Walnut Class Term 5 2021/22

This term Walnut class has taken its learning outside. We have applied our skills to a range of different activities. This has enabled us to develop our critical thinking and well as our problem solving skills.

Loud Literacy

Walnut children have applied their knowledge and understanding of sentence structure, grammar and punctation to narrative writing.

We listened to soundscapes of a busy city and using them to describe what it would feel like to walk through it.

We discussed what our senses might be experiencing if we were walking through the city, what we could hear, see, smell, touch. After creating word banks we then applied this vocabulary to our writing.

We then applied our knowledge of the past, present and future tense verbs to a sorting activity. From this we were set the challenge of writing our own sentences.

We took our writing outside and with the view of Paris we were set the challenge of writing a setting description using the amazing view as a stimulus.

Exploring and extending our descriptive vocabulary, we took out bikes in the forest. This enabled use to explore the local environment as well as vocalise what we had experienced.

Ravenous Readers

This term we have continued to take our reading to the next level. We have explored a range of different genres. This has helped us to develop our vocabulary as well as our writing.

Show and Tell

As part of our learning journey this term we have used show and tell to develop our speaking and listening skills. This has helped us to further develop our spoken vocabulary, enabled us to talk about something we are interested in.

Magical Mathematics

In Maths, we started the term 5 as we finished the last one: with fractions. But this time we went a bit deeper:  calculating and identifying equivalent fractions and solving word problems that involve them.

We further developed the concepts of measurement in length and height. Also, we learnt how to interpret a range of scales for measuring mass and capacity. We refined our ability to measure length in centimeters, meters and millimeters, and applied this in a variety of contexts by using measuring tools including rulers and measuring tape.

Furthermore, we learnt facts about time, compare and order time intervals and tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest five minutes. We then took this learning outside.

Walnut class also learnt to use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including motion in a straight line. We learnt to distinguish between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. 

Serious Scientists

This term, we learned about rocks and fossils. We became geologists as we explored a variety of rocks and described them. We then classified rocks based on their mode of formation – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

We had a ball using chewy sweets to model the rock cycle.

It is incredibly important to find links between our learning and our environment. So, we trawled the school for rocks being used and linked their uses to their properties. Why do we use slate for roofs? Why do we write with chalk?

Then, we investigated fossils. We learned about the different ways that fossils can be formed. We also had the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs of our choice and how paleontologists came to know so much about them. Next, we had a go at creating our very own replacement and trace pseudo-fossils using plaster of Paris and clay respectively. It was fun stamping our 3D- printed dinosaur footprints into clay.

There is soil all around us: in our gardens, in the forest, at the beach, even in my car! We learned about three types of soils and how their permeability varies.

We then explored the soil profile and created our very own soil profile jars using natural materials within our local environment.

From the start of this theme, we had weekly questions about studying gems and we did answer them all!

We learned about geodes and created our very own ones in eggshells. Does anyone need a shimmering Epsom salt geode for an engagement ring?

The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic judging by their enthusiasm – bringing in rocks that they found and attempting to name them, even creating their own trace fossils using mud in the forest. Walnut rocks!

Super Swimmers!

This term, we continued to develop our swimming skills and became more confident in the water. We learnt new games, how to stay safe as well as different swimming techniques.

Crazy for Capoeira!

This term Walnut class took part in Capoeira workshops, they were taught the art of this amazing fight dancing. This encouraged the class to move their bodies in ways they had not before.

In pairs the class practiced their moves as they learnt how to control their bodies when using these new moves.

Pony Camp

This term Birch and Walnut took a trip to a Pony Camp. This was the first time for some spending a few days away from home. The children were amazing! they learnt new skills, made new friends and developed their independence.

First, we met at the train station and all got ready to take our long trip. It was a fun journey as we played games and spoke with friends. We couldn’t wait to arrive at our camp!

When we arrived we took part in a welcome presentation where we learnt about the different types of activities we would be taking part in over the next couple of days. We also learnt about the different types of ponies that live at the camp.

We learnt how to care for the ponies as well as all the important safety rules that needed to be followed when working with the ponies.

We also had great fun in our down time we played games, football and run outs. It was so much fun!

Superstar Singers!

During Music workshops this term the class learnt a range of new songs both in English and in French. In groups they broke off into small chorus to experiment with rhythm and tempo.

Dizzy Design Technology!

In Design and Technology projects, Walnut children have had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques while completing our FISP Book swap Box. The children were always eager to get on with the project straight away and demonstrated precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw and now know how to use them safely. We investigated with the different electric components, discussed their role and then constructed various electric circuits. We disassembled old phones and computers and used the components while creating our own Recycled Eiffel Towel. Linked to our “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” theme in IPC, we constructed our own drawing robot out of recycled materials that created one of the masterpieces that was displayed on the art auction. Birch Class also designed their own buzzing-drawing robot and it was keen to add its own finishing touches to the painting. What a Fantastic Year Walnut Design Team. You have learnt so many new skills and thoroughly enjoyed working collaboratively on ‘Stick Man’, ‘Insect Hotel’, ‘Mathematical Christmas tree’, ‘Drawing robot’, ‘Wooden toys’ and ‘FISP Book swap box’ projects and I am very proud of your achievements.

Sporting Super Stars!

In PE we played so many new games such as “polis y cacos”, “spyder”, “el pañuelo” or “el pistolero”. We learnt the importance of playing and competing as a team and that no matter the result, the point is to have fun and always try your best.

Birch and Walnut classes took part in Sports workshops were they were able to develop their fine and gross motor skills. They took part in a number of team building games.

We tested out our sporting abilities when we took part in the whole school sports day. We worked in teams to achieve the best possible scores! Well done to you all!

We created signs to help cheer on our teams.

Fabulous French!

IPC French

Take a look at all the amazing things we learnt about in our IPC French classes.

Summer Fete!

What an amazing day we had at our summer fete! The whole school took part in an amazing performance in the forest.

What great fun was had by all! It was a fantastic way to celebrate the school as well as everyone’s achievements.

Chestnut and Willow class – Term 4 – 2021-2022

Our topic this term has been Sensational. As winter has drawn to a close and the sunshine has returned, perhaps Spring is the best season to explore the five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Nature reawakens and the forest becomes alive again after lying dormant for several months.

We kicked off the term with a project called Grow Wild, we also started Capoeira classes and continued baking our own biscuits. We’ve celebrated pancake day and Easter and we have grown in confidence to climb, jump and explore. We will be finishing the term with a visit by writer Anjali Morard author of “Fortnum’s Night Out” to celebrate World Book Day.

Grow wild

For this project we grew our own plants from seeds to watch them germinate and grow. We did this by cutting up a variety of different tomatoes of various colours, shapes and sizes and one red pepper to see what was inside. Once we cut them open, we discovered they each had seeds some big, some small, some covered in a gelatinous mixture. We then planted the seeds into individual pots and trays to see if they would grow. We also tried the tomatoes and pepper to see what they tasted like. After a week we saw tiny green shoots popping up from the soil. Each child can now take their plants home to grow on and hopefully eat homegrown fresh tomatoes and peppers throughout the Summer and Autumn.


We’ve started weekly Capoeira classes (a martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music) and have focused on the instruments, the sounds and movement of Capoeira. We have listened to songs and played a vast array of traditional instruments. We’ve looked at rhythm and beats and experimented by making lots of noise and then playing softly.

Art, Crafts and Activities

For those in the class learning the names of colours we’ve used paints, pastels and crayons to help remember the names. We have practised cutting with scissors, gluing, drawing and painting.

We have also focused on improving our dexterity by completing activities that challenge us.

Pancake day and Easter

At the beginning of the term we celebrated pancake day with the whole school by eating tasty pancakes full of jam and for Easter we went on our first Easter egg hunt. We had to follow the clues which had been left by the Easter bunny around the school grounds ending up in the Orchard where the Easter bunny had helpfully scattered a number of chocolate eggs around the pear trees.


We have continued baking our own biscuits which has been a great learning experience. We take turns to mix the biscuit dough and once it’s chilled we roll it out and use biscuit cutters to cut out our shapes. It’s something to look forward to after a nap to eat freshly baked biscuits. Sometimes we have been able to have our afternoon snack on the picnic table in the garden which is a nice way to end the day.

Forest exploration

As the weather has improved we’ve been able to sit in the forest or Orchard for story time and songs. We’ve drawn shapes on the forest floor and looked at all the different shapes around us.

We’ve been able to improve our mobility this term by increasing our confidence in climbing, jumping, balancing and running. We’ve found some great tree stumps which have been perfect for learning to climb and more importantly learning to safely get down by ourselves. We’ve used felled logs to balance and climb along and the large craters with steep sides offer the perfect challenge to climb up and out. These craters are also full of fallen leaves which has created a great play area.

We’ve stopped and listened to the birds, watched the spiders, bugs and worms and when the weather has turned wet and miserable we’ve seized the opportunity to jump into every puddle we can find.

These have been just some of the highlights from our term and we look forward to having more fun after the spring holidays.

Next term our theme will be Treasure Island and we hope to visit the Aquarium in Paris. The date for this is to be confirmed and on a final note below are some important dates for the final term of the year. Bonnes vacances!

May 18– Photo day

May 20 – International day

May 26 – Ascension Bank Holiday

Jun 6 – Pentecote Bank Holiday

Jun 24- Reports out

Jun 26 – Summer Fête / Art Auction

Jun 27 – Jul 1 – Parent Teacher Meetings

Jul 1 – Sports day

Jul 6 – Last Day of School

Maple class Term 4, 2021 / 2022

Spring has arrived at Forest International School of Paris and Maple class was ready to go out and explore the many ways in which new life starts during this season.

We went to the orchid to make daisy chains and met Gringo the horse. We planted flowers at the school and helped prepared the vegetable patch. In class we planted and with patience watered our sunflowers seeds, seeing them grow into small plants ready for our garden.  We painted our own spring garden patches and created 3 D flowers from waste materials, using all of this to make a large new display in the entrance area to the school. Come and have a look, we hope you will like it as much it as we do and find it inspiring!

Maples loves math and seeing how we can use this is our everyday lives around us. Whether this is through observation of patterns and shapes and identifying them in the world around us or finding out for ourselves how math’s impact us practically daily, from mixing green cookie dough for St Patrick’s day to addition by one to celebrate our next birthday. Playing with the number mats continues to be one of our favourite activities as it is so easy to take what we have been learning inside class to the outside. This term we focused a lot on skip counting, encouraged by one of the books we read, Eggs and legs. Building of puzzles continues to be a daily part of our routine. Some of the benefits of building puzzles are learning about the concept of a “whole” and that each piece is a fraction of the bigger picture. It also helps develop skills such as shape recognition, concentration, goal setting, patience, and a sense of achievement. Two new areas for focus for Maples during this term was starting to tell the time by the hour on the clock face and learning about the four seasons in a year. We will continue to explore these two areas into more depth in the next term.

A key part of literacy is our daily interaction with books. We just love reading books, learning new stories, and sharing the treasures of old stories. Maples are very creative and always looking for ways to interact and act out stories we have read. This term they choose the book After the fall by Dan Santat to explore in more depth and use for our book to represent by an art project. This book tells the story of what happens to Humpy Dumpty after he had the fall. It explains why he fell and the first place and how through perseverance he achieved what he really aspired to. A truly uplifting ending for an old nursery rhyme. Making it both inspiring and fresh. We continue learning our first sight words and some of has started our journey on independent reading. Congratulations maples! Reading books aloud to children are very important as it stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them to develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. Reading at an early age is very important to learn to understand and use language to express our ideas, thoughts, and feelings, and to communicate to others.

With a new season arriving, arrived the opportunity to explore the orchard and forest in different ways. This term we did a lot of races, balancing, climbing, rope jumping and other physical exercise while on our daily outings into the forest or orchid.

Oak Class, Term 4, 2021- 2022


This term Oak worked hard on their language skills, with a particular emphasis on vocabulary and reading comprehension. The class also enjoyed reading and analysing character descriptions, the highlight of which was Roald Dahl’s outrageous Miss Trunchbull, contrasted with the sweet and gentle Miss Honey. The class also read descriptions of Jo from Bleak House, and of the distinctive features of Harry Potter. Oak then wrote their own character descriptions, some based on real people and others entirely imaginary.

The class also wrote instruction texts, giving simple clear instructions, using the imperative tense.

They also honed their presentation skills with a weekly show and tell.



During term 4, Oak continued to learn about cultural traditions in Spanish-speaking countries and applied their knowledge through different hands-on activities. They developed their language skills and explored various topics such as school, telling the time and numbers.

As part of the Mardi Gras celebrations, the Spanish class had a Carnival lesson in which they applied the key words into a diagram and made a carnival mask, which they proudly displayed while eating pancakes.  The class read an article about Spring, answered some comprehension questions and sang a rhyme about flowers. They also discovered the ´Isla de Pascua´ or Easter Island, its location, history and main facts. Students reviewed vocabulary about Easter, painted Easter eggs on cardboard paper and decorated them with pasta.

The class learnt the vocabulary of school materials, what they have in their pencil cases, in written and spoken form. They showed their friends parts of the school, for example classrooms, the lunch room and the swimming pool; through a game they also learned about using prepositions of place such as “in front”, “at the back” and how to indicate places using “left” and “right”. As a final activity, they constructed phrases on how to locate parts of the school. Moreover, they observed how school subjects in English and Spanish are written in a similar way, identified them and chose their favourites. They learned about telling the time, drew a clock and asked “What time is it?” and answered the question. They reviewed the days of the week by singing a song. Students revised numbers 1 to 20 and played a game which helped them to practise their writing and speaking skills.

This term Oak showed more confidence in their learning; they are increasing their listening and speaking abilities every day. Well done Oaks, keep up the good work.


In Algebra: Expressions /Formulae/ System of equations

We worked on simplifying algebraic expressions, used simple formulae and wrote formulae from the problem to identify how they could be applied in real life. We worked on solving problems while substituting specific values into expressions and formulae and then some of us probed further into algebra while finding solutions for the systems of equations.


During this unit we studied how to solve different measurement and ratio problems and practised applying gained knowledge to real-life problems during our ”Food Revolution” project.


This term, the children have been learning about how matter is made up of small particles. They have been learning about the distance between those particles which determine whether or not they are classed as a solid, liquid or gas. We have carried out a number of investigations to test what happens when a solid turns into a liquid as well as what happens when a liquid turns into a gas. By doing this we have thought of different ways in which we could test, fairly, our own hypotheses.

As we learnt more about the different particles found within solids, liquids and gases, the class was asked to demonstrate what they would look like in different matter. We achieved this by ​working as a group using our bodies. 


Oak learnt about one of France’s most iconic figures, Napoleon Bonaparte, an Emperor who emerged out of the French Revolution. Widely viewed as one of the greatest generals in military history, Oak learnt about his origins in Corsica and his ascent to a prominence that would not have been possible in a pre-revolutionary era. They learnt about his rise and eventual fall, an extraordinary man who claimed in his memoirs that everything he did was in the name of France and the Revolution after having demonstrated a single-minded pursuit of personal power. Oak also researched his fascinating first wife Josephine, who grew up in faraway Martinique on a sugar plantation and arrived in Paris as an unsophisticated girl of 15, a great disappointment to her new husband Alexandre de Beauharnais, who considered her provincial and uneducated. The class learnt that Josephine narrowly escaped the guillotine (unlike her first husband) and went on to become the darling of Parisian society before marrying the rough mannered young Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte who would make her Empress of the French.

Oak and Elm visited the Chateau de Malmaison, the home purchased by Josephine while her husband was away fighting his Egyptian campaign and which he gave to her after their divorce in 1809. The house is filled with artefacts and possessions and family portraits that bring a tangible human element to the historic lives of these two extraordinary people.

Visit to the Chateau de Malmaison


Oak continued to work on maps; mind maps, sketch maps and grid maps. They drew mental maps of the areas in which they live. They drew sketch maps based on a photo, then studied the same map drawn to scale and then presented with a grid. They learnt that maps require a title, a frame, a scale and a key. They learnt about the symbols used to represent features on a map, provided in the key.


Oaks had a challenging and productive term in which they applied their computing skills to different hardware and software. They developed their problem-solving and logical skills, as well as communication and teamwork. As we know, computers and especially robots don’t always work as we want them to, so pupils had to use their social and emotional skills to complete their projects.


The students who worked with the micro:bit developed several programs in a software called MakeCode. They made projects on animated animals, flashing emotions, name badge, just to name a few. The ‘Dice’ program used the micro:bit accelerometer so that when you shake it, the program selects a random number between 1 and 6 and shows it on the LED display. The ‘Sunlight sensor’ program used an “if…else” statement to show the sun image only if the light level is greater than (>) a certain level. The ‘Counter’ program used a variable called ‘count’ to keep track of the number you are counting. It sets the variable to 0 at the start. Every time you press button B, it increases the count variable by 1 and shows it on the LED display.

By the end of term, students had chosen two projects designed to explore technology as a solution to the challenges of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The projects were ‘Saving Sea Turtles’ and ‘Light up fishing nets’. The first one could be used at ground level to guide humans along a beach path at night, without confusing sea turtle hatchlings with tall, bright lights that they may mistake for the moon. In the second one, students created a prototype of LED lights that can stop unwanted fish, turtles and birds from getting trapped in fishing nets.

Makeblock Mbot

The students who worked with the Makeblock Mbot learned how to connect the mBot to the computer and use the software. Additionally, they made many programs to make the robot perform actions, such as:

-Make the robot move using the keyboard.

-Program the mBot to dance and sing using the buzzer. The code causes the LEDs to show different colours.

-Use the ultrasonic sensor on the mBot and how the robot stops moving when it meets an object.

-The robot moves around by itself avoiding obstacles.

EV3 Lego Mindstorms

The students who worked with the EV3 Lego Mindstorms built the robot using the pieces they got by following the building instructions displayed on the computer. Furthermore, they learned how to connect the robot to the computer and use the software.

Additionally, they created many programs to make the robot perform actions, such as:

-How to make your robot go forward and backwards.

-Used a combination of move steering to go straight and do pivot turns to go around the box.

-How to use the Touch Sensor.

-How to use the Wait For Block.

-Learned the difference between the Wait For Block and the Sensor Blocks.

-What is the ultrasonic sensor and how to use it.

Well done Oaks for working hard this term


“mens sana in corpore sano” – “a healthy mind in a healthy body”

Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

Elms thoroughly enjoyed their weekly Capoeira sessions with Valdir.

Music with Kareen

”Food revolution” – Project

The main purpose of this « FOOD REVOLUTION » (We can cook our own lunch for the whole week) was to practise team building skills, plan and prepare a healthy meal and, most importantly, gain or practise basic culinary skills. During this project, the children also worked on demonstrating and improving their table manners. It was pleasing to observe the young chefs, waiters and guests participating and communicating extremely well with each other. Master chefs stayed determined while preparing their three-course meals even though it was tough to accomplish the challenge in a short period of time.   We learnt that it was important to stay focused and organised  until the last moment and realised that a last push could make the difference for the team. Thank you and well done to all Oak and Elm class students for their dedication, determination and hard work during our «Food revolution» project.


We’ve peeled some veg,

Then cooked our lunch.

Then baked a cake,

What a charming bunch.

We’ve tried something new,

And it was quite delicious.

It was all organic,

So don’t be suspicious.

We’ve learnt a new skill,

And now can cook for our parents.

We will do it with love,

No need to buy presents.

Not scared of broccoli, onions

Or carrots,

Will eat them with pleasure,

And not for the merits.

Did stuff some tomatoes,

And made panna cotta.

Now feeling quite strong,

And can sit in Capoeira roda.

We’ve made a delicious Thai Curry,

And spicy fajitas.

I am ready to run,

Where are my Adidas?

Broccoli linguine

and revisited American cheesecake,

I am so full,

But I have learnt how to bake.

Was happy to give up my break,

And tidy the kitchen.

It is good to eat healthy,

And what’s your position?

Design and Technology – FISP Book Swap Project

Collaborative project- Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm Classes

This term we continued working on our collaborative creation, the “FISP Book Swap Box”. Students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques. It is pleasing to see that Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm students now demonstrate precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw. FISP students should be congratulated on their efforts and their eagerness to get on with the project right away from the beginning of each session. Fantastic work young designers and carpenters, you should be proud of your achievements! 

Orienteering project

Oak Class designed their own treasure map and taught their younger friends how to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, use a compass and follow directions. They tried their best to adapt their speech and gave clear clues, hints and instructions while guiding their younger explorers on their orienteering quest.

Easter Egg Hunt

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World Book Day– Book Workshop with Anjali Morard

On the last day of term Oak and Elm were lucky to have a visit from children’s author Anjali Morard, who began by reading out loud her charming story about Fortnum the crocodile, which began life as a bedtime story for her young son. The class heard about the author’s writing process and her collaboration with the illustrator of the book, and then embarked on a writing workshop, writing their own stories based around a random selection of features covering setting, time and character. At the end of the session, several pupils read out their fun and imaginative stories.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Kareen, Mr. H , Valdir, Cyril and Mr. Kralka

Elm Class, Term 4, 2021- 2022


Elm read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and everyone had plenty to say about this dark story of crime and punishment. Ten unwitting characters are invited to Soldier Island on a variety of pretexts by an anonymous host who plans to hold them accountable for their alleged crimes. Once there they are picked off one by one in a terrifying ordeal as they all suspect each other of being the murderer. The book raises questions about the nature and importance of justice and of crimes going unpunished due to lack of evidence. Each member of the class chose a character to save from the island, based on what they knew of their crime and of how the character is presented in the story. The dodgy doctor Armstrong was a popular choice while the feckless Tony Marston and hard-hearted Emily Brent received support from pupils who did valiant work defending their not very likeable clients.

The class dressed up in character and went before a jury of their peers (Oak class), answering questions about the crimes they were accused of and of their subsequent conduct, in a bid to win sympathy and excuse their actions.

Dr. Armstrong Anthony Marston Philip Lombard General Macarthur



During term 4, Elm continued to learn about cultural traditions and festivities in Spanish- speaking countries and applied their knowledge through different hands-on activities. They developed their language, learning about singular and plural nouns, that nouns in Spanish have a gender, and definite and indefinite articles.

As the school celebrated Mardi Gras, Elm class enjoyed a lesson on Carnival, in which they applied the key vocabulary in a reading and writing activity and then made a mask which they displayed proudly while eating pancakes. They explored language related to Spring, read a poem and answered some simple questions. In addition, they portrayed how they imagined a Spring scene to look, based on the poem they had read. The class also learnt about the ‘Isla de Pascua’ or Easter Island, discovering key facts such as its location, history, geography and wildlife.  Students reviewed vocabulary about Easter and painted Easter eggs on cardboard paper and decorated them with pasta. Afterwards, they wrote down the materials they used and the instructions they followed to do the activity; they then identified the verbs and the definite and indefinite articles. 

Elm class classified nouns into feminine, masculine, singular and plural and pointed out the rules on how to determine the gender of nouns and choose the definite article that corresponds. Through numerous written activities they practised how to apply the rules and developed their language by reading and classifying nouns. As in English, they discovered definite and indefinite articles and how to differentiate between them . Lastly, they played games and riddles for guessing the names of colours.


Linear and Quadratic equations

Linked to our “Egg project”, we created our own hypothetical and real problems based on our incubator and then constructed various graphs to represent our findings. In algebra, we closely looked into linear equations and then learnt how they could be represented geometrically. We substituted random values in these equations which subsequently helped us draw: y=x, y=x-1, y=x-2 and what they represent. We practiced calculating the gradient and substituted specific values into different equations in order to represent them geometrically.

Probability and ratio

During this unit, we discovered vocabulary related to probability and know that Impossible, Unlikely, Even Chance, Likely and Certain relate to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1, respectively. We then solved probability problems where we had to find all possible outcomes and calculated the probability of the desirable outcome. We then moved onto solving problems with ratio and now know how to simplify ratios and how to use ratio to compare quantities.

Fraction and Number

During this unit, Elms revised how to find percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. The children practised finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children can confidently carry out four basic operations with fractions and know how to find the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) or when they need to simplify their fraction. We solved one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions and percentages. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies while solving word problems and will find these skills useful during next term’s ”Young Entrepreneurs” project. We also looked into solving and simplifying Algebraic fractions and knowing common rules for the operations with fractions evidently helped us here.


This term the children have been learning about material properties. We have broken our learning down into stages; first we focused on identifying the different elements found on the periodic table. Once we had identified them, we then grouped them; this process enables the children to develop an understanding of similar characteristics found in different elements. The class went on to learn about the atomic structure of an element and how each one is different due to the number of protons and electrons found within it. As a class, we developed our enquiry skills to explore chemical reactions; the class discussed and explored what would happen when an element mixes with oxygen. The children also learnt about how to write and solve different scientific formulae. Finally, the class investigated the levels of calcium found in water. The results were very interesting! Well done for all your hard work this term!

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Elm’s focus this term, with the Presidential elections upon us, was on the French Republic and its evolution since the tumultuous days of the Revolution. Each member of the class took a republic and presented its key features and events to their peers, giving everyone an overview of the country’s sometimes turbulent history. The extraordinary figure of Napoleon Bonaparte loomed large in our studies, the man who rose to prominence thanks to the Revolution only to crown himself Emperor. We visited one of his homes, the Chateau de Malmaison, which he bequeathed to his first wife Josephine after he divorced her in 1809.

Visit to the Chateau de Malmaison


This term Elm learnt about the different regions of France and their division into administrative territories called departments. The country was once a jigsaw of lands, haphazardly aggregated over the centuries, with the different laws and institutions of each region often kept intact. After the Revolution the National Assembly redivided the nation’s territory into 83 departments of roughly equal size (with each capital no more than a day’s horseback ride from the furthest corners of the department). Crucially, the departments had the same systems and institutions, bringing an element of uniformity to the country’s administration while promoting decentralisation and local autonomy.

The class learnt that the regions and departments, like the French Republic itself, now in its fifth incarnation, are subject to change, with borders being redefined as populations grow and fluctuate. The regions were most recently revised in 2016 and reduced in number from 22 to 13 in a bid to reduce bureaucracy and reduce costs.

The departments today vary wildly in size and population and now number 101 (96 in mainland France and 5 overseas territories).

We discovered that the departments are named after physical geographical features (rivers, mountains or coasts) and that that they are numbered in alphabetical order. We learnt many interesting random facts including that the Var is named after the Var River that doesn’t run through the Var.

Each member of the class chose a department to research and present, giving information about climate, geography, population, distinctive features and cultural identity. We learnt about Finistère, Lozères, Vendée, the Vaucluse and Ardennes.

Name that department!


Elms had a challenging and productive term in which they applied their computing skills to a Vector drawing software called Inkscape. They developed their problem-solving and logic skills as well as communication as they gave support to their friends in difficulty. As we know, computers and especially robots don’t always work as we want them to, so pupils had to use their social and emotional skills to complete their projects.

Through a sequence of guided steps, students were acquainted with the basics of using software to draw geometrical shapes and manipulate them. These elementary shapes formed the building blocks of the more complex designs they created by the end of the unit.

By using this software they developed numerous skills, such as to be able to:

●          Draw basic shapes (rectangle, ellipse, polygon, star) with different properties (fill and stroke, shape-specific attributes)

●          Manipulate individual objects (select, move, re-size, rotate, duplicate, flip, z-order)

●          Manipulate groups of objects (select, group/ungroup, align, distribute)

By the end of the unit students were able to display their learning outcomes by creating monochrome icons. They were challenged to create some of them from scratch, starting from elementary shapes and combining them with path operations. The icons were carefully selected to range from simple ones that were straightforward to produce to more complex ones that required some creative thinking.

At this stage, students had to actively think about the process they would follow in order to produce each of the designs. They knew the ingredients they could use (the elementary shapes) and how to combine them (the operations), but they needed to work out the steps that would lead them from start to finish.

By the end of term, Elms programmed the micro:bit to use as a wearable device and to remind people to exercise regularly when the hardware detects a lack of physical activity. The last week of school before the Spring holiday, they made the code for a door alarm that worked just like a real door sensor in a home security system.


“mens sana in corpore sano” – “a healthy mind in a healthy body”

Elms enjoyed their weekly Capoeira sessions with Valdir. Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

Music with Kareen

”Food revolution” – Project

The main purpose of this « FOOD REVOLUTION » (We can cook our own lunch for the whole week) was to practise team building skills, plan and prepare a healthy meal and most importantly gain or practise basic culinary skills. During this project, the children also worked on demonstrating and improving their table manners. It was pleasing to observe the young chefs, waiters and guests participating and communicating extremely well with each other. Master chefs stayed determined while preparing their three-course meals even though it was tough to accomplish the challenge in a short period of time.   We learnt that it was important to stay focused and organised  until the last moment and realised that a last push could make the difference for the team. Thank you and well done to all Oak and Elm class students for their dedication, determination and hard work during our «Food revolution» project.


We’ve peeled some veg,

Then cooked our lunch.

Then baked a cake,

What a charming bunch.

We’ve tried something new,

And it was quite delicious.

It was all organic,

So don’t be suspicious.

We’ve learnt a new skill,

And now can cook for our parents.

We will do it with love,

No need to buy presents.

Not scared of broccoli, onions

Or carrots,

Will eat them with pleasure,

And not for the merits.

Did stuff some tomatoes,

And made panna cotta.

Now feeling quite strong,

And can sit in Capoeira roda.

We’ve made a delicious Thai Curry,

And spicy fajitas.

I am ready to run,

Where are my Adidas?

Broccoli linguine

and revisited American cheesecake,

I am so full,

But I have learnt how to bake.

Was happy to give up my break,

And tidy the kitchen.

It is good to eat healthy,

And what’s your position?

Design and Technology – FISP Book Swap Project

Fantastic Collaborative Work by Birch, Walnuts, Oaks and Elms

This term we continued working on our collaborative creation, the “FISP Book Swap Box”. Students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques. It is pleasing to see that Birch, Walnut, Oak and Elm students now demonstrate precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw. FISP students should be congratulated on their efforts and eagerness to get on with the project right away from the beginning of each session. Fantastic work young designers and carpenters! You should be proud of your achievements.

Orienteering project

Elm Class designed their own treasure map and taught their younger friends how to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, use a compass and follow directions. They tried their best to adapt their speech and gave clear clues, hints and instructions while guiding their younger explorers on their orienteering quest.

Egg-citing Egg Presentation

Linked to our Egg Project, Elm students prepared and presented their findings about different kinds of eggs, egg science experiments and Faberge egg creations to their younger peers.

Easter Egg Hunt

World Book Day– Book Workshop with Anjali Morard

On the last day of term Oak and Elm were lucky to have a visit from children’s author Anjali Morard, who began by reading out loud her charming story about Fortnum the crocodile, which began life as a bedtime story for her young son. The class heard about the author’s writing process and her collaboration with the illustrator of the book, and then embarked on a writing workshop, writing their own stories based around a random selection of features covering setting, time and character. At the end of the session, several pupils read out their fun and imaginative stories

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Kareen, Mr. H , Valdir, Cyril and Mr. Kralka

Walnut Class Term 4 2021/22

This term we have had great fun exploring and developing our skills that have enabled us to take our learning that one step further.

Our Topic this term has been ‘From A to B’.  It was linked to an in-school project called ‘Exciting Eggs’. The children had the opportunity to learn and observe the incubation of chicks and follow their journey from eggs to chicks. The next stage of the chicks development will take place in the upcoming term. We are excited to share this with the children as they will be learning how to care for them.


As part of our topic we researched different key aviation figures that have had an impact on modern day air travel. The children chose a key figure to research, they collected information and were asked to order them into sub-headings.

They were then set the challenge of ordering events chronologically. This supported the classes understanding of when events took place.

This term, the children have been learning how to plan, edit and improve their work. As a class we have worked on writing for a longer period of time as well as breaking our writing down into manageable sections or paragraphs.

Once the children had written each section or paragraphs they were then asked to use their developing skills of dictionary/thesaurus work to edit and improve their writing. This has enabled the children to develop their own understanding of the meaning of certain words as well as improved their own spoken and written vocabulary.


The children this term have also been learning about inverted commas and how they are used in writing. The children have successfully used them to indicate when a character is talking, as well as how a character has spoken those words.


The children have continued to develop their reading comprehension skills. The children have worked hard on ensuring that they have read the text carefully, pulling apart the questions asked as well as using full sentences to answer the questions.


This term, the children have worked on developing their speaking and listening skills. They have been given the opportunity to bring into school an object of importance to share and discuss it with both classes.

This experience has helped the children to also develop their questioning and conversational skills. They have been so excited to share their special things with their peers.



We greatly enjoyed exploring shape this term! Many of us learned the differences between one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects.  We also applied our learning to ponder about why four-dimensional movies were so named.

We learned to describe lines using words like vertical, horizontal, diagonal and curved.  We also learned to describe the relationship between lines: parallel, intersecting and perpendicular.  We had a blast applying our understanding of lines to capital letter riddles. 

A Riddle for You:  

I am thinking of a capital letter.  It is made up of two horizontal lines and one diagonal line.  Which letter could it be?

Describing angles came next: acute, right, obtuse and straight!  We found all these angles in nature and in letters.


Investigating two-dimensional shapes was a blast.  We named them, described irregular and regular shapes, created patterns with them and even explored symmetry.  Here are our pictures exploring 2-dimensional shapes and symmetry.  Can you spot the type of symmetry used?

2D Shape Art Gallery

Symmetrical Art Gallery


There are three-dimensional shapes all around us; we can pick them up.  We learned to sort, name and describe these using words like faces, curved surfaces, edges and vertices.  Some of us even learned to spot the nets of 3-dimensional shapes.


We also learned about different fractions such as one-third, three-quarters and the equivalence of two-quarters with one-half. We explored them and deepened our knowledge of halves and quarters of a range of different shapes, objects and quantities. 
We learned how to write fraction notations and discovered the role of the numerator and denominator.  We used small manipulatives such as counters to investigate fractions of quantities.


This term, we learned about animals, including humans. 

We identified living and non-living things, then sorted animals by diet: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  We all want to stay healthy.  Therefore, we learned about healthy eating, posture and the need for exercise. 

It was interesting to investigate the influence of physical activity on muscle strength and fitness.  We measured our lung capacities, checked our breathing rate before and after exercise, then came to our own conclusions on how to stay healthy.

We learned to classify animals as mammals and non-mammals, vertebrates and invertebrates.  We also learned about life cycles and applied our understanding to create our own life cycles: real or imaginary.  Visit our life cycle gallery.

Here is a video summarising what we learned this term.



As part of our topic learning this term both Birch and Walnut took a trip to the local Airfield. This was a great opportunity for the children to take their learning outside the classroom.

We were very lucky to have a guided tour of the hanger, workshop and air traffic control tower. Whilst on our visit the children were able to see a small aircraft take off and land.

We took turns sitting a light aircraft and learnt about all the different controls that they have to control the movement of the plane.


This term, we have been learning about POP ART. The children have look closely at a range of different artists that use this art form. We have explored bright colours, patterns and printing.

First, we focused on the work of Andy Warhol , the children chose a famous face from the present day and recreated the well known print of Marilyn Monroe. The children had to ensure that they used bright colours to recreate a new work of art.

From this, the children learnt all about the Brazilin artist Romero Britto. The children created images of people, places or objects and then cut and stuck different patterns to fill their artwork with colour. Finally, we created our own POP ART pieces onto canvas using all of the different techniques we have learnt.


The children have taken part in weekly Capoeira workshops, where they have learnt about the special movements needed to create this beautiful dance. The children have learnt how to control their bodies as well as the history behind the dance. Both classes have also explored the music and rhythm.


During this term we continued working on our collaborative creation “FISP Book Swap Box”. Students had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques. It is pleasing to see that Birch and Walnut students now demonstrate precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw. 

Birch and Walnut students should to be congratulated on their efforts and eagerness to get on with the project right away from the beginning of each session. Fantastic work young designers and carpenters, you should be proud of your achievements! 

Birch and Walnut have taken part in design and building their own modes of transport for an egg to safely fly through the sky. The children carefully chose materials that would be suitable for safely carrying and landing an egg.

Once they had built their egg flying machines the next step was to test them out. There were many successful maiden voyages.


The children of Middle School were set the challenge of teaching others how to direct themselves through the forest. The children worked together to set up presentations and games to support development of others orienteering skills.

The learning was then taken outside of the classroom into the forest. This is where the children were set the challenge of applying their new skills to map reading, through Treasure hunting and compass work.

Everyone had great fun ! This enabled the children share experiences and knowledge.


This term, both classes have had lots to celebrate from birthdays to international book day.

The children had lots of fun making their own pancake batter and then taking turns to cook their mix on a pancake marker. They later shared their pancakes with EYFS and Middle School children.

Some children have celebrated their birthdays at school this term. We have been spoilt with all the amazing and yummy cakes.


For international book day the children all dressed up as their favourite book characters. We were also lucky enough to have a visit from a local author that has her books published in both English and French.

The author provided us with sheets to support our story writing. We were then set the challenge of writing our own imaginative stories.


On Good Friday, the children had a surprise visit from the Easter Bear. The children were able to successfully catch up with him as he dropped eggs along the way. They sadly lost him deep in the forest.

On our return to school, we decided as a group that we should share the eggs evenly between all the children. They were yummy!


Both classes have spent a lot of time the forest this term learning how to work in teams as well as developing skills learnt in previous terms. The children have enjoyed taking part in different challenges and games.


In advanced French Class children have continued to develop their level and understanding of French.


The children have continued to learn new vocabulary through a range of activities, games and songs.


This term, the children have learnt lots of amazing things linked to our topic. They had conducted these topic sessions in French.


Oak Class, Term3, 2021-2022


This term Oak class read two different books, both English classics, The Secret Garden and The Borrowers. While very different books, they both represent the era in which they were written,  both featuring children who had grown up in India before returning to live in England.

The Secret Garden is, besides being a great story, a celebration of the healing power of nature. The spoiled and unloved Mary and the sickly hypochondriac Colin transform into happier, kinder and more vivacious characters through their interaction with the natural world, particularly the secret garden that they discover and tends.

The Borrowers, while a very different book, also depicts a young girl longing for independence and freedom from the confines of her restricted environment and rebelling against the over-protective care of her anxious parents.


Notions abordées  

 Fonctions de communication : Poser des questions et savoir répondre à des questions concernant le calendrier (date, saison, météo…) –Présenter des activités quotidiennes – Demander l’heure –  Savoir dire l’heure

Grammaire et conjugaison : Consolidation des notions abordées à la période précédente :  la conjugaison de certains verbes : être, avoir et verbe du premier groupe au présent (suite) –La forme négative (simple) de la phrase – Des pronoms interrogatifs (suite)- Les verbes pronominaux

Vocabulaire : Des verbes d’actions quotidiennes– L’heure – L’hiver


Poésie :Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver                    Chanson : C’est l’hiver

Activités et Objectifs

Déroulement de la troisième période selon deux axes principaux :

  • Consolidation des notions étudiés durant la période précédente au niveau de la grammaire et de la conjugaison et des échanges oraux autour du calendrier.
  • Découverte de nouvelles fonctions de communication comme celle pour exprimer l’heure, les activités quotidiennes à travers différents supports.
  • Acquérir une base de vocabulaire sur le thème de l’hiver

Objectifs :

  • Développer l’expression orale dans des situations concrètes de la vie quotidienne
  • Sensibiliser les élèves à la lecture / écritures des sons complexes, à la grammaire et à la conjugaison française.

Prochaine période

En mars 2022, nous aborderons deux nouveaux thèmes : le sport et la fête. Avec le sport nous verrons notamment les différents sports, comment formuler différentes questions et expressions. Le thème de la fête nous permettra d’exprimer des goûts, des souhaits, de pratiquer des formules de politesse, de demander des prix…., et de parler de la fête célébrée en avril : Pâques.


Fraction and Number

During this unit, our mighty Oaks worked on finding percentages of amounts and fractions of numbers. The children practiced finding the equivalent fractions by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number and then converted mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children can confidently carry out four basic operations with fractions and know how to find the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) or when they need to simplify their fraction. We solved one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money and measures including fractions and percentages. The children worked on choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies while solving word problems.

Equivalent fractions,

Just means that they are the same.

They look a bit different,

But there is no one to blame.

Mixed number,

And improper fractions.

Are two best mates,

You can switch them around at 1:1 rates.

Adding and subtracting fractions,

With the same denominator.

Surely it is not difficult,

So don’t use calculator.

When adding fractions,

With the denominators that are not the same.

Find your Lowest Common Denominator,

Divide, multiply then add,

And you are on the fraction wall of fame.

Chocolate bar,

Or cut that apple in half.

You need to know fractions,

To share your love.

Percentages of the number,

And fractions of the shape.

They are very useful,

 when you are cutting that cake.

Directions and co-ordinates.

 Rotation and Translation.

The children practiced plotting the co-ordinates of different 2D shapes and then located their corresponding co-ordinates after rotation/translation. We know that 2D shapes stay the same after the rotation/translation and found out that using the tracing paper evidently help us to pinpoint our new location. We clearly understand that when we rotate the same shape around the origin and around the specific co-ordinate B, our new shapes will appear in two different locations.


Oak learnt about the lives of three people of principal who stood up for their beliefs and challenged authority in pursuit of a fairer society – Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali and Nelson Mandela. All three broke the laws of the land in which they lived and all three were accused of crimes, only to be exonerated and eventually revered. Through their stories, Oak learnt about racial segregation in the US and South Africa and what the laws imposed meant for the lives of black people.


This term Oak learned how to use atlases and to access the information contained within them. They also learnt about latitude and longitude and how to find locations on a map with just their coordinates.

The class learned that there are two principal fields of geography, physical and human and how to differentiate between them.

During the ski trip to the Alps, an instructor gave the class a presentation on how to read mountain maps and signage as well as the importance of being properly equipped when skiing, particularly when skiing off-piste and what to do if caught in an avalanche.

The instructor gave them a practical task when he hid a backpack in the snow containing an avalanche transceiver (emergency locator beacon) and they set off to find it using the techniques and strategies they had been taught earlier – moving in a zig zag formation until they hear a signal and using the collapsible ski probe poles to locate the item before uncovering it with a lightweight plastic shovel.

Back in the classroom Elm learned about the different causes of avalanches and about one avalanche in Italy in 2015 that destroyed a hotel and killed many of its guests. They learned about the rescue and the remote location that made the rescue challenging for the emergency services.


Fantastic Forces

This term, Oak class have been learning all about the different types of Forces that act upon an object. As a class we have explored the range of different Forces and the relationships that they have with one another. To understand these forces we first developed our knowledge and understanding by researching a chosen force.

We then applied this knowledge by conducting investigations that would help us to explain what Forces are acting upon and object at a given time. Our challenge was to form hypothesis and then test them out.

This enabled us to understand that there can be more than one Force acting upon an object at one time as well as that the Forces need to be balanced.

We have been able to apply of knowledge and understanding of Forces on our recent Ski trip. This was an amazing opportunity to take out learning further and to explore other types of Forces.


”They made a difference”

Oak learnt about the lives and important inventions and discoveries made by Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and Fibonacci. They found some hidden and evident links in various modern inventions and their daily life applications.

Linked to our discoveries , Oaks and Elms with some amazing support from Birch and Walnut Classes embarked on their Collaborative Design and Technology journey while constructing our own FISP Book Swap Box.


This term, Oak class learned new vocabulary words related to Pinocchio’s story, such as name of furniture and household items and making the difference between masculine and feminine nouns. They enjoyed listening to the story in Spanish and made their own representations of the characters. They also practiced their Speaking abilities by memorizing a rhyme, being part of a role play game as waiters of a restaurant, Spanish greetings and salutations and responding to the question what’s in your school bag to their classmates. Finally, we spent the last days of the term discovering vocabulary related to school supplies. Furthermore, as part of their Spanish cultural learning they made a Valentine’s Day card and the vocabulary related to this day. It’s been great to see them more confident in their Spanish language abilities. Keep up the good work Oak!


This term we focused on the skills associated with planning and recording a video. The students were able to explain that video is the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images. Learners got familiar and applied several shot types and filming techniques, such as side by side, mid range, close up, moving subject and high angle. Additionally, students used a storyboard as a planning tool. They also learned how to use a professional camera, an iPad and iPhone/cellphone to record their videos, including how to how to start and stop recording and how to zoom in and zoom out.

Skiing Trip to Val Cenis

During our trip to Val Cenis , the children went on an emotional 6 day journey, far away from home. We were excited to go but tiny bit anxious to leave our parents. We were happy to meet new people and learn new things. We were frustrated when something did not work out straight away but were over the Moon with our progress on the slopes after 5 days of skiing. Most of the time we were happy and will remember this trip for the rest of our lives. We have discovered so many new things, learnt so much about ourselves and came back a little bit more independent.

Luiza just joined us,
And she is very mature.
And her tall brother Bruno,
Has a great sense of humour.

They come from Brazil,
But they once lived in China.
They are quite thorough with their work,
Often double check it, even mistakes that are minor.

Soren never went skiing,
But indeed was quite brave.
Don’t have to tell him twice,
He knows well how to behave.

Our Storm is a free spirit,
And runs with the wind.
Had bundles of fun skiing,
It is cold Storm! Where is your jacket? Take a hint.

Dylan often asks questions,
And he often has something to say.
Always went on super steep slopes,
And he never stayed at bay.

Gabriela just joined us ,
She is our DIY Queen.
Had a blast skiing, hungry for knowledge,
Well mannered and to learn she is keen.

Sara loves books,
And she reads them a lot.
She speaks Romanian, English and French,
She is our true polyglot.
She often sings,
And she was skiing like a pro,
Are we skiing now?
Shall I get ready to go?

Leo loves Maths,
And shared some tricks on how to play chess.
There were 4 boys in his room,
But they tidied their mess.

Filip AKA SUPER MARIO enjoyed skiing,
And was super fast on the sledge.
He was a well behaved student,
He pushed himself to the limit, he pushed himself to the edge.

Even Adam came with us ,
And his brother Dylan read him bed time story.
Zoomed down those slopes,
With Mrs Harrington on the first day,
Fighting for their glory.

Roger can crunch numbers,
And goes down the slope with the speed of light.
You should see his face light up,
And he adores the Turkish Delight.

Liam eats books,
On his quest for deep meaning.
Kindle, soft back or hard back?
Say it louder but don’t turn off the light,
Liam is reading.

Lukas loves Maths and he is our skiing pro,
Often sets himself a personal challenge.
Very organised with his stuff,
Just give him a task and he will surely manage.

Jean went down those slopes,
Whatever colour you name it.
Skiing champion he is ,
Just give him your record and he will break it.

Chloé had bundles of fun,
Are we going skiing now, Mr.Kralka?
I better run!
Was tired but marched on.
Had a blister but went on.
Our charming Chloé was our mini Sun.

Cecilia had no fear,
She quickly zoomed down that slope.
Part of our Brazilian Skiing Team,
One day will show off her talent,
Oak and Elm truly hope.

Oscar was ready,
From the moment they said GO.
Superstar on the slope,
And his confidence did grow.
He loves our mother nature,
And he spent so much time in a horizontal position on the slope,
Doesn’t like his ice-cream now,
Totally no problem, just give him some fresh snow.

From Forest International,
We are representing Oak.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is no joke.

From Forest International,
We are representing Elm.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is a Gem.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Elm Class, Term 3, 2021-2022


This term we have been reading Wonder by R. J. Palacio, the story of a boy with a facial deformity starting at high school. The book raises many themes, particularly society’s treatment of those who are different, and led to us questioning our own reactions, conscious and sub-conscious, to physical disability and other forms of ‘difference’. The boy in the book has a rare genetic condition known as Treacher Collins Syndrome and the class learned about the causes and symptoms and read an interview with Jono Lancaster, a young man who lives with the condition.  Taking note of some of the scenarios he has faced and of the responses of people to him that he wishes he could change, the class wrote open letters from the point of view of someone with a physical disability, reflecting on how important it is to look beyond appearances.


Notions abordées  

 Fonctions de communication : Poser des questions et savoir répondre à des questions concernant le calendrier (date, saison, météo…) –Présenter des activités quotidiennes – Demander l’heure –  Savoir dire l’heure

Grammaire et conjugaison : Consolidation des notions abordées à la période précédente :  la conjugaison de certains verbes : être, avoir et verbe du premier groupe au présent (suite) –La forme négative (simple) de la phrase – Des pronoms interrogatifs (suite)- Les verbes pronominaux

Vocabulaire : Des verbes d’actions quotidiennes– L’heure – L’hiver


Poésie :Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver                    Chanson : C’est l’hiver

Activités et Objectifs

Déroulement de la troisième période selon deux axes principaux :

  • Consolidation des notions étudiés durant la période précédente au niveau de la grammaire et de la conjugaison et des échanges oraux autour du calendrier.
  • Découverte de nouvelles fonctions de communication comme celle pour exprimer l’heure, les activités quotidiennes à travers différents supports.
  • Acquérir une base de vocabulaire sur le thème de l’hiver

Objectifs :

  • Développer l’expression orale dans des situations concrètes de la vie quotidienne
  • Sensibiliser les élèves à la lecture / écritures des sons complexes, à la grammaire et à la conjugaison française.

Prochaine période

En mars 2022, nous aborderons deux nouveaux thèmes : le sport et la fête. Avec le sport nous verrons notamment les différents sports, comment formuler différentes questions et expressions. Le thème de la fête nous permettra d’exprimer des goûts, des souhaits, de pratiquer des formules de politesse, de demander des prix…., et de parler de la fête célébrée en avril : Pâques.


2D & 3D Shapes and their properties

Introduction to the Pythagoras’ Theorem. The children investigated with different triangles and understand the relationship between the three sides of the right angled triangle and know how to find the unknown side when two sides are provided.

Enthusiastic Elms constructed triangles using SSS(side, side, side), SAS(side, angle, side) and ASA(angle, side, angle) and can confidently use their protractor and compass while constructing a perpendicular to and from a point.
Elms used their previous knowledge of properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones and solved problems where they had to calculate their volume and surface area.

Ratio and Proportion

During this unit, Elms also investigated and solved various problems with ratio, direct and inverse proportion.


The theme this term was ‘They Made a Difference’ and Elm learned about the life of Nelson Mandela and his journey from activist to prisoner to Nobel Prize Laureate to President of South Africa.

In order to understand the background to his life, the class learnt about the arrival of Europeans in South Africa, the Dutch in the mid-1600s, followed by the British in the early 19th century, and the subsequent Boer Wars between the two colonial powers. They learned how Apartheid was incorporated into law by the Nationalist Government in 1948 and of the terrible injustices suffered by the black population.


This term Elm looked at population and the reasons for its rapid growth from the 1700s, linked to breakthroughs in science and technology, better farming techniques and agricultural machinery, and the Industrial Revolution. They looked at the consequences of population growth and the social an environmental issues that arise.

During the ski trip to the Alps, an instructor gave the class a presentation on how to read mountain maps and signage as well as on the importance of being properly equipped when skiing, particularly when skiing off-piste and what to do if caught in an avalanche.

The instructor gave them a practical task when he hid a backpack in the snow containing an avalanche transceiver (emergency locator beacon) and they set off to find it using the techniques and strategies they had been taught earlier – moving in a zig zag formation until they hear a signal and using the collapsible ski probe poles to locate the item before uncovering it with a lightweight plastic shovel.

Back in the classroom Elm learned about the different causes of avalanches and about one avalanche in Italy in 2015 that destroyed a hotel and killed many of its guests. They learned about the rescue and the remote location that made the rescue challenging for the emergency services.


Earth and Beyond!

This term, Elm class have been learning about the solar system that we live in. We have been looking closely at different aspects of space. For example, as class we explored the effects the Moon has on planet Earth, the life and death of stars as well as deep space to name a few.

The class developed their knowledge and understanding of space and the solar system through conducting their own research. They chose an area of study to investigate further. The information to complete the project is based on reading that they had done in class as well as at home.

Once the class had conducted their research they were given time to construct presentation that would clearly demonstrate what they had learnt over this term. They were challenged to think up of different ways to present their findings in a new and exciting ways.

As a result, the class have been able to support development of others understanding of this subject as well as developing their own presentational skills.


They made a difference

Linked to our discoveries , Oaks and Elms with some amazing support from Birch and Walnut Classes embarked on their Collaborative Design and Technology journey while constructing our own FISP Book Swap Box.


This term, Elm class read and discussed a poem about a rooster named “Colibri”, they enjoyed re-enacting the story and making drawings about it. They learned new vocabulary words related to kitchen utensils and household items by looking at artwork from the Renaissance period. Additionally, students practiced their Speaking abilities by being part of a role play game as waiters of a restaurant and reviewing Spanish greetings and salutations. Furthermore, as part of their Spanish cultural learning they made a Valentine’s Day card and the vocabulary related to this day. By the end of the term they developed their reading and writing skills by learning subject and personal pronouns and its use in sentences. Elm class is shining in Spanish and we’re proud of their hard work.


This term students created a website about the Solar System on a Content Management System called WordPress. They chose the theme (layout) and got a basic understanding of the dashboard as well as how to manage media (images, documents, audio and video files) and menus. They were able to create new posts and pages with the Block editor besides choosing the layout of these including the header, footer, sidebar and body.

Click on the following link to visit the student’s website: https://elm-ictproject-fisp.com/

Skiing Trip to Val Cenis

During our trip to Val Cenis , the children went on an emotional 6 day journey, far away from home. We were excited to go but tiny bit anxious to leave our parents behind. We were happy to meet new people and learn new things. We were frustrated when something did not work out straight away but were over the Moon with our progress on the slopes after 5 days of skiing. Most of the time we were happy and will remember this trip for the rest of our lives. We have discovered so many new things, learnt so much about ourselves and came back a little bit more independent.

Luiza just joined us,
And she is very mature.
And her tall brother Bruno,
Has a great sense of humour.

They come from Brazil,
But they once lived in China.
They are quite thorough with their work,
Often double check it, even mistakes that are minor.

Soren never went skiing,
But indeed was quite brave.
Don’t have to tell him twice,
He knows well how to behave.

Our Storm is a free spirit,
And runs with the wind.
Had bundles of fun skiing,
It is cold Storm! Where is your jacket? Take a hint.

Dylan often asks questions,
And he often has something to say.
Always went on super steep slopes,
And he never stayed at bay.

Gabriela just joined us ,
She is our DIY Queen.
Had a blast skiing, hungry for knowledge,
Well mannered and to learn she is keen.

Sara loves books,
And she reads them a lot.
She speaks Romanian, English and French,
She is our true polyglot.
She often sings,
And she was skiing like a pro,
Are we skiing now?
Shall I get ready to go?

Leo loves Maths,
And shared some tricks on how to play chess.
There were 4 boys in his room,
But they tidied their mess.

Filip AKA SUPER MARIO enjoyed skiing,
And was super fast on the sledge.
He was a well behaved student,
He pushed himself to the limit, he pushed himself to the edge.

Even Adam came with us ,
And his brother Dylan read him bed time story.
Zoomed down those slopes,
With Mrs Harrington on the first day,
Fighting for their glory.

Roger can crunch numbers,
And goes down the slope with the speed of light.
You should see his face light up,
And he adores the Turkish Delight.

Liam eats books,
On his quest for deep meaning.
Kindle, soft back or hard back?
Say it louder but don’t turn off the light,
Liam is reading.

Lukas loves Maths and he is our skiing pro,
Often sets himself a personal challenge.
Very organised with his stuff,
Just give him a task and he will surely manage.

Jean went down those slopes,
Whatever colour you name it.
Skiing champion he is ,
Just give him your record and he will break it.

Chloé had bundles of fun,
Are we going skiing now, Mr.Kralka?
I better run!
Was tired but marched on.
Had a blister but went on.
Our charming Chloé was our mini Sun.

Cecilia had no fear,
She quickly zoomed down that slope.
Part of our Brazilian Skiing Team,
One day will show off her talent,
Oak and Elm truly hope.

Oscar was ready,
From the moment they said GO.
Superstar on the slope,
And his confidence did grow.
He loves our mother nature,
And he spent so much time in a horizontal position on the slope,
Doesn’t like his ice-cream now,
Totally no problem, just give him some fresh snow.

From Forest International,
We are representing Oak.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is no joke.

From Forest International,
We are representing Elm.
And as you can see and hear,
This class is a Gem.

Enjoy your holiday!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Harrington, Christine, Joanna, Cecilia, Mr. H and Mr. Kralka

Walnut Class Term 3 2021/22

Our Topic for this term was ‘Stories People Tell: Myths, Legends and Fables’. The children learnt about myths, legends and fables. We looked closely at different myths and legends as well as stories told and celebrated in countries from around the world. The class enjoyed finding out how people in the past were represented in stories. We did this through reading fables and traditional tales.

Let’s tell a story!

This term, in Literacy, the children have been learning about Myths and Legends. We looked closely at the Myths and Legends from Ancient Greece. Starting our reading journey by exploring a range of different stories that included beasts and gods.

Then we looked closely at the features used within this genre of writing as well as the message it was trying to convey. The children enjoyed exploring new and exciting creatures that appeared which gave them an idea to include this in their own writing.

Once we had an understanding of what is needed to create an effective character description we then planned and wrote our own. Applying our knowledge and understanding of the stages taken to write a Myth or Legend we planned and wrote our own. Although before we begin to write anything we have learned that it is important to have a great plan.

Walnut class have continued to develop their writing skills through the use of using supportive materials, such as Dictionaries and Thesaurus’. This has supported the children in their knowledge and understanding of the use and meaning of words.

We continued to develop our writing skills by exploring recounts. First, we read a mixture of ‘good recounts’ examples and noted the features used. Then, we identified the questions that are asked to ensure that a recount provides the whole story of what has happened. To do this we read a ‘model’ recount example and highlighted sections that would help us to answer these questions.

Using the information we had found we applied this to joining our notes together which enabled us to construct sentences that retold what had happened on a given day.

This term, we have also worked on developing our handwriting skills. The class have learnt new cursive writing as well as practised using previously taught ones.

Ranging Readers!

As part of our whole school program, the children of Walnut class have taken it in turns to read to Maple which has encouraged them to develop their reading skills as well as interact with different children from around the school.

Amazing Artist!

As part of our learning journey this term we have closely looked at the Art produced in the time of the Ancient Greeks. Beginning by looking at the art found on pottery.

We discussed the types of images and colours found on a mixture of different pottery from this time period and compared it to pottery we have seen in today’s world. The children were then set the challenge of creating their own versions. First taking the time to carefully plan and design them based on pictures they had seen.

The class then took part in a clay workshop moulding and creating their pottery. The children thought of new inventive ways when recreating their designs onto the pottery.

The children then decorated their pottery in the colours that would have been used back in Ancient Greece. They took their time to layer the colours one by one.

Super Statues!

The children continued to explore Ancient Greek expressions by creating their own statues. The class viewed and discussed different types of statues from this time period and then decided the type of statues they wanted to create. The class chose an early Greek style of statues that were very similar to the Egyptian style.

The trials of Hercules

As part of our IPC topic, the children have been learning about the trials of Hercules. We have been reading a range of different stories that detail his adventures. From this, we were set the challenge of creating our story/cartoon about Hercules.

Marvellous Maths

The Walnut class have been learning to divide one and two-digit numbers by two, three, four, five, eight and ten. They have also been learning to represent data using tally marks, pictograms, block diagrams, bar charts and tables.

Science of Light

In science, the Walnut class have been learning to understand shadows, reflections, the visible light spectrum and the way our eyes work.

Design and Technology workshops

Brilliant Birch and Wonderful Walnuts on their construction journey.  We worked with different materials and carpentry tools to create our own FISP Book Swap Box. We measured, estimated and solved real-life problems and most importantly supported each other on our challenging carpentry mission. The children realised how important it is to measure and remeasure and now know that only when certain we should cut.

Young designers and engineers learnt how to use a distance measuring wheel, string, rulers, measuring tape and their bodies in order to measure the different distances. Birch and Walnuts also practised drawing nearly perfect circles whilst using a string, pencil and a stick with the centimetre scale. 

Fantastic work, Birch and Walnuts! You are our Design and Technology Dream Team.

Groovy Geography

The children of Birch and Walnut have been learning about the different countries found in Europe. Once they had located them on the map they were asked to label and colour them. We took our learning further by researching the capital cities of chosen countries.

Forest Fun!

This term, we have explored different parts of the forest. We have gone deeper into the woods to find new routes and revisited old ones. We took part in challenges to build small houses and transport large logs from one area of the forest to another.

The children made some wonderful discoveries in the forest this term. We discovered structures that were pre-built as well as ones that had fallen into disrepair.

Playful playtime

Children from different classes in the school were given the opportunity to interact and play. They created games, imaginary places, stories, songs and much more.

The children of Birch and Walnut classes also applied their role-play skills to create their own pop-up Burger Restaurant on the playground! This led to some amazing pieces of writing.

Fabulous French!

Take a look at all the fantastic things we have been up to this term in French.

Interesting IPC French!

Take a look at all the amazing things we have been up to in IPC French.

Chestnuts and Willow classes, term 3, year 2021-2022

Welcome back to a new year and into term 3! Our general theme of the term has been “Living together”, which has gotten a whole new meaning during these times. Due to a change in staff members this term and the global pandemic, the importance of sticking together and being helpful with others has indeed been very much in focus. There has been focus on role play and playing together such as taking turns also in free play but also during transition of going outside and so on. Children have been helping each other putting on coats and helping the smaller ones finding their things and bringing them back to their cupboards. We have been discussing community helpers but also what it means to work and be together side by side; what friendship means, how to be helpful and kind to others and what it means to be a part of a group!

Being a good friend and belonging in a group

We have been discussing what is a good friend and discussing what means to live and work along side others. How do we feel when someone in your group helps you or shares your toys and on the other hand, how do you feel when others are not doing so. We read the book “The smartest (kindest) giant in town by Julia Donaldson and claimed that we will try to do the same for others this term: good friends are sharing, caring and helpful!

We have been reading plenty of other books about being helpful and having a role in a group or a community. These books include Elmer and the lost teddy, Busiest firefighters ever, Betsy the doctor, the jolly postman, All kinds of people, and more…

We have been singing the song “The more we get together” and discussing who belongs to our class in Chestnuts and Willow! Since we have a mix of younger and older children, this has given us a great opportunity for the older children to help assist the smaller ones.


Below are pictures of children making a classroom collage (and learning about mixing primary colours while doing so, too!)

Kids have been practicing their pre-academic skills such as holding scissors and cutting but also drawing and getting used to holding a crayon or a felt tip pen. Great focus! The children have also been painting on a canvas using winter colours; blues, reds and yellows and using their hands to get messy! 


Team building games

The children learnt about what it means to work together as a group and they came up with good ideas such as it is all about helping others. Some children shrewdly observed that it means that while working together, the whole group either wins or loses, which affects everyone! The children made some team building games indoors such as the team tower game where children were supposed compete which of the teams were able to construct the tallest tower working together.

Most team building games took place outdoors, where our little Willow and Chestnut students got to participate in games and learn from the older children in Maple class. We reviewed playing games such as Tug of war from last term but also began practicing new games such as egg-race! The children learnt a lot about trial and error while completing these games and got to discuss what to differently next time. They got to applaud the winning team and learn how to be a “good” loser, as well!

The things that we do in the forest!

These little ones did lots of great free play and exploration in the forest this term. They practiced and improved their balancing and climbing skills. Children kept enjoying ballgames outdoors! They also began to practice making bark rubbings on trees. The bigger ones helped the smaller ones by holding their hands while walking to the forest, since helping and taking responsibility for the people around us has been in focus.


Children have been playing instruments this term: they have been trying to follow a beat and learn to play quietly and loudly. Here are a few pictures of the children joining Maple class for music and dancing!


Restaurant role play

Children practiced their role playing skills this term, which is crucial for this age in order to learn taking turns and putting yourself in a position of another person or having a role. The children practiced serving each other food and eating together. They also created a restaurant with multiple tables all on their own, taking turns playing the waitor/waitress and the customer!

Classroom games

Children have been developing their gross motor, fine-motor and cooperative skills this term through games revolving around matching colours and throwing and building a team tower. Good team play and listening skills! Children also got to work their fingers by fun playdough activities.

….The more we play together, the happier we´ll be! To be continued…during term 4 😉 Have a good holiday !!!