Our Topic for this term was ‘Stories People Tell: Myths, Legends and Fables’. The children learnt about myths, legends and fables. We looked closely at different myths and legends as well as stories told and celebrated in countries from around the world. The class enjoyed finding out how people in the past were represented in stories. We did this through reading fables and traditional tales.

Let’s tell a story!
This term, in Literacy, the children have been learning about Myths and Legends. We looked closely at the Myths and Legends from Ancient Greece. Starting our reading journey by exploring a range of different stories that included beasts and gods.

Then we looked closely at the features used within this genre of writing as well as the message it was trying to convey. The children enjoyed exploring new and exciting creatures that appeared which gave them an idea to include this in their own writing.

Once we had an understanding of what is needed to create an effective character description we then planned and wrote our own. Applying our knowledge and understanding of the stages taken to write a Myth or Legend we planned and wrote our own. Although before we begin to write anything we have learned that it is important to have a great plan.

Walnut class have continued to develop their writing skills through the use of using supportive materials, such as Dictionaries and Thesaurus’. This has supported the children in their knowledge and understanding of the use and meaning of words.

We continued to develop our writing skills by exploring recounts. First, we read a mixture of ‘good recounts’ examples and noted the features used. Then, we identified the questions that are asked to ensure that a recount provides the whole story of what has happened. To do this we read a ‘model’ recount example and highlighted sections that would help us to answer these questions.

Using the information we had found we applied this to joining our notes together which enabled us to construct sentences that retold what had happened on a given day.
This term, we have also worked on developing our handwriting skills. The class have learnt new cursive writing as well as practised using previously taught ones.

Ranging Readers!
As part of our whole school program, the children of Walnut class have taken it in turns to read to Maple which has encouraged them to develop their reading skills as well as interact with different children from around the school.

Amazing Artist!
As part of our learning journey this term we have closely looked at the Art produced in the time of the Ancient Greeks. Beginning by looking at the art found on pottery.
We discussed the types of images and colours found on a mixture of different pottery from this time period and compared it to pottery we have seen in today’s world. The children were then set the challenge of creating their own versions. First taking the time to carefully plan and design them based on pictures they had seen.

The class then took part in a clay workshop moulding and creating their pottery. The children thought of new inventive ways when recreating their designs onto the pottery.

The children then decorated their pottery in the colours that would have been used back in Ancient Greece. They took their time to layer the colours one by one.
Super Statues!
The children continued to explore Ancient Greek expressions by creating their own statues. The class viewed and discussed different types of statues from this time period and then decided the type of statues they wanted to create. The class chose an early Greek style of statues that were very similar to the Egyptian style.

The trials of Hercules

As part of our IPC topic, the children have been learning about the trials of Hercules. We have been reading a range of different stories that detail his adventures. From this, we were set the challenge of creating our story/cartoon about Hercules.
Marvellous Maths
The Walnut class have been learning to divide one and two-digit numbers by two, three, four, five, eight and ten. They have also been learning to represent data using tally marks, pictograms, block diagrams, bar charts and tables.

Science of Light
In science, the Walnut class have been learning to understand shadows, reflections, the visible light spectrum and the way our eyes work.

Design and Technology workshops

Brilliant Birch and Wonderful Walnuts on their construction journey. We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own FISP Book Swap Box. We measured, estimated and solved real-life problems and most importantly supported each other on our challenging carpentry mission. The children realised how important it is to measure and remeasure and now know that only when certain we should cut.

Young designers and engineers learnt how to use a distance measuring wheel, string, rulers, measuring tape and their bodies in order to measure the different distances. Birch and Walnuts also practised drawing nearly perfect circles whilst using a string, pencil and a stick with the centimetre scale.

Fantastic work, Birch and Walnuts! You are our Design and Technology Dream Team.
Groovy Geography

The children of Birch and Walnut have been learning about the different countries found in Europe. Once they had located them on the map they were asked to label and colour them. We took our learning further by researching the capital cities of chosen countries.
Forest Fun!
This term, we have explored different parts of the forest. We have gone deeper into the woods to find new routes and revisited old ones. We took part in challenges to build small houses and transport large logs from one area of the forest to another.

The children made some wonderful discoveries in the forest this term. We discovered structures that were pre-built as well as ones that had fallen into disrepair.

Playful playtime

Children from different classes in the school were given the opportunity to interact and play. They created games, imaginary places, stories, songs and much more.

The children of Birch and Walnut classes also applied their role-play skills to create their own pop-up Burger Restaurant on the playground! This led to some amazing pieces of writing.

Fabulous French!
Take a look at all the fantastic things we have been up to this term in French.
Interesting IPC French!
Take a look at all the amazing things we have been up to in IPC French.