This term Walnut class has taken its learning outside. We have applied our skills to a range of different activities. This has enabled us to develop our critical thinking and well as our problem solving skills.
Loud Literacy
Walnut children have applied their knowledge and understanding of sentence structure, grammar and punctation to narrative writing.

We listened to soundscapes of a busy city and using them to describe what it would feel like to walk through it.

We discussed what our senses might be experiencing if we were walking through the city, what we could hear, see, smell, touch. After creating word banks we then applied this vocabulary to our writing.

We then applied our knowledge of the past, present and future tense verbs to a sorting activity. From this we were set the challenge of writing our own sentences.

We took our writing outside and with the view of Paris we were set the challenge of writing a setting description using the amazing view as a stimulus.
Exploring and extending our descriptive vocabulary, we took out bikes in the forest. This enabled use to explore the local environment as well as vocalise what we had experienced.

Ravenous Readers
This term we have continued to take our reading to the next level. We have explored a range of different genres. This has helped us to develop our vocabulary as well as our writing.

Show and Tell
As part of our learning journey this term we have used show and tell to develop our speaking and listening skills. This has helped us to further develop our spoken vocabulary, enabled us to talk about something we are interested in.

Magical Mathematics
In Maths, we started the term 5 as we finished the last one: with fractions. But this time we went a bit deeper: calculating and identifying equivalent fractions and solving word problems that involve them.

We further developed the concepts of measurement in length and height. Also, we learnt how to interpret a range of scales for measuring mass and capacity. We refined our ability to measure length in centimeters, meters and millimeters, and applied this in a variety of contexts by using measuring tools including rulers and measuring tape.

Furthermore, we learnt facts about time, compare and order time intervals and tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest five minutes. We then took this learning outside.

Walnut class also learnt to use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including motion in a straight line. We learnt to distinguish between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns in clockwise and anticlockwise directions.

Serious Scientists
This term, we learned about rocks and fossils. We became geologists as we explored a variety of rocks and described them. We then classified rocks based on their mode of formation – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

We had a ball using chewy sweets to model the rock cycle.

It is incredibly important to find links between our learning and our environment. So, we trawled the school for rocks being used and linked their uses to their properties. Why do we use slate for roofs? Why do we write with chalk?

Then, we investigated fossils. We learned about the different ways that fossils can be formed. We also had the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs of our choice and how paleontologists came to know so much about them. Next, we had a go at creating our very own replacement and trace pseudo-fossils using plaster of Paris and clay respectively. It was fun stamping our 3D- printed dinosaur footprints into clay.

There is soil all around us: in our gardens, in the forest, at the beach, even in my car! We learned about three types of soils and how their permeability varies.

We then explored the soil profile and created our very own soil profile jars using natural materials within our local environment.

From the start of this theme, we had weekly questions about studying gems and we did answer them all!

We learned about geodes and created our very own ones in eggshells. Does anyone need a shimmering Epsom salt geode for an engagement ring?

The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic judging by their enthusiasm – bringing in rocks that they found and attempting to name them, even creating their own trace fossils using mud in the forest. Walnut rocks!
Super Swimmers!

This term, we continued to develop our swimming skills and became more confident in the water. We learnt new games, how to stay safe as well as different swimming techniques.

Crazy for Capoeira!
This term Walnut class took part in Capoeira workshops, they were taught the art of this amazing fight dancing. This encouraged the class to move their bodies in ways they had not before.

In pairs the class practiced their moves as they learnt how to control their bodies when using these new moves.

Pony Camp
This term Birch and Walnut took a trip to a Pony Camp. This was the first time for some spending a few days away from home. The children were amazing! they learnt new skills, made new friends and developed their independence.

First, we met at the train station and all got ready to take our long trip. It was a fun journey as we played games and spoke with friends. We couldn’t wait to arrive at our camp!

When we arrived we took part in a welcome presentation where we learnt about the different types of activities we would be taking part in over the next couple of days. We also learnt about the different types of ponies that live at the camp.

We learnt how to care for the ponies as well as all the important safety rules that needed to be followed when working with the ponies.

We also had great fun in our down time we played games, football and run outs. It was so much fun!

Superstar Singers!
During Music workshops this term the class learnt a range of new songs both in English and in French. In groups they broke off into small chorus to experiment with rhythm and tempo.

Dizzy Design Technology!
In Design and Technology projects, Walnut children have had the opportunity to extend their understanding of a variety of different carpentry techniques while completing our FISP Book swap Box. The children were always eager to get on with the project straight away and demonstrated precise actions while using a drill, hammer and a saw and now know how to use them safely. We investigated with the different electric components, discussed their role and then constructed various electric circuits. We disassembled old phones and computers and used the components while creating our own Recycled Eiffel Towel. Linked to our “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” theme in IPC, we constructed our own drawing robot out of recycled materials that created one of the masterpieces that was displayed on the art auction. Birch Class also designed their own buzzing-drawing robot and it was keen to add its own finishing touches to the painting. What a Fantastic Year Walnut Design Team. You have learnt so many new skills and thoroughly enjoyed working collaboratively on ‘Stick Man’, ‘Insect Hotel’, ‘Mathematical Christmas tree’, ‘Drawing robot’, ‘Wooden toys’ and ‘FISP Book swap box’ projects and I am very proud of your achievements.

Sporting Super Stars!
In PE we played so many new games such as “polis y cacos”, “spyder”, “el pañuelo” or “el pistolero”. We learnt the importance of playing and competing as a team and that no matter the result, the point is to have fun and always try your best.

Birch and Walnut classes took part in Sports workshops were they were able to develop their fine and gross motor skills. They took part in a number of team building games.
We tested out our sporting abilities when we took part in the whole school sports day. We worked in teams to achieve the best possible scores! Well done to you all!

We created signs to help cheer on our teams.

Fabulous French!
IPC French
Take a look at all the amazing things we learnt about in our IPC French classes.
Summer Fete!
What an amazing day we had at our summer fete! The whole school took part in an amazing performance in the forest.

What great fun was had by all! It was a fantastic way to celebrate the school as well as everyone’s achievements.