes propositions.

en conjugaison: les temps du récit, l’imparfait, le passé simple.

en vocabulaire: étude de la notion du conte ainsi que la carte mentale du conte, vocabulaire du merveilleux et du fantastique, les différentes origines d’un mot.

en orthographe: l’infinitif et le participe passé, 2 dictées ont été effectuées.

en mémorisation: 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée.

en littérature: choix d’un livre de lecture puis rendu de la fiche en lien avec le livre, apprentissage du schéma narratif.

2 évaluations ont eu lieu durant le 2ème terme.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette période a été consacrée aux grands explorateurs ainsi qu’aux répétitions pour le spectacle de Noël.

“Douce nuit”


This term we learnt about the human body, the family and the Christmas tradition in Spain. The family and its various members served as a basis for us to approach Christmas in Spain. We discovered and learned the VILLANCICO (Christmas song) «Campana sobre campana»* and exchanged «los regalos del amigo invisible»

Click here:



Elm students investigated with the different 2D shapes and then found area and perimeter of compound shapes, including those with the circles where circumference and area had to be found.

Elm students used their previous knowledge of properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids and cones and solved problems where they had to calculate their volume and surface area. Elm students understand how to use the formulae for calculating the volume but also know their meaning and how these formulae are formed.

See the source image
FFJM Fédération Française des Jeux Mathématiques

Elm and Cedar Mathematicians participated in the 1/4 final of the 37 th International Mathematical Games and those that will qualify to the 1/2 final will be notified by e-mail before 18th of March 2023. Well done Elm and Cedar, you did your very best to crunch those numbers and solved some tricky logical problems.


During this term Elm students had the opportunity to learn about the the unique properties of mater and change of the state under the effect of temperature. They discussed everyday solids, liquids and gases, considering their shape and volume and tabulate their identifying properties.

Elm students could model the changes of motion and arrangement of particles during boiling, evaporation, condensation, freezing and melting.

Elm students analysed and evaluated heating or cooling curves and plot graphs, draw conclusions about the melting and boiling points of substances. 

During the PeTH virtual lab all students lerned to carry out an investigation to see how the temperature of ice changes as it is heated to its boiling point.


Our Elms looked at the Age of Discovery, exploring how sailors and merchants discovered new areas of the world. They looked at early modern world maps – spotting differences with the modern ones – and discovered what instruments and tools early modern merchants used to sail or to travel along the Silk Road. In the last weeks of the term, students worked in groups preparing a short presentation on a specific figure of the Age of Discovery.


This term Elm learned about rivers. Using the Thames as an example, they followed its course from source to the sea, observing how it grows from a spring seeping up from the ground into a stream to become a river deep enough for boats and barges just 40km from its source. They learned that it ends its journey in the Thames Estuary and that as a consequence it is a tidal river.

The class learned how rivers shape the land around them and looked at some of the landforms created, including v-shaped valleys, waterfalls, gorges, meanders and oxbow lakes. Rivers are a key part of the water cycle and the class studied the process as well as how rainwater reaches rivers. This led to discussion about how we make use of rivers and a look at the processes involved in obtaining our water supplies.

Design and Technology

Linked to our learning in science we created our own Christmas candles and then in ICT lessons designed different labels to

Designing and creating our Christmas costumes.

Soap Project


Elm students worked on the backdrops for the Christmas show, looking at the stories to be brought on stage and using their imagination to recreate the atmosphere of each story. Students worked with stencils, collage, and paint, combining these different techniques to design colorful backdrops. 

Global Perspectives

The Elm class looked at the theme of diversity, exploring different winter traditions and celebrations from around the world. Elm students worked in small groups, researching information on five different traditions: Saint Olaf, Saint Marteen, Santa Lucia, Bonfire Day and Festa Juanina. Each small group created a poster to present the results of their research to the whole class. 

Drama Workshops

Our Elm worked steadily on two different drama techniques: freeze frames and mimes. The students used these techniques to bring on stage two stories for the school’s Christmas show: “The Night Before Christmas” and “The Fairy of Strasbourg”. Elm students worked on the representation of emotions through face expression and on the portrayal of actions through body language. They also practiced the use of voice, learning how to speak loud and clearly when on stage.

Creative Writing Workshops

Over the course of this term, the Elm class worked on fantasy stories. Students looked at mentor texts – like The Hobbit – to get inspired and gathered information about the features of fantasy stories. They created their own fantasy protagonists, drawing and highlighting their characteristics. They also worked on the design of their story’s plot, using the “story mountain” as a planning tool. Students included the opening, the build-up, the problem, the resolution, and the ending, planning their story around these sections.

Christmas Celebration

Patience, persistence and artistic flair brought us together for an amazing celebration at the Theatre de Bailly where our students and ‘Christmas stories’ shone bright on the stage.

Merry Christmas !

All the very best!


Elm Class Blog 5 , 2021-2022


This term Elm studied the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank as part of their learning about World War II in Europe and Hitler’s relentless persecution of Jews.

Not much older than themselves, Elm observed how Anne’s life changed, from happy middle-class girl whose preoccupations were friends and boys, to the mature and reflective person who pondered the meaning of life and concluded that ‘in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.’

The class reflected upon and wrote about the resilience of human nature under the most dire and frightening circumstances, as demonstrated by the residents of the Annex. At the same time, they observed the petty arguments that broke out among the same group of people forced into such close proximity with one another with no respite, while the ‘hiders’ risked their lives each day to protect them.

Elm class learnt a poem this year called Hope is the Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson. It is about the driving force of hope that burns in human beings, even when life is at its bleakest:

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;

The courage, resilience and hope for the future expressed by Anne Frank through her diary entries is testimony to the power of hope.



In Geometry and measures, Elm worked on identifying and constructing congruent triangles, and constructed similar shapes by enlargement, with and without coordinate grid. In Statistics , the children constructed and interpreted different tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, stem and leaf diagrams and pie charts. In Algebra,, Elms worked on solving Formulae problems and linked to our Young Entrepreneurs project, constructed and solved real life problems while calculating profit, expenses and interest rate.

Young Entrepreneurs Project – Business project

A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

The children engaged in team activities to create their business plan, research the market, practice pricing and budgeting and design logos and slogans. Four teams created their own stylish leaflets and implement strategies to increase their profit.

We do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on experience. – John Dewey

Like all serious business people, Elm and Oak Young Entrepreneurs met to reflect upon the performance of their respective business projects at the Summer Fete. Their ‘project retrospectives’ were a moment to think about:

· What they had planned to do

· What actually happened

· Why it happened

· What they would do next time

· What they learnt

· How they can improve

Ginormous THANK YOU to all our customers for supporting our business venture ! We would not have been able to do it without you!

Trip to Accrocamp St.Germain en Laye

Oak and Elm visited Parc Accrocamp, a tree climbing adventure park located in the forest around Saint Germain-en-Laye.

This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

The tree climbing activities will see the children discovered a variety of courses, including rope bridges, zip lines and scramble nets, high up in the trees (safely secured in harnesses, of course).


This term, Elm class learnt about cells and the reproduction. The children focused their learning at looking closely at the functions of the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuole, mitochondria and chloroplasts. They did this by learning how to observe, interpret and record cell structure using a light microscope. From this the class were asked to observe and record the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells, doing this by taking a close look at the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms.

Once they had collected their data the Elm class were asked to present their findings to their peers. They did this by creating their own presentations as well as setting themselves their own success criteria to achieve this task.


This term was all about World War II and as well as learning about the war itself the focus was about how and why it happened. Our research led us back to the outcome of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles.

Elm learnt about the punishing terms of the treaty that were intended to crush Germany but in doing so sparked a nationalist backlash that unleashed Hitler. They learnt about the attitudes and goals of the main parties responsible for imposing the terms: France, the U.S. and Britain.

The class learnt about the outbreak of WW2 and the German occupation of Europe. To reverse German expansion the allies needed a presence in Europe and the beaches of Normandy were chosen as the entry point. Both Oak and Elm learnt about Operation Overlord and took a trip to Normandy to see for themselves some key sites of the D-Day landings, with a visit to Omaha Beach, the Pointe du Hoc and the American Cemetery. The also visited the Overlord Museum dedicated to the memory of this key event in WW2 and full of fascinating military equipment and memorabilia.


This term Elm learnt about coastlines and how they are constantly changing and being worn away, principally by the power of waves.

The class learnt about what causes waves and how they shape the coast.

They learnt the geographical terms to describe the processes of coastal change: erode, transport, deposit, longshore drift.

The learnt about the landforms created by waves and how to define and recognise them: beaches, bays, headlands, caves, arches, stacks, wave-cut platforms, spits.

They also looked at some of the reasons why the coastline in the UK is eroding fast, with a particular focus on the village of Happisburgh on the east coast, where the sea is gradually taking the ground from under people’s homes. They researched the different kinds of coastal defences that are available as part of ongoing coastal management of the land-sea boundary.


This closing term, Elms used Colab or ‘Colaboratory’ from Google, it allowed students to write and execute Python. The students worked in an introductory project to learn the correct format to input string variables into Python. They came up with their own ideas for menus (starter-main-desert) and chose three options to offer each day, some of them added drinks to their menus. Here is an example of one of the student’s work:

Students learned how to use Canva (website used to create professional designs) and spent their last term days working in the Summer fête posters. Here are examples of their work:

Elms showed their ICT skills by learning how to use a new platform and finding the solutions to the everyday challenges that each lesson brought. Well done Elms!


This last term, Elms developed their Spanish skills by learning about infinitive verbs, identifying them from a text and being able to conjugate those verbs in present tense.

They were able to find the lyrics of two popular songs in Latin America (Color Esperanza and La Copa de la Vida) by choosing from a list of words. They found the meaning of those words and were able to sing the songs out loud. They found out that some names of Sports in Spanish and English are almost the same or quite similar and reviewed the vocabulary related to these Sports plus some important information. They were able to read and answer related questions from a text. Buen trabajo Elms!

Sports Day

Enjoy your summer, ELMS!

All the very best from Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Lucia, Mr.H and Mr.Kralka

Elm Class, Term 4, 2021- 2022


Elm read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and everyone had plenty to say about this dark story of crime and punishment. Ten unwitting characters are invited to Soldier Island on a variety of pretexts by an anonymous host who plans to hold them accountable for their alleged crimes. Once there they are picked off one by one in a terrifying ordeal as they all suspect each other of being the murderer. The book raises questions about the nature and importance of justice and of crimes going unpunished due to lack of evidence. Each member of the class chose a character to save from the island, based on what they knew of their crime and of how the character is presented in the story. The dodgy doctor Armstrong was a popular choice while the feckless Tony Marston and hard-hearted Emily Brent received support from pupils who did valiant work defending their not very likeable clients.

The class dressed up in character and went before a jury of their peers (Oak class), answering questions about the crimes they were accused of and of their subsequent conduct, in a bid to win sympathy and excuse their actions.

Dr. Armstrong Anthony Marston Philip Lombard General Macarthur



During term 4, Elm continued to learn about cultural traditions and festivities in Spanish- speaking countries and applied their knowledge through different hands-on activities. They developed their language, learning about singular and plural nouns, that nouns in Spanish have a gender, and definite and indefinite articles.

As the school celebrated Mardi Gras, Elm class enjoyed a lesson on Carnival, in which they applied the key vocabulary in a reading and writing activity and then made a mask which they displayed proudly while eating pancakes. They explored language related to Spring, read a poem and answered some simple questions. In addition, they portrayed how they imagined a Spring scene to look, based on the poem they had read. The class also learnt about the ‘Isla de Pascua’ or Easter Island, discovering key facts such as its location, history, geography and wildlife.  Students reviewed vocabulary about Easter and painted Easter eggs on cardboard paper and decorated them with pasta. Afterwards, they wrote down the materials they used and the instructions they followed to do the activity; they then identified the verbs and the definite and indefinite articles. 

Elm class classified nouns into feminine, masculine, singular and plural and pointed out the rules on how to determine the gender of nouns and choose the definite article that corresponds. Through numerous written activities they practised how to apply the rules and developed their language by reading and classifying nouns. As in English, they discovered definite and indefinite articles and how to differentiate between them . Lastly, they played games and riddles for guessing the names of colours.


Linear and Quadratic equations

Linked to our “Egg project”, we created our own hypothetical and real problems based on our incubator and then constructed various graphs to represent our findings. In algebra, we closely looked into linear equations and then learnt how they could be represented geometrically. We substituted random values in these equations which subsequently helped us draw: y=x, y=x-1, y=x-2 and what they represent. We practiced calculating the gradient and substituted specific values into different equations in order to represent them geometrically.

Probability and ratio

During this unit, we discovered vocabulary related to probability and know that Impossible, Unlikely, Even Chance, Likely and Certain relate to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1, respectively. We then solved probability problems where we had to find all possible outcomes and calculated the probability of the desirable outcome. We then moved onto solving problems with ratio and now know how to simplify ratios and how to use ratio to compare quantities.

Fraction and Number

During this unit, Elms revised how to find percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. The children practised finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children can confidently carry out four basic operations with fractions and know how to find the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) or when they need to simplify their fraction. We solved one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions and percentages. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies while solving word problems and will find these skills useful during next term’s ”Young Entrepreneurs” project. We also looked into solving and simplifying Algebraic fractions and knowing common rules for the operations with fractions evidently helped us here.


This term the children have been learning about material properties. We have broken our learning down into stages; first we focused on identifying the different elements found on the periodic table. Once we had identified them, we then grouped them; this process enables the children to develop an understanding of similar characteristics found in different elements. The class went on to learn about the atomic structure of an element and how each one is different due to the number of protons and electrons found within it. As a class, we developed our enquiry skills to explore chemical reactions; the class discussed and explored what would happen when an element mixes with oxygen. The children also learnt about how to write and solve different scientific formulae. Finally, the class investigated the levels of calcium found in water. The results were very interesting! Well done for all your hard work this term!

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Elm’s focus this term, with the Presidential elections upon us, was on the French Republic and its evolution since the tumultuous days of the Revolution. Each member of the class took a republic and presented its key features and events to their peers, giving everyone an overview of the country’s sometimes turbulent history. The extraordinary figure of Napoleon Bonaparte loomed large in our studies, the man who rose to prominence thanks to the Revolution only to crown himself Emperor. We visited one of his homes, the Chateau de Malmaison, which he bequeathed to his first wife Josephine after he divorced her in 1809.

Visit to the Chateau de Malmaison


This term Elm learnt about the different regions of France and their division into administrative territories called departments. The country was once a jigsaw of lands, haphazardly aggregated over the centuries, with the different laws and institutions of each region often kept intact. After the Revolution the National Assembly redivided the nation’s territory into 83 departments of roughly equal size (with each capital no more than a day’s horseback ride from the furthest corners of the department). Crucially, the departments had the same systems and institutions, bringing an element of uniformity to the country’s administration while promoting decentralisation and local autonomy.

The class learnt that the regions and departments, like the French Republic itself, now in its fifth incarnation, are subject to change, with borders being redefined as populations grow and fluctuate. The regions were most recently revised in 2016 and reduced in number from 22 to 13 in a bid to reduce bureaucracy and reduce costs.

The departments today vary wildly in size and population and now number 101 (96 in mainland France and 5 overseas territories).

We discovered that the departments are named after physical geographical features (rivers, mountains or coasts) and that that they are numbered in alphabetical order. We learnt many interesting random facts including that the Var is named after the Var River that doesn’t run through the Var.

Each member of the class chose a department to research and present, giving information about climate, geography, population, distinctive features and cultural identity. We learnt about Finistère, Lozères, Vendée, the Vaucluse and Ardennes.

Name that department!


Elms had a challenging and productive term in which they applied their computing skills to a Vector drawing software called Inkscape. They developed their problem-solving and logic skills as well as communication as they gave support to their friends in difficulty. As we know, computers and especially robots don’t always work as we want them to, so pupils had to use their social and emotional skills to complete their projects.

Through a sequence of guided steps, students were acquainted with the basics of using software to draw geometrical shapes and manipulate them. These elementary shapes formed the building blocks of the more complex designs they created by the end of the unit.

By using this software they developed numerous skills, such as to be able to:

●          Draw basic shapes (rectangle, ellipse, polygon, star) with different properties (fill and stroke, shape-specific attributes)

●          Manipulate individual objects (select, move, re-size, rotate, duplicate, flip, z-order)

●          Manipulate groups of objects (select, group/ungroup, align, distribute)

By the end of the unit students were able to display their learning outcomes by creating monochrome icons. They were challenged to create some of them from scratch, starting from elementary shapes and combining them with path operations. The icons were carefully selected to range from simple ones that were straightforward to produce to more complex ones that required some creative thinking.

At this stage, students had to actively think about the process they would follow in order to produce each of the designs. They knew the ingredients they could use (the elementary shapes) and how to combine them (the operations), but they needed to work out the steps that would lead them from start to finish.

By the end of term, Elms programmed the micro:bit to use as a wearable device and to remind people to exercise regularly when the hardware detects a lack of physical activity. The last week of school before the Spring holiday, they made the code for a door alarm that worked just like a real door sensor in a home security system.


“mens sana in corpore sano” – “a healthy mind in a healthy body”

Elms enjoyed their weekly Capoeira sessions with Valdir. Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

Music with Kareen

”Food revolution” – Project

The main purpose of this « FOOD REVOLUTION » (We can cook our own lunch for the whole week) was to practise team building skills, plan and prepare a healthy meal and most importantly gain or practise basic culinary skills. During this project, the children also worked on demonstrating and improving their table manners. It was pleasing to observe the young chefs, waiters and guests participating and communicating extremely well with each other. Master chefs stayed determined while preparing their three-course meals even though it was tough to accomplish the challenge in a short period of time.   We learnt that it was important to stay focused and organised  until the last moment and realised that a last push could make the difference for the team. Thank you and well done to all Oak and Elm class students for their dedication, determination and hard work during our «Food revolution» project.


We’ve peeled some veg,

Then cooked our lunch.

Then baked a cake,

What a charming bunch.

We’ve tried something new,

And it was quite delicious.

It was all organic,

So don’t be suspicious.

We’ve learnt a new skill,

And now can cook for our parents.

We will do it with love,

No need to buy presents.

Not scared of broccoli, onions

Or carrots,

Will eat them with pleasure,

And not for the merits.

Did stuff some tomatoes,

And made panna cotta.

Now feeling quite strong,

And can sit in Capoeira roda.

We’ve made a delicious Thai Curry,

And spicy fajitas.

I am ready to run,

Where are my Adidas?

Broccoli linguine

and revisited American cheesecake,

I am so full,

But I have learnt how to bake.

Was happy to give up my break,

And tidy the kitchen.

It is good to eat healthy,

And what’s your position?

Design and Technology – FISP Book Swap Project

Fantastic Collaborative Work by Birch, Walnuts, Oaks and Elms

This term we continued working on our collaborative creation, the “FISP Book Swap Box”. Students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques. It is pleasing to see that Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm students now demonstrate precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw. FISP students should be congratulated on their efforts and eagerness to get on with the project right away from the beginning of each session. Fantastic work young designers and carpenters! You should be proud of your achievements.

Orienteering project

Elm Class designed their own treasure map and taught their younger friends how to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, use a compass and follow directions. They tried their best to adapt their speech and gave clear clues, hints and instructions while guiding their younger explorers on their orienteering quest.

Egg-citing Egg Presentation

Linked to our Egg Project, Elm students prepared and presented their findings about different kinds of eggs, egg science experiments and Faberge egg creations to their younger peers.

Easter Egg Hunt

World Book Day– Book Workshop with Anjali Morard

On the last day of term Oak and Elm were lucky to have a visit from children’s author Anjali Morard, who began by reading out loud her charming story about Fortnum the crocodile, which began life as a bedtime story for her young son. The class heard about the author’s writing process and her collaboration with the illustrator of the book, and then embarked on a writing workshop, writing their own stories based around a random selection of features covering setting, time and character. At the end of the session, several pupils read out their fun and imaginative stories

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Kareen, Mr. H , Valdir, Cyril and Mr. Kralka

Elm Class, Term 3, 2021-2022


This term we have been reading Wonder by R. J. Palacio, the story of a boy with a facial deformity starting at high school. The book raises many themes, particularly society’s treatment of those who are different, and led to us questioning our own reactions, conscious and sub-conscious, to physical disability and other forms of ‘difference’. The boy in the book has a rare genetic condition known as Treacher Collins Syndrome and the class learned about the causes and symptoms and read an interview with Jono Lancaster, a young man who lives with the condition.  Taking note of some of the scenarios he has faced and of the responses of people to him that he wishes he could change, the class wrote open letters from the point of view of someone with a physical disability, reflecting on how important it is to look beyond appearances.


Notions abordées  

 Fonctions de communication : Poser des questions et savoir répondre à des questions concernant le calendrier (date, saison, météo…) –Présenter des activités quotidiennes – Demander l’heure –  Savoir dire l’heure

Grammaire et conjugaison : Consolidation des notions abordées à la période précédente :  la conjugaison de certains verbes : être, avoir et verbe du premier groupe au présent (suite) –La forme négative (simple) de la phrase – Des pronoms interrogatifs (suite)- Les verbes pronominaux

Vocabulaire : Des verbes d’actions quotidiennes– L’heure – L’hiver


Poésie :Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver                    Chanson : C’est l’hiver

Activités et Objectifs

Déroulement de la troisième période selon deux axes principaux :

  • Consolidation des notions étudiés durant la période précédente au niveau de la grammaire et de la conjugaison et des échanges oraux autour du calendrier.
  • Découverte de nouvelles fonctions de communication comme celle pour exprimer l’heure, les activités quotidiennes à travers différents supports.
  • Acquérir une base de vocabulaire sur le thème de l’hiver

Objectifs :

  • Développer l’expression orale dans des situations concrètes de la vie quotidienne
  • Sensibiliser les élèves à la lecture / écritures des sons complexes, à la grammaire et à la conjugaison française.

Prochaine période

En mars 2022, nous aborderons deux nouveaux thèmes : le sport et la fête. Avec le sport nous verrons notamment les différents sports, comment formuler différentes questions et expressions. Le thème de la fête nous permettra d’exprimer des goûts, des souhaits, de pratiquer des formules de politesse, de demander des prix…., et de parler de la fête célébrée en avril : Pâques.


2D & 3D Shapes and their properties

Introduction to the Pythagoras’ Theorem. The children investigated with different triangles and understand the relationship between the three sides of the right angled triangle and know how to find the unknown side when two sides are provided.

Enthusiastic Elms constructed triangles using SSS(side, side, side), SAS(side, angle, side) and ASA(angle, side, angle) and can confidently use their protractor and compass while constructing a perpendicular to and from a point.
Elms used their previous knowledge of properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones and solved problems where they had to calculate their volume and surface area.

Ratio and Proportion

During this unit, Elms also investigated and solved various problems with ratio, direct and inverse proportion.


The theme this term was ‘They Made a Difference’ and Elm learned about the life of Nelson Mandela and his journey from activist to prisoner to Nobel Prize Laureate to President of South Africa.

In order to understand the background to his life, the class learnt about the arrival of Europeans in South Africa, the Dutch in the mid-1600s, followed by the British in the early 19th century, and the subsequent Boer Wars between the two colonial powers. They learned how Apartheid was incorporated into law by the Nationalist Government in 1948 and of the terrible injustices suffered by the black population.


This term Elm looked at population and the reasons for its rapid growth from the 1700s, linked to breakthroughs in science and technology, better farming techniques and agricultural machinery, and the Industrial Revolution. They looked at the consequences of population growth and the social an environmental issues that arise.

During the ski trip to the Alps, an instructor gave the class a presentation on how to read mountain maps and signage as well as on the importance of being properly equipped when skiing, particularly when skiing off-piste and what to do if caught in an avalanche.

The instructor gave them a practical task when he hid a backpack in the snow containing an avalanche transceiver (emergency locator beacon) and they set off to find it using the techniques and strategies they had been taught earlier – moving in a zig zag formation until they hear a signal and using the collapsible ski probe poles to locate the item before uncovering it with a lightweight plastic shovel.

Back in the classroom Elm learned about the different causes of avalanches and about one avalanche in Italy in 2015 that destroyed a hotel and killed many of its guests. They learned about the rescue and the remote location that made the rescue challenging for the emergency services.


Earth and Beyond!

This term, Elm class have been learning about the solar system that we live in. We have been looking closely at different aspects of space. For example, as class we explored the effects the Moon has on planet Earth, the life and death of stars as well as deep space to name a few.

The class developed their knowledge and understanding of space and the solar system through conducting their own research. They chose an area of study to investigate further. The information to complete the project is based on reading that they had done in class as well as at home.

Once the class had conducted their research they were given time to construct presentation that would clearly demonstrate what they had learnt over this term. They were challenged to think up of different ways to present their findings in a new and exciting ways.

As a result, the class have been able to support development of others understanding of this subject as well as developing their own presentational skills.


They made a difference

Linked to our discoveries , Oaks and Elms with some amazing support from Birch and Walnut Classes embarked on their Collaborative Design and Technology journey while constructing our own FISP Book Swap Box.


This term, Elm class read and discussed a poem about a rooster named “Colibri”, they enjoyed re-enacting the story and making drawings about it. They learned new vocabulary words related to kitchen utensils and household items by looking at artwork from the Renaissance period. Additionally, students practiced their Speaking abilities by being part of a role play game as waiters of a restaurant and reviewing Spanish greetings and salutations. Furthermore, as part of their Spanish cultural learning they made a Valentine’s Day card and the vocabulary related to this day. By the end of the term they developed their reading and writing skills by learning subject and personal pronouns and its use in sentences. Elm class is shining in Spanish and we’re proud of their hard work.


This term students created a website about the Solar System on a Content Management System called WordPress. They chose the theme (layout) and got a basic understanding of the dashboard as well as how to manage media (images, documents, audio and video files) and menus. They were able to create new posts and pages with the Block editor besides choosing the layout of these including the header, footer, sidebar and body.

Click on the following link to visit the student’s website: https://elm-ictproject-fisp.com/

Skiing Trip to Val Cenis

During our trip to Val Cenis , the children went on an emotional 6 day journey, far away from home. We were excited to go but tiny bit anxious to leave our parents behind. We were happy to meet new people and learn new things. We were frustrated when something did not work out straight away but were over the Moon with our progress on the slopes after 5 days of skiing. Most of the time we were happy and will remember this trip for the rest of our lives. We have discovered so many new things, learnt so much about ourselves and came back a little bit more independent.

Luiza just joined us,
And she is very mature.
And her tall brother Bruno,
Has a great sense of humour.

They come from Brazil,
But they once lived in China.
They are quite thorough with their work,
Often double check it, even mistakes that are minor.

Soren never went skiing,
But indeed was quite brave.
Don’t have to tell him twice,
He knows well how to behave.

Our Storm is a free spirit,
And runs with the wind.
Had bundles of fun skiing,
It is cold Storm! Where is your jacket? Take a hint.

Dylan often asks questions,
And he often has something to say.
Always went on super steep slopes,
And he never stayed at bay.

Gabriela just joined us ,
She is our DIY Queen.
Had a blast skiing, hungry for knowledge,
Well mannered and to learn she is keen.

Sara loves books,
And she reads them a lot.
She speaks Romanian, English and French,
She is our true polyglot.
She often sings,
And she was skiing like a pro,
Are we skiing now?
Shall I get ready to go?

Leo loves Maths,
And shared some tricks on how to play chess.
There were 4 boys in his room,
But they tidied their mess.

Filip AKA SUPER MARIO enjoyed skiing,
And was super fast on the sledge.
He was a well behaved student,
He pushed himself to the limit, he pushed himself to the edge.

Even Adam came with us ,
And his brother Dylan read him bed time story.
Zoomed down those slopes,
With Mrs Harrington on the first day,
Fighting for their glory.

Roger can crunch numbers,
And goes down the slope with the speed of light.
You should see his face light up,
And he adores the Turkish Delight.

Liam eats books,
On his quest for deep meaning.
Kindle, soft back or hard back?
Say it louder but don’t turn off the light,
Liam is reading.

Lukas loves Maths and he is our skiing pro,
Often sets himself a personal challenge.
Very organised with his stuff,
Just give him a task and he will surely manage.

Jean went down those slopes,
Whatever colour you name it.
Skiing champion he is ,
Just give him your record and he will break it.

Chloé had bundles of fun,
Are we going skiing now, Mr.Kralka?
I better run!
Was tired but marched on.
Had a blister but went on.
Our charming Chloé was our mini Sun.

Cecilia had no fear,
She quickly zoomed down that slope.
Part of our Brazilian Skiing Team,
One day will show off her talent,
Oak and Elm truly hope.

Oscar was ready,
From the moment they said GO.
Superstar on the slope,
And his confidence did grow.
He loves our mother nature,
And he spent so much time in a horizontal position on the slope,
Doesn’t like his ice-cream now,
Totally no problem, just give him some fresh snow.

From Forest International,
We are representing Oak.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is no joke.

From Forest International,
We are representing Elm.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is a Gem.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Elm Class , Term 2, 2021-2022


This term Elm read short stories: The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl and The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury. The class read the Hitchhiker closely, in instalments, savouring the unfolding drama and the understated humour of the encounter with a traffic policeman. They became increasingly intrigued by the mysterious passenger, so self-assured and wordly wise compared to the narrator.

Having enjoyed the story, the class thought about their response to the outcome and asked themselves whether they sided with the traffic policeman or the speeding driver and his tricky passenger. Most of us admitted we were happy with the story’s ending but one person stood up for law and order and sided with the policeman! 

The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, written in 1951, is a very different story but the class found plenty to talk about in this bleak, futuristic tale of a dystopian city, where crime has been stamped out and a population of three million is policed by one car. We only meet one resident because the rest are at home watching their sinister-sounding ‘viewing screens’. 

Image result for the pedestrian by ray bradbury book cover

Elm also studied poetry this term, focusing on imagery and the different techniques used by writers to ‘paint a picture with words’. We read the beautiful ‘In Memory of My Grandfather’ by Edward Storey and studied his use of imagery, as he compared his beloved grandfather, a rural farming man, to a tree. The class drew pictures of the grandfather as he is depicted in the poem. They then wrote their own poetry, choosing to write about places that had an impact on them rather than people. 


This term Elm began to look at the Renaissance and the changes in thinking that led away from the Age of Faith to a renewed interest in the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome. They learnt about the intellectual movement of Humanism and how the new ideas were spread thanks to the printing press.  

They learnt how the wealthy city states now known as Italy were at the heart of the new quest for knowledge that characterised the period and why the region was so economically and culturally important at this time.  


This term Elm class followed the COP26 meeting, held this year in Glasgow, and learnt about the global climate summits, known as COP or ”Conference of the Parties” that the UN has been hosting for almost thirty years. Afterwards, the class researched renewable energy sources, their pros and cons and uptake around the world and then presented their findings to each other.  


This term Elm Class have been learning about the different forces that are found all around us. They were set the task of developing their scientific understanding of the range of forces that act upon an object at one time.

The children formed hypotheses as well as conducting investigations into a chosen force. First, they investigated as a group, then they applied the same template to individual investigations. This enabled the children to take their learning outside of the classroom as well as to apply their literacy skills in a different subject.

Finally, Elm class were set the challenge of presenting all they had learnt over the term in an educational poster that would be used to support further understanding of the different forces that are found around us.


In Statistics:

Elms constructed and interpreted various data tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, pictograms, line graphs, stem and leaf charts and scatter graphs (correlation). Elms can clearly distinguish between positive and negative correlation, identify if it is strong, moderate or weak and understand that all outliers are not taken into consideration while drawing the line of the best fit. We then dived deeper into the construction of pie charts and calculated desirable percentage and number of degrees for the specific group of data.

In Algebra: Expressions /Formulae/ System of equations

We worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then probed further into algebra while finding solutions for the systems of equations.


Students learned the Spanish version of the song “A King is Born” for the Christmas show. They played “Loteria” (similar to Bingo) to learn and practise the numbers from 1 to 30. Descriptions of school life and corresponding vocabulary was one of our focuses this term. During the last class of the term, students were able to practise the Christmas vocabulary on Seesaw (classroom app); some of them recorded their voices saying the words.


Students learned and practised how to make a poster on Google Drawings by drawing, modifying and combining objects and inserting images, text and other useful tools.

Every student designed a poster for the Christmas show. Cecilia’s poster (Oak Class) was chosen to be displayed around the school and later was used on the invitation sent to parents.

Students discovered what HTML is, used HTML to structure static web pages and learned how to modify tags to improve the appearance of web pages.


Christmas Performance ”Hey Ewe!”

Collaborative Background posters

Designing and making our Christmas costumes...

The mighty Oaks and Ecstatic Elms had a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate their creative side while making costumes, dancing, singing, creating props and performing on the stage during our Christmas Show.

Thank you and well done to all the Oak and Elm students for their outstanding dedication and hard work during our «Hey Ewe!» performance!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday!

 Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Elm Class, Term 1, 2021-2022


Elm read King of Shadows this term, a historical novel set in Elizabethan England. The book follows the story of Nat Field, a young actor in The Company of Boys, an American theatre troupe chosen to perform at The Globe Theatre in London. Nat finds himself transported back in time and performing with William Shakespeare and a host of other real historical figures working with Shakespeare at the new Globe Theatre of the 16th century.

While the book touches on the themes of grief and loss (Nat has lost both his parents), it provides an introduction to Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as Nat performs his role as the mischievous sprite Puck.

Elm researched the actors featured in the book and presented them in character and after studying the text and ‘translating’ the unfamiliar Elizabethan vocabulary, they learned by heart the dialogue between Puck and the Fairy in Act 2 Scene 1 of the play.

The class also wrote ‘first hand’ accounts of important events in history, combining factual research with creative imagination.  Beginning with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the class covered an eclectic range of experiences, from the attack on Pearl Harbour to the Battle of the Somme, the destruction of Pompei by the eruption of Vesuvius and the Greek Trojan Horse entering the city of Troy.


French IMYC


During this unit, we worked on finding percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. We revised rounding whole numbers and decimals and converted percentages, fractions and decimals.  We practised finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. We also worked on solving various problems with percentage increase and decrease. Being able to calculate percentages is very important these days and Elms practised solving various problems with interest rate, VAT and tax. The skills acquired will be very useful later this year during our ” Young Entrepreneurs” business project.


Both classes examined the theme of Sustainability in Geography this term, Elm with a particular emphasis on sustainable cities and the problems faced by densely populated and growing urban centres, and Oak on the issues relating to the depletion of natural resources as well as the need to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. In their research they came across the Wonderbag no-fuel slow cooker that has such a positive impact in the developing world. They discovered that this simple product allows families to reduce cooking fuel consumption by up to 70%, reducing carbon emissions and deforestation. Importantly, it reduces the need to cook for long periods of time over open fires, a practice that exposes populations, but mostly women and children, to harmful particles released from burning biomass such as wood and dung. It also frees the same women and girls from hours of unpaid labour.

Inspired by the simple concept, Oak and Elm decided to make their own thermal cooker using a cardboard box, polystyrene and some bubble wrap – and an old blanket to throw on top.  They were ready for the Wonder cooker challenge, the Wonderbox versus the Wonderbag (lent by a member of staff). Two pots of rice, two cookers, two excellent results.


The History theme this term was ‘Respect’ and it took the class on a journey that began with a reflection on what Respect is and the different ways it is demonstrated around the world. The class then used their understanding of the term to examine the various reasons why people left Britain and Europe in the 16th century to start new lives in the New World. They then examined why, after a couple of centuries, the settlers revolted against the British Crown’s tight grip and increasingly unreasonable demands.


The ELM class had “All About Me” as a theme this term or “Todo sobre mi”.  They learnt to sing the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in Spanish and the vocabulary for more parts of the body. Through questioning, they practised how to present and talk about themselves. They also learnt how to use the verb ‘to have’ in the positive and negative forms. We played BINGO to learn the alphabet and vowels. The class talked about the foods they like and don’t like. They studied the use of definite articles and how to identify if a word is masculine or feminine. The end-of-term project was on the Day of the Dead Celebration in Latin American countries and the children made flowers and drew skulls and candles for the altar.


Mad about Science!

This term Elm Class have been building on their knowledge and understanding of plants and the different varieties/categories that these plants are found. First, we took an in-depth study of the reproductive part of a plant and discussed their importance. From this, we explored and discussed the reasons why plants have adapted to suit their environment. Taking our understanding further we researched plant cells and made comparisons to human cells. Appling our new knowledge and understanding of this to conduct an in-depth study of a leaf.

Applied Scientific enquiry skills

We took our learning outside the classroom and explored the local environment we used this to apply and our understanding of classification plants that are common to woodland. We were about to successfully find a range of different varieties along with some new ones we hadn’t learnt about.

Taking it further

We decided as a group to conduct an experiment using moss collected from the forest floor. As we had learnt that moss doesn’t have roots but thrives from moisture we decided to place the moss in different coloured water to see what would happen. The results were impressive!


ELM learners compared calculating machines from the past to modern general-purpose computers. They also discovered how all computing systems, regardless of form or capability, make use of the same components: a processor, memory, storage, input and output devices, and communication components.

The class looked at how the hardware components used in computing systems work together in order to execute programs. They defined the term ‘artificial intelligence’ and learned how to train Google Teachable Machine to classify images.

OAK and ELM visit YAMASHITA’S FARM in the Yvelines.

Asafumi Yamashita – The Haute Couture Vegetable Grover.

Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Plants and flowers’,  we visited an inspirational gardener who shared some of the tricks of the trade with us. The children eagerly shared their knowledge of the subject, asked questions and attentively listened to his remarkable story. Self-taught, Asafumi Yamashita grows vegetables with a secret he calls ‘the Yamashita method’. He produces about 50 Japanese varieties a year on 3,000 square metres (a third of this surface being converted into greenhouses). His vegetable garden is modest in size compared to an average farm, but for Asafumi Yamashita what matters is quality not quantity. Some say that he whispers to his vegetables and listens to the voice of his land.  The way Mr. Yamashita  puts it is that he writes a poem while growing his vegetables and top chefs in Paris write music that goes with his poem. Lucky customers who enjoy those delicious dishes sing the song that was composed for them with love. We were lucky enough to taste his delicious vegetables and even brought some home to share with our families.

Trip to the Louvre

Forest Challenges and Tabata

Since the beginning of the year, Oak and Elm classes have been engaged in our weekly Forest Challenge and very intense daily 7-minute work-out ”TABATA”. The main purpose of these challenges is to practise team building skills and to develop resilience as it is often tough to accomplish a challenge at the first attempt. We learnt that it is important to stay focused until the last moment and clearly recognise that the last push could make a difference to the team. In our next challenges we will concentrate on fair play and communication which will improve our personal, partner and team working skills.

Singing workshop with Kareen Clair

Halloween at Forest International School

Elm Class, Term 4, 2020-2021


The Spring Term saw Elms delving into the diary of anxious teenager Adrian Mole as he struggled to cope with outbreaks of spots and his parents’ marital troubles.

Adrian Mole’s Parents by Uttara Nair

Pauline and George Mole

Adrian Mole’s parents are quite careless and irresponsible. They don’t seem to care about Adrian Mole. They are also alcoholics and always keep on smoking. I guess that is one of the main reasons why Adrian Mole is un poco loco. He tries to get their attention but they are too busy in their own gloomy life to take any interest in their child’s life. They are so careless that they didn’t even realize that Adrian was reading magazines that are not age appropriate like the Big And Bouncy. Even after they found out about the magazines all they cared about was the phone bill that he had hidden and not about the inappropriate articles he was reading. They were also so busy doing nothing that they didn’t even name the dog!! His mom had moved in with Mr. Lucas but after some months she came back to Adrian’s dad. I actually feel sad that Adrian has such negligent parents and no adult to look up to.

Adrian’s friend Nigel by Liam Coetzee

Nigel’s role in the story is as Adrian’s best friend. They both go to the same school. Nigel has a very modern large house with an amazing room. It has everything, a stereo, spotlights over his bed, an electric guitar and a colour television! Adrian goes on Nigel’s racing bike. It has a water bottle, a milometer, a speedometer, a yellow saddle and very thin racing wheels. It is the coolest bike ever and Nigel does not even truly appreciate it. Nigel and Adrian do lots of things together. They like to watch movies and go out to buy things. They both unfortunately also like the same girl, Pandora. Pandora has lovely hair and becomes Nigel’s girlfriend. This makes Adrian very mad with his friend Nigel. Pandora is Adrian’s lost love!

Adrian Mole’s Character by Lila Monnet

Adrian says he is an intellectual and he dislikes the dog. He is in love with a girl named Pandora and has a bad relationship with his parents.

Some enjoyed his naïve accounts of the goings-on at home and at school while others were less appreciative. Nevertheless, they got to know the Leicester youngster who was Britain’s most celebrated teenager before the arrival of Harry Potter.

The would-be intellectual makes numerous references to literature throughout his diary, only to reveal his ignorance. “I read a bit of Pride and Prejudice, but it was very old-fashioned. I think Jane Austen should write something a bit more modern.”

Elm, like the rest of the school, were captivated by the incubating eggs and then by the chicks that emerged from them. They produced poems and pictures and built runs with activities to keep them entertained. They also researched the murky world of egg production, the various methods used by farmers and the terminology that we encounter in the shops: battery (cage), free-range, barn, organic – what do all these terms mean?  

Elm discovered that the reality of ‘barn’ and ‘free-range’ egg production bears very little resemblance to the images of rustic farmsteads and grassy meadows that they conjure up.

“E-BAOBAB ” – Someone’s rubbish, our treasure

There is a lot of Mathematics in growing trees, especially if they are made out of plastic! On our “eco-friendly / e-baobab” mission we estimated, calculated, measured and looked at the different possible solutions for “growing” our tree.

The key to our e-baobab tree is the simple concept of ‘No Rubbish, Only Resources’. 

Our E-Baobab project challenges the modern-day single-use culture, ‘Buy today and throw away tomorrow’. It teaches students to see value and potential in everyday objects. It also teaches them to build and construct, and to think about how things work. It involves project-based learning and the construction of useful or fun devices using recycled materials the children have helped to source themselves. These projects not only allow the children to use their re-cycling imaginations, they teach them about construction, carpentry, mechanics and engineering.  The challenge of constructing something from old or used materials is motivating because it has a bigger purpose behind it. As the students become aware of the problems, they become engaged in the solutions, as they learn that something used need not be useless.

Pensez au tri! Jeter vos détritus à la poubelle!” Instructions for recycling are so misleading that we thought we had to do something about it.

Our message is that it is never too late to start to make changes, and that together each one of us can help to change the world. 

We like to think that we are putting the ‘éco’ into ‘école’. Thank you to all the FISP families for their amazing input during this project and a big round of applause to Elms for their dedication and hard work.


The theme was Generation Games and had us reflecting on how societies around the world treat the elderly and what our attitudes are to old people. Elm were overwhelmingly appreciative of the older people in their lives, particularly their grandparents.

To encourage recognition of older people’s lives and respect for their experiences, often things that are totally outside of our own, we had a first-hand account of what it was like to be in Berlin when the city was divided by the Wall. Unsmiling soldiers with machine guns at the checkpoints, searching the car for smuggled goods on the way in and smuggled people on the way out; shabbily dressed people and poorly stocked shops on the Eastern side, people afraid to be seen talking to foreigners.

The children were rightly shocked; how could a wall have been built to divide a city as everyone stood by and watched? They learned how it was constructed, why it was built (to keep people in rather than keep people out) and of the brave men and women who escaped and those who didn’t.

They learned how it came down in 1989, more by accident than design.  They enjoyed the anecdote about people handing the East Germans bananas, a highly prized commodity that was all but impossible to come by on the Eastern side of the wall.

Pupil’s wrote diary entries in the persona of someone living in the East when the wall came down.


Birds are returning from over-wintering in warmer climes, and we decided to investigate their annual journeys around the world, many of which are extraordinary feats of endurance.

We discovered that bird migration is fraught with dangers and that many birds who set off do not return. When we looked into the list of dangers migrating birds face, we discovered, as usual, that humans play a major role, through light pollution from cities, glass in high rise buildings, wind turbines and destruction of habitat.

Pupils chose a bird and tracked its migratory path on a map, noting the countries traversed. It is incredible to think that the swallows arriving in France have been on an epic journey, on routes that might pass through the Sahara Desert or along the west coast of Africa or the Nile Valley.


We worked on recording, describing and analysing the frequency of outcomes of simple probability experiments involving randomness, fairness, equally and unequally likely outcomes. Elms constructed and interpreted various data tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, pictograms, line graphs, and scatter graphs (correlation). Elms can clearly distinguish between positive and negative correlation, identify if it is strong, moderate or weak and understand that all outliers are not taken into consideration while drawing the line of the best fit. We then dived deeper into construction of pie charts and calculated desirable percentage and number of degrees for the specific group of data. We also worked on calculating the ratio and proportion and then solved various problems that involved these.

Egg project: Mathematics ( Statistics)

Linked to our “Egg project”, we created our own hypothetical and real problems based on our incubator and then constructed various graphs to represent our findings. In algebra, we closely looked into linear equations and then learnt how they could be represented geometrically. We substituted random values in these equations which subsequently helped us draw: y=x, y=x-1, y=x-2 and what they represent. We were quite lucky with our little chicks as nearly all of them hatched. In reality, our final linear equation was y=x-3, where x (x=13) was the number of the eggs in the incubator and 3 the number of chicks that did not hatch.

Science“Egg project”

How to train your chicken in 30 days?

Elms created different training facilities that enabled them to observe, stimulate and love their new fluffy friends even more.

Science / Biology

We started this unit by using microscopes to study cell structure and their functions and then compared the main parts of the animal and plant cells. We closely looked at the chick embryo development and then followed them on their 21 day journey.

Elms compared the respiratory systems of humans and chickens and then pinpointed the similarities and differences. We were intrigued by the complexity of the chickens’ respiratory system where they get two doses of oxygen for the price of one breath.

We discovered how a spirometer is used to measure the volume of air inhaled and exhaled. Elms then discussed Tidal, Residual, Inspiratory and Expiratory Reserve Volumes and how they differ in men and women and the altitude that they live on. We also learnt about the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration and how they produce energy. We used a virtual model of a chicken and followed “that egg in the making” and were egg-static to discover the main stages of egg development (fertile and infertile).


ICT lessons have provided pupils with the principles of technology information and computation, which have been applied through programming. Computing enables pupils to become digitally literate; in other words, they are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology as well as being active participants in a digital world.

Elm class have started developing coding and programming skills to create their own video games by using “Scratch”, a programming language that develops mental skills.

They have made several kinds of video games around the egg-exciting IPC theme of this fourth term, “ Eggs”.

First, they started exploring and discovering the Scratch world. Little by little, they began to develop their own ideas and conclusions in order to make specific actions. For example, to move the sprite up and down, they had to use the Y-axis; to move the character right and left the X-axis had to be used. As can be seen, computing has deep links with mathematics, which allows pupils to apply their maths knowledge.   

Once they had acquired the basic principles, Elm class went deeper, trying to improve and make their video games more complex, adding score bars, special variables to double their score, obstacles, background music, sound and pop-up messages.

Finally, they ended the term with a creative project called “Video game week” during which they showcased their capability, creativity and knowledge of computer science, digital media and information technology.

The aim of this week was to share their games and to explain how they were made. Each pupil presented their game and explained the code process. 

 The presentations ended with a Q&A session.

French/French IMYC



This term we focused on sightseeing: What kind of sights and attractions can we find in a city or town?

I presented my home city of Valencia. We did a little research and we found loads of interesting facts about this beautiful Spanish city: Plaza de toros, Miguelete, ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias, the old part and the modern part.

While learning about these sights and buildings, they practised using adjectives, such as: Viejo, tradicional, nuevo, moderno, tranquilo, popular,…


I gathered pictures of some emblematic cities of Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, Galicia, Salamanca, Sevilla, Mallorca, … These photographs were placed around the classroom and pupils had to travel around and guess which city they were visiting. The task was the following: Guess the name of the city and its location and describe it using at least five adjectives. They collected all the information in their notebooks as though putting together a guidebook. Once they had all travelled around the cities, they shared their information.


We reflected on the different places that you can visit when on holiday: the mountains, beaches, forests, … Then we brain-stormed about which things to pack for that “excursion”. Pupils came up with lots of ideas, for which they learned the Spanish words, thus broadening their vocabulary.


At the beginning and end of each class, we always spend a few minutes on ‘short questions’. I pose them questions that they have to reply to, briefly and clearly; for example: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?, ¿Qué has hecho hoy?, ¿Cuál es tu serie/película/comida favorita? Afterwards, pupils note down all new vocabulary.

Elm Class, Term 3, 2020-2021


This term Elm read George Orwell’s Animal Farm. They followed the events of the animals’ liberation and subsequent subjugation with interest, sadness and indignation. They observed how the literate animals very quickly exerted influence over the less educated and able and how greed and selfishness destroyed the dream of sharing and equality. e made the connection between the animals in the story and the real people and events they represent. We learned also about the difficulty George Orwell had in getting a publisher to print the book, considered controversial during a time when Britain needed Russia as an ally against Germany.

Allegory/Political Satire

“Some animals are more equal than others.”

Elm dabbled with a bit of political graffiti

Elm have been following the progress of the Vendée Globe and have put together a newsletter on this most exciting yacht race that takes place every four years.

Presentation by ELM CLASS

In addition, we have been looking at the differences between formal and informal language, and the different situations in which we use them.


In History this term Elm looked at the role of competition in business and the economy. They observed global giant Apple and noted that its products are not made in the US but in China. Why? To benefit from cheaper labour and to keep profits high and costs low. They learned about the working conditions of the people in the Apple factories, their low pay and long hours. All this to set the scene for the Industrial Revolution in 18th century England.

Elm learned that prior to the mid-1700s England was a rural society with most people living in small villages and towns. They learned about the innovations in the weaving industry that ended the skilled handcraft industries of agricultural England and led to migration out of the countryside into rapidly growing cities. They then studied the terrible living and working conditions of the poor and the exploitation that led Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to write the Communist Manifesto.


 In Geography we looked at why certain regions developed rather than others, looking at natural resources such as coal and iron ore. We looked at the rivers and the network of canals built to transport materials to the burgeoning industrial cities.

“E-baobab” project

We discussed very important environmental issues and tried to do our part to make our world a better place. We shared our ideas on why and how people use and waste plastic and don’t even think that they harm our environment. There is a lot of Mathematics in growing trees, especially if they made out of plastic! On our “eco-friendly / e-baobab” mission we estimated, calculated, measured and looked at the different possible solutions for “growing” our tree. We experimented with the pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal and octagonal rings in order to construct the separate layers of our solid plastic tree. The children then rolled up their sleeves, used collected plastic/plastic bottles and  created their own ‘ECO-BRICKS’. We practiced presenting our findings in front of our peers and then adapted the speech accordingly for the younger audiences.

If you had 400 plastic bottles, what rings would you use for your tree?

How high would it be? How would you arrange them?

Teaching Birch and Walnut Classes how to use the basic 2D shapes in our E-baobab construction. Adapting the language to the audience, explaining our method and important construction steps.

If you would like to build your own E-Baobab tree, all calculations are provided. Save the planet! Make that big difference! “Mathematical calculations by Roger, Uttara and Jean. Presentation by Uttara.


Algebra: Expressions /Formulae/ System of equations

We worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. Elms practiced plotting straight line graphs while carefully building the table of values for the equations. We also built, analysed and interpreted real-life graphs. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then further dived into algebra while finding solutions for the systems of equations.



We solved various problems to find out how FORCE, ENERGY and WORK are related. We looked into the three laws of motions and then reenacted the experiments that were later used in our film. The children designed their own experiments with the travelling objects that can or cannot change their speed in different conditions. We calculated the average speed and the acceleration of an object and then tested, compared and calculated unknown variables. The children formulated hypotheses, practiced planning their investigations and made predictions. After carrying out their investigations they made accurate measurements to gather data to test their hypotheses. They identified patterns in the results and drew conclusions based on the evidence. On a few occasions they had to retest their findings and suggest ways in which their investigations and working methods could be improved.

Newton’s laws of motion

“Newton’s Laws of Motion” – Directed and edited by Joshua Fisher

“Three Laws of Motion” – RAP- Dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton by Elm Class

What is all this commotion?

About the 3 laws of motion,

If you need a solution,

Just ask Isaac Newton!

Who is Isaac Newton?

And why do I care?

All that I know,

Is that he had grey hair.

So who is this Newton,

And what did he do?

Is it this guy with the toucan,

Whose shirt is quite blue?

Or is it this artist who painted the crown?

Or am I being such a big clown?

Pretty please tell me now,

I heard it was sold for 80 million pounds.

The first law states,

The objects’ fate.

The exact words,

Are for the nerds.

The objects in rest,

Will remain at rest.

And the objects in motion,

Will remain in motion.

They call it Inertia,

But what could it be?

Look back at the previous verse,

And then you will see.

Second law of motion,

All that comes with it.

Objects’ mass times the acceleration,

To find the force put out upon it.

The third law of motion clearly states,

For every action there is an opposite reaction.

How birds fly in the sky?

Because if they fell, they would surely die.

Vendee Globe/ Remote control Boats

For those that do care,

And want to see.

There are some boats,

That sail at sea.

Remote control boats,

And free sailing yachts.

Thanks to the Buoyancy,

They are staying afloat.

We used some recycled materials,

And nothing was bought.

Sailing is quite challenging,

And not as easy as we thought. 

ART/Design and Technology

Pinball Machine construction project and recycled material art

Design/ Plan/ Estimate/ Measure/ Cut/Drill/ Attach/ Check/ Fix

It does not fit!!! What did I do wrong?? How do I correct my mistake???      I can do this!!!

The children also used standard measuring units while working on measuring length. We worked on estimating, measuring, cutting and hammering our wooden materials for our Pinball Machine.  It was evident for the children to spot their mistakes and realise where they went wrong. We could clearly see why it is important to measure and remeasure and only then cut it once.

Pinball Machine: Blue prints and 3D models/ mechanism


In ICT lessons we have been learning about hardware and software components that make up computer systems. We learnt how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system and discovered a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including how to protect our online identity and privacy.

Goals that have been achieved during this term:

– Understanding the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems.

– Knowing how to use the technology safety, which includes gaining knowledge about viruses and how to avoid them.

In order to have an overview of all this information, we created mind maps about viruses, by using an online software called Canva.

– Being able to recognise inappropriate content and knowing how to report it.

– Understanding how to protect your online identity and privacy by role playing, placing them in real context and situations.

Based on the cross-curricular approach, which develops our skills and knowledge through interconnected topics, we created calligrams about morality, as well as, e-books about IPC themes (cooperation, communication, thoughtfulness, adaptability, resilience) in order to present them to Birch and Walnut class.

In order to enrich our creations, we used the augmented reality on the characters of our stories.

Walnut and Birch class experienced an authentic 3-D illustration.


During this term, Elm students have been introduced to the following contents:


-classroom objects: identify and name them (lápiz, pizarra, profesora, bolígrafo, libreta, libro, pegamento,…).

– the weather (¿ Qué tiempo hace hoy?, including the season of the year).

– the days of the week (¿Qué día de la semana es hoy?, ¿ Qué día de la semana fue ayer/será mañana?).

-family (madre/padre, tío/tía, primo/prima, sobrino/sobrina, hermano/hermana) and farm animals.


-singular and plural (ad -es or -s, depending on the ending of the word).

-male and female (including articles: el/la/los/las).

– how to make short sentences (subject, predicate, verb and verb complements).

-to translate into Spanish, English sentences (and the other way round, including vocabulary seen).

-adjectives, which we have applied to the vocabulary already seen (el perro grande, el conejo saltarín, el caballo marron).


-answering and asking questions related to objects (¿Cómo es esta mesa?, ¿Cómo es esta casa?).

-to introduce themselves (Hola me llamo…. Tengo …. Años y estoy…).

-to introduce someone.



-Dictation to review vocabulary and grammar


Elm Class, Term 2, 2020-2021

IMYC: Discovery, Curiosity, Development and Competition’

This half term, the Elm class children went sailing around the world while following the Vendee Globe race. We learnt many interesting facts about 33 solo skippers, campaign they support, missions they carry out and challenges that they are facing.

It was an inspiring event that taught us a lot about courage, physical and emotional strength, team-working, exploration and adventure-seeking. The children followed the position of the boats on a daily basis, analysed their speed, weather conditions, built graphs for clear understanding and made their own conclusions. We also learnt interesting facts many sailors that were very happy to share their own experiences via daily podcasts.


This term Elms let their imaginations run free and wrote creepy Halloween-themed stories and Christmas stories. We looked together in class at famous story openings and the art of capturing the reader’s attention at the outset. We looked at the importance of building up atmosphere and describing setting and character.

We finished the novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar. We were all happy to see Bradley find his feet and leave behind his self-destructive behaviour, thanks to the subtle guidance of school counsellor Carla. This book was really appreciated by the whole class, even the less keen readers were eager for the next instalment of Bradley’s troubled school days. As you know, we are enthusiastic followers of the Vendée Globe round-the-world yacht race, which has captured all our imaginations.  In November we were lucky to have zoom interviews with two experienced sailors, Joshua Bradfield and meteorologist Jean-Baptiste Chauvet who are only too aware of the dangers and difficulties facing the Vendée Globe skippers.  They shared with us some of their own sailing adventures as well as the practicalities of preparing for a voyage and the eventualities to be ready for. They also answered our questions, including what to do in a storm, their scariest and best moments at sea, and the marine life they have encountered. Joshua Bradfield’s account of being rescued by the French Navy and having to sink his damaged yacht left a lasting impression on us all! All good material for our upcoming Vendée Globe newsletter.

Vendée Globe

Zoom Call with Joshua Bradfield/Sailor

Zoom call with the Meteorologist

In keeping with the theme of circumnavigation,  we have been following another trip around the globe, Jules Verne’s classic Around the World in 80 Days. We are enjoying the adventures of the mysterious Phileas Fogg and his long-suffering butler Passepartout, pursued by the determined Detective Fix who is convinced that Fogg is a master criminal.


Area of Trapezoid, Rhombus, Kite, Circle and Compound shapes

The children learnt how to calculate the sum of the interior angles by using a formula or by drawing lines from the same vertex in order to create a number of triangles. We solved some simple and complex algebraic equations in order to find the missing angle in various 2D shapes. Using our knowledge of calculating the Area and Perimeter of simple 2D shapes, we learnt how to calculate the area, perimeter and circumference of more complex compound.

Angles in Parallel Lines and Polygons

We worked on constructing triangles using SSS-(side-side-side), SAS –(side-angle-side) and ASA-(angle-side-angle). We know how to use the compass, ruler and protractor to indicate provided angles and sketching lines and know how to use this information in order to construct the desirable triangle.

Science /Design and Technology

(Float/Sink/Buoyancy force/ Vendée Globe)

Students learnt about Archimedes’ Principal through the story of the “Archimedes and the golden crown”. They discovered about the density and displacement to the king. Elm students learnt about forces that act upon an object lowered in the liquid via experimenting with the different objects of different density. They also experimented with the objects of the same density lowered into the liquids of different density and how it affects where the objects will float in the liquid. We also experimented with the objects of different shapes and observed how it affects how they float or sink in the liquid. Based on this knowledge we created our own boats made out of the recycled materials and we will let them sail in our own “DEEP BLUE” of the swimming pool.

ART with Mariana Gonzalez

“This term we worked from the theme of the Vendée Globe. The maritime context in which this regatta takes place, proposed us to work with watercolour. The relationship with water, colour and imagination were an important part for the children in this workshop. The artist seen this time was the great British watercolourist: William Turner.”

Fantastic Plastic

Joshua Fisher (Middle School student) created an animation to teach his younger peers why plastic bad

We don’t want this plastic to float in the Ocean that is why we have made our Plastic Fantastic sculptures

History and Geography

Pupils learned about oceans through the Vendée Globe competition in History and Geography class this term. The Vendée Globe is a non-stop sailing competition for solo sailors which takes place once every four years. The Vendée Globe event was our entry point into learning more about the mysteries of the ocean.

Elms learned to identify the different oceans and continents, about the various characteristics of the ocean which affected the Vendée Globe sailors such as the doldrums, gyres and fast winds of the Southern Ocean, and learned to present a specific characteristic or phenomenon of the world’s oceans. We learned about the machinations of ocean currents, the direction of ocean currents and winds around the globe, how oceans affect weather and climate patterns across the world, and how wildlife in the ocean is affected by pollution and global climate change.

We created a podcast to educate people on all the different aspects of the ocean, from pressure to the Coriolis Effect to the acidification of the ocean. Pupils researched their topic in further depth via and recorded their voices on a computer to later publish as a podcast with various episodes. Please listen to your heart’s content and enjoy!

Learning objectives achieved this term: We learned to…

– understand the characteristics which separate an ocean from other bodies of water such as lakes or seas

– identify and locate the different continents and oceans of the world

– understand how heat allows ocean currents to rise, salt allows ocean currents to fall and how the two can interact together

– show on a blank world map the direction of wind and ocean currents through an understanding of the Coriolis Effect, the interaction between high and low pressure, and differences in density due to the fact that heat rises and cold sinks

– predict how climate change may negatively impact oceans through acidification from higher temperatures among other effects

– appreciate the dangers of our use of plastic and its negative impact on ocean habitats

– learn about the extremes of the oceans in terms of changing climate patterns, hurricanes and other forms of extreme weather

– identify and observe different marine wildlife and understand how these animals interact with / compete against one another for food and living space

– organise a presentation on a topic about the ocean into something simple, structured and informative


This term we tied our ICT in with our history and geography. We played some games from NASA to better learn ocean currents and the complex relationship that can be created from currents, heat and salinity. We also used the Internet to do further research on an assigned ocean topic. Using this research, pupils presented their topic by researching an ocean topic in great detail, writing out what to say, and finally recording their voice to create a podcast episode. Check out the podcasts in the history and geography section.

Learning objectives achieved this term: We learned to…

– create a podcast in which a specific ocean topic was described by individual pupils so as to describe the oceans more holistically

– research material using a variety of reputable websites and sources

– organise online research and classroom input into notes and later structure them into a presentation

– learn the basics of Audacity as a means for recording voices

“E-Baobab” project

Linked to our Eco project we used our maths skill and tried to estimate and calculate how many bottles we will need. (It all depends how high we want to go… but it looks like 600 bottles if we want to go high enough) Calculated the circumference of the tree and then the heights.

“Your rubbish – our treasure”

Involving our local community

For Armistice Day on November 11, we looked at how the day is commemorated around the world, in particular Europe and Britain.  We discussed the importance of remembrance and recognition of those who lost their lives in the two world wars, so many of them very young. We learned about the origins of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance in the UK and US and the beautiful poem that inspired it, In Flanders Fields.

Trip to the Château de Monte-Cristo

To support our French Curriculum and our study of the “Les Trois Mousquetaires” novels by Alexandre Dumas, Oak/Elm Classes visited the Château de Monte-Cristo located on the hill of Port-Marly. Dumas lived in the castle for a short period of time to escape the turmoil of the city when he was at the height of his fame. The children enjoyed his marvelous gardens and had a quick peek into château d’If where he wrote his masterpieces.

The magical Christmas Jigsaw

Elms had a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate their creative side while making costumes, dancing, singing, creating props and performing on the stage during our Christmas Show.

Thank you and well done to all the Elm class students for their outstanding dedication and hard work during our « The magical Christmas jigsaw!» performance

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday!

 Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington and Mr. Kralka