Oak Class , Blog 4, 2022-2023


Oak class have been celebrating the arrival of Spring in their Nature Journals. We have taken the time to stop and look at the growing world around us,  the natural beauty we generally walk past without a second glance. We have been collecting quotations and proverbs about the season, as well as poetry.

We finished reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter, which besides being an entertaining story, led us to learn about the art of pyrotechnics and the beautiful islands of Indonesia and also tied in with our study of volcanoes in Geography.

As part of the school Garden Project, Oak class researched some of the common insects we find in our gardens and presented them, discovering that these often vilified creatures – such as slugs and beetles – have an important role to play in keeping soil fertile and flowers pollinated.

French (Beginners Group with Joanna)

Learning a new language can definitely be more fun than one thinks. This term we worked a lot on what can be a rather daunting theme: telling time in French. We chose to make it more fun to learn by working in pairs and asking each other questions and also playing educational games to make the task less daunting. We also watched a report on the daily schedule of students in a French school and we were able to see the differences / comparisons with our school. The students learned and presented their Poésies de Printemps (filmed hereunder) and we also celebrated La Saint Patrick and learned how we celebrate Pâques (Easter) in France. The last day of term all three French classes got together to make their own ‘déjeuner fait maison’ including healthy starters, pizzas and cakes. We read instructions & recipes in French and had a déjeuner gastronomique all together.

French (Intermediate Group with Christine)

Vega and Sophie went on working with their own learning supports such as books, texts with questions, grammar and writing exercices….  It allowed them to expand their vocabulary, master the structure of French sentences, understand, and apply the construction of the verbs, which help in speaking more fluently. That’s why one of them learned how to write and recognize the complex sounds, while the other trained to master one of the past tense, recognize the masculine form  of adjectives from the feminine… Learning a poem contributes to expanding vocabulary and has it part in the oral expression. That’s why they learned the poem « Pique-nique » they say together as shown on the video. Aside to their own program, each Monday, they have the possibility to be part of the oral time of all the class, when each one speaks about his weekend and answers questions the others students may ask.  

French ( Advanced group with Marie)

Cette quatrième période a été consacrée principalement à la mythologie grecque. En effet, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour de cette thématique :

en grammaire: natures et fonctions des mots, les compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière)

en conjugaison: le futur simple et le plus que parfait (avec révision du passé composé)

en orthographe: le champ lexical, les familles de mots, les homophones grammaticaux, les mots invariables

en mémorisation: 2 poésies ont été apprises et récitées

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec le choix d’un livre de lecture (l’Odyssée d’Homère ou Ulysse et le Cyclope) puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.

2 dictées et 2 évaluations ont eu lieu pendant cette 4ème période.

French IMYC

Cette période a été consacrée aux origines des céréales. En effet, les enfants ont étudié la manière dont elles ont évolué et voyagé au fil des ans.

Après avoir vu l’émission “C’est pas sorcier: du blé au pain”, les enfants ont répondu à un questionnaire puis ils ont produit leur propre farine à partir des grains de blé à l’aide de mortiers et de tamis:

Puis, ils ont fait leur propre pain:

Après avoir pétri la pâte, les enfants ont formé des “miches de pain”:

Et voilà le résultat:

Nous avons aussi abordé différents thèmes tels que la journée de la femme (8 mars) et la Saint Patrick.

Pour le dernier jour d’école, les enfants ont préparé leur repas (entrée salade de tomates concombres, plats pizza et desserts gâteau au chocolat et quatre quart aux pommes):

Ils ont appris la chanson “La vie c’est comme un jardin” des Enfantastiques:


In Geography, Oak class continued to learn about the natural phenomena of volcanoes and earthquakes and the effects of these disturbances to the earth’s surface. They charted on a map some of the world’s most famous volcanoes, discovering them to be regular occurrences across continents. This term we also studied tsunamis, their causes and how they develop out at sea and present themselves on land.


During this term our Oaks had the opportunity to visit the Egyptian antiquities at the Louvre Museum, looking at many different artefacts created by the Egyptians, like jewellery, pots, and sarcophaguses! They had fun reading the hieroglyphs and acknowledging the precious materials with which the Egyptians artefacts have been made!

The Oak class also started to look at the beginning of Greek civilisation, looking at how Ancient Greeks settled in both the islands and the continental land. Our Oaks also began to look at the main events that characterised the Ancient Greek civilisation, discovering the importance of towns like Athens and Sparta. Oak students explored also the food eaten by Ancient Greeks, researching the products that they grew and the animals that they bred.


Over the course of this term our Oaks worked on colour theory and explored the work of the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky. Each student looked at the feeling and the emotions that different colours could represent, creating a small canvas with a grid composition of different concentric shapes. The students worked on the importance of shapes and experimented the creation of many and different colour gradients.

Creative Writing Workshop

Over the course of the term, the Oak students worked on a story set in a natural landscape. Each student worked on characterisation, creating their animal character, and working on the description of his emotional traits and physical appearance. After having chosen a picture of a natural landscape – mainly gardens and fields – in which their animal character could live, the Oak students developed their story, drafting, editing, and proofreading their work.

Global Perspectives

Over the course of this term the Oak class looked at different countries from around the world, researching their culture, their traditions, and their lifestyle. By looking at global and national perspectives, each student carried out research on a specific country, designing very creative posters to present the outcomes of their work.


Oak students explored this term that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object . They identified the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surface and recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. They Also had the opportunity to look at a human food cell on the microscope and plant seeds.


During this term Oaks worked on solving different money and time word problems. We practiced adding up totals for our pretend shop and calculated given change. We matched time on the analogue and digital clocks and used the number lines to solve time problems. We dived into problems where the starting time, finishing time and the duration of our favourite TV shows had to be calculated. We also worked on multiplying and dividing whole and decimal number by 10, 100 and 100 and consolidated the written methods for addition and subtraction

D and T

Planted runner beans,

In an old and cracked rainboots.

We are sure they will have some strong,

healthy roots.

Collected some stinging nettles,

And conjured our own plant food fertilizer.

No need to go to the Jardiland, parents.

We have a solution that is wiser.

Explorer Pythagoras,

Fibonacci and Newton,

Still plenty to go through,

Will start with Darwin’s evolution.

Found Mathematics present all around us in nature.

On the house of the snail or the beautiful sunflower.

Better start designing that

rain water collecting tower.

Compost box, windchime, 

wormery and the birdfeeder.

Observed how seeds are growing

and my fingers get greener.

Trellis for the runner beans

and horse manure for potato.

Just wonder of Mona Lisa

knew about that Golden Ratio.

Green and brown for our compost box,

Apparently it is all about the balance of Nitrogen and Carbon,

Something important

like a pair of socks.

Types of soils

and different climates,

Greenhouse effect.

Ohhh no, I have cut my finger,  not a big deal,

But I better wash it well and disinfect.

We are off on our holiday,

But plants shall continue to grow.

Automated watering system,

Will look after them,

And it should be quite easy,

Cos we planted those plants in a row.

Drama Workshop

Over the course of this term our Oaks worked on drama scripts, learning how to write a collaborative script representing a short scene. By choosing between some different scenarios, students worked in small groups to write their own script, editing it while rehearsing for their performance. At the end of the term, each group performed in front of the class and explained how the script was developed from the chosen prompt.

Oak Class, Blog 3, 2022-2023


This term’s lessons were built around the book The Firework Maker’s Daughter, which we will continue to read next term. The class have enjoyed meeting the characters in the book and discussing their personalities. The story led us to learn about fireworks, their history and the ingredients used to make modern day firework displays, not so different from when they were invented in China many centuries ago. The class learnt how different chemicals are used to give colour – copper, barium , strontium and sodium – and created their own firework recipes, giving step by step instructions, using the imperative form of verbs and relevant time conjunctions.

The class also learnt poetry this term, two poems by Christina Rossetti, ‘Who has Seen the Wind’ and ‘Hurt No Living Thing’ as well as ‘February’ by E N Bodecker. The class were able to recite these beautiful poems by heart and write them out, too.

Mount Merapi, Indonesia


Beginners group with Joanna

We have been very busy this term in French class. The students have been learning new verbs such as avoir (to have) et étre (to be) au présent as well as learning about ‘les déterminants’ (determiners), those little words that are placed in front of the noun and that determine whether or not the noun is masculin/féminin ou pluriel (ex: le, la, les, un, une, des, mon, ma, mes, ce, cet, cette, ces). They have also learned a poem and presented it very successfully (videos hereunder). Since we are living in France, ‘pays de la gastronomie’, we have also had the opportunity to celebrate La Galette des Rois & La Chandeleur by baking galettes and making crêpes with the two other French classes.

Intermediate group with Christine

These first two months of the year were much the same as the two previous ones in the organisation of lessons. Vega and Sophie take part in the calendar activity, the oral presentations of the older ones, and in the debrief of the weekend each Monday morning. After that, Vega and Sophie each have specific work according to their level. Each of them is developing their French reading and writing skills at their own pace. Two special events took place this term; in January, we prepared the traditional « galette des rois » for the feast of Epiphany, and in February we prepared « crêpes » for Pancake Day. The class really enjoyed this baking time, as well as spending time with the other students from all classes.

Advanced group with Marie

Cette troisième période a été bien chargée au niveau des apprentissages. Les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français:

en grammaire: phrase simple/phrase complexe, voix active/voix passive, les compléments de verbes (cod, coi)

en conjugaison: le passé simple, le passé composé, le participe passé/l’infinitif

en orthographe: les sons g/j, s/ss/c, k/q/c, le pluriel des noms et des adjectifs

en mémorisation: 2 poésies ont été apprises et récitées

en littérature: choix d’un livre de lecture puis étude de différents passages du livre, le genre poétique et versification, lectures silencieuses

2 évaluations ont eu lieu pendant cette 3ème période.

French IMYC with Marie

Durant ce terme, les élèves ont continué à étudier les explorateurs. Ils ont d’abord fait des recherches sur un des célèbres personnages (Zheng Hu, Christophe Colomb, Magellan, Bartoleme Diaz, Jacques Cartier, Marco Polo, Vasco de Gama ) et puis ils ont élaboré des affiches par groupe de 2 ou 3 enfants.

Ensuite, ils ont construit un des 3 objets utilisés par ces grands explorateurs

– le groupe des caravelles

– le groupe des globes

– le groupe des boussoles

Ils ont appris et chanté 2 chansons: Les petits souliers de Guy Béart et Aux Champs Elysées de Joe Dassin


This term Oak learnt about the structure of the Earth and about volcanoes and earthquakes. The class learnt that the Earth has four main components:  the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core  and that each layer has a unique chemical composition and physical state and can have a dramatic effect on life on Earth’s surface. The class learnt about the theories of Continental Drift and plate tectonics as well as the Ring of Fire, a path along the Pacific Ocean characterised by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes.

Pacific Ring of Fire


During this term, our Oaks looked at life in ancient Egypt, exploring many different topics. They looked at the way in which ancient Egyptians settled around the Nile and built temples and pyramids. They also looked at the Egyptian religion, exploring the different gods and goddesses that were worshipped. They also worked on the Egyptian alphabet, learning how to write their own names with hieroglyphs.


Oak class enjoyed learning about metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks and their properties.  They had the opportunity to make an experiment about rocks’ permeability and test their hardness. They examined a set of rocks and named the most common, based on traits and criteria. They identified and displayed the rock cycle and classified rocks as natural and human made.


Oak students explored the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. They have to find out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Then they use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. They created games and storyboards and applied their knowledge of variables and design to improve their games in Scratch.


Calculating, measuring and understanding shapes:

Oak students worked on measuring and drawing simple 2D shapes and then converting them into compound shapes. Students practised identifying the main properties of 3D shapes and looked for various 2D shapes present in them. Young Oaks then drew polygons and classified them by identifying their properties, including their line of symmetry. Students worked on visualising 3-D objects from 2-D drawings, made nets of common solids and measured their volume. To deepen our knowledge of 3D shapes, we experimented with cubes/pyramids and cones/cylinders and solved practical volume problems. We filled them with water and found out that the volume of a cone is 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder where the base and height is the same in both shapes.

In Statistics we solved comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and line graphs.

Design and Technology

As part of our collaborative project with Birch and Walnut Classes (and some Cedars came to help), we worked on designing our very own Compost Bin that we will be using next term. Linking our topics in Design & Technology and Mathematics, the children accurately measured the angles, calculated the distance between the planks of wood and used properties of 2D and 3D shapes on their designing journey. Oaks realised the importance of measuring angles and clearly saw that measurements have to be accurate in order for the different parts to fit together correctly.

So there we were,
Cutting and drilling.
Measuring, thinking
Worked well as a team and were quite willing.

We will grow our own veg,
That are very organic.
Will get our hands dirty,
But will wash them, don’t panic.

Compost bin creation,
We have conjured together.
Nothing could stop us,
Even cold weather.

Greenhouse effect
we have discussed in science.
Picked up quite a lot of new things
And self reliance.

Wormery we built,
For our best friends worms.
Amazing things they do,
We hope everyone knows.

Raised beds, greenhouse
And wormery construction.
Enthusiasm was pumping,
Like a volcanic eruption.

Still a long way to go
But we will manage.
Automated watering system, birdfeeders and scarecrow creature.
Hey mum, do you know how to use a drill?
Just look at this, I will teach ya.

Green Garden Project just started,
But we are already delighted.
If you would like to come and help,
Don’t hesitate to come forward, you are invited.


Over the course of this term, the Oak class looked at the Pointillist movement, exploring the work of painters like Georges Seurat and Georges Lemmen. Each Oak student focused on a different type of landscape – real or imaginary – and represented it through the use of Pointillism. Our Oaks mainly used paint and learnt how to create different gradients of colours, focusing on the way light may impact the choice of the colouring effects that they want to create.

Drama Workshops

During this term, our Oaks worked enthusiastically on improvisation, learning how to create short scenes based on different given scenarios. The Oak class learnt how to make use of different elements – voice, face expressions and body language – when improvising a short performance. Oak students continued to work in small groups, learning how to work with everyone in the class and creating a supportive and positive environment for performances. 

Creative Writing Workshops

Over the course of this term, the Oak class looked at the editing process, learning how to modify the drafts of their stories and to develop the final version of their texts. The Oak students learnt how to modify their own texts, adding details or changing the way they have expressed a certain idea. The students enjoyed the writing and editing process and understood the importance of going back to their drafts before finalising them. By the end of the term, our Oaks had created their own book of fairy tales!

Global perspectives

Our Oaks researched about the prevention of food waste. The students have been very engaged, using personal and local perspectives when exploring the cause and consequences of food waste. While researching, the students made meaningful reflections, looking at the way food waste may happen and drawing interesting conclusions. The result of their research – that grouped very practical ways to prevent food waste at personal and local level – has been creatively presented in a very colourful poster.

Oak Class, Blog 2, Term 2 2022/2023


Oak focused on the presentation of information. The class looked at various non-fiction texts, observing how they are structured, from contents pages through to the index, with information ordered logically and by topic.

Each member of the class then chose an animal to research, separating information under subheadings such as diet, habitat and behaviour.

Each then made an oral presentation to the class. 


Beginners Group with Joanna

The theme for this term linked to our daily workbook (Zig Zag 2) is La Maison (the house). We have studied new vocabulary linked to objects (lampe/lit/bibliothèque/armoire/bureau) that are found in the house as well as the different rooms in a house (grenier/cave/salon/salle à manger etc.). The students all individually presented a drawing of their own bedrooms and the objects/furniture they have, they all did a really good job. We also continue to work on our French verbs (this term spelling tests on les verbes en ER au présent). Throughout the term we learned songs in French for the Christmas show and the students sang them all beautifully on the 10th of December at the Théâtre de Bailly.

Intermediate Group with Christine

During this period from November to December, Vega and Sophie continued to take part in the calendar activity with the rest of the group, by asking and answering questions linked to it, and getting to learn how to tell the time.

After that they went on working on their own program. For one of the girls, this included mastering the basics of reading and writing in French, and for the other, the program was about improving her knowledge in writing, vocabulary and French grammar through exercises but also written materials (books, articles, recipes, letters…). Both girls also get to sometimes leave their work aside to listen the older children doing a presentation on a specific topic or simply hear them talk about his/her weekend which is one of our Mondays’ routines. They actively took part in these oral activities by asking questions or speaking about their own weekend.

Advanced Group with Marie

Pendant cette deuxième période, les élèves ont continué à approfondir les notions de français:

en grammaire: les différentes fonctions de l’adjectif qualificatif (épithète/attribut du sujet), le complément du nom, phrases simples/complexes.

en conjugaison: l’imparfait, accord sujet/verbe

en orthographe: le féminin des noms, utilisation du dictionnaire, accord sujet/verbe, les synonymes/antonymes.

en mémorisation: 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée.

en littérature: choix d’un livre de lecture puis rendu de la fiche en lien avec le livre, 3 lectures silencieuses

2 évaluations ont eu lieu durant le 2ème terme.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette période a été consacrée aux grands explorateurs ainsi qu’aux répétitions pour le spectacle de Noël.

“Douce nuit”


During this term the children discovered the vocabulary of the family by playing the ”Memo” as well as a little discovery of Hispanic Christmas.


We learnt about different triangles, their names and main properties. We also identified acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles and then tried to measure them with the protractor. We then worked on finding the perimeter and area of simple 2D and compound shapes.  We practiced measuring in centimeters and meters and then used our findings to calculate the area and perimeter. We now know that in order to find the perimeter of the shape, we need to walk around the shape or add all the sides. So if you need a new fence in your garden, you know whom to ask! And for the area we need to multiply the measurements of two sides or count how many CM2 or M2 are there altogether.


Oak class went through an amazing exploring journey this term, they could explore how solids can be mixed and how it is often possible to then separate them again. Students learned when solids do not dissolve or react with the water they can be separated by filtering, which is similar to sieving. 

Oak students could make a successful investigation and decide ways to classify reversible/irreversible changes and discuss everyday instances of dissolving e.g. sugar in drinks, washing powder in the washing machine etc.

They compared and grouped materials together according to whether they are solid, liquid or gases. And observed some changes when affected by temperature. Oak class were introduced to evaporation and condensation changes in the water cycle associated to the rate of evaporation with temperature.


Over the course of this term the Oak class built a miniature Iron Age hunters’ house, using clay and natural materials collected from the forest. The class also started to look at the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, focusing on the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and building a timeline of the most relevant events of Ancient Egyptian history. 


This term Oak learned about the different biomes around the world – ecosystems characterised by the plants and animals that live there as well as the climate, vegetation and rainfall. They discovered how animals and plants in these diverse regions have adapted to the climactic conditions in which they live in order to survive.

Design and Technology

Birch, Walnut , Oak , Elm and Cedar collaborative Christmas decorations and costume design project.


Our Oak worked on the designing, drawing, and painting of the backdrops for the Christmas show. They let themselves being inspired by the stories brought on stage and they designed big and colorful backdrops texturising paint in different ways.

Global Perspectives

During this term, our Oaks looked at national and global perspectives, exploring what is means to live in other countries. Students picked a country of their choice and carried out independent research on that the subject, looking at important monuments, traditions, and typical food. Students worked on a poster, showing the findings of their research. 

Drama Workshops

Over the course of term, our Oaks worked on drama techniques like freeze frames and miming. They practiced these techniques, working on the role that body language and face expressions have in both scenarios.  Students worked also on the use of the voice, learning how to project it when talking to an audience. Oak students used freeze frames and mimes to bring on stage two stories for the schools’ Christmas show: “The Tomten” and “Babushka”.

Creative Writing Workshops

During this term our Oaks worked on fairy tales. Students explored the features of the genre, looking at different mentor texts, like Cinderella, The Beauty and the Beast and The Three Billy-Goat Gruff. After having gotten inspired by mentor texts, students worked on the structure of their fairy tale’s plot, creating a story board that included the opening, the build-up, the problem, the resolution, and the ending. 

Christmas Celebration

Oak Class BLOG 1 Term 1 2022/2023


This term Oak learnt about genre, identifying a wide selection of books into the different categories. They focused on adventure and fantasy and noted how many features are shared but how there are distinct differences. They looked at the different stages of a fantasy story, from the introduction or exposition to the incident that sets off the action through to the story’s resolution. The class then wrote their own opening to an adventure or fantasy story.

We used the model texts to examine the use of adjectives and adverbs, noting how they bring colour and life to the story and help the reader to visualise a scene.

We also focused on pronouns, when and how to use them. The class are also learning to conjugate the many irregular English verbs and are practising using them in the present, past and future tenses.


Beginners Group with Joanna

The students have had a busy first term revising (for those who began learning French last year) & learning new vocabulary. We are beginning to grasp the basics of what may seem the rather daunting French grammar/conjugation rules in a fun, yet educational way with lots of visual prompts, class conversations as well as with the ‘Zig Zag+2 Méthode de Français’ workbooks/audio guide and through learning poems/songs with our classmates.

Intermediate Group with Christine

As soon as Sophie and Vega joined the Elm and Cedar intermediate level in October, they took part in the presentation of the daily calendar which helps them to learn and ask each questions about the days of the week, the date, the weather, the season, some activities, their mood… Everyone really appreciates this interactive activity which takes place at the beginning of each lesson. They also learned how to tell the time.

Sophie and Vega have their own reading and exercises adapted to their level. Meanwhile they also share some activities with the rest of the class on some specific topics for instance the presentation of class rules. Having both good French oral skills, they were part of the ‘girls team’ in one game where the older ones had to ‘build’ questions on the basis of the different themes seen in their first module of their learning book (the general topic was about school in France).

After the holidays, we will go back to learning, reading and writing with Ratus and other reading material. We will focus on the topic of ‘The Home’ together with Cedar and Elm classes and we will conclude this period with a Christmas song. 

Advanced Group with Marie

Durant cette période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: la phrase et ses caractéristiques (formes et types), la phrase simple et complexe (1 seul ou plusieurs verbes), la phrase verbale et a-verbale, le nom et le groupe nominal, les déterminants, les pronoms, l’adjectif, les mots invariables ainsi que la nature/classe grammaticale des mots.

en conjugaison: les temps du passé, présent et futur, le verbe et son infinitif, les verbes d’action et les verbes d’état, le présent de l’indicatif de tous les verbes, l’imparfait des auxiliaires être et avoir ainsi que des verbes du 1er groupe.

en vocabulaire: le champ lexical du mythe et du conte autour du monstre, utilisation du dictionnaire.

en orthographe: 3 dictées ont été effectuées.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “Ponctuation” et “Automne”

en littérature: 2 romans ont été lus et étudiés (selon le niveau de difficultés):

  • Emilie et le crayon magique d’Henriette Bichonnier
  • Histoire à la courte paille de Gianni Rodari

5 évaluations ont eu lieu depuis le début de la rentrée:

  • 1 évaluation diagnostique qui permet d’établir le niveau de l’élève et de voir ainsi quelles compétences il a acquises, et celles qui sont à consolider.
  • 4 évaluations portant sur la phrase, le présent de tous les verbes, la nature/classe grammaticale des mots, l’adjectif épithète ou attribut et l’imparfait.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette première période avait pour thème “Identité et Communauté”.

Dans un premier temps, les élèves devaient dessiner un de leur camarade (tiré au sort) et les autres devaient deviner qui c’était. Puis, nous avons étudié le monde pour ensuite converger vers l’analyse de l’Europe (d’un point de vue géographique mais aussi politique).

Au travers de leurs recherches, les enfants ont découvert et ont appris pourquoi et comment s’était formée l’Union Européenne.

Nous avons abordé plusieurs points :

– les différents continents et pays du monde et la recherche des caractéristiques de plusieurs pays (capitale, monnaie, langue parlée…)

– la formation de l’Europe (son histoire)

– les 27 pays qui la constituent

– les symboles de l’Europe

– les traités qui l’ont fait évoluer

– la politique de l’Europe

Par groupe de 3, ils ont travaillé sur un aspect de l’Europe. Ils ont élaboré des “posters” qui ont été assemblés à la fin. Puis ils ont répondu à un quizz “Jouons avec l’Europe”.

Ensuit, nous avons analysé certains monuments européens les plus connus avec un petit film projeté en cours:

Enfin, nous avons aussi appris 3 chansons: Dire bonjour c’est joli, L’oiseau et l’enfant, We can make a difference.



In Number/Place Value:

Oaks worked on counting, reading, writing and ordering four- and five-digit numbers. The children ordered and compared three-digit and four-digit numbers and positioned them on the number line. ‘Crocodile Charlie’, who is really greedy, always eats the largest numbers. He showed the children where to use greater than > and less than < signs. The children practised and refined their written methods for addition and subtraction and then discovered or perfected grid multiplication and chunking division methods. Oaks then solved one-step and two-step multiplication, addition and subtraction problems involving numbers, money and measures.

In Number/Fractions:

During this unit, Oaks practised finding the equivalent fractions while analyzing different bar and pizza diagrams and then moved onto multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number. The children can confidently add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and know how to simplify fractions or write the improper fraction as a mixed number.


First Term was a great pride to Oak class, who enjoyed many scientific concepts in biology. All students made minuses observations to identify the different parts of plants and their functions. Students were introduced to photosynthesis and highlighted the importance of Light, water, and Carbone dioxide in plant growth and food making process.

We had the opportunity to learn about Greenhouse effects and to grow some seeds inside a beautiful Greenhouse that they have the chance to make at school with Mr Kralka.

At the end of the term Oak discovered more about leaving things classification and Human body systems like the circulatory system and respiratory system.


During the term, the Oak class looked at the idea of chronology, making sense of how historians talk about time. They also looked at Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age, investigating how people lived and which materials they used to make objects for their everyday life. They learnt how stone, bronze and iron were used to make not only hunting weapons but also house and decoration objects.


Oak learnt about the Solar System this term and made a poster featuring some key information about each of the eight planets that revolve around the sun. They know the order of proximity to the sun of each planet, about the ‘Gas Giants’ and the time it takes the different planets to orbit the sun. They also learnt about earth, in the so-called ‘Goldilocks Zone’, with conditions just right to support life. They learnt that Earth spins on its axis and takes 24 hours to orbit the sun, which led to us looking at time zones and the International dateline. The class then moved on to Weather and Climate, learning the differences between these two terms and looking at the different climate zones around the world and their distinguishing features.

Design and Technology

Linked to our learning in Science, based on plants, we measured, estimated and solved real-life problems. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own greenhouses.  The children were asked to think about the different materials that they needed to use for their specific designs. They all came up with very different ideas and were encouraged to share and discuss with each other before agreeing on the final version of their product. 

The children continued to develop their carpentry skills by applying them to creating and building ‘Eco Logs Press’ while helping out Elm Class. 

Woodworking projects are extremely important for developing children’s creative and critical thinking skills. Through these projects, not only do children get to handle and smell the wood but also learn how to use the different carpentry tools. They develop their mathematical thinking, broaden their scientific knowledge and, most importantly, acquire a ‘can do’ mindset. 


The Oak class worked on their self-portrait, looking at the work of the Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo. As Arcimboldo, the students moved from a naturalistic portrait to a collage portrait inspired by the autumn nature. The students went to the forest, collecting the materials they liked the most for their collages.


Oak students were introduced to a programming application called Scratch. By the end of this term they are able to create animations incorporating movement and images, use x y coordinates to move sprites on the stage, alternate between different sprite costumes, incorporating time and motion and import sounds to use in their Scratch projects. We should be proud of their fast learning and hard-work.  

Global Perspectives

 Oak students looked at how towns could be environmentally friendly. They considered the towns in which they lived and put together some ideas to lead their local communities supporting more actively the environment. They have created a poster displaying all their ideas and recommendation in a very creative way!

Drama Workshops

The Oak class started to get familiar with the use of the body, focusing on gestures and facial expressions as ways to express emotions and to represent actions. They have practised abstract and naturalistic freeze frames, working in groups, and collaborating with each other.

Creative Writing Workshops

Oak students started the term by creating their own personalised writer’s notebooks. They also worked on a writing stimulus based on real experience – the school’s canoeing trip – in the form of a fictional story or a journal. They used their memories – and their imagination – to create very funny and interesting pieces of writing drawn on their canoeing experience. The Oak class ended the term by looking at the role that writers have in inspiring other writers.

Forest Exploration and Mushroom hunting

Canoeing Trip

Oak, Elm and Cedar classes canoeing on the tranquil waters of “the little arm of the Seine”.

Located between Vétheuil and Haute-Isle in the Vexin Regional Nature Park, this spectacular and secluded section of the Seine was a source of inspiration for many impressionist painters.

Trip to France Miniature

Halloween Celebration

Oak, Elm and Cedar students creatively collaborated together while designing their exciting Halloween activities for the rest of the school.

Enjoy your holiday, Oak!


Elm Class BLOG 1 Term 1 2022/2023


Elm class began the term learning about different genres of writing and their respective characteristics. We began the year with this unit to remind the class that not all reading and writing is the same and that good readers approach each genre a little bit differently in order to comprehend the reading in the best way.

This short unit was followed by Elements of Fiction and Short Stories.  The class broke story plots down into six different stages, from Exposition to Resolution, and turned their hands to creating their own story outlines following the same stages. They read several short stories, Hearts and Hands by O. Henry, The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury and The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl. The class paid particular attention to characterisation, examining the various techniques writers use to create characters and reveal their personalities.


Beginners Group with Joanna

The students have had a busy first term revising (for those who began learning French last year) & learning new vocabulary. We are beginning to grasp the basics of what may seem the rather daunting French grammar/conjugation rules in a fun, yet educational way with lots of visual prompts, class conversations as well as with the ‘Zig Zag+2 Méthode de Français’ workbooks/audio guide and through learning poems/songs with our classmates.

Intermediate Group with Christine

This year students will strengthen their knowledge of French and improve it with the help of  « Adosphere »,their new learning book. We will follow the lives of 8 teenage characters (4 girls and 4 boys) who present their daily life (tastes, emotions, worries) in relation to others and to the surrounding world. In each module there is a specific dialogue with one of the characters with topic-related vocabulary, grammar and conjugation. Some additional exercises are given out to consolidate learning. At the end of each module students will create their own questions (based on what was learned) & add questions to the ZigZag game. The students learned two poems this term ( about school and autumn) enabling them to develop oral skills and vocabulary.


Just like last year, we do the daily Calendar exercise. This daily routine helps students to cover a large scope of topics like the date, the weather, the seasons, moods and activities. Each student should be able to ask questions to the others and receive answers. This is an interactive exercise in which all students of all levels partake.

After the holidays, the next module, with the character Manon, will cover the topic of the Home and we will also discover the Castles in France. We will also talk about Christmas to close this time period. 

Advanced Group with Marie

Durant cette période, les élèves ont étudié plusieurs notions:

en grammaire: la phrase et ses caractéristiques (formes et types), la phrase simple et complexe (1 seul ou plusieurs verbes), la phrase verbale et a-verbale, le nom et le groupe nominal, les déterminants, les pronoms, l’adjectif, les mots invariables ainsi que la nature/classe grammaticale des mots.

en conjugaison: les temps du passé, présent et futur, le verbe et son infinitif, les verbes d’action et les verbes d’état, le présent de l’indicatif de tous les verbes, l’imparfait des auxiliaires être et avoir ainsi que des verbes du 1er groupe.

en vocabulaire: le champ lexical du mythe et du conte autour du monstre, utilisation du dictionnaire.

en orthographe: 3 dictées ont été effectuées.

en mémorisation: apprentissage de 2 poésies “Ponctuation” et “Automne”

en littérature: 1 roman a été lu et étudié:

  • Histoire à la courte paille de Gianni Rodari

5 évaluations ont eu lieu depuis le début de la rentrée:

  • 1 évaluation diagnostique qui permet d’établir le niveau de l’élève et de voir ainsi quelles compétences il a acquises, et celles qui sont à consolider.
  • 4 évaluations portant sur la phrase, le présent de tous les verbes, la nature/classe grammaticale des mots, l’adjectif épithète ou attribut et l’imparfait.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette première période avait pour thème “Identité et Communauté”

Dans un premier temps, les élèves devaient dessiner un de leur camarade (tiré au sort) et les autres devaient deviner qui c’était. Puis, nous avons étudié le monde pour ensuite converger vers l’analyse de l’Europe (d’un point de vue géographique mais aussi politique).

Au travers de leurs recherches, les enfants ont découvert et ont appris pourquoi et comment s’était formée l’Union Européenne.

Nous avons abordé plusieurs points:

– les différents continents et pays du monde et la recherche des caractéristiques de plusieurs pays (capitale, monnaie, langue parlée…)

– la formation de l’Europe (son histoire)

– les 27 pays qui la constituent

– les symboles de l’Europe

– les traités qui l’ont fait évoluer

– la politique de l’Europe

Par groupe de 3, ils ont travaillé sur un aspect de l’Europe. Ils ont élaboré des “posters” qui ont été assemblés à la fin. Puis ils ont répondu à un quizz “Jouons avec l’Europe”.

Ensuite, nous avons analysé certains monuments européens les plus connus avec un petit film projeté en cours:

Enfin, nous avons aussi appris 3 chansons: Dire bonjour c’est joli, L’oiseau et l’enfant, We can make a difference.




-Greeting, introducing oneself and saying goodbye.

-The alphabet and the pronunciation of sounds: RR, J, CH, LL, Ñ

-Ask for and say the first name and age.

-Numbers and their use: date and age

-Time: days, months, seasons.


Family names. Why do Spaniards and some Hispanic Americans have two surnames?

Song of the San Fermines to learn the months.

Día de Muertos: a festival full of joy!

*GRAMMAR: The subject personal pronouns, gender and number, the article. The present tense of the regular indicative but ONLY the first three persons

The aim is to make the children want to talk, so the class should revolve around their world and their interests, they should need to talk and the Spanish class should be the time when they can express themselves most freely…in Spanish. During my studies I wrote my dissertation on “The affective value of languages” at the age of these children it is important that the first contact with an “artificially” learned language is positive and natural, that is why grammar remains a tool in the course but never an objective.

HOLIDAY WORK: Reverse classroom. After the holidays we will work on the family to prepare the ground the children should watch the film “COCO” in Spanish with English subtitles to answer the questions given.



-To talk about our tastes and habits

-Talking about food

-Animals and character.

-Family members.


-Hispanic family, Christmas and its traditions. The Three Wise Men.

Project: Los Reyes Magos


In Number: Fractions/Decimals and Percentages

During this unit, our Elms worked on finding percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. The children practised finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children can confidently carry out four basic operations with fractions and know how to find the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) or when they need to simplify their fraction. We solved one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions, decimals and percentages and know what strategies to use while converting between them. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies while solving word problems.

Elm class students identified Positive and Negative numbers and then followed the BIDMAS rule to find the order of operation. We worked on finding and remembering Prime and Square Numbers and then used them while solving various problems with powers and roots. We


Elm students kicked off their first term by digging and planting different kinds of seeds and testing the effect of water, Carbone dioxide, and light on plants photosynthesis.

We had the chance to explore human body systems structures and functions through a very engaging projects in which students cut a life size human body organs and built up a skeleton, digestive ,respiratory and circulatory system.

At the end of the term, Elm class explored cell mysteries and had the chance to find out about the microscopic cell organelles through a plant cell-making project. They identified each organelle function by making a structure-function finding pocket.


The Elm class focused on the way people lived in the late Medieval age. They have looked at the difference between the village and the town in the late Middle Ages, learning the similarities and the differences between the two contexts. The Elm class concluded the term by looking at the arrival of the Black Death in Walsham, a British Medieval village. They engaged in a role play based on the work of the historians, studying the different ways in which people reacted to the arrival of the plague.



This term, Elm built on their previous study of mapping, learning about Ordnance Survey maps. The class learnt how these maps were introduced in the late 1700s to map Britain for the military. The class learnt how to read grid coordinates, ‘Eastings and Northings’ and to read the topographical information provided on the maps, from the contour lines that show an area’s height above sea level and whether it is flat or hilly, to the blue tourist information and the symbols for roads, footpaths and boundaries. The class then moved on to latitude and longitude, extending their understanding of grid lines to those used to identify where places are on Earth.

Design and Technology

Elms investigated different products and discussed their design features and then clearly highlighted the purpose that they serve. 

Linked to our learning in Science, based on plants, Elms came up with their individual prototypes of different products that make gardeners or pet owners life easier. Creative sparks were flying while sketching our very own self-watering gardening system, automatic food dispenser for dogs and self-flying paper planes. The children were then encouraged to come up with a design that reduces our carbon footprint and tackles the fire wood shortage conundrum. 

 The children were asked to think about the different materials that they needed to use for their specific designs. They all came up with very different group ideas and were encouraged to share and discuss with each other before agreeing on the final version of their product.  

Oak and Cedar came to help as well! 

We estimated, measured, re-measured, sorted, cut and hammered different materials and now are very proud of our achievement. In order to accomplish our Eco Logs Press, we learnt how to use a variety of carpentry tools safely. 

Woodworking projects are extremely important for developing children’s creative and critical thinking skills. Through these projects, not only do children get to handle and smell the wood but also learn how to use the different carpentry tools. They develop their mathematical thinking, broaden their scientific knowledge and, most importantly, acquire a ‘can do’ mindset. 


The Elm class worked on the construction of their self-portrait, getting inspired by the work of the Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo. The students realised a naturalistic self-portrait and they transformed it into a collage done by using autumn natural materials tha they found in the forest.


Elm students have been applying their problem-solving and logical skills to a programming platform that has shown them how to move in any direction, set a heading, create different shapes, how to make a list and insert a background by using shortcuts and a multiple set of commands. They worked hard to understand and apply what they learnt to their projects. Bravo!

Global Perspectives

Elm students looked at the various ways people use energy, at national ang global level. They worked in groups on different topics related to the use of energy, looking at solar energy, energy and pollution, uses of electricity and medical applications of nuclear energy. Each group presented their work by creating poster and digital presentations. 

Drama Workshops

The Elm class worked on the use of body, looking at miming and freeze frames as way to represent feelings and actions. They also constructed tableaux portraying crowded scenes and stories, working on the use of proxemics and props.

Creative Writing Workshops

Elm students created their own personalised writer’s notebooks, using their imagination to create colourful cover pages. They have worked on a writing stimulus based on a real experience – the school’s canoeing trip – to write either a fictional story or a journal focused on what they have done during the excursion. The class ended the term by setting individualised writing goals and looking at the role of mentor texts when writing their own stories.

Forest Exploration and Mushroom hunting

Canoeing Trip

Oak, Elm and Cedar classes canoeing on the tranquil waters of “the little arm of the Seine”.

Located between Vétheuil and Haute-Isle in the Vexin Regional Nature Park, this spectacular and secluded section of the Seine was a source of inspiration for many impressionist painters.

Halloween Celebration

Oak, Elm and Cedar students creatively collaborated together while designing their exciting Halloween activities for the rest of the school.

Enjoy your holiday, Elms!


Oak Class Blog 5, 2021-2022


In this term’s book When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, the young girl Anna flees Berlin with her brother and parents in 1933 when Hitler is elected Chancellor, and the family begin a new life as refugees, initially in Switzerland, only to move to Paris and then England.



In Geometry Oaks drew polygons and classified them by identifying their properties, including their line of symmetry. We worked on visualising 3-D objects from 2-D drawings; made nets of common solids and measured their volume. We also experimented with cubes/pyramids and cones/cylinders and solved practical volume problems. We filled them with sugar and found out that the volume of a square based pyramid is 1/3 of the volume of a cube where the base and height is the same in both shapes. We also worked on plotting and identifying co-ordinates while Translating, Rotating 2D shapes and clearly remember the success criteria for these movements. Oaks also solved problems with angles at a point and angles at a point on a straight line We continued measuring angles with the increased accuracy and now can do it confidently to one degree. Linked to our ‘Young Entrepreneur’ project, we solved various percentage, price and quantity word problems.

Young Entrepreneurs Project – Business project

A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

The children engaged in team activities to create their business plan, research the market, practice pricing and budgeting and design logos and slogans. Four teams created their own stylish leaflets and implement strategies to increase their profit.

We do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on experience. – John Dewey

Like all serious business people, Elm and Oak Young Entrepreneurs met to reflect upon the performance of their respective business projects at the Summer Fete. Their ‘project retrospectives’ were a moment to think about:

· What they had planned to do

· What actually happened

· Why it happened

· What they would do next time

· What they learnt

· How they can improve

Ginormous THANK YOU to all our customers for supporting our business venture ! We would not have been able to do it without you!

Trip to Accrocamp St.Germain en Laye

Oak and Elm visited Parc Accrocamp, a tree climbing adventure park located in the forest around Saint Germain-en-Laye.

This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

The tree climbing activities will see the children discovered a variety of courses, including rope bridges, zip lines and scramble nets, high up in the trees (safely secured in harnesses, of course).


This term, Oak class learnt about living things and their habitats. They learnt how to describe living things as well as how they can be classified based on similarities and differences. The class also were asked to give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. Oak Class also learnt about the body and its functions. We looked closely are the different organs of the body, identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system


This term was all about World War II and as well as learning about the war itself the focus was about how and why it happened. Our research led us back to the outcome of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles.

Oak learnt about the punishing terms of the treaty that were intended to crush Germany but in doing so sparked a nationalist backlash that unleashed Hitler. They learnt about the attitudes and goals of the main parties responsible for imposing the terms: France, the U.S. and Britain.

Oak learnt about the outbreak of WW2 and the German occupation of Europe. To reverse German expansion the allies needed a presence in Europe and the beaches of Normandy were chosen as the entry point. Both Oak and Elm classes learnt about Operation Overlord and took a trip to Normandy to see for themselves some key sites of the D-Day landings, with a visit to Omaha Beach, the Pointe du Hoc and the American Cemetery. They also visited the Overlord Museum, dedicated to the memory of this key event in WW2 and full of fascinating military equipment and memorabilia.


The focus in Geography was Glaciers, when they formed, where in the world they are found, and the marks these ‘rivers of ice’ have left on the landscape.

The class learned:

  • The stages of glacial formation
  • Key features associated with glacial landscapes
  • To explain how glaciers form using geographical vocabulary and diagrams.


This closing term, Oaks did a fantastic job on Trinket (which is a visual learning platform to Python coding and programming) and discovered Tina which is a turtle that is controlled by code. By changing the code (signs, numbers, words..) the students get a different outcome each time on the right of the screen, also depending on the theme and its different functions and commands, where they could see the immediate results of their work.

Some of the challenges they solved were:

  • Make different shapes by changing the code
  • By using input function and variable Tina could ask them different questions to create a database
  • Adding colors to text
  • Made circles of different sizes and colours
  • By going forward, backward, left and right
  • By giving instructions to Tina to solve Math problems and simple questions

Students were not afraid of trying out new things, even if this was completely new to most of them. This platform gave them the opportunity to correct their mistakes and even being okay when making them. They must be proud of their work. Here are some examples of what they accomplished:


This end-of-school-year term, Oaks developed their Spanish skills by learning about descriptions of our town or city and identifying the different places they could find around the area they live in, they worked on basic vocabulary words, identifying sounds, writing down sentences and talking to their partners about their ideas.

As summer quickly approached, students were interested about sports and its similar names in Spanish compared to the names in English, besides practicing the basic vocabulary related to it, they were able to identify the words in an audio and wrote sentences about the Sports they prefer and their friends’ preferences as well.

By the end of term they made a Power Point presentation about Spanish-speaking countries and their most important facts, landmarks and traditions. Buen trabajo Oaks!

Sports day

Enjoy your summer, Oaks!

All the very best from Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Lucia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Oak Class, Term 4, 2021- 2022


This term Oak worked hard on their language skills, with a particular emphasis on vocabulary and reading comprehension. The class also enjoyed reading and analysing character descriptions, the highlight of which was Roald Dahl’s outrageous Miss Trunchbull, contrasted with the sweet and gentle Miss Honey. The class also read descriptions of Jo from Bleak House, and of the distinctive features of Harry Potter. Oak then wrote their own character descriptions, some based on real people and others entirely imaginary.

The class also wrote instruction texts, giving simple clear instructions, using the imperative tense.

They also honed their presentation skills with a weekly show and tell.



During term 4, Oak continued to learn about cultural traditions in Spanish-speaking countries and applied their knowledge through different hands-on activities. They developed their language skills and explored various topics such as school, telling the time and numbers.

As part of the Mardi Gras celebrations, the Spanish class had a Carnival lesson in which they applied the key words into a diagram and made a carnival mask, which they proudly displayed while eating pancakes.  The class read an article about Spring, answered some comprehension questions and sang a rhyme about flowers. They also discovered the ´Isla de Pascua´ or Easter Island, its location, history and main facts. Students reviewed vocabulary about Easter, painted Easter eggs on cardboard paper and decorated them with pasta.

The class learnt the vocabulary of school materials, what they have in their pencil cases, in written and spoken form. They showed their friends parts of the school, for example classrooms, the lunch room and the swimming pool; through a game they also learned about using prepositions of place such as “in front”, “at the back” and how to indicate places using “left” and “right”. As a final activity, they constructed phrases on how to locate parts of the school. Moreover, they observed how school subjects in English and Spanish are written in a similar way, identified them and chose their favourites. They learned about telling the time, drew a clock and asked “What time is it?” and answered the question. They reviewed the days of the week by singing a song. Students revised numbers 1 to 20 and played a game which helped them to practise their writing and speaking skills.

This term Oak showed more confidence in their learning; they are increasing their listening and speaking abilities every day. Well done Oaks, keep up the good work.


In Algebra: Expressions /Formulae/ System of equations

We worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then some of us probed further into algebra while finding solutions for the systems of equations.


During this unit we studied how to solve different measurement and ratio problems and practised applying gained knowledge to real-life problems during our ”Food Revolution” project.


This term, the children have been learning about how matter is made up of small particles. They have been learning about the distance between those particles which determine whether or not they are classed as a solid, liquid or gas. We have carried out a number of investigations to test what happens when a solid turns into a liquid as well as what happens when a liquid turns into a gas. By doing this we have thought of different ways in which we could test, fairly, our own hypotheses.

As we learnt more about the different particles found within solids, liquids and gases, the class was asked to demonstrate what they would look like in different matter. We achieved this by ​working as a group using our bodies. 


Oak learnt about one of France’s most iconic figures, Napoleon Bonaparte, an Emperor who emerged out of the French Revolution. Widely viewed as one of the greatest generals in military history, Oak learnt about his origins in Corsica and his ascent to a prominence that would not have been possible in a pre-revolutionary era. They learnt about his rise and eventual fall, an extraordinary man who claimed in his memoirs that everything he did was in the name of France and the Revolution after having demonstrated a single-minded pursuit of personal power. Oak also researched his fascinating first wife Josephine, who grew up in faraway Martinique on a sugar plantation and arrived in Paris as an unsophisticated girl of 15, a great disappointment to her new husband Alexandre de Beauharnais, who considered her provincial and uneducated. The class learnt that Josephine narrowly escaped the guillotine (unlike her first husband) and went on to become the darling of Parisian society before marrying the rough mannered young Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte who would make her Empress of the French.

Oak and Elm visited the Chateau de Malmaison, the home purchased by Josephine while her husband was away fighting his Egyptian campaign and which he gave to her after their divorce in 1809. The house is filled with artefacts and possessions and family portraits that bring a tangible human element to the historic lives of these two extraordinary people.

Visit to the Chateau de Malmaison


Oak continued to work on maps; mind maps, sketch maps and grid maps. They drew mental maps of the areas in which they live. They drew sketch maps based on a photo, then studied the same map drawn to scale and then presented with a grid. They learnt that maps require a title, a frame, a scale and a key. They learnt about the symbols used to represent features on a map, provided in the key.


Oaks had a challenging and productive term in which they applied their computing skills to different hardware and software. They developed their problem-solving and logical skills, as well as communication and teamwork. As we know, computers and especially robots don’t always work as we want them to, so pupils had to use their social and emotional skills to complete their projects.


The students who worked with the micro:bit developed several programs in a software called MakeCode. They made projects on animated animals, flashing emotions, name badge, just to name a few. The ‘Dice’ program used the micro:bit accelerometer so that when you shake it, the program selects a random number between 1 and 6 and shows it on the LED display. The ‘Sunlight sensor’ program used an “if…else” statement to show the sun image only if the light level is greater than (>) a certain level. The ‘Counter’ program used a variable called ‘count’ to keep track of the number you are counting. It sets the variable to 0 at the start. Every time you press button B, it increases the count variable by 1 and shows it on the LED display.

By the end of term, students had chosen two projects designed to explore technology as a solution to the challenges of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The projects were ‘Saving Sea Turtles’ and ‘Light up fishing nets’. The first one could be used at ground level to guide humans along a beach path at night, without confusing sea turtle hatchlings with tall, bright lights that they may mistake for the moon. In the second one, students created a prototype of LED lights that can stop unwanted fish, turtles and birds from getting trapped in fishing nets.

Makeblock Mbot

The students who worked with the Makeblock Mbot learned how to connect the mBot to the computer and use the software. Additionally, they made many programs to make the robot perform actions, such as:

-Make the robot move using the keyboard.

-Program the mBot to dance and sing using the buzzer. The code causes the LEDs to show different colours.

-Use the ultrasonic sensor on the mBot and how the robot stops moving when it meets an object.

-The robot moves around by itself avoiding obstacles.

EV3 Lego Mindstorms

The students who worked with the EV3 Lego Mindstorms built the robot using the pieces they got by following the building instructions displayed on the computer. Furthermore, they learned how to connect the robot to the computer and use the software.

Additionally, they created many programs to make the robot perform actions, such as:

-How to make your robot go forward and backwards.

-Used a combination of move steering to go straight and do pivot turns to go around the box.

-How to use the Touch Sensor.

-How to use the Wait For Block.

-Learned the difference between the Wait For Block and the Sensor Blocks.

-What is the ultrasonic sensor and how to use it.

Well done Oaks for working hard this term


“mens sana in corpore sano” – “a healthy mind in a healthy body”

Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

Elms thoroughly enjoyed their weekly Capoeira sessions with Valdir.

Music with Kareen

”Food revolution” – Project

The main purpose of this « FOOD REVOLUTION » (We can cook our own lunch for the whole week) was to practise team building skills, plan and prepare a healthy meal and, most importantly, gain or practise basic culinary skills. During this project, the children also worked on demonstrating and improving their table manners. It was pleasing to observe the young chefs, waiters and guests participating and communicating extremely well with each other. Master chefs stayed determined while preparing their three-course meals even though it was tough to accomplish the challenge in a short period of time.   We learnt that it was important to stay focused and organised  until the last moment and realised that a last push could make the difference for the team. Thank you and well done to all Oak and Elm class students for their dedication, determination and hard work during our «Food revolution» project.


We’ve peeled some veg,

Then cooked our lunch.

Then baked a cake,

What a charming bunch.

We’ve tried something new,

And it was quite delicious.

It was all organic,

So don’t be suspicious.

We’ve learnt a new skill,

And now can cook for our parents.

We will do it with love,

No need to buy presents.

Not scared of broccoli, onions

Or carrots,

Will eat them with pleasure,

And not for the merits.

Did stuff some tomatoes,

And made panna cotta.

Now feeling quite strong,

And can sit in Capoeira roda.

We’ve made a delicious Thai Curry,

And spicy fajitas.

I am ready to run,

Where are my Adidas?

Broccoli linguine

and revisited American cheesecake,

I am so full,

But I have learnt how to bake.

Was happy to give up my break,

And tidy the kitchen.

It is good to eat healthy,

And what’s your position?

Design and Technology – FISP Book Swap Project

Collaborative project- Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm Classes

This term we continued working on our collaborative creation, the “FISP Book Swap Box”. Students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques. It is pleasing to see that Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm students now demonstrate precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw. FISP students should be congratulated on their efforts and their eagerness to get on with the project right away from the beginning of each session. Fantastic work young designers and carpenters, you should be proud of your achievements! 

Orienteering project

Oak Class designed their own treasure map and taught their younger friends how to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, use a compass and follow directions. They tried their best to adapt their speech and gave clear clues, hints and instructions while guiding their younger explorers on their orienteering quest.

Easter Egg Hunt

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World Book Day– Book Workshop with Anjali Morard

On the last day of term Oak and Elm were lucky to have a visit from children’s author Anjali Morard, who began by reading out loud her charming story about Fortnum the crocodile, which began life as a bedtime story for her young son. The class heard about the author’s writing process and her collaboration with the illustrator of the book, and then embarked on a writing workshop, writing their own stories based around a random selection of features covering setting, time and character. At the end of the session, several pupils read out their fun and imaginative stories.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Kareen, Mr. H , Valdir, Cyril and Mr. Kralka

Oak Class, Term3, 2021-2022


This term Oak class read two different books, both English classics, The Secret Garden and The Borrowers. While very different books, they both represent the era in which they were written,  both featuring children who had grown up in India before returning to live in England.

The Secret Garden is, besides being a great story, a celebration of the healing power of nature. The spoiled and unloved Mary and the sickly hypochondriac Colin transform into happier, kinder and more vivacious characters through their interaction with the natural world, particularly the secret garden that they discover and tends.

The Borrowers, while a very different book, also depicts a young girl longing for independence and freedom from the confines of her restricted environment and rebelling against the over-protective care of her anxious parents.


Notions abordées  

 Fonctions de communication : Poser des questions et savoir répondre à des questions concernant le calendrier (date, saison, météo…) –Présenter des activités quotidiennes – Demander l’heure –  Savoir dire l’heure

Grammaire et conjugaison : Consolidation des notions abordées à la période précédente :  la conjugaison de certains verbes : être, avoir et verbe du premier groupe au présent (suite) –La forme négative (simple) de la phrase – Des pronoms interrogatifs (suite)- Les verbes pronominaux

Vocabulaire : Des verbes d’actions quotidiennes– L’heure – L’hiver


Poésie :Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver                    Chanson : C’est l’hiver

Activités et Objectifs

Déroulement de la troisième période selon deux axes principaux :

  • Consolidation des notions étudiés durant la période précédente au niveau de la grammaire et de la conjugaison et des échanges oraux autour du calendrier.
  • Découverte de nouvelles fonctions de communication comme celle pour exprimer l’heure, les activités quotidiennes à travers différents supports.
  • Acquérir une base de vocabulaire sur le thème de l’hiver

Objectifs :

  • Développer l’expression orale dans des situations concrètes de la vie quotidienne
  • Sensibiliser les élèves à la lecture / écritures des sons complexes, à la grammaire et à la conjugaison française.

Prochaine période

En mars 2022, nous aborderons deux nouveaux thèmes : le sport et la fête. Avec le sport nous verrons notamment les différents sports, comment formuler différentes questions et expressions. Le thème de la fête nous permettra d’exprimer des goûts, des souhaits, de pratiquer des formules de politesse, de demander des prix…., et de parler de la fête célébrée en avril : Pâques.


Fraction and Number

During this unit, our mighty Oaks worked on finding percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. The children practiced finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children can confidently carry out four basic operations with fractions and know how to find the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) or when they need to simplify their fraction. We solved one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions and percentages. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies while solving word problems.

Equivalent fractions,

Just means that they are the same.

They look a bit different,

But there is no one to blame.

Mixed number,

And improper fractions.

Are two best mates,

You can switch them around at 1:1 rates.

Adding and subtracting fractions,

With the same denominator.

Surely it is not difficult,

So don’t use calculator.

When adding fractions,

With the denominators that are not the same.

Find your Lowest Common Denominator,

Divide, multiply then add,

And you are on the fraction wall of fame.

Chocolate bar,

Or cut that apple in half.

You need to know fractions,

To share your love.

Percentages of the number,

And fractions of the shape.

They are very useful,

 when you are cutting that cake.

Directions and co-ordinates.

 Rotation and Translation.

The children practiced plotting the co-ordinates of different 2D shapes and then located their corresponding co-ordinates after rotation/translation. We know that 2D shapes stay the same after the rotation/translation and found out that using the tracing paper evidently help us to pinpoint our new location. We clearly understand that when we rotate the same shape around the origin and around the specific co-ordinate B, our new shapes will appear in two different locations.


Oak learnt about the lives of three people of principal who stood up for their beliefs and challenged authority in pursuit of a fairer society – Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali and Nelson Mandela. All three broke the laws of the land in which they lived and all three were accused of crimes, only to be exonerated and eventually revered. Through their stories, Oak learnt about racial segregation in the US and South Africa and what the laws imposed meant for the lives of black people.


This term Oak learned how to use atlases and to access the information contained within them. They also learnt about latitude and longitude and how to find locations on a map with just their coordinates.

The class learned that there are two principal fields of geography, physical and human and how to differentiate between them.

During the ski trip to the Alps, an instructor gave the class a presentation on how to read mountain maps and signage as well as the importance of being properly equipped when skiing, particularly when skiing off-piste and what to do if caught in an avalanche.

The instructor gave them a practical task when he hid a backpack in the snow containing an avalanche transceiver (emergency locator beacon) and they set off to find it using the techniques and strategies they had been taught earlier – moving in a zig zag formation until they hear a signal and using the collapsible ski probe poles to locate the item before uncovering it with a lightweight plastic shovel.

Back in the classroom Elm learned about the different causes of avalanches and about one avalanche in Italy in 2015 that destroyed a hotel and killed many of its guests. They learned about the rescue and the remote location that made the rescue challenging for the emergency services.


Fantastic Forces

This term, Oak class have been learning all about the different types of Forces that act upon an object. As a class we have explored the range of different Forces and the relationships that they have with one another. To understand these forces we first developed our knowledge and understanding by researching a chosen force.

We then applied this knowledge by conducting investigations that would help us to explain what Forces are acting upon and object at a given time. Our challenge was to form hypothesis and then test them out.

This enabled us to understand that there can be more than one Force acting upon an object at one time as well as that the Forces need to be balanced.

We have been able to apply of knowledge and understanding of Forces on our recent Ski trip. This was an amazing opportunity to take out learning further and to explore other types of Forces.


”They made a difference”

Oak learnt about the lives and important inventions and discoveries made by Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and Fibonacci. They found some hidden and evident links in various modern inventions and their daily life applications.

Linked to our discoveries , Oaks and Elms with some amazing support from Birch and Walnut Classes embarked on their Collaborative Design and Technology journey while constructing our own FISP Book Swap Box.


This term, Oak class learned new vocabulary words related to Pinocchio’s story, such as name of furniture and household items and making the difference between masculine and feminine nouns. They enjoyed listening to the story in Spanish and made their own representations of the characters. They also practiced their Speaking abilities by memorizing a rhyme, being part of a role play game as waiters of a restaurant, Spanish greetings and salutations and responding to the question what’s in your school bag to their classmates. Finally, we spent the last days of the term discovering vocabulary related to school supplies. Furthermore, as part of their Spanish cultural learning they made a Valentine’s Day card and the vocabulary related to this day. It’s been great to see them more confident in their Spanish language abilities. Keep up the good work Oak!


This term we focused on the skills associated with planning and recording a video. The students were able to explain that video is the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images. Learners got familiar and applied several shot types and filming techniques, such as side by side, mid range, close up, moving subject and high angle. Additionally, students used a storyboard as a planning tool. They also learned how to use a professional camera, an iPad and iPhone/cellphone to record their videos, including how to how to start and stop recording and how to zoom in and zoom out.

Skiing Trip to Val Cenis

During our trip to Val Cenis , the children went on an emotional 6 day journey, far away from home. We were excited to go but tiny bit anxious to leave our parents. We were happy to meet new people and learn new things. We were frustrated when something did not work out straight away but were over the Moon with our progress on the slopes after 5 days of skiing. Most of the time we were happy and will remember this trip for the rest of our lives. We have discovered so many new things, learnt so much about ourselves and came back a little bit more independent.

Luiza just joined us,
And she is very mature.
And her tall brother Bruno,
Has a great sense of humour.

They come from Brazil,
But they once lived in China.
They are quite thorough with their work,
Often double check it, even mistakes that are minor.

Soren never went skiing,
But indeed was quite brave.
Don’t have to tell him twice,
He knows well how to behave.

Our Storm is a free spirit,
And runs with the wind.
Had bundles of fun skiing,
It is cold Storm! Where is your jacket? Take a hint.

Dylan often asks questions,
And he often has something to say.
Always went on super steep slopes,
And he never stayed at bay.

Gabriela just joined us ,
She is our DIY Queen.
Had a blast skiing, hungry for knowledge,
Well mannered and to learn she is keen.

Sara loves books,
And she reads them a lot.
She speaks Romanian, English and French,
She is our true polyglot.
She often sings,
And she was skiing like a pro,
Are we skiing now?
Shall I get ready to go?

Leo loves Maths,
And shared some tricks on how to play chess.
There were 4 boys in his room,
But they tidied their mess.

Filip AKA SUPER MARIO enjoyed skiing,
And was super fast on the sledge.
He was a well behaved student,
He pushed himself to the limit, he pushed himself to the edge.

Even Adam came with us ,
And his brother Dylan read him bed time story.
Zoomed down those slopes,
With Mrs Harrington on the first day,
Fighting for their glory.

Roger can crunch numbers,
And goes down the slope with the speed of light.
You should see his face light up,
And he adores the Turkish Delight.

Liam eats books,
On his quest for deep meaning.
Kindle, soft back or hard back?
Say it louder but don’t turn off the light,
Liam is reading.

Lukas loves Maths and he is our skiing pro,
Often sets himself a personal challenge.
Very organised with his stuff,
Just give him a task and he will surely manage.

Jean went down those slopes,
Whatever colour you name it.
Skiing champion he is ,
Just give him your record and he will break it.

Chloé had bundles of fun,
Are we going skiing now, Mr.Kralka?
I better run!
Was tired but marched on.
Had a blister but went on.
Our charming Chloé was our mini Sun.

Cecilia had no fear,
She quickly zoomed down that slope.
Part of our Brazilian Skiing Team,
One day will show off her talent,
Oak and Elm truly hope.

Oscar was ready,
From the moment they said GO.
Superstar on the slope,
And his confidence did grow.
He loves our mother nature,
And he spent so much time in a horizontal position on the slope,
Doesn’t like his ice-cream now,
Totally no problem, just give him some fresh snow.

From Forest International,
We are representing Oak.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is no joke.

From Forest International,
We are representing Elm.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is a Gem.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Oak Class , Term 2, 2021-2022


Oak continued reading the children’s classic The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. This term they met the great and good lion Aslan and read with shock how he sacrificed his life to save Edmund (the least likeable of all the children), not resisting as the White Witch and her evil followers bound him and dragged him to his death. Aslan’s powers are greater and more mysterious than the Witch realises and Aslan returns to lead the children and all the good creatures of Narnia to triumph at the last battle. The class chose a scene or character from the book to write about; Mr. Tumnus the faun was a popular choice and some chose to imagine his meeting with Lucy from his point of view. Others favoured the battle scene and the rescuing of the creatures whom the Witch had turned to stone.

To end the term in festive form we read Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We enjoyed reading it out loud and admired the story and the imaginative use of rhyme. This inspired the class to make their own Grinch advent calendar, each day filled with a hand-drawn picture. 


Oak studied the Renaissance, from its beginnings in the powerful and wealthy Italian city states to its gradual spread across Western Europe, greatly assisted by the development of the printing press. They learnt of the principal differences in outlook between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance thinkers as they rediscovered classical philosophy, literature and art. 

The class chose prominent individuals from this period to research: great names such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei as well as some lesser known but remarkable people such as Marguerite de Navarre and the painter Sofonisba Anguissola.  


This term Oak followed the COP26 meeting, held this year in Glasgow, and learnt about the global climate summits that the UN has been organising for almost thirty years that are known as COP or ‘Conference of the Parties’. The class went on to learn about the Greenhouse Effect, what it is and why it is linked to climate change. They identified the main greenhouse gases and how they are produced and saw that the Industrial Revolution was a pivotal moment in mankind’s impact on the natural environment. 


This term Oak Class has been learning all about the solar system. The class has looked carefully at the different planets found in our system, named them and identified their features. The class has also learnt about the different phases of the moon and pupils are now able to confidently identify the name of each phase of the cycle.

As part of our Science topic the children were set the challenge of finding out more information about an area of interest. They were asked to then create a presentation explaining what they had discovered. With no boundaries the children’s imaginations ran wild with some amazing results!

This process encouraged children to develop their public speaking skills as well as helping to build their confidence in expressing ideas, thoughts and feelings in a different academic setting.


In Statistics:

This term, Oak constructed and interpreted various tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, pictograms and line graphs. We practiced solving comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and line graphs. We also sorted different sets of data while using the Venn and Carroll diagrams. In addition, Oak worked on solving different statistics problems where information had to be analysed in order to calculate the required average: range, mode, mean and median.

In Shapes and Measures:

During this unit, we named and accurately measured acute, obtuse and reflex angles and then identified them in different triangles and quadrilaterals. The children learnt how to calculate the sum of the interior angles in simple 2D shapes and now know how to find the unknown angle. Using our knowledge of properties of 2D shapes we calculated the Area and Perimeter of simple 2D shapes. We also learnt how to calculate the area and perimeter of compound shapes where one side is unknown.

Linking our topics in Design &Technology and Mathematics, the children designed and constructed their own Mathematical Christmas tree. We accurately measured the angles in trapezoids and then calculated the distance between the planks of wood. The star was created as a compound shape where 5 parallelograms fitted into one shape. Oak realised the importance of measuring angles and clearly saw that measurements have to be accurate in order for them to fit together correctly. As part of our collaborative project with Elm Class, we worked on designing our ‘Book Swap Box’ that will be constructed next term.

… and then Birch and Walnuts came to help


Students learned the Spanish version of the song “A King is Born” for the Christmas show. They played “Loteria” (similar to Bingo) to learn and practise numbers from 1 to 30. They looked at the physical characteristics of people, the months of the year and the basic vocabulary of Christmas and Christmas traditions.


Students learnt and practised how to make a poster on Google Drawings by drawing, modifying and combining objects and inserting images, text and other useful tools. They also learnt how to: copy/paste, group objects, layer and add a background.

Each student designed a poster for the Christmas show. Cecilia’s poster (Oak Class) was chosen to be displayed around the school and was featured on the invitation sent to parents.


Christmas Performance ”Hey Ewe”

Collaborative background posters

Designing and making our Christmas costumes...

The mighty Oaks and Ecstatic Elms had a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate their creative side while making costumes, dancing, singing, creating props and performing on the stage during our Christmas Show.

Thank you and well done to all the Oak and Elm students for their outstanding dedication and hard work during our «Hey Ewe!» performance!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday!

 Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Oak Class, Term 1, 2021-2022


Oak are reading the children’s classic The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. This magical fantasy can be read at many levels but the children recognise the themes of good and evil, loyalty and betrayal. The book can also be viewed as a Christian Allegory and is an opportunity to examine references to Adam and Eve, the resurrection of Christ and other Christian allusions.

Oak studied biography writing and learned how to select key information and to present it in chronological order. They each wrote a biography of an individual they found inspiring and then produced a biography of Japanese vegetable grower Asafumi Yamashita after a visit to his farm in the village of Chapet.

We read nonsense poems, starting off with the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan and the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.


French IPC


Oak studied the fascinating Romans, with a particular focus on the army, the largest and toughest military force in the ancient world. They learned about the hierarchy, rigorous training and tough selection process and the discipline and strategies that made this army such a formidable opponent.

The Roman era tied in nicely with our middle school trip to the Louvre. We focused on the Borghese Collection of ancient artefacts. We saw the famous Fighting Warrior, statues of various Caesars, Gods and Goddesses, ornate sarcophagi and thrones. The class learnt that in the 17th century, when ancient statues were much in demand by private collectors, it was the custom to restore them, replacing missing heads and limbs.

Linked to our learning in History, we created our own Roman helmets and shields. We then realised that the Roman sandals fit us perfectly and decided to write our Roman play and act it out in the forest.

Trip to the Louvre


We worked on counting, reading, writing and ordering whole numbers up to 100 000. The children ordered and compared two-digit and three-digit numbers and positioned them on the number line. ‘Crocodile Charlie’, who is really greedy, always eats the largest numbers. He showed the children where to use greater than > and less than < signs. We also counted and converted numbers into Roman numerals and symbols that Ancient Egyptians used in their time. The children practised and refined their written methods for addition, subtraction and multiplication (HTU × U, TU × TU, and HTU x TU). We also solved one-step and two-step multiplication, addition and subtraction problems involving numbers, money and measures.


Both classes examined the theme of Sustainability in Geography this term, Elm with a particular emphasis on sustainable cities and the problems faced by densely populated and growing urban centres, and Oak on the issues relating to the depletion of natural resources as well as the need to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. In their research they came across the Wonderbag no-fuel slow cooker that has such a positive impact in the developing world. They discovered that this simple product allows families to reduce cooking fuel consumption by up to 70%, reducing carbon emissions and deforestation. Importantly, it reduces the need to cook for long periods of time over open fires, a practice that exposes populations, but mostly women and children, to harmful particles released from burning biomass such as wood and dung. It also frees the same women and girls from hours of unpaid labour.

Inspired by the simple concept, Oak and Elm decided to make their own thermal cooker using a cardboard box, polystyrene and some bubble wrap – and an old blanket to throw on top.  They were ready for the Wonder cooker challenge, the Wonderbox versus the Wonderbag (lent by a member of staff). Two pots of rice, two cookers, two excellent results.


Oak class had “All About Me” as a theme this term or “Todo sobre mi”.  They are able to sing the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in Spanish and they know the words for more parts of the body. Through answering questions, they practised how to present and talk about themselves. They also learned how to use the verb ‘to have’ in the positive and negative forms. We played BINGO to learn the alphabet and vowels. The children talked about the foods they like and don’t like. They applied their knowledge of the physical characteristics of people and related vocabulary. The end-of-term project was on the Day of the Dead Celebration in Latin American countries and the class made flowers and drew skulls and candles for the altar.


Crazy about plants!
Oak class this term have been learning about the local environment with a special focus on plants. We have explored many different varieties of plants and have been able to classify those found in the local environment.

We learnt about the different parts of the plant and the importance of what each part plays in the development and life cycle of a plant. To demonstrate our knowledge and understanding of these features and their role we drew diagrams detailing those parts and then labelled their functions. 

Germinator Investigators

We conducted an investigation to measure the best conditions for a seed to begin germination. As a class we discussed the different components that a plant needs to grow and survive.

Sunlight, Water and Soil.

But how are we to measure this?

We discussed what we could do to create a fair test and then as a class formed an hypothesis. Once we had this we begin testing our seeds.


Oak developed their understanding of different components working together to make a whole. They learnt that computers can be connected together to form systems and that these are built using a number of parts. They know how to explain that a computer system features inputs, processes, and outputs.

The class learned about the internet, what it actually is and how it functions. They developed awareness of IP addresses and the rules (protocols) that computers have for communicating with one another.

They discussed how people can work together when they are not in the same location and applied their knowledge to work on a collaborative online project. They made simple slides featuring text and images.

Forest Challenges and Tabata

Since the beginning of the year, Oak and Elm classes have been engaged in our weekly Forest Challenge and very intense daily 7-minute work-out ”TABATA”. The main purpose of these challenges is to practise team building skills as well as to develop resilience as it is often tough to accomplish the challenge at the first attempt. We learnt that it is important to stay focused until the last moment and clearly recognise that the last push could make a difference to the team. In our next challenges we will be concentrating on fair play and communication which will improve our personal, partner and team-working skills.

Hunting for mushrooms

OAK and ELM visit YAMASHITA’S FARM in the Yvelines.

Asafumi Yamashita – The Haute Couture Vegetable Grower.

Linked to our learning in Science based on ‘Plants and Flowers’,  we visited an inspirational gardener who shared some tricks of the trade with us. The children eagerly shared their knowledge of the subject, asked questions and attentively listened to his remarkable story. Self-taught, Asafumi Yamashita grows vegetables with a secret he calls ‘the Yamashita method’. He produces about 50 Japanese varieties a year on 3,000 square metres (a third of this surface being converted into greenhouses). The size of his vegetable garden is only modest compared to the average farm, but for Asafumi Yamashita what matters is not quantity but quality. Some say that he whispers to his vegetables and listens to the voice of his land.  The way Mr. Yamashita  puts it is that he writes a poem while growing his vegetables and top chefs in Paris write music that goes with his poem. Lucky customers who enjoy those delicious dishes sing the song that was composed for them with love. We were lucky to taste his delicious vegetables and even brought some home to share with our families.

Singing workshops with Kareen Clair

Halloween at Forest International School