Cedar Class, Blog 5, 2022-2023

French (Intermediate group with Christine)

During this period, we mainly talked about Health through Humanitarian aid. Different possibilities are offered to those who want to help, and this is what we discovered throughout the lessons.

We started this session with the case of students discussing between themselves on how to organize a fundraiser for the organization “Les Restos du Cœur” which gives food to people in need. We then spoke about “Emmaüs”, a well-known association in France which collects second-hand objects and furniture. Students from Cedar, Elm and Oak, staged a comic (“La boom Humanitaire”) talking about how a group of friends decided to give out personal things to help this association.

In addition to that, we read and discussed about other documents talking about “Téléthon” which supports medical research and deals with first aid we can give when we are part of an accident.

This is an interesting subject which has given us once again the opportunity to see and practice the grammatical side of the language.

We also read different stories involving Inspector Omniberge, to develop reading skills and find the solution to the mysteries!

French (Advanced group with Marie)

Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de notre programme de français. Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour des différentes matières :

en grammaire: révision des natures et fonctions des mots, des compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière, de but, de moyen)

en conjugaison: l’impératif présent et le présent du conditionnel (avec révision des temps du passé)

en orthographe: la polysémie, les bases grecques et latines des mots, les homophones/homonymes et antonymes, les préfixes et les suffixes, noms génériques et noms particuliers

en mémorisation: 1 dictée a été faite et 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée

en poésie: création d’un poème pour la fête des mères et découverte d’un acrostiche à l’occasion de la fête des pères.

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec la lecture du livre Le message d’Athènes d’Odile Weulersse puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.

1 évaluation a eu lieu pendant cette 5ème période.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette cinquième période a été consacrée au thème de “l’entreprenariat”.

Nous avons aussi abordé le thème des abeilles à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles (le 20 mai).

French IMYC Cedars with Joanna

This term the Cedar class learned the importance of the EU Erasmus + programme for education, training, youth and sport. They researched the history of this programme, the partner countries, the allocated budget etc. They also watched videos of university students from various European countries discussing their incredible experiences studying abroad and they were able to interview Ms. Stefania Gargioni who had the amazing opportunity of being an Erasmus student.


Cedar continued to examine texts for argument, evaluating the use of argument and persuasive techniques in a variety of forms. They looked at how to spot bias and faulty logic, and to know when their emotions are being targeted. They learnt how to spot a writer’s purpose and to recognise facts from opinions. At the end of term, the class returned to the novel they studied at the beginning of the year, The Alchemist by Paul Coelho, and tested their recollection and understanding of the book in an Escape Room challenge.


This term Cedar learnt about the weather, something we all have to put up with and which is increasingly a subject of interest given the effects of climate change. The class learnt that it is the sun that influences our weather as it heats the Earth, but not evenly. They learnt that ‘weather’ takes place in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, called the troposphere. The class made their own barometer to measure air pressure.


The Cedar class continued to work on the development of dictatorships in Europe, focusing on Nazi Germany as a case study. They continued to examine the persecutions of Jews and visited the Shoah Memorial as part of the Holocaust remembrance project founded by the Olga Lengyel Foundation. The students created a Padlet to present the outcomes of their museum visits and research, sharing it with their twinned class (Liceul “Preda Buzescu” in Berbesti, Romania). They also explored the work carried out by the Romanian students for the project.

Global Perspectives

During this term, the Cedar class learned the method of qualitative research. They conducted semi-structured interviews with teachers and parents in our school community about their experiences as foreigners settling in France. The students conducted these interviews as part of the “Europe in Schools” project, which is supported by the European Association of History Educators. As part of the project, the Cedar students had the opportunity to interact with a Global Perspectives class from Canisius College in the Netherlands and examine their work on migrations in that geographical area.


During this term, the Cedar students explored the works of the eclectic Irish painter Mary Swanzy, with a particular focus on her Cubist phase. The students studied Swanzy’s use of shapes and colors and created medium-sized canvases inspired by her art, representing elements of nature such as leaves, branches, and flowers.

Creative Writing and Drama Workshops

During this term, the Cedar class wrote and learned how to perform a short comedy script for the school’s summer show. In the creative writing workshop, the students collaboratively created a script, which they then performed and rehearsed in the drama class. They covered all elements of production, from backdrops to props.

Sailing Trip to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer

One week adventure so far away from home. Oak, Elms and Cedar pushed themselves to the limit, physically and mentally while kayaking, surfing and catamaraning. Young adventurers improved or learnt new skills but most importantly matured and became a little bit more independent.

Mathematics and “Young Entrepreneurs” Project

A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

Oak, Elm and Cedar visited Koezio , adventure park located in Cergy.

This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which partially have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

Gardening Project

Harvesting our own sweet peas and potatoes. Cucumbers and tomatoes will continue to grow over the summer.

Green Garden – Whole School collaborative project. Our second Eco-Ecole badge ‘Alimentation’.

Accueil - L'écolomag

End of year certificates of achievements and Les Concours de Archimedes (Mathematical games and enigmas)

Well done and all the best!

Enjoy your summer!

FISP Middle School Team

Elm Class, Blog 5, 2022-2023

French (Beginner group with Joanna)

For the final term of the school year our theme from Zig Zag was the Town Centre (centre ville). The students learned a lot of new vocabulary and they did a ‘plan de ville’ of their town and presented it to their classmates and they made posters too.

Directions- à gauche, tout droit, au coin de, en face…

Road signs- dangers/interdictions/obligations/indications/services/directions

Points of Interest- Gare, librarie, bureau de poste, école, boulangerie, boucher, cinéma,

mairie, piscine, café, restaurant, supermarché…

French (Intermediate group with Christine)

During this period, we mainly talked about Health through Humanitarian aid. Different possibilities are offered to those who want to help, and this is what we discovered throughout the lessons.

We started this session with the case of students discussing between themselves on how to organize a fundraiser for the organization “Les Restos du Cœur” which gives food to people in need. We then spoke about “Emmaüs”, a well-known association in France which collects second-hand objects and furniture. Students from Cedar, Elm and Oak, staged a comic (“La boom Humanitaire”) talking about how a group of friends decided to give out personal things to help this association.

In addition to that, we read and discussed about other documents talking about “Téléthon” which supports medical research and deals with first aid we can give when we are part of an accident.

This is an interesting subject which has given us once again the opportunity to see and practice the grammatical side of the language.

We also read different stories involving Inspector Omniberge, to develop reading skills and find the solution to the mysteries!

French (Advanced group with Marie)

Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de notre programme de français. Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour des différentes matières :

en grammaire: révision des natures et fonctions des mots, des compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière, de but, de moyen)

en conjugaison: l’impératif présent et le présent du conditionnel (avec révision des temps du passé)

en orthographe: la polysémie, les bases grecques et latines des mots, les homophones/homonymes et antonymes, les préfixes et les suffixes, noms génériques et noms particuliers

en mémorisation: 1 dictée a été faite et 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée

en poésie: création d’un poème pour la fête des mères et découverte d’un acrostiche à l’occasion de la fête des pères.

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec la lecture du livre Le message d’Athènes d’Odile Weulersse puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.

1 évaluation a eu lieu pendant cette 5ème période.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette cinquième période a été consacrée au thème de “l’entreprenariat”.

Nous avons aussi abordé le thème des abeilles à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles (le 20 mai).


Besides working on their spelling, grammar and reading comprehension, this term Elm class discovered the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson, learning and reciting the short but striking ‘The Eagle’, as well as the anguish-filled ‘Break, Break, Break’. We also returned to a previously learnt poem by Robert Frost, ‘Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening’. The class identified the figurative language techniques in the poems and their effects. Alongside this, the class also studied persuasive language techniques, observing the use of emotional versus logical persuasion. They identified the differences between claims and arguments and read articles to observe how these are used persuasively.


Elm continued to learn about land biomes this term, finishing with the tropical rainforest biome. The class enjoyed learning about these exotic regions of the world, with their unusual flora and fauna, and the particular characteristics that make them such a rich resource for life on the planet. Working in pairs, the class put their learning about biomes to the test in an Escape Room challenge.


During this term, the Elm class delved into Renaissance history. They visited the Musée Carnavalet in Paris and explored its collections on the rule of Francis I and Renaissance France. The students also studied the religious changes that occurred during the Sixteenth century, particularly in the Tudor period. To represent the religious changes of the Tudor era, they created a religious rollercoaster!

Global Perspectives

The Elm students delved into the foundations of sustainable entrepreneurship, researching the reasons behind the creation and success of these businesses. They worked in small groups, examining not only the types of sustainable businesses but also the factors contributing to their creation and success. At the end of the term, each group presented their research results by creating a poster.


The Elm students focused on art and design, decorating a simple everyday object like a clock. They drew inspiration from the four seasons and the books they read both in and outside the English classroom. Additionally, the students created another large canvas, choosing a beautiful garden painted by Vincent Van Gogh as their inspiration and creating their own 

Creative Writing and Drama Workshops

In both drama and creative writing workshops, the Elm class learned how to write a dramatic script and performed it on stage during the school’s summer show. The students familiarized themselves with the foundations of dramatic writing, focusing on dialogues and stage directions. They rehearsed the script and continued to learn how to move on stage and project their voices appropriately in front of an audience.

Sailing Trip to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer

One week adventure so far away from home. Oak, Elms and Cedar pushed themselves to the limit, physically and mentally while kayaking, surfing and catamaraning. Young adventurers improved or learnt new skills but most importantly matured and became a little bit more independent.

Mathematics and “Young Entrepreneurs” Project

A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

Oak, Elm and Cedar visited Koezio , adventure park located in Cergy.

This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which partially have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

Gardening Project

Harvesting our own sweet peas and potatoes. Cucumbers and tomatoes will continue to grow over the summer.

Green Garden – Whole School collaborative project. Our second Eco-Ecole badge ‘Alimentation’.

Accueil - L'écolomag

End of year certificates of achievements and Les Concours de Archimedes (Mathematical games and enigmas)

Well done and all the best!

Enjoy your summer!

FISP Middle School Team

Oak Class, Blog 5, 2022-2023

French (Beginner group with Joanna)

For the final term of the school year our theme from Zig Zag was the Town Centre (centre ville). The students learned a lot of new vocabulary and they did a ‘plan de ville’ of their town and presented it to their classmates and they made posters too.

Directions: à gauche, tout droit, au coin de, en face…

Road signs: dangers/interdictions/obligations/indications/services/directions

Points of interest: gare, librairie, bureau de

poste, école, boulangerie, boucher, cinéma, mairie, piscine, café, restaurant, supermarché…

French (Intermediate group with Christine)

This last period at school was divided, as usual, between an oral and a written part in each lesson. The oral time begins each Monday with a questions and answer session about everyone’s weekend (an exercise we already did from September to June). We also usually read together two different comics. The first one is a short police story comic, where the whole class participates by playing one part of a character and trying to find the answer of the mystery the Inspector had to solve. The other comic is about the collection of objects from students who wants to help the organization “Emmaüs”. In order to develop their writing skills, students worked on short texts with questions or completed grammar exercises (which are selected individually according to their level).

French (Advanced group with Marie)

Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de notre programme de français. Durant cette cinquième période, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour des différentes matières:

en grammaire: révision des natures et fonctions des mots, des compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière, de but, de moyen)

en conjugaison: l’impératif présent et le présent du conditionnel (avec révision des temps du passé)

en orthographe: la polysémie, les bases grecques et latines des mots, les homophones/homonymes et antonymes, les préfixes et les suffixes, noms génériques et noms particuliers

en mémorisation: 1 dictée a été faite et 1 poésie a été apprise et récitée

en poésie: découverte d’un acrostiche pour l’occasion de la fête des pères.

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec le choix d’un livre de lecture (Le message d’Athènes d’Odile Weulersse ou La véritable histoire de Titus) puis différentes fiches de lecture, lectures silencieuses.

1 évaluation a eu lieu pendant cette 5ème période.

French IMYC with Marie

Cette cinquième période a été consacrée au thème de “l’entreprenariat”.

Nous avons aussi abordé le thème des abeilles à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles (le 20 mai).


Besides working on their spelling, grammar and reading comprehension, this term Oak class continued to work on poetry, identifying figurative language such as simile and metaphor, alliteration and personification. Among others, the class learnt the poem ‘Bed in Summer’ by Robert Louis Stevenson as well as ‘The Garden Year’, which fits perfectly with their Nature Journal project.


This term Oaks learnt about Europe, the continent that all the class call home, except for Liz, who is from Brazil, but France has been her home for the past couple of years. It was interesting to find the fifty countries that make up the continent on a map, and to count which ones we had visited. The class reflected on how the continent is divided up, with borders between countries decided by physical boundaries, such as rivers and mountain ranges, but also by political factors, including wars, which have led to borders changing many times over the centuries.


The Oak class continued to study the history of Ancient Greece, exploring the city-states, politics, and religion of this civilization. The students examined Athens and Sparta, focusing on the differences between the development of these two city-states and their forms of government. Additionally, the Oak students experimented with Ancient Greek cuisine by making special pancakes called tiganites!

Global Perspectives

Throughout this term, the Oak students explored sustainable businesses, examining how and why this type of business is being developed. They utilized their research skills to delve deeper into this topic and gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of new sustainable businesses. They presented the outcomes of their research through a colorful and creative poster.


Throughout this term, the Oak students redesigned an everyday object – a clock – drawing inspiration from various elements such as the colors of nature and their international backgrounds. They worked in small groups, designing and creating three colorful clocks. They also worked on a large canvas, taking inspiration from the works of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Creative Writing and Drama Workshops

During this term, the Oak students learned how to write and perform a short comic script for the summer show. They dramatized a significant moment from their own school year by creating dialogues and stage directions. They learned how to follow a script and move on stage accordingly. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed working together!

Sailing Trip to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer

One week adventure so far away from home. Oak, Elms and Cedar pushed themselves to the limit, physically and mentally while kayaking, surfing and catamaraning. Young adventurers improved or learnt new skills but most importantly matured and became a little bit more independent.

Mathematics and “Young Entrepreneurs” Project

A business is more than just a product or a service. Behind every item that we buy, every service that we use, there is a story. Running a business involves many skills – creativity, leadership, team work, communication, budgeting, planning, design, customer-awareness and many more. During this unit, children learnt these vital business skills, as they embarked on their business journey. The children were encouraged to take risks, be independent and realise that the hard work that goes into planning and setting up a business pays off.

Oak, Elm and Cedar visited Koezio , adventure park located in Cergy.

This event took place to celebrate the achievements of our Young Entrepreneurs who, as you know, recently devised, planned, acquired bank loans for and ran businesses, the proceeds of which partially have covered the cost of this well-deserved class activity.

Gardening Project

Harvesting our own sweet peas and potatoes. Cucumbers and tomatoes will continue to grow over the summer.

Green Garden – Whole School collaborative project. Our second Eco-Ecole badge ‘Alimentation’.

Accueil - L'écolomag

End of year certificates of achievements

Well done and all the best!

Enjoy your summer!

FISP Middle School Team

Maple Class – Term 5, 2023


The egg drop project was a wonderful and interesting challenge for the class and the whole school.

We first put the eggs in an incubator and then followed their evolution through the weeks. The children were very excited to follow this project.

After three weeks, two eggs hatched to make way for two beautiful little chicks. Sadly, one of them did not survive.

We were so lucky to be able to take care of the eggs in our school. We talked about the fact that they needed a warm place so that the chickens could grow inside. We had a lovely activity in which we carefully took some of the eggs out of the incubator for a few seconds and we shone a light into the shell. We could all see the little chickens growing inside, it was so interesting for all of us, teachers and students alike.

We were so happy to have a little chick to take care of in our classroom. We took this as an opportunity to learn about the fact that sometimes baby animals are not able to survive for long.
The second chicken is still alive and thriving; it has been moved out of our school and the last time we visited it, it looked very healthy and happy.


After having worked on life cycles during the last term, we took this project as an opportunity to study the different parts of the egg, how the egg becomes a chick, and the life and death of all living beings.

Moreover, this project was a great way to learn about a lot of different aspects of the life cycle of a chicken and the children seemed very curious and excited to be a part of this project.

We also looked at photos and videos to support our learning about the chicken life cycle and other aspects of their life (e.g. what they eat, the fact that they have feathers instead of hair or fur, the environment in which they usually live, how they help people, the different kinds of chickens, etc.) 


As the weather got warmer, we had the chance to spend more time outside playing with water. This gave us an opportunity to expand our learning about different matter, especially liquid matter. We were able to compare liquid matter to solid matter and we also experimented by pouring water as well as spraying it on the garden and each other!

We constructed paper boats and we also experimented with them to see how they would float on water. 


The children enjoyed their swimming lessons very much. They played different games with the teacher, used the water slide and it was evident that they had a lot of fun in the water in general. The teacher challenged them with new exercises and they showed a lot of progress over the last few weeks. The students were confidently jumping into the water and swimming on their backs without floating devices. 


Practical Life is a key component of the Montessori educational approach. It involves providing children with hands-on, real-life experiences that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, and social skills.

During this term the children practiced a lot of self-care tasks such as tying their shoe laces, being thorough when visiting the toilet and washing their hands, keeping track of their belongings and generally being mindful of dressing appropriately for the weather. 

We also continued to practice cooking, measuring and weighing our ingredients.

These activities help children develop their independence, coordination and fine motor skills, along with concentration and a sense of responsibility. In repeating the same gestures, children reinforce their self-confidence and acquire the necessary maturity related to their age and growth.


Sensorial life refers to our ability to experience and interpret sensory stimuli from the world around us. We focused on using our senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Our brain processes this sensory information and enables us to perceive, understand and respond to our environment. Sensorial life is crucial for our survival and helps us communicate, learn and connect with others. It is constantly evolving as we interact with the world, and can be enhanced or impaired by various factors such as genetics, environment and experience.

This learning was provided through a number of our activities related to water and liquid matter. We experimented with floating and sinking and we discussed how important water is for our lives and our planet. 


During this term we continued to work on our whole-school eco project. We checked daily on our plants and vegetables and we watered them accordingly. We discussed in detail about the changes we have noticed in them and why these changes may have happened (e.g. too much sun, not enough water, perfect conditions for growth and bloom, etc.) We also made predictions as to what we thought would happen to them as the weather changed and how they would change in the future. We revisited the life cycles of plants and compared the pictures with the real life plants in front of us. 

We also visited our community compost unit and checked the progress of the compost itself. We continued to contribute to it by adding our raw food scraps too.  As we worked together, we shared the common goal of caring for our planet. Our students grew their environmental awareness and the necessity of caring for our planet everyday.


Through creative activities, we have been able to develop our skills; cutting, sticking, bending as well as working creatively with different materials. Crafting is used to make things for personal pleasure and it is also a way to express artistic abilities and create unique items.

During this term, The Maples created beautiful arts and crafts.

We were inspired by our learning of chickens to make lots of cool mementos to take home. We started the term by making our classroom displays which featured a chicken coop. We sewed together chicken-shaped felt pieces and we stuffed them to make them look nice and plump!

We also created their homes with recycled boxes and straw and we decorated our chickens with colourful feathers.

We also made beautiful presents for Mother’s day and Father’s day. We made a lovely cast of our hands so that it could hold a flower for our moms and we also used pyrography to carve a beautiful message on a wood panel for our dads.

In preparation for our end-of-year art show we worked in our clock, two big canvases, and we also made individual art pieces. For our butterfly canvas we followed our learning theme ‘Green Fingers’ and our learning about the garden and the creatures that we can find in a garden.

We chose to decorate our canvas with lots of beautifully painted butterflies. For our painting we depicted a beautiful tree, which represented spring, the arrival of sunny days, and the growth of  insects and flowers, which we we studied with enthusiasm during the last term. The children showed such amazing imagination in terms of creativity and colours and we were so proud of the results.


For Numeracy we continued to explore and review everything we have learned about during the rest of the school year. We continued to work on understanding tens and units, strengthening our knowledge of addition and subtraction, practicing our counting skills (from one to a hundred, two by two, five by five and ten by ten). We also continued to practice writing numbers.

We also discussed angles and shapes especially looking at examples of them in the natural environment, around the classroom and in our everyday lives.

We worked on measurements, using practical skills such as measuring and weighing for cooking.

We also learned about time and made a clock for the art auction which was a good opportunity to continue to discuss the concept of time and put our knowledge into practice. The children have shown that they are starting to get interested in saying what time is in during the day.


This term we have continued to develop our knowledge and understanding of phonics. We have explored a range of new letters and sounds through actions, songs, story telling and games.

Jolly Phonics phase 5 introduces more new sounds, blends and letter combinations.

The sounds introduced in this phase are :

 z, w, ng, v, oo, y, x, ch

The children continue to use their knowledge of letter sounds to blend and segment words.

In this phase 5, the children learned to read and write longer words, sentences and stories. They have been encouraged to read with fluency and expression.

The children also developed their ability to segment longer words, read and write sentences, practicing tricky words, and using the sounds they have learnt to read and write phonetically plausible words.

We are also focusing on spoken language thanks to discussions during circle time. We talk about different subjects such as weekend activities, books we are reading in class and their interest in different subjects.

Book read this term :

  • Egg drop
  • The little red hen
  • My goose Betsy
  • On the farm
  • Chicken nuggets
  • Baa Moo what will we do?


One big novelty for this area of our learning has been our return to swimming classes. We have had the opportunity to practice and really improve our hand-eye coordination and our arm, leg and back strength. 

Our children have achieved significant milestones in their physical development. They have gained confidence in riding their bicycles, enabling them to embark on longer journeys, fostering independence and a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, they have actively worked on improving their throwing and catching skills through various physical education activities, thus expanding their motor abilities. Furthermore, our forest sessions have included introductory experiences with yoga, allowing the children to cultivate mindfulness and body awareness amidst the tranquil forest surroundings. The children continued to become more comfortable and creative when playing with all of the forest materials at their disposal and they have gained more confidence when it comes to climbing and balancing on trees and tree trunks.


During this term, we practiced singing and playing instruments. This has been a wonderful way to express emotions, memories and moods through rhythm and music practice.


Playground – L’Etang la Ville

During this last term, we organised an outing to the nearby park. After a short walk, the children were delighted to discover the small watercourse that runs along the park. Then they were able to enjoy playing in the park with the other children. What a beautiful morning 🙂


We had a lot of fun preparing for our end-of-year show. The children eagerly embraced the opportunity to participate and showcase their talents and they helped to choose the songs we would eventually perform in front of the whole school. In the weeks leading up to the event, the children devoted their time and effort to perfecting their performances, attending rehearsals with excitement and determination. The bee song was a great way to practice our maths skills and also a reminder of all that we learned over the past year. We made lovely bee costumes and the kids were very amused with their antennae and wings. Some of the students took leadership roles and helped the rest of the group get motivated, even the Chestnut students! It really was a group effort, every child added their personality and flare to the performance and it was such a pleasure to watch.


This Thursday, June 29, we practiced different sports with the children of the Chestnuts and Maples classes. Parents were even able to challenge each other and participate in this sports day. The children were able to enjoy high jumps, egg and spoon races, bowling and relay races. Everyone enjoyed it. Thank you for your participation in this wonderful afternoon!


As part of our egg drop project, we wanted to collect hay to make nests for our little chickens sewn in class. So we organised a short visit to see the horse. The children were very respectful and impressed with the horse. It was a beautiful meeting.

This has been a great year for the Maple children, and I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude. The confidence you placed in me, allowed me to create an environment where learning thrived and it has been an absolute joy to witness your children’s growth and development. I loved being able to spark the students’ curiosity and creativity whilst also learning from their unique ideas. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing you all next school year. 


Durant cette cinquième période de l’année, nous avons lu 7 albums de jeunesse (en lien avec les poules, l’été, la fêtes des mères et des pères…) :

De ces ouvrages, ont découlé différentes activités qui ont permis l’exploitation de ces histoires. Nous avons donné du sens à l’apprentissage, une façon plus ludique et une approche plus concrète.

A chaque début de semaine, vos enfants ont appris et chanté une nouvelle chanson:

Dans ma guitare, Oncle Mc Donald a une ferme, Tête dans les nuages, The bees go buzzing, We can make a difference.

Et nous avons répété les chansons pour le spectacle de fin d’année: Dire bonjour c’est joli, Dans la forêt lointaine, Ani couni, The bees go buzzing, La vie c’est comme un jardin, We can make a difference.

 Les objectifs de cette période ont été de :

– enrichir la langue française

– construire des phrases plus élaborées mais correctes

– s’exprimer en petit groupe

– tracer le bonhomme de chaque mois

– colorier les mois

-comprendre les histoires lues

– s’exercer au graphisme

–  reconnaître et nommer des petits mots

– savoir dénombrer une collection

– connaître quelques notions spatiales

-s’approprier le vocabulaire de l’été:

– faire des activités en lien avec les fêtes telles que la fête des mères et des pères, la fête de la musique…

– cuisiner des petits sablés

– mémoriser une poésie “A la ferme”

– s’exprimer de manière artistique

– chanter collectivement une chanson

French IPC

Nous avons continué le thème de « Green fingers » en y associant “les poules et les oeufs”. Nous avons principalement mis en lien nos activités avec le cycle de l’oeuf et de la poule, le recyclage et le jardin. Nous avons aussi étudié les abeilles à l’occasionne la journée internationale des abeilles le 20 mai.

Les enfants ont appris 3 chansons: Une poule sur un mur, Une petite poule grise, Le rock’n roll des gallinacés.

Forest Exploration

The time in the forest we utilized for all kinds of different activities. Sometimes we were deepening some numeracy skills by organizing a number line or collecting and counting a certain amount of nuts/sticks/leaves.

Often, we used the time to create beautiful nature art or build houses out of sticks.

And, of course, physical education was important for us! We went for bike trips, built , practiced our throwing skills, or went for a nice mushroom hunt.

Birch Class – Term 5 – 2022/2023

What an incredible journey we’ve had in Term 5 exploring “The Earth, Our World!” Our classroom has been alive with enthusiasm as we’ve explored the wonders of oceans, continents, and rainforests. We’ve also had a fantastic trip, delved deep into the fascinating world of chickens, showcased our talents in the summer show, and had a thrilling sports day. Moreover, we have been able to keep developing and improving our mathematical and literary skills.


During this term, in Birch Class, we’ve embarked on an exciting learning journey exploring Geometry: Position & Direction. We have developed a solid foundation in identifying and describing shapes, understanding positional language, and exploring spatial relationships. Through hands-on activities, we have gained a deeper understanding of concepts like above, below, left, and right. We have also enjoyed interactive games that have made learning about position and direction even more engaging.

Furthermore, in our class, we have been immersing ourselves in the world of money. Alongside learning about coins and counting, we created a small market where we had the opportunity to apply our knowledge in a practical setting. We enthusiastically bought and sold various items, honing our money-handling skills and developing a deeper understanding of transactions. This hands-on experience was invaluable in reinforcing the concepts of value and exchange. We have also discussed the importance of responsible spending and saving for the future.

Also, this term, Birch class has been actively learning about time. We have been introduced to analog clocks and have made progress in reading them, identifying when the big and little hands point to specific numbers. We have also explored digital clocks to understand how time is represented digitally. Through engaging activities like creating our own clock, we’ve sharpened our time-telling skills while having fun.

Moreover, during this term Birch class has been introduced to the exciting world of multiplication. We have explored the concept through repeated addition, understanding that multiplication is a quicker way to add equal groups. Through engaging activities, such as creating arrays with counters and objects, we have visualized multiplication as rows and columns. By using arrays, we have developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division.


Birch class read the story of a mystery egg. Inspired by the story, they then applied their drawing and writing skills creating their own super hero comics. As a class we explored a range of vocabulary that could be found in writing comic strips.

Birch class have continued to develop their knowledge and understanding of phonics. This term they have worked on phase 5 of the jolly phonics programme.

Birch class have become confident readers and are moving away from using segmenting and blending of most words. They are able to read with fluency and have demonstrated growing comprehension skills.

The children have progressed with their phonic skills and are now using them to work independently when writing. They are applying their phonics skills to spelling and word discovery.

Trip to Vexin

Birch and Walnut classes took a trip to the region of Vexin. We spent 4 days and 3 nights explore the local area as well as taking to the water and kayaking down river. at the La Bergerie de Villarceaux.

Our first afternoon onsite was so hot, we took a trip through the local woods. We hiked for 6 kilometers and explored the local environment and wildlife. We came across a stream that was ice cold and decided to play and have fun in the water before continuing the hike.

We returned to a fabulous cooked meal that made us well and truly full! The teachers were surprised that there were so many empty plates. Then it was time for bed!

Day two of our trip we awoke to beautiful sunshine and got ready for a day filled with Canoeing and Hiking. All excited for the day we packed our bags, had breakfast and off we went. First, we went Canoeing – we were placed in teams and prepared team chants.

Once on the river, we all became very competitive and wanted to be the first team across the finish line. We all had a great time! Plus, we were able to see the local wildlife that surround the river.

Once we had finished our morning of Canoeing, we returned to shore for our hike through the painters trail. Our first stop was Monet’s home.

We then began our tour of the village and its surroundings that inspired so many different artists of the Impressionist movement, stopping for lunch along the way.

We then went high above the village to see the amazing views of the surrounding area, stopping for a refreshing ice pop.

Inspired by what we saw on our hike we then returned to the centre to create our own works of art based on Monet’s style.

Day three, again we awoke to a beautiful sun filled sky. This day was full of new adventures and experiences. We began our day with a morning Canoe trip further down river. On our trip we discovered a mystical beach so we pulled our Canoes in and had our picnic lunch.

In the afternoon, we hiked over the white chalk cliffs and explored the parts of the local chateau’s wildlife centre.

Day four was filled with a fun packed morning exploring local farms and chateau’s close to the activity centre. We began our day with a warm up.

After a hearty breakfast and a good stretch we set off on our hike. Before returning to the centre to help pack the van for our trip back to school.


During this term, Birch Class have been on an exciting learning journey exploring the world of chickens. Our classroom has become a hub of discovery, where we have been captivated by these interesting animals. We have learned about their life cycle, adaptations, and how to care for them. Through hands-on activities and discussions, we have deepened our understanding of chickens and their importance in our lives.

Design and Technology

Music and Dance

The children of Birch and Walnut classes came together to create a dance based on what they had learnt in previous terms. They wanted to apply the use of ribbons and hoops.

They discussed and used moves that were familiar to them all and then researched some more using the internet. As a group they chose a song that they all liked and knew and then began to choreograph their dance.


Both Birch and Walnut classes were set a homework challenge to complete before the beginning of Term 5. They were asked to research the topic of ‘Our World’ with a focus on the rainforest. This project work allowed the children to explore the topic in advance before learning in school, as well as to become engaged with the topic.

Physical Education and swimming

We have been actively engaged in various physical activities and games, promoting teamwork and physical development. We have enjoyed energetic games which have enhanced our coordination, agility, and listening skills. Additionally, we have participated in team-building games, such as relay races and obstacle courses, fostering collaboration and communication among classmates. These activities have not only improved our physical fitness but also taught us the value of cooperation and sportsmanship.

We took full advantage of the lovely weather by engaging in exhilarating water games. We had an absolute blast with our outdoor water slide, where the students gleefully slid down and splashed around, cooling off and having a great time. These water-based activities not only provided a refreshing break from the heat but also promoted coordination, balance, working as a team and water safety skills.

We also continued to build upon our water safety skills and enhance our swimming techniques. We refined our strokes, practiced breathing techniques, and further developed our confidence in the water. These valuable swimming lessons have allowed us to grow as competent and confident swimmers

The children’s confidence in the water has grown and they all now apply themselves to any challenges faced.


The children of Birch and Walnut classes worked together to create their own jungle role play area. The children collected their own resources and decided what materials were to be used.

We took a trip around the world discovering and discussing the many different and countries.

During this unit, the students worked with maps and globes, and it was so much fun!

They learned some geographic concepts such as island, continent, ocean, country, and city. In order to check their understanding, Walnut and Birch class did a “map hunt,” which consisted on looking for examples of these geographic elements on the map or globe.

Then, the students learned everything about rainforests; The types, locations, characteristics, layers, flora, and fauna you can find in them. To consolidate students’ learning, they were asked to create a brochure. They were so creative!

Finally, the students put all their learning together by doing their own globe using concrete material. Also, they were able to locate some places on it!

Both classes were then set the challenge of creating their very own globes.


Taking inspiration from their visit to the Louis Vuitton Foundation the children decided to create their own pieces of Warhol x Basquiat artwork.

They created this piece of art using a range of different media’s and by working together and the results were very imaginative.

Birch and Walnut class drew inspiration from their topic work learning about how to help the planet. They sourced recycled materials to create a work of art that helped send a message that we all need to try and recycle things the best we can.

Inspired by our trip to Vexin, Birch and Walnut class worked collaboratively to recreate one of Monet’s famous paintings. They decided that they wanted to add vibrant colours and create a piece of 3D art.

Crafting and textile work

Then, we copied our designs onto fabric, ensuring that every detail was transferred. From this, we then used fabric pens to colour and complete our design.

We then used similar material to create patches for the back drop of our summer show.


The children of Maple class took a trip to the orchard and gathered a large amount of acacias.

Birch and Walnut classes then carefully cleaned and prepared the flowers for the next stage. We had to be as gentle as possible not to damage the flowers or to lose any of its scent.

We then made a donut batter and carefully dipped the flowers in the batter. Birch and Walnut classes then enjoyed dusting them with sugar and tasting.

Sports Day

Sports Day brought the entire school together for a day filled with excitement and friendly competition. Students from all year groups showcased their athletic skills in a variety of events, from sprint races to relay challenges. The atmosphere was electric as cheers and support filled the air, fostering a sense of unity and sportsmanship. It was a memorable day that celebrated teamwork, resilience, and the joy of staying active. Well done to all the students, parents and teachers who participated and made Sports Day a resounding success!


Beginner Group with Joanna

For the final term of the year our class read La Petite Poule Rousse and worked hard on reading and writing activities linked to the book. We also worked on our number skills by learning how to count in tens up to 100 with fun games to help us memorize them in letter form too. The highlight of this last term was participating in a mini play all about ‘Les Saisons’ with Christine’s class and also learning and singing the song ‘Printemps est Arrivé’ (videos hereunder). Each student had lines to learn and the song to learn too. They all worked so hard and did an excellent job, bravo to all the students! We ended the term with some new vocabulary all about l’été (summer).

Advanced group with Marie

Nous avons continué à étudier les sons et à consolider les notions de français. Nous avons abordé différents thèmes tels que l’été, la fête des mères et des pères, la fête de la musique…

Les livres lus durant cette périodes ont été les suivants:

Diverses activités ont découlé de la lecture de ces albums et du sens a été donné aux apprentissages des voyelles et des consonnes.

Les enfants ont appris plusieurs chansons: Dans ma guitare, Tête dans les nuages, We can make a difference.

Les objectifs de cette période ont été:

  • de consolider les bases de langue française
  • de s’exprimer plus aisément
  • de connaître, d’acquérir et revoir toutes les consonnes ainsi que les sons complexes par l’acquisition du principe alphabétique.
  • s’entraîner à la dictée de mots et de phrases courtes et simples.
  • de lire et de répondre à des questions de compréhension de petites histoires.
  • de lire de petits livres (collection Les petites poules)
  • de chanter collectivement une chanson

French IPC with Joanna and Marie

For our final term of the year we have covered a variety of different topics. We read books, watched fascinating videos & did reading comprehension on the life cycle of chickens. We also celebrated World Bee Day by learning all about these incredible and vital insects. We were so lucky to be able to visit a few beehives in one of our own student’s garden and even more lucky to try the delicious honey afterwards! We also practiced our end of year songs for the show in French and English all linked to the themes taught throughout the year.

Walnut Class Term 5 2022/2023

What an amazing Summer Term we have had! We have been very busy learning new things and building upon foundations laid throughout the year.

Our Topic this term was ‘The Earth, Our World!’ We learnt about all the wonderfully different things that make our world so amazing! We learnt about the places people and animals call home as well, as what is needed for those things to survive. We became scientists and geographers in order to answer the following questions:

What do living things need to survive? How do different habitats provide for their needs?

What is a fossil? Are there different types of rocks?

Trip to Vexin

Birch and Walnut classes took a trip to the region of Vexin. We spent 4 days and 3 nights exploring the local area, as well as taking to the water and kayaking down river at La Bergerie de Villarceaux.

Our first afternoon onsite was so hot so we took a trip through the local woods. We hiked for 6 kilometers and explored the local environment and wildlife. We came across a stream that was ice cold and decided to play and have fun in the water before continuing the hike.

We returned to a fabulous cooked meal that made us well and truly full! The teachers were surprised that there were so many empty plates. Then it was time for bed!

Day two of our trip we awoke to beautiful sunshine and got ready for a day filled with Canoeing and Hiking. All excited for the day we packed our bags, had breakfast and off we went. First, we went Canoeing – we were placed in teams and prepared team chants.

Once on the river, we all became very competitive and wanted to be the first team across the finish line. We all had a great time! We were able to see the local wildlife that surround the river.

Once we had finished our morning of Canoeing we returned to shore for our hike through the painters trail. Our first stop was Monet’s home.

We then began our tour of the village and its surroundings that inspired so many different artists of the Impressionist movement, stopping for lunch along the way.

We then went high above the village to see the amazing views of the surrounding area before stopping for a refreshing ice pop.

Inspired by what we saw on our hike we then returned to the centre to create our own works of art based on Monet’s style.

Day three, again we awoke to a beautiful sun filled sky. This day was full of new adventures and experiences. We began our day with a morning Canoe trip further down river, on our trip we discovered a mystical beach. We pulled our Canoes in and had our picnic lunch.

In the afternoon, we hiked over the white chalk cliffs and explored the parts of the local chateau’s wildlife center.

Day four, was filled with a fun packed morning exploring local farms and chateaus close to the activity center. We began our day with a warm up.

After a hearty breakfast and a good stretch we set off on our hike. Before returning to the centre to help pack the van for our trip back to school.


This term, Walnut class continued to develop their knowledge and understanding of information texts. They explored the different ways information is presented. First, they closely looked at the news reports.

We applied our dictionary skills to discover the meaning of key vocabulary used in the report. This allowed us to understand the reason why these words are used, as well as to learn new words.

We continued to develop our use of Apostrophes and contracted words. Challenging ourselves to apply these to our writing.

Walnut class reviewed some elements of poems such as the poet, stanza, verses, and rhymes by identifying them on a nonsense poem.

They read some nonsense poems.

Afterwards, the students learned new poetry tools like onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile, repetition, and personification. They wrote examples for each of the tools.

Finally, Walnut students created their own nonsense poems using the elements they learned along the unit. They had the opportunity to give and receive constructive peer feedback about their pieces of writing.

We worked in groups to apply our knowledge and understanding of conjunctions. Achieving this by creating a range of sentences. We were given a set of cards that included conjunctions and subordinate clauses.


It has been an exciting term in Walnut Class as we delved into the world of measurement, focusing on length and height. We explored various tools, such as rulers and tape measures, to accurately measure objects in metric. Through interactive activities and real-life challenges, we sharpened our skills in converting units and solving measurement problems. From estimating classroom objects to comparing heights of famous landmarks, we have shown remarkable progress in applying measurement concepts.

Furthermore, we have been focusing on the exciting concepts of position and direction. We have explored directional language to describe and navigate positions, mastering the use of terms like left, right, up, and down. Through a variety of interactive activities and practical exercises, we have developed our understanding of mapping, coordinates, and the fascinating concept of symmetry. We have shown tremendous growth in visualizing and manipulating shapes in space.

In Walnut Class, we have been on a multiplication journey like no other! We have dedicated three days per week to mastering our multiplication skills using the fantastic Time Table Rockstars program.

With enthusiasm and determination, we have tackled multiplication facts, improving our speed and accuracy in recalling them. Through daily practice and engaging challenges, we have built a strong foundation for multiplication success.

National Archive Workshop

This term, we took part in a history workshop with Oak class. Connecting to the British National Archives, we were led on a non-stop tour of all their hidden treasures.

We became historical investigators and were set a range of challenges. First, we were asked to explore a document and draw conclusions of which time period it would have been from.

We then had to discuss and rate the importance of all the documents explored. From this, we cultivated an exposition.


This term, we have investigated and explored different types of rocks and fossils. Looking closely at the similarities and differences between them. First, we compared and identified different rocks.

Then, we investigated a rock’s density, if it was permeable, its durability and if it was hard or soft. We then moved onto investigating what a fossil is.

Working in pairs we sequenced the fossilisation process and discuss how fossils are formed over millions of years. From this, we learnt about the different types of fossils that can be found. We learnt that there are chemical fossils, trace fossils and body fossils.

We applied our new knowledge and understanding by creating a poster that would help to inform others. Once they were completed we were asked to share them with the class.

Taking our learning further, we looked closely at a famous paleontologist called Mary Anning. We learnt about her life and discoveries and how she helped others to learn about fossils.

Applying our new knowledge of fossils we decided to create our very own trace and mould fossils using leaves and our hands and feet.

Cross-curricular links were made when Walnut class decided to paint their newly formed fossils. As a group we discussed what the best colours for our fossils would be. Some chose to paint their fossil grey and others brown.


Both Birch and Walnut classes were set a homework challenge to complete before the beginning of Term 5. They were asked to research the topic of ‘Our World’ with a focus on the rainforest. This project work allowed the children to explore a topic prep before learning in school, as well as to become engaged with the topic focus.


The children of Birch and Walnut classes worked together to create their own jungle role play area. The children collected their own resources and decided what materials were to be used.

We took a trip around the world discovering and discussing the many different countries.

During this unit, the students worked with maps and globes, and it was so much fun!

They learned some geographic concepts such as island, continent, ocean, country and city. In order to check their understanding, Walnut and Birch class did a “map hunt,” which consisted of looking for examples of these geographic elements on the map or globe.

Then, the students learned everything about rainforests; The types, locations, characteristics, layers, flora and fauna you can find in them. To consolidate the students’ learning, they were asked to create a brochure. They were so creative!

Finally, the students put all their learning together by doing their own globe using concrete material. Also, they were able to locate some places on it!

Both classes were then set the challenge of creating their very own globes.


Taking inspiration from their visit to the Louis Vuitton Foundation the children decided to create their own pieces of Warhol x Basquiat artwork.

They created this piece of art using a range of different media’s and by working together. The results were very imaginative.

Walnut class drew inspiration from their topic work learning about how to help the planet. They sourced recycled materials to create a work of art that helped send a message that we all need to try and recycle things the best we can.

Drawing inspiration from our trip to Vexin, Walnut class worked collaboratively to recreate one of Monet’s famous paintings. They decided that they wanted to add vibrant colours and create a piece of 3D art.

Birch and Walnut explored the world of Picasso. As a group we viewed and discussed different pieces of art. From this, the children were asked to use what they had seen as inspiration and create their own pieces of art.

The children first drew an outline of their portraits, reimagining the different features of the face. They then used 4 colours; blue, red, green and yellow and used these colours to create more.

Crafting and textile work

We copied our designs onto fabric, ensuring that every detail was transferred. From this, we then used fabric pens to colour and complete our design.

We then used similar material to create patches for the back drop of our summer show.

Day trip adventure to Foundation Louis Vuitton

We arrived early and took in the sights of the beautiful foundation building, walking around the outside exploring and noting every detail. We then joined the queue of people hungry to see what the exposition had to offer.

Once inside, we travelled through the calm and quiet galleries, stopping to discuss and evaluate the large paintings that hung before us. We took our learning and understanding of the two artists and applied it first hand.

Later, we explored the park that surrounds the foundation building. We stumbled across a water fountain and the temptation was too much, so we all took to the water and played. Just what we needed on a hot and sunny day!

Design and Technology

Music and Dance

The children of Birch and Walnut classes came together to create a dance based on what they had learnt in previous terms. They wanted to apply the use of ribbons and hoops.

They discussed and used moves that were familiar to them all and researched some more using the internet. As a group they chose a song that they all liked and knew and then began to choreograph their dance.


The children of Maple class took a trip to the orchard and gathered a large amount of acacias.

Birch and Walnut classes then carefully cleaned and prepared the flowers for the next stage. We had to be as gentle as possible not to damage the flowers or to lose any of its scent.

We then made a donut batter and carefully dipped the flowers in the batter. Birch and Walnut classes then enjoyed dusting with sugar and tasting.

Physical Education and swimming

We have been actively engaged in various physical activities and games, promoting teamwork and physical development. We have enjoyed energetic games which have enhanced our coordination, agility, and listening skills. Additionally, we have participated in team-building games, such as relay races and obstacle courses, fostering collaboration and communication among classmates. These activities have not only improved our physical fitness but also taught us the value of cooperation and sportsmanship.

We also continued to build upon our water safety skills and enhance our swimming techniques. We refined our strokes, practiced breathing techniques, and further developed our confidence in the water. These valuable swimming lessons have allowed us to grow as competent and confident swimmers.

The children’s confidence in the water has grown and they will all now apply themselves to any challenges faced.

We took full advantage of the lovely weather by engaging in exhilarating water games. We had an absolute blast with our outdoor water slide, where the students gleefully slid down and splashed around, cooling off and having a great time. These water-based activities not only provided a refreshing break from the heat but also promoted coordination, balance, working as a team and water safety skills.



For the final term of the year our class read La Petite Poule Rousse and worked hard on reading and writing activities linked to the book. We also worked on our number skills by learning how to count in tens up to 100 with fun games to help us memorize them in letter form too. The highlight of this last term was participating in a mini play all about ‘Les Saisons’ with Christine’s class (videos hereunder) and also learning and singing the song ‘Printemps est Arrivé’. Each student had lines to learn and the song to learn too. They all worked so hard and did an excellent job, bravo to all the students! We ended the term with some new vocabulary all about l’été (summer).


During this last period, we enjoyed doing a large range of activities from reading stories to written exercises, from playing games to manual activities (including making a card for Father’s and Mother’s Day) or from staging short plays to sing songs. Thanks to the method ZigZag we learned vocabulary around the topics of clothes and family, which we enriched with reading books and games such as « Les 7 familles ». For Mother’s and Father’s Day, we read books and made cards to wish a happy day to the parents. With Joanna’s French group, we set up a little play about the characteristic of each month and children sang a song about the four seasons. Thanks to the very good weather, the play and the song were recorded outside in the garden of the school. Have a look at the play in the videos below ! For the song record, please refer to the French Beginner section above. It was an exciting time for the children who enjoyed it very much.


Nous avons continué à étudier les sons et à consolider les notions de français. Nous avons abordé différents thèmes tels que l’été, la fête des mères et des pères, la fête de la musique…

Les livres lus durant cette périodes ont été les suivants:

Diverses activités ont découlé de la lecture de ces albums et du sens a été donné du sens aux apprentissages.

Les enfants ont appris plusieurs chansons: Dans ma guitare, Tête dans les nuages, We can make a difference.

Les objectifs de cette période ont été:

  • de consolider les bases de langue française
  • de s’exprimer plus aisément
  • de connaître, d’acquérir et revoir toutes les consonnes ainsi que les sons complexes par l’acquisition du principe alphabétique.
  • s’entraîner à la dictée de mots et de phrases courtes et simples.
  • s’initier à la grammaire, à l’orthographe et à la conjugaison
  • de lire et de répondre à des questions de compréhension de petites histoires.
  • de lire de petits livres (collection Les petites poules)
  • de chanter collectivement une chanson

French Topic

For our final term of the year we have covered a variety of different topics. We read books, watched fascinating videos & did reading comprehension on the life cycle of chickens. We also celebrated World Bee Day by learning all about these incredible and vital insects. We were so lucky to be able to visit a few beehives in one of our own student’s garden and even more lucky to try the delicious honey afterwards! We also practiced our end of year songs in French and English all linked to the themes taught throughout the year.


Sports Day

Sports Day brought the entire school together for a day filled with excitement and friendly competition. Students from all year groups showcased their athletic skills in a variety of events, from sprint races to relay challenges. The atmosphere was electric as cheers and support filled the air, fostering a sense of unity and sportsmanship. It was a memorable day that celebrated teamwork, resilience, and the joy of staying active. Well done to all the students, parents and teachers who participated and made Sports Day a resounding success!

Summer Show

On Sunday 25th June the school came together to celebrate all the achievements of the past year. The children created art pieces, wrote and performed. What a fantastic show!

Chestnut Class – Term 4 2023

What a fun term it has been! We started it off concentrating on learning about animals but we also took some detours into our planting projects and transitioning into more outdoor learning activities.

Learning about the animal kingdom

We have noticed that the students have an interest for animals and so we created some learning activities that would address those interests. We took a trip through some of the world’s habitats and we learnt about the animals that live in them.

Our trip to Thoiry Zoo Safari

To complement some of our school learning about animals we decided to provide the children with the opportunity to see some of their favourite animals up close so, we visited the Thoiry Zoo Safari. We got to see many of the animals we have been talking about in class but we also got to see some new animals we had never heard about before. We started off walking around the park and we finished off the day driving through the safari. The highlights were: getting really close to the lionesses and finally getting to see our favourite classroom animal, the rhino.

Our planting project

We discussed about the way a plant grows and how fruits and vegetables are able to grow if we take good care of their seedlings and plants. We established what plants usually need to grow and thrive and we frequently checked on our plants to make sure they were healthy.

We used different methods to help germinate the seeds: One of our methods was to place the seeds directly in a pot of dirt, another method was to germinate the seeds in a wet cotton ball or towel and then plant the seeds in dirt after it had grown little roots. We have been observing both processes and next term we will determine what were the results of each methods used.

We learnt some more about composting as we visited the worms who are helping make some of the fertilizer at school. We also got to add our composting materials from home into our bog composting big.

We also learnt about how potatoes will grow in a bucket at school and we got to plant our own potatoes, which will will harvest later on in the year.

More outdoor learning in the Forest

As the weather improves we have been moving more of our learning to the forest. We have been observing nature changes as the spring gifts start to appear. We have been closely looking at all the trees budding and the ferns appearing from the ground. We have also noticed the sounds of the animals getting louder and the temperature rising.

We took advantage of a lovely sunny day to have a lesson that included reading the book “The Color Monster: A Story about Emotions” and discussing the different feelings we may experience. We complemented the discussion with Yoga and meditation, which explored the topics mentioned in the book and we talked about different breathing strategies that can help us when we are experiencing big emotions that may be at times overwhelming.


We had a lovely Easter celebration too! We made our own Easter baskets and then we got to use them to collect all of our chocolate eggs. The Easter bunny paid us a visit and we had so much fun seeing him and following him around; he took us to the garden so we could find all of the eggs he hid for us.

What is to come?

During Term 5, we will continue our learning about animals, the world’s habitats and we will also explore the life cycles of animals and plants. We will participate in the school egg project, which will give us an opportunity to see how germinated eggs will hatch and chicks will come out and grow. We will also be learning how to care for the eggs and chicks and about the importance of being kind to all living creatures.

We will also resume our swimming classes, which is very exciting!

Walnut Class Term 4 2022-23

Our Topic this term was all about ‘Recycling and Reusing!’ We learnt about how we can recycle materials and food waste, reuse unwanted things. We also focused on plants, seeds and growth. The children explored how things grow and how environments can differ from one place another. Walnut class became scientists and geographers in order to answer these questions.


This term, the children have explored a range of different genres of writing. They have also developed their use of vocabulary through continuing to build upon their dictionary and thesaurus skills.

Fiction or Non-fiction?

Walnut class took to the library to investigate the vast range of books it has to offer. They were then set the task of orgainsing examples from each genre.

Once they had done this walnut class were challenged to find the different features used within an information text. They worked in pairs to find and discuss these features.

Editing and Improving

As part of a writers journey, the children learnt that it is important to review and change their writing to ensure that their ideas and thoughts have been expressed correctly. During this process, it is also important for the writer to share their work with others.

The children exchanged books and provided each other with feedback. Once the feedback session was complete they then used their peers notes to edit and improved their writing.

All the children were then given the opportunity to write up their pieces in a best final version.

Writing a letter

First, Walnut class learnt about the types of letters that are sent. From this, they looked closely at a range of different formal and informal letters. They discussed the features and made a table to support their future writing.

First, they wrote a draft and then they edited their work and wrote a final copy. Applying their knowledge and understanding of how to structure and write a letter they wrote letters to a chosen person detailing what they had learnt about compost.

Library Time

The children of Walnut and Birch Classes enjoy spending time in the library. They have had great fun this term exploring new books and reading to one another or to the whole group.

International Children’s Book Day

What great fun had celebrating the many different and equally wonderful characters from children’s literature. The children shared their favourite characters, with their peers, and discussed what they like about them.


During this term, in Maths, we have been learning about shapes and their properties. We learnt to identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line. We learnt to identify and to describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces. Children compared and sorted common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects. We also learnt to identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes, for example, a circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a pyramid

We have also learnt about fractions. We introduced the children to one-third, three quarters and the equivalence of two-quarters with one-half. We explored these fractions and deepened our knowledge of halves and quarters with objects, shapes and quantities. We learnt to use fraction notation and discovered the role of the numerator and denominator. We learnt how to complete fraction sentences as we found fractions of quantities. We
also discovered patterns as we investigated counting in fractions.


This term, the children have been learning all about plants – germination, seed dispersal, pollination and the different parts of a plant as well as a flower.

Consolidating their learning the children were asked to make posters to teach others about the many different ways in which seeds are dispersed.

Re-new, Re-use, Recycle

We investigated all the different ways in which materials can be recycled and reused. Applying our knowledge, we began to orgainse bins around the school to help use become a more environment friendly place.

Science Presentations

The children worked in groups to construct interactive posters, leaflets and performances to show their knowledge and understanding of all things to do with plants and growing.

They were then asked to present their posters, leaflets and performances to one another.

Musical Fellows!

The children continued to develop their knowledge of tempo, beat and rhythm by applying their skills to compose their own pieces of music.


As part of our learning journey, this term, the children were set a half term challenge. They were asked to investigate measures taken to recycle and reuse.

They then learnt about all the different ways things can be recycled. The process which is taken and what happens as a result. Working as a group the class created a poster of different ways we can make a change.

The children then used their newly acquired knowledge and understanding to create a short video message.

The hope is that these video messages could be used in the future to support others learning about Recycling and the environment.

The children mapped, rehearsed and delivered their messages to ensure that it was clear.

Horse Visit

As part of our learning journey this term the children of Birch and Walnut classes paid a visit to Marianne’s horse. The children learnt about the important things needed to care for a large animal. Whilst we were there, the children worked as a team to collect manure so that we could use it as fertilister.

Amazing Artists!

This term, the children have explored many different mediums of art and applied this knowledge and understanding to their own art work.

Painting what we hear!

The children were asked to listen to different pieces of classical music. They were given three colours to use and were asked to paint what they hear. They used water colours to complete this task.

This allowed the children to express themselves in a different way. They enjoyed the experience and are excited to apply this way of painting to different genres of music.

Sections of the face

Walnut class, used their drawing skills to carefully draw the features of the human face. They learnt how to section the human face into four equal parts.

Spring has sprung

Inspired by the beautiful plants and flowers growing in the local area the children decided that they would like to copy them using water colours.

Ndebele Art

The children explored an art from that originates from South Africa. They learnt about the colours that are used as well as the use of straight lines to create amazing patterns.

Design and Technology

Wednesday Cooking Club

This term, we came together to explore a range of different recipes. The children worked in small mixed age groups to prepare lots of yummy things.

The children were able to apply their Mathematical and Literacy skills to successfully fulfil the instructions provided.

French Sessions

To ensure that every child develops their French language skills at their own pace, they are grouped into Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. This has allowed for children to have intense and focused language teaching.


Vive le Printemps! This term we are all excited about spring and learning new vocabulary about gardening, growing fruits/vegetables/flowers and all about the different animals and insects we are beginning to see. We were particularly interested in learning about farm animals like the cow and all the products linked to cow’s milk. We learned about the different celebrations in March and April like La Saint Patrick & Pâques (Easter) and what people do to celebrate in different countries. We read books related to our topic and for each book studied the students very studiously worked on reading comprehension worksheets. The students also learned a new song (video hereunder).

Our song for the Printemps: Dans mon Verger


Back to school in March, together with our characters from the method ZigZag and some reading books, we spoke about sports they can practice at school or as a hobby. With the Gymnastic, we studied more in details the different parts of the body and some verbs of movement. They also enjoyed playing « Jacques a dit… » (“Simon says…”) as well as learning and miming the song « Vous savez faire du ski ?» (“Do you know how to ski”). It was also during this period that we learned how to locate things and people (how to say “next to”, “in front of” etc.) and started learning how to recognize the plural form in sentences. With the beginning of Springtime, they learned a song (see video) and expanded their vocabulary through exercises and did lovely cards for Easter. All activities allowed children to develop the four skills of the language (listening/speaking/reading/writing). In May, we will start the last school period by speaking about clothes and family.


Durant cette quatrième période, nous avons approfondi les apprentissages de la langue française en grammaire et en orthographe.

Topic – French

This term our IPC French topic was linked to the whole school ‘Green Garden Project’ which we started in early spring. We read books related to growing plants/vegetables/fruits from seeds. We made posters and presented the topics to our friends while learning new vocabulary in French. We listened to different bird songs and how there are so many different sounds. We also learned two new songs all about spring and regrowth/revival.

Ils ont appris la chanson “La vie c’est comme un jardin” des Enfantastiques:

Golden Time

Walnut and Birch class work extremely hard during the week and work towards having time were they can choose something to do. This can be something creative, active or just fun!


This term, we have learnt new gross motor skills and applied them to a range of different sporting activities. We have taken part in structured sessions as well as cycled in the forest.

Forest Exploration

We have explored, played, investigated and learnt new things during our time in the forest.

Cedar Class, Blog 4, 2022-2023


Cedar finished reading The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. The class held a debate on the character of Dr Jekyll, one side arguing that he is a sympathetic character and the other taking the opposing view. In pairs, they produced artwork depicting the book and presented projects based around the developments in art and science during the Victorian era, from psychology and criminology to the highly stylised manners and dress of the period, the literature and the appeal of the Gothic.

French (Intermediate Group with Christine)

During these last two months, Food and Television (stars and games) were our main topics. They gave them the opportunity to develop even more their oral expression which represented an important part of each lesson. Through these topics, they had to express their tastes, present a recipe of one typical meal of their country, present their favorite star, and present the job they would like to do later. Aside from this, we continued our Monday activity where each child has to speak about its weekend, answer and ask questions. All this developed oral interactions in French between them. Learning a poem and saying it in front of the others also had a part in this process of learning vocabulary and gaining confidence in speaking French in front of the others. Although the oral expression had an important part in this school period, children also had to work on grammar, verbs, the past tense, quantities, through written exercises to train them in building grammatically correct French sentences. In the last following months, we will work on the topics of Health and Jobs.

French (Advanced Group with Marie)

Cette quatrième période a été principalement consacrée à la mythologie grecque. En effet, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour de cette thématique :

en grammaire: les natures et les fonctions des mots, les compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière)

en conjugaison: le futur simple et le plus que parfait (avec révision du passé composé)

en orthographe: le champ lexical, les familles de mots, les homophones grammaticaux, les mots invariables

en mémorisation: 2 poésies ont été apprises et récitées

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec lecture du livre l’Odyssée d’Homère puis différentes fiches de lecture.

2 dictées et 2 évaluations ont eu lieu pendant cette 4ème période.

French IMYC

We have had a very busy spring term full of different themes to explore. There were two very important topics that we discussed : Journée Internationale de la Femme on the 8/03 and Journée Internationale de la Francophonie on the 20/03. We had some very interesting discussions and debates around gender stereotypes; the pay gap between men & women in countries around the world and the students created posters around these issues. We found out some interesting facts about the French language and how many millions of people around the world speak it daily.

Cedar class joined up with Oaks and Elms for the last few classes of the term where they learned about different types of flour and how flour is milled. They tried grinding the grain using a traditional method (mortar & pestle) and then they used a grain mill and saw how much easier this method was. Three teams then made three types of ‘pain fait maison’ which the students got to eat on the last day of this term with their special lunch ‘fait maison’ too.

All three classes learned a new song celebrating spring: “La vie c’est comme un jardin” des Enfantastiques:


Cedar continued their study of Africa, presenting a country of their choice to the class. The class aimed to identlfy each country in the continent on a blank map, as well as to know the capital cities. Linking with the school Garden Project and the study of soil, the class looked at the issue of desertification around the world, its causes and what is being done to combat the problem. As a starting point, the class learnt about the devastation of the American Dustbowl in the 1930s and its causes, natural and man-made.


During this term the Cedar class began to look at the rise of dictatorships in Europe, focusing on Nazi Germany. The students looked at the Weimar Republic and at the ways in which Adolf Hitler managed to rise to the power in 1933. While focusing on this topic, the Cedar class continued to practice GCSE-style questions, working on paragraph structure and analytical writing.

While looking at the rise of Nazi regime in Germany, the Cedar class began to work on a project focusing on the experience of Jewish communities in France before and during World War Two. Within this project, the Cedar class had the opportunity of visiting the Jewish Museum of Paris, the neighbourhood of the Marais and the Shoah Memorial. 


During this term the Cedar class practiced drawing and painting to create the backdrops for their drama performance drawn on Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap”. By looking at the different ways in which the play was brought on stage in the past, the Cedar students designed different backdrops aiming to recreate the sitting room of a 1950s manor house in the London area.

Creative Writing Workshop and ICT

This term the Cedar class worked on an integrated project that brought together creative writing workshops and ICT lessons. The Cedar students worked on the description of a setting, using pictures of natural landscapes as stimuli. By drawing on the chosen natural setting, the Cedar students developed a GCSE-style piece of narrative writing, developing a 500-700 words story that would include narrative conventions and would build a balanced plot. 

During ICT lessons, each student transferred their own story into a storyboard, by using the programming language “Scratch”. While doing that, the Cedar students were able to recreate digitally the actions and the descriptions embedded in the story, working on the sounds, the images and the graphics needed to develop an animated storyboard. 

Global Perspectives

During this term the Cedar class continued to work on the project “Europe in Schools” through which they will be able to put together a short documentary on migrations and to share it with a partner school in the Netherlands. The Cedar students looked at social research methods, learning how to create an interview questionnaire that could answer to their research question. As the class’s research is focusing on the experiences of foreigners settling in France, the students started to conduct interviews with staff members and parents to gather data about the topic under study. 

The Cedar class – along with the Elm students – participated also in a webinar conducted by Adeline Barras, the project manager of the Belgian association “Hearth”. As this association aims to find solutions to local food waste, the students had the possibility of looking at the ways in which people in the food industry try to prevent food waste on a regular basis.


Cedar class this term worked out about different concepts in physics , they learned about speed and the quantitative relationship between average speed, distance and time (speed = distance ÷ time), the representation of a journey on a distance-time graph and relative motion: trains and cars passing one another.

They learned about static electricity where they experienced the positive and negative charges when objects are rubbed together:transfer of electrons, forces between charged objects. As well as the idea of electric field, forces acting across the space between objects not in contact


During this term, Cedar Class practiced solving linear equations and then used gained knowledge while solving geometric problems where sides and angles were expressed algebraicly. Cedar students also dived into the quadratic equations and practiced using the quadratic formula while solving them. Linked to our Green Garden Project and D&T workshops we created and solved ratio, percentage increase and decrease, volume, area and perimeter gardening and farming problems

D and T

Planted runner beans,

In an old and cracked rainboots.

We are sure they will have some strong,

healthy roots.

Collected some stinging nettles,

And conjured our own plant food fertilizer.

No need to go to the Jardiland, parents.

We have a solution that is wiser.

Explorer Pythagoras,

Fibonacci and Newton,

Still plenty to go through,

Will start with Darwin’s evolution.

Found Mathematics present all around us in nature.

On the house of the snail or the beautiful sunflower.

Better start designing that

rain water collecting tower.

Compost box, windchime, 

wormery and the birdfeeder.

Observed how seeds are growing

and my fingers get greener.

Trellis for the runner beans

and horse manure for potato.

Just wonder of Mona Lisa

knew about that Golden Ratio.

Green and brown for our compost box,

Apparently it is all about the balance of Nitrogen and Carbon,

Something important

like a pair of socks.

Types of soils

and different climates,

Greenhouse effect.

Ohhh no, I have cut my finger,  not a big deal,

But I better wash it well and disinfect.

We are off on our holiday,

But plants shall continue to grow.

Automated watering system,

Will look after them,

And it should be quite easy,

Cos we planted those plants in a row.

Drama Workshop

During this term the Cedar class concluded their work on a scene drawn on Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap”. After having edited the script, tailoring it to the characteristics of the audience and of the actors’ crew, the Cedar students worked on their own characters, studying them, and rehearsing their performances. At the end of the term, the Cedar students performed their scene in front of middle school students, adding backdrops, props, and costumes to their performance.

Elm Class, Blog 4, 2022-2023


Elm class worked on an Elements of Drama unit this term, looking at how plays are written and presented and how playwrights direct their work through stage directions. The class read excerpts from plays and reflected on the purpose of instructions and what they added to the play’s meaning. We read the first Act of Our Day Out by Willy Russell, about a group of deprived children in Liverpool who go on a school trip to Wales. The class focused on the importance of tone of voice and how the manner of saying words can profoundly affect meaning.

The class were lucky to have a debating workshop run by class parent Annabelle Roberts (Oscar’s mother) who trains business people  in the art public speaking. The class was split into two groups and debated the motion This House Believes that Zoos should be banned.

In the spirit of research, Elm enjoyed a bowl of Shreddies, the breakfast cereal eaten by young boy Ted, the main character in The London Eye Mystery.

French (Beginners Group with Joanna)

Learning a new language can definitely be more fun than one thinks. This term we worked a lot on what can be a rather daunting theme: telling time in French. We chose to make it more fun to learn by working in pairs and asking each other questions and also playing educational games to make the task less daunting. We also watched a report on the daily schedule of students in a French school and we were able to see the differences / comparisons with our school. The students learned and presented their Poésies de Printemps (filmed hereunder) and we also celebrated La Saint Patrick and learned how we celebrate Pâques (Easter) in France. The last day of term all three French classes got together to make their own ‘déjeuner fait maison’ including healthy starters, pizzas and cakes. We read instructions & recipes in French and had a déjeuner gastronomique all together.

French (Intermediate Group with Christine)

During these last two months, Food and Television (which included the other topics of stars and games) were our main topics. They gave them the opportunity to develop even more their oral expression which represented an important part of each lesson. Through these topics, they had to express their tastes, present a recipe of one typical meal of their country, present their favorite star, and present the job they would like to do later. Aside from this, we continued our Monday activity where each child has to speak about its weekend, answer and ask questions. All this developed oral interactions in French between them. Learning a poem and saying it in front of the others also had a part in this process of learning vocabulary and gaining confidence in speaking French in front of the others. Although the oral expression had an important part in this school period, children also had to work on grammar, verbs, the past tense, quantities, through written exercises to train them in building grammatically correct French sentences. In the last following months, we will work on the topics of Health and Jobs.

French (Advanced Group with Marie)

Cette quatrième période a été principalement consacrée à la mythologie grecque. En effet, les élèves ont continué d’intégrer les notions de français en articulant leurs apprentissages autour de cette thématique :

en grammaire: les natures et les fonctions des mots, les compléments de phrases (lieu, temps, manière)

en conjugaison: le futur simple et le plus que parfait (avec révision du passé composé)

en orthographe: le champ lexical, les familles de mots, les homophones grammaticaux, les mots invariables

en mémorisation: 2 poésies ont été apprises et récitées

en littérature: la mythologie grecque avec lecture du livre l’Odyssée d’Homère puis différentes fiches de lecture.

2 dictées et 2 évaluations ont eu lieu pendant cette 4ème période.

French IPC

Cette période a été consacrée aux origines des céréales. En effet, les enfants ont étudié la manière dont elles ont évolué et voyagé au fil des ans.

Après avoir vu l’émission “C’est pas sorcier: du blé au pain”, les enfants ont répondu à un questionnaire puis ils ont produit leur propre farine à partir des grains de blé à l’aide de mortiers et de tamis:

Puis, ils ont fait leur propre pain:

Après avoir pétri la pâte, les enfants ont formé des “miches de pain”:

Et voilà le résultat:

Nous avons aussi abordé différents thèmes tels que la journée de la femme (8 mars) et la Saint Patrick.

Pour le dernier jour d’école, les enfants ont préparé leur repas (entrée salade de tomates concombres, plats pizza et desserts gâteau au chocolat et quatre quart aux pommes):


Geography this term focused on the world’s biomes and their characteristics. As part of the Garden Project the class also studied soil, what it is and why it is so crucially important to life on earth. The class experimented with soil from the school grounds, determining that it is predominantly clay with a proportion of sand. They conducted experiments to demonstrate the role of plants in soil preservation, showing how roots hold soil in place and prevent it being carried off by water or wind.


Over the course of this term the Elm class looked at the idea of “Renaissance prince”, exploring the life and the deeds of two important rulers like Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England. The Elm students began also to look more in depth at the reign of Henry VIII, exploring links of cause and consequence in relation to the Break with Rome. By working in different groups, the students carried out research on some of the most relevant advisors of Henry VIII: Thomas More, Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Wolsey, and Thomas Cromwell. At the end of the term, each group presented their own research to the rest of the class.


During this term the Elm class looked at the abstract art of the painter Wassily Kandinsky. Students looked at colour theory, exploring how different colours could convey different emotions. By drawing on Kandinsky’s work, each Elm students worked on a grid composition of concentric shapes, creating different gradients of colours to paint the shapes that they created. As students work on a small canvas, they focused on the drawing of shapes and on the texture and effects created by different colours.

Creative Writing Workshop

During this term the Elm students worked on a story in which a garden should be the chosen setting. Each student created an animal character, working on descriptive language to look at the attitude and the physical appearance of their own character. The Elm students drafted, edited, and proofread their story, giving feedback to each other’s stories at the end of each session. At the end of the term, each student presented the story created to rest of class, explaining the rationale behind the description of setting and the creation of the main character.

Global Perspectives

During this term the Elm class explored the problems and the issues related to food production and food shortage. By drawing on national and global perspectives, students worked in different groups and carried out a different piece of research related to food production and food waste. Each group worked on a different topic – import and export of food, countries with high food shortage, gaps between production and consumption of food and ways to prevent food shortage – presenting their work at the end of the term.

The Elm class – along with the Cedar students – participated also in a webinar conducted by Adeline Barras, the project manager of the Belgian association “Hearth Project”. As this association aims to find solutions to local food waste, the students had the possibility of looking at the ways in which people in the food industry try to prevent food waste on a regular basis.


Elm students get the opportunity to explore the forces as pushes or pulls, arising from the interaction between 2 objects, used force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in 1 dimension, balanced and unbalanced forces. they studied the forces associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing – springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things out of the way; resistance to motion of air and waters as well as forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as force is changed.

They discovered non-contact forces: gravity forces acting at a distance on Earth and in space, forces between magnets, and forces due to static electricity and how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including the accumulation of toxic materials.

Elm experienced the effect of greenhouses gases on the global warming through many experiences and how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including the accumulation of toxic materials.


Elms worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then probed further into algebra while finding solutions to some complex equations. Elms also worked on calculating the percentage of amounts and then solved percentage increase and decrease word problems.

D and T

Planted runner beans,

In an old and cracked rainboots.

We are sure they will have some strong,

healthy roots.

Collected some stinging nettles,

And conjured our own plant food fertilizer.

No need to go to the Jardiland, parents.

We have a solution that is wiser.

Explorer Pythagoras,

Fibonacci and Newton,

Still plenty to go through,

Will start with Darwin’s evolution.

Found Mathematics present all around us in nature.

On the house of the snail or the beautiful sunflower.

Better start designing that

rain water collecting tower.

Compost box, windchime, 

wormery and the birdfeeder.

Observed how seeds are growing

and my fingers get greener.

Trellis for the runner beans

and horse manure for potato.

Just wonder of Mona Lisa

knew about that Golden Ratio.

Green and brown for our compost box,

Apparently it is all about the balance of Nitrogen and Carbon,

Something important

like a pair of socks.

Types of soils

and different climates,

Greenhouse effect.

Ohhh no, I have cut my finger,  not a big deal,

But I better wash it well and disinfect.

We are off on our holiday,

But plants shall continue to grow.

Automated watering system,

Will look after them,

And it should be quite easy,

Cos we planted those plants in a row.

Thomas Edison Muckers

Team: Fantastic Four Hydrator v2023

For Our Thomas Edison Pitch,

Our creative skills were put to the test.

We were just wondering what Nikola Tesla ,

Would have had to say about that. 

Machine to make water out of thin air,

How crazy is that?

But Incas and Mayans were right,

About that. 

Fog curtains & other contraptions, 

Were used long time ago.

It is all about the condensation,

 At least we think so. 

Fish tank pump and some copper tubing,

 A bit of duct tape and plenty of ice.

Run that water through the system,

And you will have some condensed water formed on the surface instead. 

Gigantic solar panels

and ginormous Peltier Device,

Should solve the world water shortage ,

And it will be more than just nice. 

We travelled to Egypt ,

On our pretend survival camping trip.

Didn’t bring water but learnt a lot and were creative,

And managed to condense some water instead.

Team: WOOFGANGAnimal food dispenser 2000

Where is my cat food???We are going away!!!

We’ve earn our holiday!!! Did you feed the dog?

 What about the cat? Don’t know what has happened to me ,

But I just don’t remember that. 

No need to worry, Your pets are in good hands.

Automatic pet food dispenser, Will surely take care of that. 

A bit of SCRATCH and LEGO Mindstorm EV3.

Our software will scan their collar, And will carefully analyse.

 And if your cat has a diabetes, It will get his or hers special type food,

So please don’t be surprised.

Drama Workshop

During this term the Elm students practiced script writing. By working in small groups, the students developed a script for a short scene, working on different scenarios and focusing on characters’ lines and stage directions. At the end of term, each group performed in front of the rest of the class, explaining their own rationale behind stage directions, movements on stage and the use of props and space.